A Guide to Hamidon Enhancements




there is currently no way to increase the size of AoEs other than the cone range increase enhancements and those aren't in HOs in any way.



Did you even read the thread fork you replied to?

On test, Damage/Range HOs have been modified to be Damage/Range/Cone Range (in order to fix the bug where slotting such an HO in a cone-range power would cause the power to be able to "go off" at the extended range, but not cause any damage). This affects all "cone" powers currently - including melee-only cones such as Shadow Maul, Headsplitter, and Golden Dragonfly.

As an aside... cone range enhancements do not currently add to the area of an AoE - on live or on test. I don't know whether that applies to PBAoE, which is why I didn't post (I will test this tonight - stuck at work now) - it depends on whether PBAoE is coded as "AoE centered at <user>" or as "360º cone from <user>". I could see it going either way, but I'm guessing it's the former.




Regarding the use of Membranes for making Hasten perma-on with just 4 slots:

I believe that only 3 HO Membranes are required for this. My assumption is that currently, an SO gives +30% Recharge Rate increase.

6-slotting Hasten with SO’s should therefore give 30% x 6 = +180% Recharge Rate Increase.

4-slotting Hasten with HO’s should give 50% x 4 = +200% Recharge Rate Increase. (i.e. more than is needed for perma-hasten).

But 3 HO’s and one SO gives (50% x 3) + (30%) = 180% Recharge Rate Increase. (i.e. identical to that given by 6 SO’s).


"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



You're using an incorrect SO figure. Recharge SOs boost .333 in the recharge equation:

rchg = base rchg / (1 + bonuses).

Base recharge = 450 seconds - to get rchg down to 120, bonuses must therefore = (base rchg / rchg) - 1, or 2.75. Hasten is 0.7. So, you need 2.05 worth of bonuses to come from your enhancements in order to achieve true perma-Hasten. Six white SOs do not *quite* cut it (1.998) - this is why you will usually see people recommending green SOs for perma-hasten (you need at least four plusses worth).

Four HOs will give you a bonus of 2.0 at level 50 (since you can't have +level HOs - they don't drop at 51 :P ). So four will not *quite* get you to perma-Hasten - just as six even SOs don't *quite* make it. But the downtime is on the order of two seconds. Shouldn't matter *that* much. But three HOs and an SO will give you about nine seconds downtime.





responding to an old post.... but.... on my first raid also... i got a 47 HO... i was 45 at the time and not SKed to anyone... this also happened to a friend (can't remember what lvl he got... 46-48) and he was not SKed either.



wow can you respond to a post and not be a jerk?

yes was aware of that upcoming change but it wasn't put to test nor is it live so I didn't include it in my post.

when it does add to range will it actually increase the cone size or will it only extend the end meaning the cone increases up to say 70' then after than will fire up to the max range given and at the set width.

I read the test patch notes and see no mention of the HO range fix but since you are master of information go and test the question I gave and tell us the results.



wow can you respond to a post and not be a jerk?

yes was aware of that upcoming change but it wasn't put to test nor is it live so I didn't include it in my post.

when it does add to range will it actually increase the cone size or will it only extend the end meaning the cone increases up to say 70' then after than will fire up to the max range given and at the set width.

I read the test patch notes and see no mention of the HO range fix but since you are master of information go and test the question I gave and tell us the results.

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Yes, I can, and have, responded to plenty of posts without being a jerk. Just look two posts prior to yours. I only bring out my jerk side when someone hops into the middle of a conversation with blatant misinformation.

Now, again, if you *read* the thread fork, you'll see that I *already tested* the enhanced range on the Test server. The change is currently in existence on Test. As to width - rather difficult to test that with Golden Dragonfly, although it did "seem like" it was easier to hit not-directly-aligned mobs. The true test would be Shadow Maul, which I cannot test personally. However, standard cone range enhancements enhance length-of-cone but not angle-of-cone. I don't believe the devs would change that for this type of bug fix - the screams from blasters would resound most heavily.




you sound oversenstive then perhaps you need a nap or ask for mommy to get your blankie back and you might have a better nap.

again I see no patch notes so other than having a cone power with an HO in it there was no way to know.

Cone range enhancers only modify the range of the cone not the arc. Increasing that range does increase the size of the cone but only at the end. Having just more range would be different. Can't really explain without a visual but kinda seems pointless with [censored] like you tearing into folk actually trying to help. I've also been responding in the thread a while correcting bad information and there was a situation where I was wrong on the ToHit and Debuff percentages but I noted I was wrong after I looked into it further.

as for blatant missinformation, gee don't know I was right on with the fact you can't modifiy the size of any AoEs currently.

As for the bug fix to HO's and cone powers nothing was listed in patch notes so...

Whatever this thread is so misconstrued of its original intent doesn't matter anyway. Continue to wollow in your mightyness [censored] I've got better things to do with my time.



you sound oversenstive then perhaps you need a nap or ask for mommy to get your blankie back and you might have a better nap.

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Look, man, I didn't come in here ragging on your age or maturity level. I freely admit I asked one question that was somewhat jerkish - I was responding to someone coming in and flatly contradicting a test I had actually conducted and posted results for.

again I see no patch notes so other than having a cone power with an HO in it there was no way to know.

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Without reading the thread fork, I agree. However, if you had read, you would have seen that yes, there was a way to know. Test results.

Cone range enhancers only modify the range of the cone not the arc.

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Is that not what I *just* said?


as for blatant missinformation, gee don't know I was right on with the fact you can't modifiy the size of any AoEs currently.

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there is currently no way to increase the size of AoEs other than the cone range increase enhancements

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This phrase says "the only way to increase the size of AoEs is cone range enhancements". Doesn't sound "right on" to me.

Let me put it this way. Again, I admit I was somewhat jerkish with the initial line of my first post. However, since, I've done nothing but respond to your personal attacks on me - and correct misinformation. If that's "wollow(ing) in my mightyness" (sic) - so be it. I don't feel mighty - but if you see me as such, perhaps I am.

All hail the mighty Kamendae!

</tongue in cheek>




I read the test patch notes and see no mention of the HO range fix but since you are master of information go and test the question I gave and tell us the results.

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The dmg/rng Hami's on a ranged cone power like Energy Torrent IS FIXED ON TEST. This was an undocumented change but it is fixed because my BS/SR Scrapper on Test (and Live) has Energy Torrent from the Epic Pool and I can still throw it back farther but now the range is accounted for AND hits the mob, unlike on Live right now where it throws back farther BUT it doesnt count as a hit.

Where this flame on Kam came from, I have no clue as I've read every post in this thread (obviously)

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Reading the thread got me wondering. I have a lvl 50 DM scrapper, I also am holding 6 damage/range HOs that nobody wants to trade for. Soooo.... Off to test we go.

Shadow Maul slotted 2 ACC 4 DAM all lvl 53 SOs

Attack on Lvl 50 Nemesis Colonel Lt.
-I could get Shadow Maul to hit two of them, if they were right next to each other (One infront of the other). This is just how it's always been. I could get 3 in the cone if I could line them up to where I'd attack the one in front of me, and the other two were side by side behind the first one, again this is normal. Damage was 38 smashing 38 negative per tick for a total of 304 damage.

Shadow Maul slotted 6 Damage/Range HOs lvl 50

-This is sick, and I really don't see this hitting live. I could hit the same lvl 50 Nemesis Colonel from about 10 feet away. I rounded up a bunch of minions, and could reliably take out whole spawns (8 or 9 minions) in one application of Shadow Maul. The cone was noticably wider at the end. I'd say a bit over 4 mobs wide. This is a huge difference. That, and damage vs a lvl 50 Nemesis Colonel was up to 60 smash and 60 negative per tick for a total of 480.

Just thought I'd post my results for those speculating what it would be like. Tested without buffs, soul drain, or insps.




Hmmm, well, to have to go what you have gone though to get the six hami-os, and the level you have reached, the damage does not seem out of line to me and the area of effect seems fine.

Sounds like a horrid situation....for the BAD guys (haha), but AoE attacks can do that. Yours is just the best.





Okay, just figured to ask a Hami-O question myself... i really haven't swam through this enormous thread yet, but i do know that if there's a question to ask (about Hami-Os), there's an answer!

Shoot!: How effective is Hover with 3 Microfilament Exposures? How fast? Numbers please! Is it effective enough for short distances (e.g. 200 yds)? I'd like to be able to use it to compensate for the lack of vertical ability having Super Speed. I do have Hurdle, but i need something for those higher heights :P. Also for places like Skyway, when passing by, and if i miss my target in FBZ. Thanks in advance



How effective is Hover with 3 Microfilament Exposures? How fast? Numbers please!

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Bad news, I'm afraid. The Travel portion of Microfilament is the ONLY HO boost which is worse than an SO. A Microfilament gives a 30% speed bonus, versus the 33.3% speed bonus given by an SO. We don't know why that is. Every other HO boost is 1.5 times better than the equivilant SO.

But that means you don't want Microfilament in Hover, most likely. It's still useful to some people in Fly, as Microfilament gives a 30% Speed boost plus 50% END reduction. Which means you won't run out of END with it with Fly.

It is POSSIBLE that this is a bug, and that the Devs will fix this for the better at some point. Or they may have wanted to limit Travel Speed boosts. The ways of the Devs is a mystery ...

- Jeremy White



Shoot!: How effective is Hover with 3 Microfilament Exposures? How fast? Numbers please!

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See what Blue_One said above. HOs only provide a 30% bonus, hopefully that's a bug that's going to be fixed. That said, here are a few numbers...

Base running speed is 21 feet/second. Sprint is a 50% boost, so you go 31.5 feet/second. Fly at level 50 has a base speed of 49.66 feet/second, while Super Speed is 94.53 feet/second. These numbers are all unenhanced and for comparison.

Base Hover is 4.2 feet/second, but Enhancements to Hover use the 21 feet/second as the basis. That means each SO increases the speed of Hover by 7 feet/second. With 3 SOs, you go 25.18 feet/second. With 3 HOs, that would be 23.1 feet/second.

That enough numbers for you? I'm on vacation now, but I expect to finish my Movement Guide next week with all of these numbers and more.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Argh. I asume they're doing this for PvP purposes. Anyways, thanks guys. I guess it's not worth slotting period. At least those slots can go to use elsewhere.. Thanks guys



Hmm... odd. It states in this this thread that Fly Speed SOs only give a ~15% flight speed boost... although i never went beyond the first 3 posts, so i never got to see what everyone else said (figure i'll get a more straight forward answer here). Could anyone confirm that Fly Speed SOs give only a ~15% boost?



Here's a question for the hamiO gurus, and I hope that it's a fresh one, my apologies if it has allready been brought up....

How does one get level 53 HOs ? I know they exist, but I'm curious as to the mechanism with which they are acquired.

anybody know ?



One does not get 53 HOs. They do not exist.

53 SOs can be gotten in a variety of places, however.




How does one get level 53 HOs ? I know they exist, but I'm curious as to the mechanism with which they are acquired.

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If they existed, its news to me

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Allright, went digging on me own, and apparantly, there was a bug that allowed 53s to drop from him but it has since been changed.

I noticed that the person who said he had 53s was from one of the supergroups that had the earliest hands in defeating hami.

Scuttlebutt also informs that they work identically as 50 HOs.

Anyway, a curious tidbit of hamiO trivia to be sure.



umm, un-photoshopped pictures please?

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Hmm... odd. It states in this this thread that Fly Speed SOs only give a ~15% flight speed boost... although i never went beyond the first 3 posts, so i never got to see what everyone else said (figure i'll get a more straight forward answer here). Could anyone confirm that Fly Speed SOs give only a ~15% boost?

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a couple questions....

first about the travel/end HO's....

we know the travel part is messed up, but does the end reduction part provide full HO value?

im thinking it will be a cheap way to slot up Focused Accuracy when i cant get Cytoskeletons.

Second, does anyone know if Spine Burst suffers from the same HO range bug as the cone attacks?




we know the travel part is messed up, but does the end reduction part provide full HO value?

Second, does anyone know if Spine Burst suffers from the same HO range bug as the cone attacks?

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Travel HO -- I don't know for sure if anyone has tested the Endurance portion of Microfilament, but I've certainly NEVER heard any rumor to the effect that it was providing less than the full 50% End Reduction. This during long threads about how it was giving less than an SO's worth of Travel speed.

So Microfilament would appear to give 30% Travel Speed + 50% END.

I thought I read that they had fixed the Cone Range HO bug on Test. Not sure, but I believe the fix is on the way.

- Jeremy White