Guide to Guides




If You update your guide, create a new guide, or see a guide you want added here, post a link to it on this thread. (i'm not sure where yours went concern, it most likely was just an error in the copying. it takes a while to add things in all pretty like).

If anyone sees one they think is out dated due to the next update, post here after the update and/or send me a PM and i'll talk to the author of the guide to see if they have a new update in the works.

Now that i'm back, the guide should be updated more regularly (and save poor CuppaJo some time). Everyone be sure to give CuppaJo a hug for keeping the guide to guides going!



Hello, I've been here since beta and I'd thought I'd throw up a guide (Overview) to choosing your Defender/Offender.

When I say Offender, I mean a Defender designed to solo--emphasis on OFFENSE rather than Defense. You may team or not --this just changes your tactics. In a team you can tank or play boss killer, you aren't as good as a 'Pure' Defender in supporting a team, but you CAN make a team much better!

About myself--I started gaming in 1980 and played/ran CHAMPIONS and V And V out of the box so I've been designing Superheroes for gaming a long time. Damn, I'm OLD! I like Blasters and Scrappers, but blasters are too one fragile for a SuperHero, IMHO and Scrappers lack range for the most part and that can be frustrating. Defenders are more interesting to design and can play any role (Tank, Blaster, Healer or BossKiller/Scrapper) because of the Synergy of Primary and Secondary--don't let anyone tell you different! A Defender needs his Primary to enhance the Secondary or he is, as the blasters sometimes like to call Offenders, 'A Gimped Blaster' (a little over 60% blaster damage with higher endurance cost)

...its not true, and actually Offenders are the only Blasters worth playing IMHO
Anyone with the skills to be good Blaster (past the twenties) would be a GREAT asset to a team as a Defender (Offender)

The synergy of Primary and Secondary allow us to defend ourselves as well or better than tanks (with less HP) and nearly match Blaster damage...and since Defenders are 'force multipliers' the more the better! A team of 3 'Offenders' can SPANK stuff that sends a team of 3 Blaster 'regrouping at the Hospital'

In my mind an Offender should:

1/ Be able to Solo Effectively (barring Mezzing bosses, but we are more effective than Blasters!)
2/ Nearly match Blaster damage
3/ Be a Hero on any Team (usually Boss Killing is 2nd Nature)

NOTE --I'm leaving out FF and Empathy, no disrespect, but these primaries have no synergy to their blasting. These Primaries just make it safer Blasting! This guide is about trying to make a *better* Blaster, or a Scrapper with Range!

The 'matrix' I'm talking about in the title is as follows:

--------SECONDARIES (Blasts)
PRIMARIES damage------------------------------------------------debuff

----------- Radiation Electrical Energy Psychic Dark

Dark----------- DB --- DB -- bad mix ---BC ----BC ------------------

Storm -------- DB----- - DB ----DB ----- BC ----BC ------------------

Radiation ----- PB ----- PB ---- bad mix -- PB --- PB ------------------

Kinetics ------ PB ----- BC ------ PB ----- PB ---- PB ------------------


PB = Protected Blaster
DB = Defensive Blaster
BC = Blasting Controller

Protective Blasters are for you people that are tired of eating carpet,
yet still loving the Blaster Lifestyle! Tanking is not encouraged but is possible!

-----Rad/Dark is my favorite--they can tank up to +3s IF slotted defensively and blast away

Defensive Blasters are for the more cautious of you, those who want to have the defense of a Tank, yet still throw down!

Blasting Controllers have control aspects that make them a bit...different

bad mix is specifically 'Anchor Based primaries vs Knb powers' some players can handle this
...most find this...problematic It is however, relatively safe (if your Anchor doesn't run)
Test drive one and see if you can handle it!

================================================== ===

Dark Radiation --Dark has some of the best debuffs , and if the I4 changes to Tar Pit (Resistance Debuff added) make it out of TEST they may beat Rad/Dark as most dangerous blaster of defenders. Dark offers Stealth, massive de-buffing and group Psi defense (a rarity), Radiation Blasts gives you the most 'pure Blaster' attacks of the Defender Sets (with Electrical a close second)

NET RESULT--Very Safe Blasting!

Dark Electrical --these guys are THE Jack of All Trades AT (and my personal fave)
Dark Electrics are Controllers with Blasts! Two single target holds allow you to shut down bosses, and Cone Fear is a 'ghetto' group hold. Dark has powerful de-buffing (better than Rad since Rad Primary had buff/debuffs) -- and Electricity can use END Drain which. if enhanced, to shut down bosses! Electricity has plenty of blasts, and GREAT ranged (a'la Nova) Final Attack

...and they get TWO pets (Fluffies give control and damage, while Voltanic Sentinals is Pure Damage (but give you the Aggro))

The only reason they aren't the most 'Blasterific of Defenders' is that Pets are supposed to be and 'Controller-Thang'
Damage? (ck!) Debuffs? (ck!) Control? (ck!) Pets? (ck! ck!)

Sith Lords anyone?

Dark Psi --all Psi attacks have a secondary control secondary-effect, so these are blasting controllers, with more limited blasts... great range but I've heard nothing but complaints on the forums. YMMV

Dark Dark --the original Blasting Controllers. Dark Blasts debuffs accuracy and ShadowFall gives defense and Stealth. Darkest Night is and awesome Debuff---Darks Blasts have GOOD damage output and Tar Pit + TT+ NG makes them able to solo packs with grace and ease!!
-- superior controlling than some controllers!
Solo or team these are great to play!
================================================== ===================================

Storm Radiation --only for the skilled player, but DANGEROUS in the hands of a skilled player. Storm can leave a pack slowed, in-accurate and falling down; but since Storm has Knockback for DAYS this can frustrate teams. Still, Knockback is one of the safest secondary affects and leaves Mobs and Heroes alike helpless and frustrated. Radiation can cook them nicely, but the standard Radiation attack powers (Irradiate, Choking Cloud) are point blank! Hence the 'BAD MIX'

...which is why this is for you Rebels who want to make your own tactics.

Storm Electrical --this is the 'natural' set and works well. Storm's knockback effects make all their defenders very safe, but make them unpopular in most teams. Electrical and blast well at range (they have Ball Lightning) and Storm keeps them helpless at range. Its still hard to keep mobs in Freezing Rain but that is for the Developer to fix. Short Circuit is there if you want even more 'control'
STILL....Mobs run from Freezing Rain yet stay for BURN????

Storm Energy ---for you **true** Knockback Lovers! Energy adds great Damage to the mix!
Power Bolts/Blast/Burst/+ Torrent --your 'thunder' will keep the helpless masses dying (uh, captured?) at a good rate!!

Storm Dark ---great Mix! Storm leaves them helpless, Dark blinds (5-10% stackable accuracy debuff) plus TT to keep your victims in your freezing Rain (and Night Fall put them to sleep while they're there!) A great AoE Blaster and very very safe. Near Dark Electric for spanning all AT's. Tanks likes a champion and Blasts and has a Pet, but they control via Controlled Chaos.
The Defender's Illusionist!

RadRad --This the ORIGINAL blasting defender. Fast attacks for you ADD freaks and Radiation buffs/debuffs (RI+EF+AM, Radiation's Holy Trinity) to let you do it safely and WELL -and look like some freaky Green Mage !!

Radiation (Primary) users generally open up with RI (which gives the target and his close friends around a minus 30% to hit, and about the same as a bonus for YOU to hit them) then hits them with Irradiate (which has a bonus to hit like most Rad Attack and Debuff's defenses giving you a bonus to hit) and then blasts away. Basically you can put all damage Enh in your attacks like you are a */Devices blaster and Tank like a SR Scrapper (only hit by lucky strikes) --FUN
NOTE--Firing a Snipe at Point Blank Range is a particularly EVIL pleasure!!

Hint--use EF on your biggest threat, then waste him ('cause EF is killing your END bar) and PermaAM will give you faster attacks, mezz resistance and more END than anyone but Regen Scrappers!

Rad Electrical --these guys are just as good as RadRad at blasting but SHORT CIRCUIT lets you have a powerful boss controller.
Plus a Hold and (damage) Pet make them a well protected Blaster, with the emphasis on Blasting!
---Please read Erratic's Guide! I did!!

Rad Energy --this is the mix no one seems to like. Good Damage, but with Anchor based defenses VS Knockback means you are shooting your own foot. Some players can make this work, but I haven't seen any!

Rad Psi --similar to Rad Electical but with the emphasis on control. Less damage, but it is resisted yet
Not many of these wondering the streets of Paragon City

RadDark --my personal favorite blaster. Dark helps you blind bosses and later packs, does decent damage, and the group immobilize (TT) which is a gift to any Anchor-based Defender, and Blackstar is a nice final attack. Slightly more defensive than RadRad but nice!

RadRad hits more often but RadDark get hit less often! Pick your favorite flavor!

================================================== ==

Kinetic Radiation --The only more offensive blaster than RADrad! You attack to heal, You attack to regain END. You attack to Attack... Active Defense all the way!

NOTE--I almost never see these guys---Kinetics is much more popular among Controllers it seems, rather than Defenders
Kinetics is the most paper thin of defenses, if you get mezzed, feared or Knocked Back.... uh, see you at the hospital!

Kinetics Electrical ---The BlasterController, great END drain machine at high level! Transference+Short Circuit will drain an AV (I hear) Electric gets a pet and Fulcrum Shift means you and all your friends will be doing great Damage. Low on Defense, High on Control and second to Kinetics Energy for damage!

Check out the MeleeFender Guide, its Da Bomb

Kinetics Energy --Energy Blaster on Speed! If the I4 changes go through, you will have Siphon Speed to slow MOBS and Hasten yourself at the same time! Very offensive Blaster, buff's himself and the melee'ers, steals hp and END.

Nova+Fulcrum shift?? OHMIGOD. Gimped Blaster?? THE blaster-ific defender!

Kinetics Psi --Kinetics allows you to improve damage (and support yourself with HP drain and Speed) on a controller-blaster set. Not terribly synergistic, and not very popular (I've never seen or heard of one)!

Kinetics Dark --Active Defense for Dark attacks. Good but not very synergistic. You can keep a drain-target immobilized, which is helpful. Potentially as dangerous as Rad/Dark (Siphon Power costs a lot less than EF) but with a lot less defense (you are depending on Dark's debuff. A self-healing blaster and immobilizer!
TT makes 'Caltrops' seem like a bad joke!

Absorb what is useful
Discard what is useless
Add what is uniquely your own
sifu Bruce Lee

[i]On Guardian [i]
Syzygy Dreadstar Rad/Rad Offender
ANGELoftheVEIL Rad/Dark Offender
HeroBEYOND DM / Regen Scrapper
Killer IceQueen Ice/Ice Blaster
Thane of Angels Illusion/Radiation Controller

[i]On Infinity[i]
The Living Dragon NRG Blaster
Warchild Pyre FireFire Tanker
Lady Mentat Illusion/ Empathy Controller
Warchild Flux Spines/Regen Scrapper
Senor' Vargas Broadsword / Regen Scrapper

My Name is D'ark Tempest and I know I am a Alt-aholic!

People sometimes tell me I'm both pessimistic and paranoid but I think that's just because all you optimists are out to get me.



all guides apply!



I finally got around to revising it, so please add my Arcanaville's Hamidon Raid FAQ 2.0 to the list please.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Is there anyway the issues that the guides were last updated for could be added. I think it'de help in deciding which guides have the most accurate info.



thats a realy good idea.



Please add the following to the Tanker guides section:

Smersh's Inv/Fire Guide, Version 1.0

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Daibanchou made a great Storm / Dark Defender guide here, . It helped me out alot, maybe it should be here.

'Understanding that you still have a lot to learn is key to the path to wisdom' - (Some guy somewhere, or maybe I just made it up, I don't know.)



First, thank you all who put this together. I've found a ton of useful information out there.

Forgive me if I'm blind, but is there a guide to inspirations? I may have gone right by it, but there's a ton of information available and I'm afraid I'm reaching my (temporary) saturation point. Just a basic reference for all inspirations available, what they do, etc. Kinda like what was done for enhancements.

Thanks in advance.



Need a URL change, I updated my Broadsword/Regeneration guide and compiled a new thread-version. New thread is:

Casual Broadsword/Regeneration guide v2

old thread is.. whatever's listed there now ;p