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  1. Holy Crap I finally made 50 with my EN/EN blaster Sleyde! Only took 2 years to get there, too
  2. I believe the quote is:

    "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."

    He had a chance, he blew it. Now it's up to me and a few hundred thousand other heroes to shove his face in it.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    had i had blaster hp's i would have won im sure.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    That's going in my sig
  4. Phase shift used to be a player-at-work's best friend. Ah well...

    ...on a side note, after reading this guide I suddenly understand the quircky behavior of a WS I teamed with recently who was plowing along with the rest of the team, then suddenly said "Boss alert" and went AFK while we (somewhat puzzled) took out the remaining Lts and minions with no boss to be found.
  5. ...when you try to explain what a "fraggle" is by referencing the muppets, only to find you have to explain what a muppet is
  6. chimneyphish

    Your Opinion

    Heh, I took criticism for playing this game from a guy who gets his jollies from torturing small, fuzzy animals.

    Go figure...
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    While I have no doubt that Manti is footing some of Longbow's bill, I doubt he's gotten much if any money to Wyvern. They're considered the bad boy hero group. Manti, as I've said, is the moral center of the Phalanx. I doubt he'd found such an organization that uses border line illegal methods and in the past has acctualy had conflicts with Longbow.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You got it all wrong, fella! My best friend's cousin's girlfriend's brother used to work for Wyvern. Had to quit on a morale standpoint when he found out that 20% of his pay was kicked back to Manticore to pay for the lawsuit the organization lost for using his pattended arrows. One of the conditions of the lawsuit is that all members of Wyvern must now ONLY use archery as a means of attacking to remind them that Manticore is a hero in the courts of law as well as the streets of Paragon.

    No really, it's true...
  8. Great job compiling all of this. Kudos to you....
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    and a new techno defense set for CoV Stalkers.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Um... Can I choose, say, a Country or Hip-hop defense set instead? Not much Techno played around here...


    [/ QUOTE ]

    /em had to be told techno was short for technology in this case

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I don't know, techno music has always given me the urge to run away screaming in terror
  10. Are there any plans for open ended missions where we are not led around by the contacts but actually have to figure things out for ourselves?
  11. Is burn being turned from an offensive juggernaut into a defensive "panic button?" If so, can the mob AI be changed somewhat so as to keep agro on the tank and not nearby squishy teammates when the mob scatters from the burn patch? I agree with the thoughts behind them running away, but when a tank becomes the biggest liability on a team you have serious problems.
  12. I'm sorry if this has already been suggested, but after testing and thinking a lot about defiance, I had an idea:

    As many folks have said already, by the time defiance becomes useful, a blaster is hovering on debts door. This really minimizes any bonus gained as said blaster faceplants before more than one, maybe two attacks go off. As a possible alternative, could defiance be based off of aggro instead of health? It would make more sense to me in a comic book sense. Minions should not affect the powers all that much, perhaps a cummulative 1% increase per minion beyond 3. Lts slightly higher, bosses even higher, elite bosses, AV's monsters etc. etc. until the cap is reached. I'm not saying that an AV or monster would alone hit the 500% cap, but an AV, several bosses and a horde of Lt and minions would.
    Whaddaya think?
  13. Great story, good work
  14. Good job, very well thought out. Very insightful.
  15. I remember when "Jerkhacking" , "Kill Skuls" , and "gone to the Americans" were still inside jokes.
  16. That was more help than you could possibly imagine. Thanks.
  17. Thank you...not only for the post but for the just saved me a lot of time and get 5 stars...