Mastermind Notes v.2.1
Only a few minor tweeks, nothing major. I though I should at least put this here just incase. Will try and get it updated if anything significant should happen with Masterminds.
Great job compiling all of this. Kudos to you....
nice guide
So... wait. once I get my upgrade, I can equip all three/two/one, right?
That's right.
6: Equip Mercenary
Equip your Mercenary Henchmen with more advanced munitions and weaponry. This power permanently bestows new weapons and abilities to one Mercenary Henchman. The powers gained are unique and dependant upon the target Mercenary Henchman. This power only works on your Mercenary Henchmen and you can only Equip any given Mercenary Henchman once. Recharge: Slow
[/ QUOTE ]
One question on your phrasing above (bolded by me). Permanently meaning for that summon or once and never needed again? IE. is this like the name change or is it a buff that gets applied every time i summon a new minion? I'm assuming the later but i wanted to get a clearer idea of that.
Server -=Victory=-

One question on your phrasing above (bolded by me). Permanently meaning for that summon or once and never needed again? IE. is this like the name change or is it a buff that gets applied every time i summon a new minion? I'm assuming the later but i wanted to get a clearer idea of that.
[/ QUOTE ]
Once per summon per henchman.
Every time you summon you'll have to buff as necessary. So if your henchmen die or simply need to be resummoned once you enter or exit a mission (though honestly that just seems like lazy programming to me that they can't follow and have to be resummoned over and over) you have to re-equip. The word "PERMANENTLY" is misleading in that way. They are permanently equipped--the buff/upgrade doesn't wear off--as long as they live! Once they're gone and resummon, not so permanent. That help?
Thanks for this, but where can I find Positron's guide, we had one in Beta and I forgot to save it on to my PC. Doh!
Awesome guide Thanks for the effort!
Thanks for this, but where can I find Positron's guide, we had one in Beta and I forgot to save it on to my PC. Doh!
[/ QUOTE ]
The first parts of the notes are Positron and pohsyb posting from beta with a few other notes thrown in on a few points. If your refering to another posting then I am afraid I don't have it or know what your specifically refering to, but it all seems pretty comprehensive to me.
I added some color and table of contents to it in order to help navigate though it all as it is a rather long posting with other postings intergrated into it, so if it does not look immediately recognizable then that may be why.
Very nice guide!
I have minor clarification for Howling Twilight. You can use this to disorient at any time, there don't have to be friendly casualties lying about.
I'm sorry I meant to say thank you for this, for those of us to slow to copy Positrons guide this is great. I was just hoping someone who reads this might post it here. There was a bit on number pad bind codes I wanted. Sorry for the miscommunication, was at work and had to write fast.
Oddly enough it /is/ possible to target a Forcefield Generator and actually use Equip on it. It will not get the entire animation, but flare up in sparks, and it will not get upgraded.
Possibly future feature? Or one that was tossed out of Beta?
TechDefender Rad/Ele Defender
D'20 Gladiator DM/SR Scrapper
Cyclonite Cat Fire/Fire Blaster
[url=""]Ferretgal Claw/Inv Scrapper[/url](Virtue)
@Cyclonite Cat
(Names changed at GM 'request')
Inspirations can be used on your Henchmen by dragging the Inspiration from your tray onto the name of the Henchman you want to inspire in your Pet Window. You can not use an Awaken Inspiration on your Henchmen, but they will gladly accept all other Inspirations and use them immediately.
You can also drag the Inspiration directly onto the Henchmen you wish to inspire.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah. I just wanted to say this is pretty gosh darn cool, and to point out how easy this one is to miss. Remember this, and use it occasionally. You'll hate yourself in morning even more if you don't.
Great Guide!
Oddly enough it /is/ possible to target a Forcefield Generator and actually use Equip on it. It will not get the entire animation, but flare up in sparks, and it will not get upgraded.
Possibly future feature? Or one that was tossed out of Beta?
[/ QUOTE ]
A harmless bug, like being able to use Equip Robot on a Mu Guardian ally that appears in a mission that Seer Marino gives.
Yes, it does make no sense.
Great guide; I've just got one suggestion.
I like how you have pictures of all of the Mastermind primary pool henchmen, but what about the secondaries? Pictures of the Acid Mortar, Force Field Generator, Seeker Drones, Dark Servant, etc... would be very nice.
"I'm sorry. That data is SuPer-Admin Restricted Desktop Access password-protected."
"What!? This is madness!"
"No, this is SPARDA."
I'll have to add that in to the next revision, but not planning on that til the Epic (Ancillary) Power Pool get released, or new powers sets are available, or some other important or major change to Masterminds happens. I know they have a few in the works, Thugs, Insects, Elementals, and Demons I believe. But don't hold your breath for any of that to come any time soon.
New sets? That'll be nice. I actually had thought of giant bugs and thugs as sets and was considering sending them in as suggestions.
They NEED to do thugs, preferably stereotypical mobster types. I don't care if they're basically a remix of the Mercenary set with different animations; it would still be cool.
The reason I thought of giant bugs is because they need to have something for science/mutant origins. Ninjas works well for magic and natural, Necromancy for magic, Mercenaries for Natural, and Robots could work with tech or natural. You can't really justify mutant or science unless you take say the poison secondary so you can spit poison. There should be a primary that works for each origin, dagnabbit!
"I'm sorry. That data is SuPer-Admin Restricted Desktop Access password-protected."
"What!? This is madness!"
"No, this is SPARDA."
A giant insects MM set would rock.
A 'villains in tights' set might be cool too, where they look like classical supervillains.
Yes, giant bugs would be great. I'm thinking something like this:
1: Acid Blast: Single target blast that does minor toxic damage with a quick recharge.
2: Worker Drones: Hatches one to three Worker Drones (depending on your level) to do your bidding. Drones start with only basic melee attacks but can be evolved to have better melee technique and spray acid. You may only have 3 Drones under your control at any given time. If you attempt to construct more Drones, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have three, the power will fail.
(Basically, they would be giant worker ants that could claw opponents in melee. Their upgrades would include an acid blast and better claw attacks.)
3: Acid Burst: Bigger, better single target blast that does more toxic damage but has longer recharge. Maybe have a slight resistance debuff on this, like Sonic attacks.
4: Evolve Drone: Evolve your drones to provide them with enhanced physical capabilites. This power permanently bestow new powers and abilities to your Arthropod Henchman. The powers gained are unique and dependant upon the target Arthropod Henchman that is Evolved. This power only works on your Arthropod Henchman and you can only Evolve any given Arthropod Henchman once.
5: Acid Lob: Grenade-style AoE that does minor damage and slight resistance debuff.
6: Stinkbugs: You can summon one to two powerful Stinkbugs (depending on your level). Stinkbugs can defend your army by reducing enemy accuracy and damage through clouds of poisonous gas. They can even be evolved to be able to heal your other Arthropod Henchmen using powerful Alkoloids. Make no mistake though, the best defense is a good offence, and Protector Bots are well equipped with acid attacks. You may only have 2 Stinkbugs under your control at any given time. If you attempt to summon more Stinkbugs, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have two, the power will fail.
(Giant, beetle-like stink bugs. Fulfills a damage-mitigation role through the use of debuffs and minor heals but also has some ranged attacks.)
I won't bother typing out all the rest, as I'm getting a bit sick of typing, but for the big summon I'd definitely have to go with a giant spider. Preferably something like the ones in Harry Potter. Giant and poisonous and maybe the some kind of mass immobilize power that would be like a cone version of Web Grenade. The level 18 power should probably be the ability to plant a parasite in an enemy that would incubate and eventually produce a new henchmen if that enemy is not killed first. Some kind of giant wasp or something. Would work similarly to the necromancy ghost; being a pet that is more situational and could not be summoned all the time.
"I'm sorry. That data is SuPer-Admin Restricted Desktop Access password-protected."
"What!? This is madness!"
"No, this is SPARDA."
Archetype Summary
Giving Your Henchmen Commands
Powerset Quick Reference
.. Henchman Summoning Tiers
.. Henchman Unlock Guide
.. Inherent Power
Primary Powersets
.. Mercenaries:
.. Necromancy:
.. Ninjas:
.. Robotics:
Secondary Powersets
.. Traps:
.. Dark Miasma:
.. Force Field:
.. Poison:
.. Trick Arrow:
CREDITS and Acknowledgements
Emotes for Fun
Archetype Summary
Hit Points: Low
Damage: Medium
Primary Powers: Summon
Secondary Powers: Buff
As a Mastermind, you excel at using others to do your dirty work. Perhaps you build killer robots, command deadly Ninja, order hardened soldiers, or summon the undead to do your bidding. Whatever your choice, you have an army of minions at your beck and call. You can summon them when needed, order them to work your will, and even use your powers to enhance them or weaken your foes. The Mastermind is a difficult class to play, often demanding constant attention to control your minions and stave off the retribution of your enemies.
Henchmen Powers
Each Mastermind powerset has three Henchmen powers, the first one is available at level 1, the second is available at level 12, and the last one is available at level 26.
The L1 Henchmen power can summon up to three Henchmen. You get one Henchman at level 1 to 5. At level 6 you get your second L1 Henchman, and at level 18 you get your third. When you get your second L1 Henchman, they are both summoned at 1 level below you. When you get your third L1 Henchman they are all summoned 2 levels below you. There is no option to summon less than those numbers.
The L2 Henchmen power can summon up to two Henchmen. You get the second L2 Henchman at level 24. These Henchmen tend to be "support" Henchmen, for example the Protector Bot has a Force Field power and when upgraded gets a healing power.
The L3 Henchmen power summons one Henchman at your level. This is your most powerful Henchman.
When summoned your Henchmen will have your name under theirs. This is so you can tell whose Henchmen belong to whom. You can also name your Henchmen by right-clicking them and selecting "Rename". From that point forward that Henchman is going to be summoned with that name. You can rename your Henchmen at any time.
Slotting Henchmen Powers
These Henchmen powers are all capable of having Enhancement Slots put in them. These slots affect the Henchman that are summoned. If you put Damage Enhancements into those slots, then the summoned Henchmen will do more damage. If you put Defense Buff Enhancements into those slots, your Henchmen will have better Defense. Henchmen powers can not take Recharge Reduction enhancements.
Masterminds have an inherent, unslottable, power called Supremacy. This power is an "aura" power that increases the Accuracy and Damage of your Henchmen that are close to you. This ensures that Masterminds that want maximum effectiveness out of their Henchmen are somewhat at risk themselves of attack.
Pool Powers
Leadership powers like Tactics or Assault are applied to your Henchmen as well as your allies and your allies' Henchmen. The Leadership Pool is a perfect match for the aspiring Mastermind. Teleport Friend will work on your Henchman to summon him to you. Group Fly and Group Teleport will take all of your Henchmen with you. Any power that requires a defeated target will not work on a defeated henchman.
The Leadership Pool powers for Manuevers, Assault, and Tactics are at 60% of Defender's. Vengence will not work on a fallen henchmen though they can benifit from the buff if Vengence is used on a fallen teammate. Leadership works a lot like Supremacy so its a good combo for Masterminds. As of this posting the number are believe to be the following:
. . . Manuevers = +2.25%
. . . Assault = + 11.25%
. . . Tactics = 7.5%
An important note about stealth and invisiblity is that the two are not the same thing. Supremacy will work with Stealth or any power that grants stealth like effects. Supremacy will NOT work with any power that grants YOU the Mastermind Invisibility. The Henchmen must see you for them to get the benifits of Supremacy. Stealth allows this, invisiblity does not. However, you do not have to see them, meaning your Henchmen can be invisiblible all you want.
Phase Shift will also remove the benifits of Supremacy as you can only use powers that affect yourself while using it, and Supremacy counts as a power.
Recuscitate will not work to revive fallen henchmen.
Traveling With Henchmen
Henchmen can NOT travel across zone boundaries or into mission maps. You must resummon them on the new map. If you get too far away from your Henchmen on any given map, they will automatically resummon themselves near you (keeping any buffs they had).
Inspirations can be used on your Henchmen by dragging the Inspiration from your tray onto the name of the Henchman you want to inspire in your Pet Window. You can not use an Awaken Inspiration on your Henchmen, but they will gladly accept all other Inspirations and use them immediately.
You can also drag the Inspiration directly onto the Henchmen you wish to inspire.
Upgrading Your Henchmen
There are two Upgrade powers in each Mastermind Primary powerset. These add powers onto your Henchmen. The powers added vary by the Henchman being upgraded. For example, Zombies get a vomit-like ranged attack, and Battle Drones receive a Snipe attack with the first Upgrade power. Your Henchmen will use these new powers as part of his attack routine.
Henchmen AI
Henchmen either "Prefer Ranged" or "Prefer Melee". This means the type of combat that they want to be fighting in the majority of the time. This does not mean that they will only use Ranged or Melee attacks. Robot Henchmen prefer ranged attacks, but will use their melee attack if the enemy is close enough. They will not back out of melee range just to use ranged attacks.
Henchmen that can cast buffs will do so to ensure that you and all of your other Henchmen have the buff. Henchmen that heal will heal the most damaged legal target when the healing power is recharged. (Protector Bot healing can only heal other robots, not characters).
Giving Your Henchmen Commands
When you start as a Mastermind, you have three pre-made Macros set up for you:
* Attack: This will send all your henchmen to attack your currently selected target, and then attack other targets within their aggro range.
* Follow:This will make all your henchmen follow you and attack things that come within their aggro range (this is the default Pet behavior of City of Heroes).
* Heel:This will make all your henchmen return to you, follow you, and never, ever attack anything until given a new order.
You can switch the Henchmen interface to "Advanced mode" which gives you fine-tune control over your pets
You can also drag more macro buttons to the Power Tray. These are all edit-able, so once they are in your Power Tray you can right click them and edit from there.
Click here to see how it is done!
Also, if you get tired of your pets auto-response every time you use one of these buttons, you can go into your menu options and disable the pet response text. This will not disable any thing you make the pet(s) say with /petsay but it does get rid of all those auto-repose messages when giving them commands.
Advanced Mode
Your Henchman interface lets you control two aspects of your Henchmen, their Disposition and their Commands. You can set these for each individual Henchman, or type of Henchman (L1, L12, or L26), or you can blanket set the same disposition and command for all your Henchmen at once.
There are three different Dispositions:
* Aggressive: Attack anything hostile that comes within detection range.
* Defensive: Attack anything that attacks me or my master.
* Passive: Don't attack anything.
They can also be given different Commands:
* Attack my Target: Attacks the thing you currently have targeted. When it is defeated, revert to Follow Me command.
* Goto: Goto a spot designated by the player. Stay there until given a different Command.
* Follow Me: Follow the player around.
* Stay: Stand still in this area, do not follow. (Stay is basically a "Goto the spot you are currently on")
* Dismiss: Allows the Henchmen a more dignified exit than /release_pets and can be specific about which one(s).
Also as a seperate command:
/release_pets destroys all pets and henchmen you own.
These are used in combination. So "Aggressive/Follow Me" means "Follow me around, attacking anything that we get close enough to". Or "Passive/Attack My Target" means "Go attack this specific guy, and when you are done, don't attack anyone else."
"Attack my Target" is not "attack everything I tab to". AMT simply sends your Henchmen to attack your currently selected target.
The Disposition they are in (Aggressive/Defensive/Passive) is only relevant once that target is taken down. What happens then is the Henchman reverts to Follow Me orders, and what happens after that depends on the Disposition.
I have a spawn of Goldbrickers ahead. I target the Lieutenant and tell my Henchman to "Attack My Target". The Henchman then takes down the lieutenant. What happens next is is dependent on the Disposition the Henchman is in:
Aggressive: Checks to see if anything else is within aggro range. There is, so it starts targeting and attacking stuff in aggro range.
Defensive: Checks to see if it or its Master is under attack. If neither of those are true, go back to Master in Follow Me mode.
Passive: Ignore everything going on and return to Master in Follow Me mode.
The use of Dispositons and Commands for Henchmen is used exclusively by Masterminds and only on their Henchmen pets. Other summoned pets can not be controlled, nor will Dominators or City of Heroes Controllers get the ability to command their pets to this level of detail. Those pet powers have been balanced with a certain level of control in mind.
I find it best when hunting at lower levels to leave Henchmen in Aggressive mode when soloing and Defensive mode when grouping with a Dominator. With Aggressive mode even after they finish off a target I specifically sent them after with Attack My Target, they usually stick around to take on the rest of the spawn as well. When playing with a Dominator, I have to be conscious of things he has mezzed, so I generally leave the Henchmen in Defensive mode and AMT'ing targets that are not currently being mezzed.
Slash Commands
The commands (which should show up with /cmdlist) are:
/petcom (your current pet)
/petcom_name (name matching pet)
/petcom_pow (power matching pet)
/petcom_all (all pets)
Each of the petcom commands can be followed by one stance and/or one command. That probably sounds complicated so here are some examples:
/petcom passive (tell current pet to be passive)
/petcom_name "zombie 2" dismiss (tell "zombie 2" to leave)
/petcom_pow Protector attack aggressive (tell all pets created by "Protector Bots" to attack your target and be aggressive)
/petcom_all goto defensive (tell all pets to goto a spot and be defensive)
FYI: All of the words after the command, the game will search for a best match, so you don't have to type in the full words:
/bind mbutton petcom_name zom att def
That would bind a command to the middle mouse button to make all pets with name starting with "zom", in this case zombies, attack and be defensive.
The petsay commands work the same way, but will allow you to have your pet say something:
/petsay_all <em praise>You are the greatest!
That will make your Henchmen bow and worship you.
Powerset Quick Reference
Henchman Summoning Tiers
Tier One: Zombies, Genin, Battle Drones, Soldiers, Medics
Tier Two: Grave Knights, Jonin, Protector Bots, Spec Ops
Tier Three: Lich, Oni, Assault Bot, Commando
Special Tier: Ghost*, Dark Servant**, Seeker Drones***, Force Field Generator***
*This henchman only exists for a limited time
**This pet cannot be commanded and only exist for a limited time
*** These pets can not be commanded
Henchman Unlock Guide
LVL 1 : 1 Tier One Hench
LVL 6 : 2 Tier One Henches*
LVL 12 : 1 Tier Two Hench, 2 Tier One Henches*
LVL 16 : Force Field Generator (Traps Only), 1 Tier Two Hench, 2 Tier One Henches*
LVL 18 : Ghost (Necro Only), Force Field Generator (Traps Only), 1 Tier Two Hench, 3 Tier One Henches**
LVL 24 : Ghost (Necro Only), Force Field Generator (Traps Only), 2 Tier Two Henches*, 3 Tier One Henches**
LVL 26 : Ghost (Necro Only), Force Field Generator (Traps Only), 1 Tier Three Hench, 2 Tier Two Henches *, 3 Tier One Henches**
LVL 28 : Seeker Drones (Traps Only), Ghost (Necro Only), Force Field Generator (Traps Only), 1 Tier Three Hench, 2 Tier Two Henches *, 3 Tier One Henches**
LVL 38 : Dark Servant (Miasma Only), Seeker Drones (Traps Only), Force Field Generator (Traps Only), Ghost (Necro Only), 1 Tier Three Hench, 2 Tier Two Henches*, 3 Tier One Henches**
*Summoned at -1 level (White Con)
**Summoned at -2 level (Blue Con)
Inherent Power
Supremacy[/b] (PBAoE, Henchman +Acc, +Dam)
A good Mastermind knows how to manage his Henchmen. The Mastermind imparts a bonus to his Henchmen's Accuracy and Damage only if he is nearby.
-Unenhanceable, 65ft Radius, Line of Sight Required
NOTE: This has been calculated to be a +15% buff as of this time.
Primary Powersets
Despite their reputations, Mercenaries are extremely loyal and dedicated soldiers. They are the best at what they do, and they always follow orders, exactly what a Mastermind needs. Mercenaries typically use conventional weapons and all Mercenaries have body armor that gives them resistance to smashing and lethal damage and their training makes them resistant to Confusion and Placate.
1: Burst
Quickly fires a Burst of rounds at a single target at very long range. Damage is average, but the fire rate is fast. Can also reduce the target's defense. Damage: Moderate(DoT), Recharge: Fast
1: Soldiers - (1st and 2nd First Tier Henchmen)
Calls forth one to three Mercenary Soldiers (depending on your level) to do your bidding. The third Soldier you gain will be a Medic. All Soldiers use Sub Machine Guns, but these can be upgraded. You may only have 3 Soldiers under your control at any given time. If you attempt to call Soldiers, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have three, the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long
[color=sky blue]Soldiers [/color] - (1st and 2nd First Tier Henchmen)
Auto Res Confuse, Placate, Smashing (28), Lethal (28)
Initial Abilities: ASMG Burst
Equip Mercenary: ASMG Heavy Burst
Tactical Upgrade: Auto Fire
Mercenaries-Soldier Picture
[color=sky blue]Medic [/color] - (3rd First Tier Henchman)
Auto Res Confuse, Placate, Smashing (28), Lethal (28)
Initial Abilities: Med Kit, SMG Burst
Equip Mercenary: SMG Heavy Burst
Tactical Upgrade: Stimulant, Frag Grenade
Mercenaries-Medic Picture
2: Slug
Fires a single Slug at a targeted foe. Firing a single Slug is slower than firing a Burst, but deals more damage, is longer range, and can knock down foes. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate
6: Equip Mercenary
Equip your Mercenary Henchmen with more advanced munitions and weaponry. This power permanently bestows new weapons and abilities to one Mercenary Henchman. The powers gained are unique and dependant upon the target Mercenary Henchman. This power only works on your Mercenary Henchmen and you can only Equip any given Mercenary Henchman once. Recharge: Slow
8: M30 Grenade
Launches a Grenade at long range from beneath the barrel of your Assault Rifle. This explosion affects all within the blast radius, and can knock them back. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow
12: Spec Ops
You can enlist one to two highly skilled Spec Ops Mercenary (depending on your level). Spec Ops weapons are highly accurate and long ranged, and they are adept in may different tactical weapons. Like all Henchmen, Spec Ops can be equipped with even deadlier munitions. You may only have 2 Spec Ops under your control at any given time. If you attempt to summon more Spec Ops, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have two, the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long
[color=sky blue]Spec Ops [/color]
Auto Res Confuse, Placate, Smashing (28), Lethal (28)
Initial Abilities: SCAR Burst, SCAR Heavy Burst, Web Grenade
Equip Mercenary: Rifle Butt, Flash Bang
Tactical Upgrade: SCAR Snipe, Tear Gas, Stealth
Mercenaries-Spec Ops Picture
18: Serum
You can use a special Serum to turn one Mercenary into a virtually Unstoppable killing machine for a short time. Once the Mercenary is injected with this Serum, his Damage, Accuracy, Endurance Recovery, and Damage Resistance to all damage except Psionics, will be greatly increased. The target Mercenary will also be virtually immune to controlling effects including Disorient, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize and Knockback. After the Serum wears off, the Mercenary will be exhausted and drained of all Endurance for a while. Recharge: Very Long
26: Commando
Enlists one highly trained Commando. The Commando is a seasoned professional who favors heavy assault weapons. He is simply a one may army that can leave a wake of destruction in his path. In addition to standard Soldier resistance, the Commandos experience also makes him resistant to Fear and his rugged advanced training makes him slightly resistant to Fire, Cold and Toxic Damage. You may only have 1 Commando under your control at any given time. If you attempt to summon another Commando, the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long
[color=sky blue]Commando [/color]
Auto Res Fear, Confuse, Placate, Smashing (28), Lethal (28), Fire (7), Cold (7), Toxic (7)
Initial Abilities: Burst, Slug
Equip Mercenary: Buckshot, Full Auto
Tactical Upgrade: M30 Grenade, Flamethrower, LRM Rocket
Mercenaries - Commando Picture
32: Tactical Upgrade
Permanently Upgrade the most advanced tactical weapons and gears to one Mercenary Henchman. The Tactically Upgraded Mercenary will gain powers, weapons and munitions. The powers gained are unique and dependant upon the target Mercenary Henchman that is Upgraded. This power only works on your Mercenary Henchmen and you can only Tactically Upgrade any given Mercenary Henchman once. Recharge: Very Slow
Command the forces of Death. Necromancy allows you to summon undead henchmen to do your bidding. Some Necromancy powers can even grant your undead henchmen additional powers. Most Undead Henchmen generally have good resistances to Cold, Negative Energy, and Psionic damage as well as Sleep, Fear and Disorient. They are vulnerable to Energy and Fire damage. Undead Henchmen cannot be resurrected.
1: Dark Blast
A long range blast of dark energy. Deals moderate Negative Energy damage and reduces the target's Accuracy. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast
1: Zombie Horde
Summons one to three Zombies (Depending on your level) to do your bidding. Zombies are very tough but can be slow and stupid. They start our with only rudimentary melee attacks, but can be empowered with range and even life draining powers. You may only have 3 Zombies under your control at any given time. If you attempt to summon more Zombies, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have three, the power will fizzle. Recharge: Very Long
[color=sky blue]Zombies [/color]
Auto Res Sleep, Fear, Disorient, Slow, Smashing (28), Cold (28), Negative (28), Toxic (28), Psionic (42)
Initial Abilities: Zombie Brawl
Enchant Undead: Projectile Vomit, Zombie Vomit
Dark Empowerment: Siphon Life
Necromancy - Zombies Picture
2: Gloom
Gloom slowly drains a target of life, while reducing his Accuracy. Slower than Dark Blast, but deals more damage over time. Damage: High(DoT), Recharge: Moderate
6: Enchant Undead
Enchant Undead will permanently bestow new powers and abilities to your Undead Henchman. The powers gained are unique and dependant upon the target Undead Henchman that is Enchanted. Enchant Undead only works on your Undead Henchman and you can only Enchant any given Undead Henchman once. Recharge: Slow
8: Life Drain
You can tap the power of the Netherworld to steal some life from a target foe and reduce his Accuracy. Some of that stolen life is transferred to you in the form of Hit Points. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow
12: Grave Knight
You can summon one to two powerful Grave Knights (depending on your level) to do your bidding. Grave Knights come well equipped with several attack powers and can be empowered with even more. Revenants are relentless entities and want nothing more than to tear the flesh off the living. You may only have 2 Grave Knights under your control at any given time. If you attempt to summon more Grave Knights, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have two, the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long
[color=sky blue]Grave Knights [/color]
Auto Res Sleep, Fear, Disorient, Slow, Cold (28), Negative (28), Toxic (28), Psionic (42)
Initial Abilities: Hack, Slash, Dark Blast
Enchant Undead: Disembowel, Gloom
Dark Empowerment: Head Splitter, Siphon Life
Necromancy - Grave Knight Picture
18: Soul Extraction
You can extract the soul from one of your defeated undead henchmen and summon a Ghost to do your bidding. The rank and power of this summoned Ghost is a dependent upon the power of the defeated undead henchman. Unlike your other henchman, the Ghost is only loosely bound to your control and will eventually move on to the next world. Recharge: Very Long
[color=sky blue]Ghost (Spirit / Tormented Soul / Wraith) [/color]
Auto Res Sleep, Fear, Immobilize, Slow, Smashing (28), Lethal (28), Cold (28), Negative (28), Toxic (28)
Initial Abilities: Phase Shift, Ghastly Blast, Fly, Life Drain, Necroplasmic Grasp
Necromancy - Ghost - Spirit Picture
Necromancy - Ghost - Tormented Soul Picture
Necromancy - Ghost - Wraith Picture
26: Lich
Summons a dark and powerful Lich. The lich is an undead entity that, when alive, possessed many dark powers of his own. Perhaps it was a dark wizard, or powerful arch villain. Perhaps it was even a Necromancer. Now it only hungers for the souls of the living, and is quite good at feeding itself. The Litch specializes in dark control and draining powers. You may only have 1 Lich under your control at any given time. If you attempt to summon another Lich, the power will fizzle. Recharge: Very Long
[color=sky blue]Lich [/color]
Auto Res Sleep, Fear, Negative (28), Toxic (28), Cold (28)
Initial Abilities: Dark Blast, Torrent
Enchant Undead: Tenebrous Tentacles, Life Drain
Dark Empowerment: Fearsome Stare, Petrifying Gaze
Necromancy - Lich Picture
32: Dark Empowerment
Dark Empowerment will permanently bestow the mot powerful and darkest new powers and abilities to your Undead Henchman. The Empowered Undead will gain new abilities and powers. The powers gained are unique and dependant upon the target Undead Henchman that is Empowered. Dark Empowerment only works on your Undead Henchman and you can only Empower any given Undead Henchman once. Recharge: Very Slow
You are known by many names. Sensei, Shogun, Kage, Lord. What you are is a Master of the most deadly assassins the world has ever seen. You are a Ninja Master. Command your Ninja Henchmen and even train them in new weapons and techniques. Ninjas have superior reflexes and can even super leap. Their training makes the, highly resistant to Confusion. Ninja Henchmen cannot be resurrected.
1: Snap Shot
A quick attack that fires an arrow at your foe after only minimal aiming. Fast, but little damage. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Fast
1: Call Genin
Calls forth one to three Genin Ninja (depending on your level) to do your bidding. Genin have good reflexes and jumping skill, but thay are still the lowest rank Ninja and posses the most rudimentary skills, However, they can be trained in more advanced techniques and weapons. You may only have 3 Genin under your control at any given time. If you attempt to call Genin, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have three, the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long
[color=sky blue]Genin [/color]
Auto Res(Confuse, Taunt), +SPD, +DEF (Mel/Rng/AoE,7)
Initial Abilities: Thunder Kick, Shuriken
Training: Snap Shot, Storm Kick
Kuji-In Zen: Aimed Shot, Crane Kick, Super Leap
Ninjas - Genin Picture
2: Aimed Shot
Though it takes longer to execute, your Aimed Shot deals greater damage than Snap Shot. Damage: High, Recharge: Moderate
6: Train Ninjas
Train your Ninjas Robots with more advanced techniques and weaponry. This power permanently bestow new powers and abilities to your Ninja Henchman. The powers gained are unique and dependant upon the target Ninja Henchman. This power only works on your Ninja Henchman and you can only Train any given Ninja Henchman once. Recharge: Slow
8: Fistful of Arrows
You fire a fistful of arrows at foes in a cone in front of you. Good at close range. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Moderate
12: Call Jounin
You can summon one to two highly skilled Jounin Ninja (depending on your level). Jounin Ninja are master assassins and expert swordsmen. They possess superior reflexes and jumping skill. Like all Henchmen, Jounin can be trained in even deadlier Ninjitsu techniques and weapons. You may only have 2 Jounin under your control at any given time. If you attempt to summon more Jounin, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have two, the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long
[color=sky blue]Jounin [/color]
Auto Res(Confuse, Taunt), +SPD, +DEF (Mel/Rng/AoE,14)
Initial Abilities: Sting of the Wasp, Gambler's Cut, Caltrops
Training: Soaring Dragon, Poison Dart, Placate, Super Leap
Kuji-In Zen: Golden Dragonfly, Blinding Powder, Hide
Ninjas - Jounin Picture
18: Smoke Flash
You can throw a Smoke Bomb at one of your Ninja Henchmen. The Flash of smoke will allow your Ninja to become stealthy and Hidden from any of his nearby foes, enabling him to perform a Critical hit with his next attack. You can only use this power on a Ninja Henchmen. Recharge: Slow
26: Oni
Summons an ancient and powerful Oni. An Oni is a powerful human-like demon warrior. The Oni is a formidable creature who possesses the skill of a warrior and the powers of wind and fire. You may only have 1 Oni under your control at any given time. If you attempt to summon another Oni, the power will fizzle. Recharge: Very Long
[color=sky blue]Oni [/color]
Auto Res(Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Confuse, Taunt), +SPD, +DEF (Mel/Rng/AoE,14)
Initial Abilities: Super Leap, Fire Sword Slash, Fire Blast
Training: Fire Sword Hack, Ring of Fire, Fire Breath
Kuji-In Zen: Char, Rain of Fire
Ninjas - Oni Picture
32: Kuji In Zen
Kuji In Zen will permanently bestow the mot advanced techniques and powers to your Ninja Henchman. The Enlightened Ninja will gain new abilities, powers and weapons. The powers gained are unique and dependant upon the target Ninja Henchman that is Enlightened. This power only works on your Ninja Henchman and you can only Enlighten any given Ninja Henchman once. Recharge: Very Slow
You are a Master of Robotics. You don't need to recuit or summon your henchmen, you can build your own. Robotics allows you to construct an army of mechanical henchmen to do your bidding. Your skills also allow you to repair and upgrade your Robots in order to keep your army in tip-top shape. Robot Henchmen generally have good resistances to Lethal, Cold and Psionic damage, as well as Sleep Fear and Disorient. They are generally vulnerable to Energy damage and EMP attacks. Robot Henchmen cannot be resurrected.
1: Pulse Rifle Blast
This Pulse Rifle can fire a long range blast of energy. Deals moderate Energy damage. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast
1: Battle Drones
Construct one to three Battle Drones (depending on your level) to do your bidding. Drones start out with only basic weaponry, but can be upgraded with heavier energy weapons. Drones can Super Leap. You may only have 3 Drones under your control at any given time. If you attempt to construct more Drones, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have three, the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long
[color=sky blue]Battle Drones [/color]
Auto Res Sleep, Fear, Disorient, Lethal (28), Cold (28), Psionic (42)
Initial Abilities: Super Leap, Laser Burst, Smash
Equip Robot: Heavy Laser Burst
Upgrade Robot: Full Auto Laser
Robotics - Battle Drone Picture
2: Pulse Rifle Burst
This high powered burst from your Pulse Rifle takes more energy to fire, but causes much more damage than a standard blast and has a very good chance to send your foes flying. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Fast
6: Equip Robot
Equip your Robots with the latest gear and weaponry. This power permanently bestow new powers and abilities to your Robot Henchman. The powers gained are unique and dependant upon the target Robot Henchman that is Equipped. This power only works on your Robot Henchman and you can only Equip any given Robot Henchman once. Recharge: Slow
8: Photon Grenade
Launches an Energy Grenade at long range from your Pulse Rifle. The energy from this explosion can Disorient some targets in the affected area. Damage: Moderate, Recharge: Slow
12: Protector Bots
You can summon one to two powerful Protector Bots (depending on your level). Protector Bots can defend your army by placing Force Fields on you and your allies. They can even be equipped to repair your other Robot Henchmen. Make no mistake though, the best defense is a good offence, and Protector Bots are well equipped with energy weapons. You may only have 2 Protector Bots under your control at any given time. If you attempt to summon more Protector Bots, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have two, the power will fizzle. Recharge: Very Long
[color=sky blue]Protector Bots [/color]
Auto Res Sleep, Fear, Disorient, Lethal (28), Cold (28), Psionic (42)
Initial Abilities: Laser Burst, Force Shield
Equip Robot: Heavy Laser Burst, Repair
Upgrade Robot: Photon Grenade, Seeker Drones
Robotics - Protector Bots Picture
18: Repair
Repairs one Robot Henchmen for full health and restores some of its Endurance. This power only works on your Robot Henchmen. Recharge: Slow
26: Assault Bot
Builds one massive Assault Bot. Simply put, the Assault Bot is a killing machine. There is nothing subtle about its weaponry. You may only have 1 Assault Bot under your control at any given time. If you attempt to summon another Assault Bot, the power will fizzle. Recharge: Very Long
[color=sky blue]Assault Bot [/color]
Auto Res Sleep, Fear, Disorient, Lethal (42), Cold (42), Psionic (42)
Initial Abilities: Plasma Blast, Smash
Equip Robot: Dual Plasma Blast, Flamethrower
Upgrade Robot: Swarm Missiles, Incendiary Swarm Missiles
Robotics - Assualt Bot Picture
32: Upgrade Robot
Upgrade Robot will permanently bestow the most powerful and high-tech gear and weaponry to your Robot Henchman. The Upgraded Robot will gain new abilities, powers and weapons. The powers gained are unique and dependant upon the target Robot Henchman that is Upgraded. This power only works on your Robot Henchman and you can only Empower any given Robot Henchman once. Recharge: Very Slow
Secondary Powersets
Traps are devices and gadgets you construct to cripple your foes. By using them strategically, you can gain a great tactical advantage. Traps include ambush devises, as well as gadgets that can be constructed to aid you and your allies.
1: Web Grenade
Upon impact, the Web Grenade expels a strong, tenuous, and very sticky substance that can Immobilize most targets. This non-lethal device deals no damage and does not prevent targets from attacking, although their attack rate is Slowed. The Web can bring down flying entities and halts jumping. Recharge: Fast
2: Caltrops
You toss a handful of Caltrops at a targeted location and spread the tiny metal spikes over a large area. Any enemy that pass over the Caltrops will be forced to move at a slower rate. They will also take some trivial Lethal damage over time. Damage: Minor(DoT), Recharge: Slow
4: Triage Beacon
You can plant a Triage Beacon into the ground. The Beacon is immobile, but it emits a powerful healing aura. The Regeneration Rate of you, or your allies, will be greatly increased as long as you are near the Triage Beacon. The Beacon is invulnerable. Recharge: Very Long
10: Acid Mortar
You can place a small Mortar on the ground. If an enemy passes nearby, the Mortar will fire an Acid grenade at the target. The grenade will explodes in a small shower of acid on impact. This acid eats through armor, causing minor damage over time. It reduces the target's Defense as well as his Damage Resistance. The mortar will last up to 60 seconds and will fire up to 10 grenades. It can be destroyed by your foes. Damage: Minor(DoT), Recharge: Slow
16: Force Field Generator
You can build a Force Field Generator Drone. The Drone will generate a Dispersion Bubble that gives all nearby allies increased Defense against all attacks including Psionic. The Dispersion Bubble also protects allies from Immobilization, Disorient, and Hold effects. The Drone will follow you and can be buffed and healed or even destroyed like any friendly entity. However, the Drone is not a Henchman and cannot be given commands. You can only ever have one Force Field Generator. Recharge: Very Slow
20: Poison Trap
You can build a Poison Gas Trap on the ground. Any foes that pass near the Poison Trap will cause it to detonate and release its toxic vapors. The poison is a very noxious gas, and any foes in the affected area may start to choke or even vomit. Affected Foes Regeneration rate will be reduced as well. The trap is almost impossible to detect, but it is fragile and may be set off by an enemy's explosion. Even if destroyed, the Trap will detonate. Recharge: Long
28: Seeker Drones
You create two Seeker Drones. These Seeker Drones will follow you until they detect an enemy and then they will zero in on their targets and detonate on impact. The small explosive flash of energy does only minor damage, but the concussion can weaken foes. Affected targets will have reduced Damage, Accuracy and Perception and may even be Disoriented for a short while. You can only ever have Two Seeker Drones out at one time and they can be destroyed by your foes. Recharge: Long
35: Trip Mine
You can place a Trip Mine on the ground. Any foes that pass near the Trip Mine will cause it to explode, severely damaging all nearby foes and sending them flying. The Trip Mine is almost impossible to detect, but it is fragile and may be set off by an enemy's explosion. Even if destroyed, the Trip Mine will detonate. Setting a mine is delecite work, and if you are interrupted, you will fail. Damage: Superior, Recharge: Slow
38: Detonator
A good Mastermind means always plans ahead, but a great one knows when to make a strategic sacrifice. You have equipped all your Henchmen with explosives. When the time is right, select a Henchman and set off the Detonator. Undead and Robots are easily rigged and will blow up instantly, devastating nearby enemies. Ninjas, Soldiers and other free thinking Henchmen will try to place the explosive on the ground and get away. But you know... the fuse is short. Recharge: Very Long
Dark Miasma:
Focus the dark power of the Netherworld to weaken your foes. Dark Miasma focuses on draining your opponent.
1: Twilight Grasp
You channel Negative Energy from the Netherworld through yourself to a targeted foe. Twilight Grasp drains the power from that target and slowly transfers it to you and all nearby allies. The targeted foe's Accuracy and damage are reduced, while you and your nearby allies are healed. Recharge: Moderate
2: Tar Patch
Drops a large patch of viscous Negative Energy which dramatically slows down enemies that run though it and reduces their damage resistance. Affected targets stuck in the Tar Patch cannot jump or fly. Recharge: Slow
4: Darkest Night
While active, you channel Negative Energy onto a targeted foe. Darkest Night decreases the damage potential and Accuracy of the target, and all foes nearby, as long as you keep the power active. Recharge: Slow
10: Howling Twilight
Activating this power channels the power of the Netherworld to weaken your foes, in an attempt to revive all nearby fallen allies. You must stand near your defeated allies to revive them, then select a foe. The selected foe and all nearby foes will be Slowed, Disoriented, and drained of some life. Revived allies will have full Hit Points and Endurance and will suffer no ill effects. Recharge: Very Long
16: Shadow Fall
Envelops you and your nearby teammates in a shroud of darkness. Shadow Fall does not grant Invisibility, but it does make you harder to detect. Even if you are discovered, Shadow Fall grants a bonus to Defense to melee and ranged attacks and Resistance to Fear, while reducing Energy, Negative Energy, and Psionic Damage. You cannot use any other Concealment type power while using Shadow Fall. Recharge: Slow
20: Fearsome Stare
Instills tremendous Fear within a cone area in front of you, causing all affected targets to tremble in Terror uncontrollably. Recharge: Slow
28: Petrifying Gaze
Petrifies a single targeted foe with a terrifying gaze. The victim is Held and defenseless. Recharge: Slow
35: Black Hole
Opens up a Black Hole to the Netherworld that temporarily pulls in all foes within its grasp. The victims become phase shifted and are completely intangible. They are hard to see, and cannot affect or be affected by those in normal space. Recharge: Slow
38: Dark Servant
Summons a Dark Servant to your aid. The Dark Servant possesses an assortment of dark powers to weaken your foes. The summoned entity is not a willing servant and it is only your power that binds it in this realm. The Dark Servant can be buffed and healed. Recharge: Very Long
Force Field:
The Force Field powers give you the ability to create shells of energy that protect yourself and your allies from various forms of damage and harm. Force Fields do not reduce damage, but reduced your allies chance of getting hit in the first place.
1: Force Bolt
Discharges a bolt of force that knocks down foes and deals some Smashing Damage. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Fast
2: Deflection Shield
Dramatically protects an ally from Smashing, Lethal and Melee attacks for a limited time. Also reduces Toxic damage. You cannot stack multiple Deflection Shields on the same target; however, the shield can be improved by another ally using the same power. Can also be used in conjunction with your Insulation Shield. You cannot use this power on yourself. Recharge: Very Fast
4: Insulation Shield
Dramatically protects an ally from Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy and Ranged attacks for a limited time. The Insulation also protects the target from Endurance Draining effects. You cannot stack multiple Insulation Shields on the same target; however, the shield can be improved by another ally using the same power. Can also be used in conjunction with your Deflection Shield. You cannot use this power on yourself. Recharge: Very Fast
10: Detention Field
Encases a targeted foe in a Detention Force Field. The captured target cannot be harmed, is Immobilized, and cannot attack or aid his allies. The target can, however, use powers on himself. Recharge: Slow
16: Personal Force Field
The Personal Force Field is almost impenetrable to all attacks, even Psionics, although attacks from more powerful foes may get through more easily. Personal Force Field will also reduce the damage of any attacks that do get through. The Personal Force Field works both ways; while it is active, you can only use powers that affect yourself. This includes your inherent power, Supremacy, will no longer buff your Henchmen. Cannot be used with Rest. Recharge: Slow
20: Dispersion Bubble
Creates a large bubble which protects all allies inside. While active, the Dispersion Bubble gives all allies within increased Defense against all attacks including Psionic and Area of Effect attacks. The Dispersion Bubble also protects allies from Immobilization, Disorient, and Hold effects. Recharge: Slow
28: Repulsion Field
This Toggle power creates a field that violently repels nearby foes. Each foe that is repelled costs you additional Endurance. Recharge: Slow
35: Repulsion Bomb
Projects an expanding Force Bubble around an ally that knocks down and Disorients nearby foes. This power cannot be used on yourself. Recharge: Slow
38: Force Bubble
Creates a large bubble which protects all allies inside. While active, this power keeps all foes at bay, protecting all allies inside from melee or short ranged attacks. More powerful foes may be able to penetrate the Force Bubble, but may slip and get knocked down and forced back if they try. Recharge: Slow
You are a master of Poison and can concoct a variety of venoms and toxins to powers allow you to weaken your enemies. When used correctly, some Poisons can even be used to aid your allies.
1: Alkaloid
When used correctly, poisons can be used to heal, as well as harm. Alkaloid consists just the right amount of amino acids to safely heal a single targeted ally. The healed target is also left with some resistance to Toxic Damage (This Toxic Damage Resistance cannot be Enhanced) You cannot use this power to heal yourself. Recharge: Fast
2: Envenom
You Envenom your foe with a nasty poison. The toxin directly attacks the immune system, reducing the affected targets Defense, Damage Resistance and Hit Point Regeneration Rate. The poison is so potent, that the target actually responds less to Healing while affected by the poison. Recharge: Slow
4: Weaken
You poison a single foe with a venom that significantly Weakens their strength. The affected target Accuracy and Damage output is severely reduced. Additionally, the affected targets the secondary power effects are weakened. The targets powers effects like Heals, Defense Buffs, Endurance Drains, Disorients, Holds, Immobilizes, Knockbacks and more, are all weakened.
10: Neurotoxic Breath
You can breath a cone of Neurotoxin gas that quickly start to anesthetize any nearby foes. Affected targets may choke on the gas as their movement and attack rate are severely reduced. Recharge: Slow
16: Elixir of Life
The Elixir of Life is a closely guarded secret. With this Elixir, you can revive a fallen ally and turn him into a killing machine. The revived target has increased damage, Accuracy, Endurance recovery, and attack speed. A brew of this sort is not without its side effects. The revived target will soon become very sick and severely weak after about 90 seconds. All effects of the Mutation will eventually wear off. Elixir of Life can only be used on Players and cannot be used on your Henchmen. Recharge: Very Long
20: Antidote
This Antidote can free and ally from any Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Slow and Immobilize effects and leaves them resistant to such effects for a good while. The Antidote also grants the target some resistance to Toxic damage. Some of the effects of this power will improve with Multiple applications and as you advance in level. Recharge: Fast
28: Paralytic Poison
This Paralytic Poison viciously attacks a foes nervous system and can leave an affected target completely Held and defenseless. Recharge: Slow
35: Poison Trap
You can build a Poison Trap on the ground. Any villains that pass near the Poison Trap will cause it to detonate and release its toxic vapors. The poison is a knock-out gas, and any foes in the affected area may be drained of much of its Endurance and quickly put it to Sleep. The trap is almost impossible to detect, but it is fragile and may be set off by an enemy's explosion. Even if destroyed, the Trap will detonate. Recharge: Long
38: Noxious Gas
You can infect one of your Henchmen, surrounding him with a Noxious Gas. All foes near the infected Henchmen will be overcome with the Noxious Gas. Their Defense, Accuracy, Damage and Damage resistance will all be reduced. Additionally, there is a chance than any affected humanoid enemy will become violently ill. Even the mightiest foe will stop dead in their tracks, and left helpless as they empty the contacts of their stomach. Recharge: Very Slow
Trick Arrow:
Trick Arrows are tipped with an odd variety of payloads, which if used strategically, can dramatically alter a battle site.
1: Entangling Arrow
Upon impact, the Entangling Arrow releases a strong net that can Immobilize most targets. This non-lethal device deals no damage and does not prevent targets from attacking. The Entangling Arrow can bring down flying entities and halts jumping. Entangle Arrow has a fairly low Endurance cost and a bonus to its Accuracy. Recharge: Fast
2: Flash Arrow
This arrow explodes in a dazzling flash of light and sound. The targets are so blinded that they can hardly see a thing. Most villains will not be able to see past normal melee range, although some may have better perception. If villains are attacked, they will be alerted to your presence, but will suffer a penalty to Accuracy. Recharge: Slow
4: Glue Arrow
This arrow carries a cartridge of intensely sticky glue, which explodes on impact. The glue Slows the movement and attack rates of any foes in the area. Damage: Recharge: Slow
10: Ice Arrow
This arrow can freeze a single foe in a block of ice. The target is frozen solid, helpless, and can be attacked. More powerful foes may not be Held, but all affected targets will be Slowed. Recharge: Moderate
16: Poison Gas Arrow
This arrow carries a capsule cloud of poisonous gas, which explodes on impact and weakens all foes in its vicinity. Affected foes damage potential will be severely reduced. Some foes will be react badly to the poison and choke for a time. Recharge: Slow
20: Acid Arrow
This arrow explodes in a small shower of acid on impact. This acid eats through armor, causing damage over time. It reduces the target's Defense as well as his Damage Resistance. Damage: Minor, Recharge: Slow
28: Disruption Arrow
This arrow plants a sonic resonator at a target location. The vibrations of the resonator weaken the Damage Resistance of all nearby foes. Recharge: Long
35: Oil Slick Arrow
On impact, this arrow creates an oil slick that Slows foes in the area and many cause them to slip and fall. The oil slick is very flammable and may burst into flames if fire is used near it. Recharge: Long
38: EMP Arrow
This arrow can unleash a massive pulse of electromagnetic energy on impact. This EMP can affect machines, and is even powerful enough to affect synaptic brain patterns. It will incapacitate all foes in its radius. Additionally, most machines and robots will take moderate high damage. However, this power uses a lot of Endurance and leaves you unable to recover Endurance for a while. Recharge: Very Long
CREDITS and Acknowledgements
Credit goes to Positron and pohsyb for the original Mastermind information posting
Credit goes to Torment for reposting the henchmen's power information originally posted by ICG_Zombra
Credit for Pictures goes to Master_Zaprobo, ICF_Zombra, Sgt_Tyranny, Anj, and Kuiper
Credit goes to Narcissus and Chandley for Leadership pool infomation
Credit goes to Master_Zaprobo for all his posts in CoV Beta on Masterminds
And many, many thanks to all those who played Masterminds in CoV Beta!
. . . Oh, and Red_Zero of course for copy, paste, save, and edit.
EMOTES for Fun
Now that you have Henchmen its time to boss them around. Use the /petsay <em whatever > to have fun. Note that the emote must be inbetween the < > symbols for it to work. Here is a list of emote commands that were added with City of Villians.
smack [backhand; this and slap include appropriate noise]
evillaugh [extremely melodramatic, overacted evil laugh]
cower, fear, scared, afraid
surrender [Hands up! two poses; second is on knees]
goaway, buzzoff [shoo! Begone, pest!]
slash ['you're finished' slash gesture across your own throat]
curseyou, noooo (that's 4 o's...) [shaking fist]
hand, talktohand
bowdown [you, minion! Bow before me, NOW!]
threathand, smackyou [threaten to use the Smack emote...]
handsup ["come out with your hands up!"]
ledgesit [sit with legs over the edge of whatever you're standing on. Instant leg amputation if you're standing on the ground]
walllean [casual lean against possibly non-existent wall]
peerin[make hand binoculars and look into... something]
protest [hold up one of several randomly selected mostly unreadable protest signs]
laptop [summon a laptop and a tall, thin table to sit it on, and start typing]
research [pull out book and begin consulting it while making gestures in the air with other hand]
holdtorch [produce burning torch and hold out]
drumdance [apparently some problems with this]
panhandle [begs with tin cup]
yatayata [make blah blah blah gesture with hand, look bored... "is he STILL talking?"]