Hamidon Enhancements in the Arena




Not taking sides here, but Rocket how is being rude and arrogant better if you happen to be an "intense gamer"?



Know what else? I no longer care. hahaha.

I'm thinking at this point I HOPE that the hamidon enhancements are allowed and at full capacity. I hope the power gamers get what they want.

Not one of my losses, which I will have 0% chance of victory along with anyone else not as "fortunate" as they, will bother me. Because I know that they really didn't earn those victories. They probaly wont even have to play with their eyes open!

So lets see it Hamidon-kids, I'm ready for you to pound me without trying.



That all seems pretty valid.

Though its not like I have any other recourse. Well I do but its along the lines of.

"Well golly, I wish I had a chance in the arena. But you did work awfully hard getting those enhancements. It would be really wrong of me to want to win and undermine all your hard work. I guess if I never win a bout against any of you its okay. I mean you are superior to us casual gamers in every way!"

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You act as if the only two possible ways to approach the issue are insult-laden stonewalling and unconditional surrender. This prevents you from making an intelligent contribution to the discussion.



I'd like to see you give me a third option.



Why, oh why, has Cryptic forced us to participate in lag-ridden slideshows of a huge jello mold in order to compete in the new feature of their game?



Here's your third option: Act your damn age.

But I'm finished with trying to coax a little logic out of someone who clings to his own tantrums like a security blanket. Clearly this forum will be a better place with you on my ignore list.



Okay then. Maybe this forum will be a better place for me as well with me on your ignore list.

It comes down to you do want unconditional surrender. I never started until RocketLegend did. You want me to show respect to him hes never shown? Im not sure I can. But if you want to add me to your ignore, go right ahead.



Why, oh why, has Cryptic forced us to participate in lag-ridden slideshows of a huge jello mold in order to compete in the new feature of their game?

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On a related note: Why oh why are people who invest minimum amounts of time in the game (or just suck at it)worried about competing in the arena against those who play for 8+ hours a day and are good at what they do? Putting a limit on Hami-Os in the arena is somewhat akin to communism. Oh look at the lazy and unfortunate. They should have the same as everyone else... No thanks, I prefer capitalism. You have the same opportunity as everyone else. Take advantage of it... or don't. Your choice.

If you are level 45+ and are worried about getting spanked in the arena, stop. You played the game this long without PvP. You can still enjoy it without PvP. Winning at PvP is not eveything. PvP is not everything... just a small new feature we are getting sometime in the future. If you want an absolutely level playing field for PvP, go play Half-life 2. That's what FPSs were made for. At least there, you can scream "cheater!" when someone creams you instead of "elitist!" or "fotm!" or whatever... Just so you know, I usually take someone calling me elitist as a compliment =P

If you are level 45+ and complaining about not having any Hami-Os, go get some. Now, I only play on Justice, so have no frame of reference for other servers, but all you have to do there is keep tabs on the Hamidon global channel and show up. If you want to participate, follow directions; if you want to be a lazy mooching bum, just sit there and watch. You'll get a Hami-O either way.

If you are level 44 or less and complaining about Hami-Os at all... GO. HUNT. KILL SKULS!

-Junction Boy

Sometimes I feel like I'm stranded on an island populated only by myself and a bunch of viscious, retarded monkeys. Don't laugh... you're one of the viscious, retarded monkeys.



I'm sorry, but "Raid or lose" is the hallmark of poor development despite what you think.



Why, oh why, has Cryptic forced us to participate in lag-ridden slideshows of a huge jello mold in order to compete in the new feature of their game?

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On a related note: Why oh why are people who invest minimum amounts of time in the game (or just suck at it)worried about competing in the arena against those who play for 8+ hours a day and are good at what they do?

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I play about 5 hours a day, 5 days a week. So, I should forget PvP? It's only for students blowing off their classes, the independently wealthy and the unemployed?

Putting a limit on Hami-Os in the arena is somewhat akin to communism. Oh look at the lazy and unfortunate. They should have the same as everyone else... No thanks, I prefer capitalism. You have the same opportunity as everyone else. Take advantage of it... or don't. Your choice.

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You prefer steroids. You are deadset against competing with the natural talents of your archtype, prefering a competition where you can pay for your wins in advance rather than earning them on the battlefield.

If you are level 45+ and complaining about not having any Hami-Os, go get some. Now, I only play on Justice, so have no frame of reference for other servers, but all you have to do there is keep tabs on the Hamidon global channel and show up. If you want to participate, follow directions; if you want to be a lazy mooching bum, just sit there and watch. You'll get a Hami-O either way.

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This is exactly my complaint. We are being forced to spend countless hours participating in a lag infested slideshow. That is not skill, it's simply burning your free time in order to purchase future PvP wins.



I'm sorry, but "Raid or lose" is the hallmark of poor development despite what you think.

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Ok. Why discuss this any further? You have made it clear that you will lose to anyone with a HO slotted. HOs will be in the arena if you like it or not(obviously you don't like it). You have a few choices to make now.

1. Never fight anyone 45 or higher

2. Just cry foul play any time you are beat by someone 45 or higher

3. Don't do PvP at all

4. Stop playing CoH

That's probably a good order to put those things in since probably the last thing you want to do is stop playing CoH.



Since those are the only four options you give then I take it your aginst fair play and competition?



Man PvP is way too much a fuss...
Everyone is now rushing to get to 50 and to get lots and lots of hamidon SO's for it.
Guys.... the arena WILL NOT revolve around of level 50 battles!
As a matter of fact, you shall probably notice very fast that the lower level battles (20-40) are most likely to be the funnest. (in my opinion of course)
Secondly, Hami-SO's shall be nice, but, they are not the only factor involved. Use your head and you may have a chance. Of course, I haven't gotten high enough level to see the effects of a Hami-SO, but, for all of you who were complaining about having to go hamidon farming, think of this, is the top 30 arena spots for the 45-50 level range really worth you spending countless hours doing something you don't want to do?



Okay then. Maybe this forum will be a better place for me as well with me on your ignore list.

It comes down to you do want unconditional surrender. I never started until RocketLegend did. You want me to show respect to him hes never shown? Im not sure I can. But if you want to add me to your ignore, go right ahead.

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you persieved my words as insulting to you, then threw a tantrum and continued to rail against everyone who disagreed with you with the same vehemency you showed to me, the original offender. don't blame this on me, kiddo, you are being a jerk to everyone - not just this single jerk.



Man PvP is way too much a fuss...
Everyone is now rushing to get to 50 and to get lots and lots of hamidon SO's for it.
Guys.... the arena WILL NOT revolve around of level 50 battles!
As a matter of fact, you shall probably notice very fast that the lower level battles (20-40) are most likely to be the funnest. (in my opinion of course)
Secondly, Hami-SO's shall be nice, but, they are not the only factor involved. Use your head and you may have a chance. Of course, I haven't gotten high enough level to see the effects of a Hami-SO, but, for all of you who were complaining about having to go hamidon farming, think of this, is the top 30 arena spots for the 45-50 level range really worth you spending countless hours doing something you don't want to do?

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HOs are obscenely effective. An attack six slotted with an Acc/Dam HO does 400% damage all the time and gives a total accuracy of 225%. That's enough to ignore, entirely, 130% defense. 130% defense is roughly the same amount that's given by three FF defenders casting six-slotted (SO) deflection shields on a single character. So while we don't fully know the effects that HOs will have on arena combat, we can have some idea just by looking at the numbers.

To put it another way, imagine an AR blaster starting a fight with Full Auto and crippling your team, including any defense-based (ice armor, super reflexes) tanker or scrappers, with only a 5% chance of missing any of them, no matter how well buffed they are. It's also possible that they will kill weaker members, but I'd need to see the FA damage output of a level 50 blaster to know for sure. That's a likely effect an HO will have.



I'm sorry, but "Raid or lose" is the hallmark of poor development despite what you think.

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Ok. Why discuss this any further? You have made it clear that you will lose to anyone with a HO slotted. HOs will be in the arena if you like it or not(obviously you don't like it). You have a few choices to make now.

1. Never fight anyone 45 or higher

2. Just cry foul play any time you are beat by someone 45 or higher

3. Don't do PvP at all

4. Stop playing CoH

That's probably a good order to put those things in since probably the last thing you want to do is stop playing CoH.

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That was an amazing speech!



You have a few choices to make now.

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I agree with your list - those are the options I'm looking at (well, not 2 and probably not 4).

Now imagine if a big chunk of the playerbase feels the same. Option 3 means not buying CoV. Option 4 means cancelling your subscription. Do you think Cryptic wants either?

All this talk about intense/casual, lazy/hard-worker, capitalist/communist (this one amuses me) means little -- I don't like farming a raid. If raid farming is tied to PvP then I will skip PvP. If I'm not enjoying PvP I'll think twice before I buy CoV. Pretty easy cause and effect.

If there are enough players like me (and I think there are) the game needs to accomidate us. This is the truest form of capitalism.



To put it another way, imagine an AR blaster starting a fight with Full Auto and crippling your team, including any defense-based (ice armor, super reflexes) tanker or scrappers, with only a 5% chance of missing any of them, no matter how well buffed they are. It's also possible that they will kill weaker members, but I'd need to see the FA damage output of a level 50 blaster to know for sure. That's a likely effect an HO will have.

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Heh, sounds like Diablo 2 all over again.
Well once again, solution:
Don't play arena levels 45-50
Make sure you don't fight anyone with hami-Os



To put it another way, imagine an AR blaster starting a fight with Full Auto and crippling your team, including any defense-based (ice armor, super reflexes) tanker or scrappers, with only a 5% chance of missing any of them, no matter how well buffed they are. It's also possible that they will kill weaker members, but I'd need to see the FA damage output of a level 50 blaster to know for sure. That's a likely effect an HO will have.

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Heh, sounds like Diablo 2 all over again.
Well once again, solution:
Don't play arena levels 45-50
Make sure you don't fight anyone with hami-Os

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Problem with one is that I want to play levels 45-50. The problem with two is, unless there's an option to either display the number of HO/SO/DO/Training enhancments the other player has slotted or an option to turn off a certain level of enhancements, I don't have a way to do this. I can say, "Hey do you have any HOs," but this is about as likely to work as specifying "No Zerg Rushes" in Starcraft. Worse, in that if you Zerg rush me, I'll know I lost because you chose to disregard the requested code of conduct, whereas if you have a handful of HOs in the right places, I might never know at all.

It's not quite as simple as you put it, without some way built into the game to enforce a certain level of honesty on the people that want to use HOs. Until then, my only options are to play against people that I know and play regularly with or to not play. I don't want to do the latter, and if I wanted to do the former, I'd be playing Unreal Tournament on a password protected server.

So let's add a couple of options to your choices:

Get the devs to add an enhancement disabler (this would also allow people in the 10-15 and 20-25 range the option to turn everyone's abilities down to DOs or trainings, to prevent twinked characters from dominating against people that didn't have their friends/alts dump influence on them)

Get the devs to add an option to display the numbers of each rank of enhancement in a character's build. This allows for an honest and informed fight between HO and non-HO characters, if the players choose.



How about not playing PvP at all... I totally disagree with Hami enancements, and playing on the Justice server makes getting a Hami enhancement even less desirable, griefing, spamming, staffing, arguing, trip mines, alpha strikes...basically a lot of BS...and if we will never know who has HO's, then just don't play it. Period.
From what I have read on the forums, if they segregate matches with people having HO's, they are gonna cry foul, they want to have their hidden advantage over others. Look at all the threads on Justice about farming Hami, PRIVATE Hami raids---I guess that means their $15 dollars a month is worth more than mine. By negating HO's in PvP or segregating them, that will NERF all of their "hard work". Its just way to much BS to be fun/enjoyable for me, and if doing that gives them that advantage in PvP, then I happily decline playing PvP. What happend to superior skillz and creative builds? Read the PLing thread, most of the PLers want to go straight to Hami and PvP. People who simply don't want to farm Hami all the time are going to be S.O.L. Several of my toons never did Positron's TF...should the people that did do it have an advantage over me...even though I have done all of the other TFs? So, what I can glean from the forums is that the high end PvP is going to be mostly Power Leveling Hamidon Farmers... I'll pass thx.

They should make an Arena server. From the start, create a 50, slot him however you want like a respec, have a Store in the lobby that gives out all the HO's and the the power levelers and hami farmers dance all over in bliss. The PLers miss all that content they hate, Hami farmers get 1000% increase to thier toons, and then they can all spam each other after the fighting is over how there is still too little level 50 content in the game. Let the spamming begin...



well most of that distasteful griefing stuff is gone now.

the rest of your opinion has been expressed by others and ignited a few flame wars. mostly the suggestion that all HO users are PLers or power gamers. i'm sure you can observe the wreckage by reading most of this thread :P



So, what I can glean from the forums is that the high end PvP is going to be mostly Power Leveling Hamidon Farmers... I'll pass thx.

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Two things about this...

One, if they're PL'ed and have not played their character outside the arena... they will get trashed by anyone who has any kind of clue how to play their toon. Two, what you are hearing comes from a very vocal minority. You look in one thread about PL'ing and expect to get an unbiased, complete look at the makeup of the lvl 50 crowd? At least look around a little more before you come to this conclusion.



Why doesn't someone make a web site with a list of characters and SG's with Hami enhancments and the rest of us can avoid them? Have a Hami class and a non hami class.



Well once again, solution:
Don't play arena levels 45-50
Make sure you don't fight anyone with hami-Os

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And, don't get City of Villains.

These are not the only solutions. Another solution, one that all the HO hoes aren't mentioning, is to get Cryptic to fix the problem. HOs are overpowered. They break the game's paradigm of not being loot based (as do Accolades, to a much lesser extent). Fix the problem, Cryptic! Allow us to remove HOs from PvP.



Sigh. It's all been said, I'm not going to repeat it. All I ask at this time is for Statesman to address the issue of HOs as loot versus how the rest of coh operates, and the more or less false advertising that they do ("coh has no loot, farming, camping, etc." he's said it). If he comes out and says, yes lvl 45-50 pvp is about loot, we lied/changed our mind (although as some have pointed out HOs have been in the game forever, so I suppose it would have to be more of a lie), then fine, at least he's being honest and I can simply accept that the devs' vision of the game isn't something I want to play any longer. If he remains silent on the issue, well, that's an answer too, albeit a more cowardly one.