29 -
Do the comics have villian stories too or just heroes?
I'm still working on it off and on this week (usualy up untill i get sick of looking at it). whenever its done, you'll likely see all of the comments after the initial post chopped off.
and thanks much havok! You'll save me time for sure -
most likely my fault. when its all layed out in a word document, it sort of blurs together
i'll get it this go round though!
*update mark*
everything above this post should be added relitively soon. if you see one on the guide itself that is out of date or something. let me know -
My only gripe is that Stateman (much less Recluse) doesn't seem all that.. Zeusy.
[/ QUOTE ]
maybe the american who marched off to ww1 decided to use the power to his theme rather than playing on the greek theme. I've always liked a hero who doesn't go full tilt into the theme life has hashed out for them. -
well, his mask is sort of greeky helmety. (or is it spartan?)
that was insane! I half guessed a few of them, but still! -
I am strongly in favor of this. So strongly that if Cuppa or another board moderator wants to PM me, I'll help out with it.
We could either separate guides into 1. I3 and before and 2. I4 and after, or indicate the vintage of the guide for each one. The latter would be better, but more work.
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree. next week I hope to have a revised list for the guide. I think at that time i'll check the launch dates for the diferent issues, and the dates of when the guides were posted, and apply an issue label to them or something. if anyone sees any horribly out of date guides due to power changes and such, let me know (post up here).
I definatly appreciate any help with pointing out bad links, misinformative guides (due to game mechanic changes, not opinions). I wish i could just edit the guide, that would make life so much easier -
I got guildwars over the weekend.
I bought it expecting a game of single player, diablo-esque quality, and i'm loving it.It has thus far had THE most tactical combat of any game (mmo or diabloish) i've ever played. I've taken on 4 foes around my level while being alert, reactive, and maintaining good performance, but there's also been times where 2 foes, half my level ambushed me, and i wasn't paying attention and I died. both instances are pve (I haven't done much pvp yet) and neither instance was because I was 'one shotted' or fought weaker or stronger foes, there's just that much tactics in a common fight.
although i'm playing a necromancer, they may be more involved than most charicters
Uma gives this game the thumbs up IF you are looking for a diablo-esque, skill based pvp (as opposed to loot and gank based), or a single player game sort of game that your friends can join in if they want. It may be good on level ground with most mmo's, but i've had it for all of 3 days and I don't know how it'll be in three months for most. I'll still play it, but then I still play generals, renigade, and emulators religiously.
I'm impressed with ncsoft's games, they're realy making a name for themselves in the market. -
Vox_Populi, your supertank build post will slide off of the forum if you don't post it in the guide forum (all but the guide forum autowipe).
If You update your guide, create a new guide, or see a guide you want added here, post a link to it on this thread. (i'm not sure where yours went concern, it most likely was just an error in the copying. it takes a while to add things in all pretty like).
If anyone sees one they think is out dated due to the next update, post here after the update and/or send me a PM and i'll talk to the author of the guide to see if they have a new update in the works.
Now that i'm back, the guide should be updated more regularly (and save poor CuppaJo some time). Everyone be sure to give CuppaJo a hug for keeping the guide to guides going! -
When i play umagon 23 (an android) I try to be as mindlessly optomistic and outgoing as possible. I figure that she's programmed to behave positively and doesn't realy get mad about things. but she also is a little naive about somthings, thinking everyone has some good in them..unless they break the law, then the martial programming kicks in and says that she has to bludgion them untill they stop moving, the whole time remaining rather mater of fact and outgoing about the fact that she is smashing gangsters with a large mace.
so it is a little disturbing to have a cheerfull little robot mercilessly (and happily) break bones and wade into battle. -
it looked pretty nice when i did it on my scrapper. I kinda like being surprised like that randomly
though even if he is incorrect (i'm not saying he is mind you, i've certainly not researched it
), don't go too hard on him.
if somthing was done on paper it may not have gone perfectly into implimentation and was lost on the grand scheem of things. just imagine how much he has to keep track of, running the development process, overseeing everything. the endurance drain on Elec blasters is a very small slice of the whole picture!
did Fearsome Stare's fear effect change to the sleepish effect? if so how well does it work?
I Don't think a tiny provoke-esque graphic would be a problem (i like them personaly.)
my concern over the waves of agro is that its too easy. as it stands now its very easy for a tanker to crowd controll as long as the tanker can take the abuse. (and they work primarily on crowd controll). now if you make it any easier it could lead to the tanker being flat better than the controller for crowd controll. (i realize that both tankers and controllers do crowd controll but you'd think a 'controller' would be better at crowd control) I guess i just think that free waves of agro is too easy, too good. but then once i see it in action i may think diferently.
AND you have situations where the tank may not want waves of agro (like one tanker is better at tanking X while the other at tanking Y, and tanker whose tanking X keeps loosing agro due to the agro waves flying around)
i guess time will tell and i'd LOVE if the devs would talk about it with us some. -
I don't know if i like the melee causes aoe provoke effect thing. sure its handy, but it doesn't require any skill to use. maybe i'm leary because it could totaly make your tank a tank bot (like old provoke).
maybe i'm just always the conservative one -
Xentex, that was an awsome post
like most attacks will make an aoe of provokedness?
"The increased aggro is something that's close to implementation. "
are we short agro? i alwayse thought we were just peachy, maybe a little on the strong side
is it about provokeish effect being added to the AT lines rather than pool?