Hamidon Enhancements in the Arena




I see whiney people

This game is based upon a simple principle Risk .vs Reward.

If you are unable / willing to overcome the risk, you don't get the reward.

Recieving a Hamidon enhancement (reward), means that you overcame some risk.

Sure they are becoming more common place, but that does not mean that they are less valuable, nor that they should become that way.

Instituting any policy that reduces the return on investment spent on obtaining a reward changes the basic precept City of Heroes is based upon. This game is not based upon the principle of Risk .vs Reward(minus reward value difference of common reward)



Instituting any policy that reduces the return on investment spent on obtaining a reward changes the basic precept City of Heroes is based upon.

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Last time I checked, Hami-Os still had exactly the same effect in PvE that they always have. Where do you get the 'reduction of return on investment' from?

And rewards can be VOLUNTARILY SET ASIDE in PvP if to use them would, in the eyes of the participants, mean an unbalanced fight. A temporary power is a reward. The 30 additional levels that a L50 has over a L20 are a reward.



The risk of farming Hamidon is in blowing all your free time on an incredibly boring activity.



The reduction of reward on investment is the lowered effectiveness of an enhancement when in a PVP fight.

Currently when you exlemplar, you do not loose ehancement slots or effectiveness, only available powers.
in PVP, when you exlemplar, you will loose enhancement effectiveness and available powers.The loss of effectiveness for special enhancements is worse due to the fact that you cannot simply go buy more/better enhancements.



Just to prevent people from quoting me inaccurately...

Hamidon Enhancements boost either TWO aspects of a power by 50% or THREE aspects of a power by 30%.

If you battle in the Arena another hero in a weight class below you (weight classes are five level bands), you will be auto-exemplared to that weight class.

This also means that the effectiveness of your Enhancements are capped to the level of effectiveness of that weight classes' Enhancements. That means that your Hamidon Enhancement is considered at an S.O. or lower level, rather than +50%. You'll still have the advantage because two or three aspects are being boosted, but you won't have the overwhelming % advantage.

This, however, does not occur when fighting within your "weight" class. If you're in your weight class, Hamidon Enhancements are killer.

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What about people who have nothing BUT Hami-O's in their slots. I know of one charcter personally that has done the raid so many times, thats now all they have. How does this affect the guy who actually works all day to pay for your game vs. the guy who does 165 raids day in and day out just to get the power, PvP does not seem so fun anymore when faced with this possibility.

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Agreed, and now that they have adjusted Hami, there is very little chance of anyone catching up by I4. Now on Justice, and this may be only Justice related, there are a couple of SGs that most of their members have at least 50% HOs, several have 100% HO's. One even complained to me in game that it sux that all he is missing is a travel HO. I would definitely say there is more than one. My only recourse is to completely boycott that area of PvP or those SGs in PvP. From what I have seen in this thread, I wont be the only one. I'm hoping there are several more on every server, yes I know life isn't fair, and I really hate to break this to you, but this is a game. Are you going to play checkers with a guy that starts with all kings? Play poker with a guy that already has three aces?

The Hami raids on justice have been performed at an epidemic pace by these SGs and their friends, that I doubt another SG who would like to start Hami raids are likely to ever get their own "private" raid. But that is just on Justice, I do not know how it is on other servers. The other night, I was on with my 50, I got a tell from someone I have never met asking me to hurry and PL him to 45, there is a Hami raid in a couple of hours. I told him no thank you, I dont do that. Then I got this little tirade from him on how all the SG people that Pl him regularly are setting the raid up and no one is around to PL him, and cursed me out in the process. OK I set him to ignore. Minutes later, I get a tel form one of the raid organizers calling my all kinds of various names, some vulgar, he used the term self righteous and whatnot. I guess to be a cool guy, I need to pl people, guess I'm not cool. I asked him what his problem was, and he said that I would not PL his SG mate so he can go on the raid. This is a daily occurence on Justice. I tols him that he can go on the next raid, I not sharing my exp/inf with any PLer...my choice. But you can see the fervor that these SGs are farming Hami so they can dominate in PvP. Just before I set the second guy to ignore, I got the "Ill see you and your SG in PvP". Doubt that at this point.



The reduction of reward on investment is the lowered effectiveness of an enhancement when in a PVP fight.

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If anyone had actually been *promised* the reward of a fully effective HO in PVP for tackling Hamidon, then you might have a point. However, no such promise was ever made. The effectiveness of enhancements in PvP is *in addition to* their effectiveness in PvE. Their effectiveness in PvE - the 'reward' you actually get for the 'risk' - is completely unchanged.

So, while your *perception* of the reward's worth (based on your own assumptions) may have changed, its intrinsic value has not.

Issue 4 isn't even on Test yet. The Devs have said that any number of things could change. There are no guarantees that they won't, for example, just cancel the effectiveness of *all* enhancements and say 'stuff it'.



So, the 'successful' MMORPG rewards non-effort and effort equally, allowing nothing to distinguish the two?

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You are putting words into my mouth -- I said nothing about rewards. I certainly said nothing about equal rewards.

I pointed out that Cryptic does have to make the 'non-effort' people happy or they may stop paying for the service.

When people argue the risk-vs-reward or work-for-it angle they forget this wrinkle - People in real life may have a hard time escaping being poor without making an effort. People in a game have another option - they can quit.



The Hami raids on justice have been performed at an epidemic pace by these SGs and their friends, that I doubt another SG who would like to start Hami raids are likely to ever get their own "private" raid. But that is just on Justice, I do not know how it is on other servers. The other night, I was on with my 50, I got a tell from someone I have never met asking me to hurry and PL him to 45, there is a Hami raid in a couple of hours. I told him no thank you, I dont do that. Then I got this little tirade from him on how all the SG people that Pl him regularly are setting the raid up and no one is around to PL him, and cursed me out in the process. OK I set him to ignore. Minutes later, I get a tel form one of the raid organizers calling my all kinds of various names, some vulgar, he used the term self righteous and whatnot. I guess to be a cool guy, I need to pl people, guess I'm not cool. I asked him what his problem was, and he said that I would not PL his SG mate so he can go on the raid. This is a daily occurence on Justice. I tols him that he can go on the next raid, I not sharing my exp/inf with any PLer...my choice. But you can see the fervor that these SGs are farming Hami so they can dominate in PvP. Just before I set the second guy to ignore, I got the "Ill see you and your SG in PvP". Doubt that at this point.

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Sorry to hear about your expierence on Justice, I play on that server as well. I agree with your resolution to the situation by ignoring the induhviduals that were harrasing you. I would have done the same thing (I even have a good idea on what SG it was).

However I do understand that you are not a person that spends hours per day Raiding Hamidion & trying to HO all your powers. That is fine & should you ever decide to try PVP, I believe that you will find that folks that have nto PL'ed their way to max level & have only done Hamidon raids to be pushovers in PVP. They have not put in the time to understand their powerset & are simply following someoe elses idea on how to play that paticular build. Actual skill & understanding of ones abilities/limitations will determine who reigns on top. Those persons that did not PL & are HO'ed out will continue to stomp on the PL'ers (HO's or not) simply due to it being a fun activity that passes the time. When two non-pl'ed heros square off, It is my opinion that the "Any given sunday" rule will prove to be the order of the day. If you can take out a +4 enemy, you can take out a HO'ed hero.


You are correct in that no *promises*were made. The expectation however had been set previously by the previous 3 large releases. Your analogy to enhancements being *in addition to* their effectiveness in PvE, is not correct. Adding a negitive to a positive is subtracting, under not circumstance will you end up with more effectiveness than the inital effectiveness of the origial enhancement. You may attribute this to my perception, but I am a simple person that does simple math, in my world 2+2 does not equal 5 (even for very large values of 2).



The Hami raids on justice have been performed at an epidemic pace by these SGs and their friends, that I doubt another SG who would like to start Hami raids are likely to ever get their own "private" raid. But that is just on Justice, I do not know how it is on other servers. The other night, I was on with my 50, I got a tell from someone I have never met asking me to hurry and PL him to 45, there is a Hami raid in a couple of hours. I told him no thank you, I dont do that. Then I got this little tirade from him on how all the SG people that Pl him regularly are setting the raid up and no one is around to PL him, and cursed me out in the process. OK I set him to ignore. Minutes later, I get a tel form one of the raid organizers calling my all kinds of various names, some vulgar, he used the term self righteous and whatnot. I guess to be a cool guy, I need to pl people, guess I'm not cool. I asked him what his problem was, and he said that I would not PL his SG mate so he can go on the raid. This is a daily occurence on Justice. I tols him that he can go on the next raid, I not sharing my exp/inf with any PLer...my choice. But you can see the fervor that these SGs are farming Hami so they can dominate in PvP. Just before I set the second guy to ignore, I got the "Ill see you and your SG in PvP". Doubt that at this point.

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Sorry to hear about your expierence on Justice, I play on that server as well. I agree with your resolution to the situation by ignoring the induhviduals that were harrasing you. I would have done the same thing (I even have a good idea on what SG it was).

However I do understand that you are not a person that spends hours per day Raiding Hamidion & trying to HO all your powers. That is fine & should you ever decide to try PVP, I believe that you will find that folks that have nto PL'ed their way to max level & have only done Hamidon raids to be pushovers in PVP. They have not put in the time to understand their powerset & are simply following someoe elses idea on how to play that paticular build. Actual skill & understanding of ones abilities/limitations will determine who reigns on top. Those persons that did not PL & are HO'ed out will continue to stomp on the PL'ers (HO's or not) simply due to it being a fun activity that passes the time. When two non-pl'ed heros square off, It is my opinion that the "Any given sunday" rule will prove to be the order of the day. If you can take out a +4 enemy, you can take out a HO'ed hero.


You are correct in that no *promises*were made. The expectation however had been set previously by the previous 3 large releases. Your analogy to enhancements being *in addition to* their effectiveness in PvE, is not correct. Adding a negitive to a positive is subtracting, under no circumstance will you end up with more effectiveness than the inital effectiveness of the origial enhancement. You may attribute this to my perception, but I am a simple person that does simple math. In my world 2+2 does not equal 5 (even for very large values of 2).



You are correct in that no *promises*were made. The expectation however had been set previously by the previous 3 large releases.

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Expectations based on what?

Your analogy to enhancements being *in addition to* their effectiveness in PvE, is not correct. Adding a negitive to a positive is subtracting,

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Hamidon enhancements are not negatively effective in PvP.

PvP and PvE are like apples and oranges. Some powers have totally different effects in each. There is no a priori reason to suppose that something will, or should, work the same way in both.



Adding a negitive to a positive is subtracting, under no circumstance will you end up with more effectiveness than the inital effectiveness of the origial enhancement

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No, she was correctly pointing out that HOs do not work in PvP at the moment. They have never worked in PvP, because there is no PvP. HOs are pure PvE at the moment - anything they do for PvP can be seen as additional.

Devs said pretty much the same thing about nerfing powers for PvP - a power cannot be nerfed for PvP because they have never been used in PvP. And they've sure been mucking with powers left and right to make PvP a better experience.

You have an anticipation of using HOs in PvP - that is all you can lose.

But, many of us had an anticipation of the uber-loot-free nature of CoH continuing into PvP. And an understading that repeating content is not required (one might even say frowned upon, seeing what happened to wolf farming).



There's something that renders this entire conversation completely irelevant. I know what it is, but I'm not about to give it away in the hopes of jinxing PvP for myself. I have no HO's myself, but i'm not worried about those who do. Anyone care to take a guess why?

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I have no Idea why, but your words intrigue me, please... do tell.



I'd just like to toss in another post to the point that seems to keep being glossed over when folks make it. I don't have any particular problem with some folks having HOs and some not - though it might be nice to have HO heavy builds in a different "weight class". My big concern about HOs is simply that they are inherently unbalanced *against each other*.

An FF defender or and Ice tanker *completely* decked out with HOs is defenceless against a blaster or scrapper similary decked out in SOs. An FFer - no matter how many HOs he collects - literally has the core of his powerset made irrelevant in HO heavy matches. Only an SR scrapper can acheive defense high enough to make even a dent in a fully HO's offense. And thats a problem that the Ice Tanker/FF defender can do nothing about....

Just check the numbers.

A bubblers max granted defense with all hamis is (I think):
56% (6 x 30% def hamis) Deflection/Insulation
35% (6 x 30% def hamis) Dispersion
22% (6 x 30% def hamis) Maneuvers

Total - 113%

Any offensive power with 6 Acc/Dmg hamis is at +300% accuracy. Check-and-mate.

And even if defense hamis granted a 50% bonus as accuracy does - we're still hopelessly outgunned. Full FF plus maneuvers with theoretical 50% defence hamis would top out at 165%......

The numbers just don't match up.



I fought hamidon once, and it was a snoozefest.
People, fighting hammi doesnt really take any skill. You hang in a mob of 50 or so heroes in a bubble, shooting mitos, one after the other, then you go for the main nucleus... WOOHOO big deal!
Thats not skill, thats just a loooong, drawn out slide show.

I have been playing my character (now 47) since august of '04, have gotten pretty much every badge available, i go for all content.
I have learned my character VERY well. I have awesome skill.
I sincerely hope that some powerleved toon, with bad skills, but with tons of HO's, that just happens to be on some hami-horde SG, doesnt wipe the floor with me.
Yes, I could keep fighting hamidon, but honestly, I like to use my skills and its quite boring.

ps. Being victorious at PvE should be about Skill, not about having to constantly farm a blob of jello.



I’m sorry but ‘fair’ doesn’t exist. It doesn’t exist in real life and it doesn’t exist in this game.

To be ‘fair’ you’d have to only PvP against someone with the exact same build, same connection speed, same game knowledge, same experiences, same computer speed, etc. Not going to happen is it? Just looking at builds alone I’d like you to find 2 EXACTLY the same, you’d be hard pressed and I doubt you could. Even min/max builds have player preference differences.

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Just because there are differences among ATs and builds doesn't mean that putting in a mechanism to increase the effectiveness of characters by 100% or 200% is a good idea. No given fight will be entirely balanced or "fair", but they will be mostly close with known counters.

The differences between a largely HO'd character and a non-HO'd character will have no counter.

From reading all these threads it seems to me that the players that don’t have HO’s have expressed their self perceived inadequacy into some type of ‘lack of fun’ versus those players that do. Instead of doing something in-game about this they have decided to reach out to the dev’s and cry 'nerf' for a false notion of fairness. “They earned it, it’s not fair that I won’t/can’t, take it way from them!”

So being ‘fair’ isn’t about HO’s, it’s about making other players, that can put the time and effort into their build, as miserable as them. No thanks.

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The difference between HO'd and non-HO'd characters is that the HO'd characters chose to spend large amounts of time watching a slide show, occasionally pressing a key, in hopes of gaining an enhancement that would allow them to "gank" the "suckers" who choose not to spend their time in such a meaningless, boring manner. Now HO'd characters are angry about the suggestion that an option be created to allow heros to fight on an even playing field.

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If you think That planning and successfully coming up with a way to take down Hami was easy you are dead wrong. On Justice Redemption, and specifically Frostigy put tons of effort in research and testing as well as others. It was hard work, and it payed off. worse is trying to get 150 people organized.

Yes we have it down to a science now, and yes it can be done relatively easily, but only because of the hard work we put into it at the start. And we're still taking on all new comers and sharing our experience and knowledge in order to allow everyone a "fair" chance to try it.

If you want to be as good as people who have Hamio's sacrifice the time and effort to get them, don't take away what we've earned.
My Girl Friend would be soooo pissed if all those missed dinners, and falling asleep without me didn't at least amount to something.



The reduction of reward on investment is the lowered effectiveness of an enhancement when in a PVP fight.

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If anyone had actually been *promised* the reward of a fully effective HO in PVP for tackling Hamidon, then you might have a point. However, no such promise was ever made. The effectiveness of enhancements in PvP is *in addition to* their effectiveness in PvE. Their effectiveness in PvE - the 'reward' you actually get for the 'risk' - is completely unchanged.

So, while your *perception* of the reward's worth (based on your own assumptions) may have changed, its intrinsic value has not.

Issue 4 isn't even on Test yet. The Devs have said that any number of things could change. There are no guarantees that they won't, for example, just cancel the effectiveness of *all* enhancements and say 'stuff it'.

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Actualy the Devs said that they were trying to keep everything from PvE the same as PvP, at least as much as possible. So knowing that it is understandable why people would assume that there "reward" would be the same (or at least as close to the PvE game as possible) in PvP.

What it comes down to is the dedicated players (who worked for any edge they have by researching the game, being involved in the community, and putting time in above other hobbies) have a slight bonus over the casual player, and even then its only noticeable at 45+ and then only when competing in one aspect of the game.
Get over it.
If you work harder than me and make more money, get promoted quicker, and get more perks than me, I wont get our boss to demote you because I'm not willing to work as hard as you.



There's something that renders this entire conversation completely irelevant. I know what it is, but I'm not about to give it away in the hopes of jinxing PvP for myself. I have no HO's myself, but i'm not worried about those who do. Anyone care to take a guess why?

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I have no Idea why, but your words intrigue me, please... do tell.

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Because PvP is based on player consent, If you don't want to fight someone, you don't have to.
Simple as that.
Can I have 5 stars?



My Girl Friend would be soooo pissed if all those missed dinners, and falling asleep without me didn't at least amount to something.

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I'm sure she'll be so proud that you can whack level 50s like they are grey cons.



Actualy the Devs said that they were trying to keep everything from PvE the same as PvP, at least as much as possible. So knowing that it is understandable why people would assume that there "reward" would be the same (or at least as close to the PvE game as possible) in PvP.

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What happens when you *assume*?

slight bonus over the casual player,

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Absurd. The bonus isn't fixed - it can be anything from one Hami-O to a whole screen full.

If you work harder than me and make more money, get promoted quicker, and get more perks than me, I wont get our boss to demote you because I'm not willing to work as hard as you.

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No, but you wouldn't pretend to be in the same employment bracket, either. Anyone looking at both of us would be able to tell that you were a sales clerk and I was a company partner.

We're not talking about demotion, we're talking about meeting each other on a TEMPORARY level playing field. I don't WANT you to have to give up your HOs, any more than I WANT to give up my 44 levels of experience. I just want you to be able to turn them off temporarily, so we can pretend to be on an equal footing for the sake of the fight - just the same as if I'd exemplared down to fight a level 20.



Actualy the Devs said that they were trying to keep everything from PvE the same as PvP, at least as much as possible. So knowing that it is understandable why people would assume that there "reward" would be the same (or at least as close to the PvE game as possible) in PvP.

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What happens when you *assume*?

slight bonus over the casual player,

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Absurd. The bonus isn't fixed - it can be anything from one Hami-O to a whole screen full.

If you work harder than me and make more money, get promoted quicker, and get more perks than me, I wont get our boss to demote you because I'm not willing to work as hard as you.

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No, but you wouldn't pretend to be in the same employment bracket, either. Anyone looking at both of us would be able to tell that you were a sales clerk and I was a company partner.

We're not talking about demotion, we're talking about meeting each other on a TEMPORARY level playing field. I don't WANT you to have to give up your HOs, any more than I WANT to give up my 44 levels of experience. I just want you to be able to turn them off temporarily, so we can pretend to be on an equal footing for the sake of the fight - just the same as if I'd exemplared down to fight a level 20.

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I see where your going with this, and you almost had me convinced, but then I thought If I met you at one of my Aikido competitions (or anyone else) I would not pretend to be worse than I am in order for you to have a good chance.
I always give 110% to every opponent. It would be disrespectful not to. I worked hard to get to where I am both in power and skill lv in CoH. I see no reason to throw the fight. I will instead use every power and stength I have in order to win and I will expect the same from you.
That is the true spirit of competition.

Before you start talking about belts and lvs, In aikido (at least my club) there are no belts, you can chalenge anyone in the competition and in fact you learn a great deal more from those who have more experience, or when doing unarmed vs armed fighting or even 1 vs many.

Lastly. No one is making you compete against me or anyone else with Hami-os. So if you dont want to have the chalenge, don't fight against them.

Edit: I just saw your quote so I added a second one for you. Also you should visit this link: http://www.wavsite.com/television.asp



I see where your going with this, and you almost had me convinced, but then I thought If I met you at one of my Aikido competitions (or anyone else) I would not pretend to be worse than I am in order for you to have a good chance.

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Since that's exactly what happens in the Arena with auto-exemplaring down to your opponent's level, your Aikido analogy doesn't really work.

I see no reason to throw the fight.

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Not asking you to. If you have a considerable advantage over me that is NOT skill based, whether it's levels, enhancements or whatever, then there are two ways we can proceed. Either we don't fight at all because we're not in the same league, or we fight in an artificially constrained environment that terporarily puts us on a more even footing.

That is the true spirit of competition.

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The true spirit of competition also demands that fights are held between people of similar 'weight'. That's why we have weight classes instead of skill classes.

Lastly. No one is making you compete against me or anyone else with Hami-os. So if you dont want to have the chalenge, don't fight against them.

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That is indeed an equally viable solution, but it does mean introducing some way of TELLING that a prospective opponent has Hami-Os. As you are no doubt aware, you can't currently do that.



I see where your going with this, and you almost had me convinced, but then I thought If I met you at one of my Aikido competitions (or anyone else) I would not pretend to be worse than I am in order for you to have a good chance.

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Since that's exactly what happens in the Arena with auto-exemplaring down to your opponent's level, your Aikido analogy doesn't really work.

I see no reason to throw the fight.

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Not asking you to. If you have a considerable advantage over me that is NOT skill based, whether it's levels, enhancements or whatever, then there are two ways we can proceed. Either we don't fight at all because we're not in the same league, or we fight in an artificially constrained environment that terporarily puts us on a more even footing.

That is the true spirit of competition.

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The true spirit of competition also demands that fights are held between people of similar 'weight'. That's why we have weight classes instead of skill classes.

Lastly. No one is making you compete against me or anyone else with Hami-os. So if you dont want to have the chalenge, don't fight against them.

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That is indeed an equally viable solution, but it does mean introducing some way of TELLING that a prospective opponent has Hami-Os. As you are no doubt aware, you can't currently do that.

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By pulling out small quotes of my statement you missed what I was saying overall. The Aikido example is perfect because in Akido we often have to fight against people whao are better armed, more skilled or just more than one opponent. These are all things that test you and your abilities. Is it "fair"? No. But nothing in life is. I would rather true variety in strength and skill to test myself against, rather than some homoginized version.
I also hope you can have 2, 3, + vs 1 in the arena. Can you imagine the bragging rights of someone who manages to beat 3 opponents at once?



By pulling out small quotes of my statement you missed what I was saying overall. The Aikido example is perfect because in Akido we often have to fight against people whao are better armed, more skilled or just more than one opponent.

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I understand this. What I have evidently failed to get across is that skill is the only one of these advantages that cannot be set aside. In the Arena, you can willingly give up any advantage whatsoever in order to compete with a foe on their level, EXCEPT a HO. You can set aside your higher level, your travel powers, your temporary powers - but not your HOs.

I would rather true variety in strength and skill to test myself against, rather than some homoginized version.

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Absolutely. And when I have a pile of HOs of my own, I want to be able to disable them temporarily in order to face opponents with only my skills to help me. I can give up any other advantage I have - it seems odd not to let me give up my enhancements.



Everyone keeps talking about Hamidons and using skill in the same breath.

But in all honesty the more Hamidons you have the less skill you need. Its actually a buffer for LACK of skill.



The true spirit of competition also demands that fights are held between people of similar 'weight'. That's why we have weight classes instead of skill classes.

Lastly. No one is making you compete against me or anyone else with Hami-os. So if you dont want to have the chalenge, don't fight against them.

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That is indeed an equally viable solution, but it does mean introducing some way of TELLING that a prospective opponent has Hami-Os. As you are no doubt aware, you can't currently do that.

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By pulling out small quotes of my statement you missed what I was saying overall. The Aikido example is perfect because in Akido we often have to fight against people whao are better armed, more skilled or just more than one opponent. These are all things that test you and your abilities. Is it "fair"? No. But nothing in life is. I would rather true variety in strength and skill to test myself against, rather than some homoginized version.
I also hope you can have 2, 3, + vs 1 in the arena. Can you imagine the bragging rights of someone who manages to beat 3 opponents at once?

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Nice way to sidestep the last question she put to you. I'll ask it again, since you seem to have missed it: How would I know whether an opponent has HOs or not? I can't see their enhancement screen. I could ask them, but they could lie. Sure, after fighting them once and never seeing their damage drop below 400%, I might have some indication. But what if they use their HOs more subtly? For example, a tanker or scrapper can get a good bit of extra juice out of their character by 4 slotting hasten and several of their defensive powers, then reapplying those slots to other powers.Done right, you could six slot 1-2 additional attack powers with the other player being none the wiser.

Regardless of whether you want HOs in the arena unaltered or you want a switch to turn them on and off (turning them into SOs) or you want to have them always turned off, can you honestly deny a need for full, or at least useful partial disclosure? I don't need to know what you've got slotted where, but I should be able to glance at your info screen and see "X HOs/Y SOs/Z DOs/W Trainings" before I choose to fight you or not. It gives me both knowledge of your true weight class and some insight into your skill level.