Guide to Guides




I wrote a guide to building a Hasten-free Ice / Energy blaster a short while before Issue 4 came out. Nothing much changed other than Blizzard getting better. It got bumped downwards, so I thought I'd post it here. It's an alternative for those who want to go a different route than perma-Hasten.

Here it is:
A Hasten free Guide to Ice / Energy Blasters



Travel Speed Guide
By Acacia Brookes
Contact AIM Name: StarFoxMcCloud
Version 2
c. 2005

Units are in Yards per Second, Height is measured in feet, Distance is measured in Yards per Jump. Powers are listed in order by speed. I’ve tried to list every power with at the very least a 1 slot and a 6 slot record. I think I like my other format better but this shows speed order. I updated the Leaping powers somewhat also in this version.

01.4yps /0/Hover
03.7yps /1/Hover
06.1yps /2/Hover
06.9yps /0/Jump 11.2 high
07.0yps /0/Run
08.5yps /3/Hover
11.0yps /4/Hover
11.7yps /1/Sprint
11.7yps /0/GroupFly
12.9yps /2/Sprint
12.9yps /5/Hover
13.5yps /1/GroupFly
14.0yps /3/Sprint
14.9yps /0/Hurdle 18.2 high
15.2yps /4/Sprint
15.7yps /6/Hover
15.7yps /0/CJ+Hurdle 26.2 high
16.6yps /3/GroupFly
16.6yps /5/Sprint
16.8yps /1/Hurdle 20.2 high
16.9yps /0/Fly
17.6yps /6/Sprint
18.7yps /1/CJ+Hurdle 31.2 high
19.6yps /1/Fly
20.5yps /5/GroupFly
21.5yps /6/GroupFly
23.2yps /2/Fly
24.4yps /0/SJ 75.0 high 150ypj
24.6yps /6/Hurdle 32.2 high
25.9yps /3/Fly
28.4yps /4/Fly
29.3yps /1/SJ 112 high 200ypj
31.5yps /0/SS
32.6yps /6/CJ+Hurdle 55.2 high
32.7yps /0/SJ+Hurdle 129 high 200ypj
35.2yps /0/SS+Swift
35.2yps /2/SJ 149 high 300ypj
36.7yps /3/SJ 159 high 325ypj
37.3yps /1/SJ+Hurdle 169 high 280ypj
37.4yps /2/SJ+Hurdle 207 high 350ypj
37.6yps /6/SJ+Hurdle 207 high 350ypj
40.0yps /1/SS
44.5yps /2/SS
46.3yps /1/SS+Swift
46.3yps /2/SS+Swift
74ypj /0/TeamTeleport
89ypj /1/TeamTeleport
100ypj /0/Teleport
105ypj /2/TeamTeleport
118ypj /1/Teleport
119ypj /3/TeamTeleport
135ypj /4/TeamTeleport
139ypj /2/Teleport
150ypj /5/TeamTeleport
159ypj /3/Teleport
164ypj /6/TeamTeleport
179ypj /4/Teleport
200ypj /5/Teleport
219ypj /6/Teleport

?yps /0/CombatJ. 20.2 high
?yps /1/CombatJ. 22.8 high
?yps /2/CombatJ. 25.5 high
?yps /3/CombatJ. 28.2 high
?yps /4/CombatJ. 31.2 high
?yps /5/CombatJ. 33.2 high
?yps /6/CombatJ. 36.2 high





Mind/Empathy Control (support) -by Enantiodromos

replaces my previous version of my guide. If there's some rule elsewhere that I'm just supposed to post to the last guide thread I created indefinitely, mea maxima culpa.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Mobs with Mezzes - by ParagonSentry

I know I will see you again on another game somewhere - one game can't hold all us crazies forever.

Some people just need to be on the cross at all times for the attention, I guess.



Someone asked that my Reader's Digest to the Positron be stickied.;PHPSESSID=

I've created a copy on a web page, which I will update if-and-when I think of something I left out. (which I just did) :-)

I'll [i]almost certainly[/i] be happy with I7....."SOON(tm)"

Too bad "Maturity" isn't an Enhanceable power.

Anybody with a bow is okay in my book. ;-)

Liberty, Infinity & Protector