A Guide to Hamidon Enhancements




I thought I read that they had fixed the Cone Range HO bug on Test. Not sure, but I believe the fix is on the way.

- Jeremy White

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It is fixed. They fixed the cone range and also fixed the normal range portion so when you throw something like Energy Torrent farther back, it actually hits the enemy now.

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if all you want is end, you're better off slotting enzymes... they're easier to come by, and less universally usefull.



I have one question that somebody could test out for me. I have Instant Healing six slotted with the heal/end HO's. My question is if there is a cap on the regen rate on IH? and if so, how many HO's would it take to hit it. I am thinking four would cap it and that I should put two in integration.



I don't think there is a cap. You just don't get as big a benefit from them as you used to.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



So I should leave those HO's in IH?



So I should leave those HO's in IH?

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Yes, do not delete them or whatnot.

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Does the Mez component of the HO increase the base duration of the power's mez by 50%?

E.g. Gravity Distortion Field. Base duration of Hold: 15 seconds. With 1 Acc/Mez or Dmg/Mez HO that would be 22.5 seconds right?

Also, this doesn't in any affect the Mag of a mez does it? Can't imagine that it does, but haven't had an opportunity to test it yet.



I believe that is accurate. And no, it has no effect whatsoever to mag. Just duration.

One thing I was disheartened to discover is that there is apparently a maximum hold duration.

For grins I copied my character to the test server and slotted up EMPulse with 6 Acc/Mez HOs. I then ran into a group of blue nemesis minions and RI/EFed them. Then I hit Power Build Up, followed by Vanguard. This should have quadrupled or at least tripled the duration but it did not increase past I believe 4 minutes. I can't remember for sure how long it was but I think 4 minutes is right.

Anyway keep this in mind when slotting up with /mez HOs.



With 6 slotted HOs, you get +300% MEZ duration. Power Build Up and Vanguard give you +100% each.

Mez Duration = Base duration * (1 + Enhancements)
Mez Duration = 45 seconds * (1+3+1+1)
Mez Duration = 270 seconds (4 and a half minutes)

Seems pretty close to what you saw.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



I've used GDF and GD on CoTs in Perez Park while I was in my 40s, I didn't time it, but the hold duration was insanely long (well over five minutes).

Although this information is rather useless... it leads me to believe that there is no duration cap.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



Thanks for the responses.

Has anyone that uses Dmg/Mez thought it at all worthwhile for their Controller to slot them on the Single/AoE Holds/Immobs?

I'm not sure if it would be worth 4-6 slotting something like Fire Cages, Stone Cages, Crushing Field, or Frostbite. It seems that normally 2-3 slots is sufficient (1 Acc, 2 Immob), but perhaps with the right combination of 2 Acc/Mez and 4 Dmg/Mez these powers might actually be decent for damage?

On the other hand, 2-6 Acc/Mez might be better to slot for these AoE powers (although obviously 6 Acc is way overkill unless you're trying to hit MoG or Elude Scrappers or people with bubble Shields in PvP i'd guess).

So slightly off topic, but anyone have thoughts on this?



I currently have my single target hold slotted with two Acc/Mez and four Dam/Mez... If it lands and holds... you get the idea

As for my mass hold, it is slotted with two Acc/Mez and four recharges, I can nearly perma chain hold a group (with hasten).

That is the extent of my experience with HOs... but I still need more

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



How effective is Hover with 3 Microfilament Exposures? How fast? Numbers please!

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Bad news, I'm afraid. The Travel portion of Microfilament is the ONLY HO boost which is worse than an SO. A Microfilament gives a 30% speed bonus, versus the 33.3% speed bonus given by an SO. We don't know why that is. Every other HO boost is 1.5 times better than the equivilant SO.

But that means you don't want Microfilament in Hover, most likely. It's still useful to some people in Fly, as Microfilament gives a 30% Speed boost plus 50% END reduction. Which means you won't run out of END with it with Fly.

It is POSSIBLE that this is a bug, and that the Devs will fix this for the better at some point. Or they may have wanted to limit Travel Speed boosts. The ways of the Devs is a mystery ...

- Jeremy White

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I PM'd Statesman about this and he said:
From: Statesman

The Hammie boosts travel powers by 30%.

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so it looks like its not a bug.




I PM'd Statesman about this and he said:
From: Statesman

The Hammie boosts travel powers by 30%.

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so it looks like its not a bug.

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Worst. News. Possible.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



Hmm, just read through the majority of that; can anyone confirm that Lysos = 50% acc boost? If so, they may be worth slotting just for that aspect alone. And could anyone compile a handy little chart thing for Hasten and number of HO membranes and ++ Sos needed to be perma? Or what the combinations are? That way if someone only has two membranes to spare, they'll know whether losing 1-2 slots in Hasten is viable or not. One for AM would be ever-so-desireable too And excellent posts made throughout this thread by all!



Did you even read the thread fork you replied to?

On test, Damage/Range HOs have been modified to be Damage/Range/Cone Range (in order to fix the bug where slotting such an HO in a cone-range power would cause the power to be able to "go off" at the extended range, but not cause any damage). This affects all "cone" powers currently - including melee-only cones such as Shadow Maul, Headsplitter, and Golden Dragonfly.

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This is on test already?!? *grumble* patch notes.


As an aside... cone range enhancements do not currently add to the area of an AoE - on live or on test. I don't know whether that applies to PBAoE, which is why I didn't post (I will test this tonight - stuck at work now) - it depends on whether PBAoE is coded as "AoE centered at <user>" or as "360ยบ cone from <user>". I could see it going either way, but I'm guessing it's the former.


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When were Cone enhancements supposed to enhance AoE effects? It increases the range of the cone, and thus the length of area it can affect, but I've never read anything relating it to AoE powers, targeted or PBAoEs.



You cant slot SO range enhancements into Powers like Headsplitter, etc...but Hami's have that ability even though it shouldn't be, IMO

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I finally got my hands on four of the attack rate HO's. With hasten four slotted with those HO's, hasten has a one second downtime. So it's pretty much perma. What's one second going to do. Juts thought you all would like to know this little bit of info.



umm, un-photoshopped pictures please?

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I take back my question. I got help and realized 53's do exist and have one myself, heh

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was this just something that used to drop back in like, issue 1 or beta? or is it still possible to get 53 HOs? (and how?)



umm, un-photoshopped pictures please?

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I take back my question. I got help and realized 53's do exist and have one myself, heh

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was this just something that used to drop back in like, issue 1 or beta? or is it still possible to get 53 HOs? (and how?)

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I've heard (though havn't seen confirmation recently) that if you exemplar down to a 45 or 47 at the hami raid you will get a higher level HO but that the higher level HOs only behave like a level 50 HO...

One thing that would be great to check is to see if level differences have any effect on the potency of HOs. Given what I've been seeing lately it wouldn't. Shouldn't be too hard to test if someone has a lower level recharge or damage based HO.



If you exemplar, yes, you will get a higher lvl Hamidon Enhancement but no proof has been given that these Hami's are functioning at lvl53 or lvl50

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Does anyone know if either of these affect slows?

Peroxisome Exposure - Damage and Mez: This is a common thing used in a power like Total focus or any powers that have a mez attached to them (ie: Hold, sleep, stun, etc..but NOT knockback)

Endoplasm Exposure - Accuracy and Mez: This is very helpful for Controllers and a lot of Defenders. Self explanatory.

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Does anyone know if either of these affect slows?

Peroxisome Exposure - Damage and Mez: This is a common thing used in a power like Total focus or any powers that have a mez attached to them (ie: Hold, sleep, stun, etc..but NOT knockback)

Endoplasm Exposure - Accuracy and Mez: This is very helpful for Controllers and a lot of Defenders. Self explanatory.

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Sadly, they don't They affect: disorient, hold, sleep, immobilization, knockback (anyone know for sure about knockUP/DOWN? ) and maybe confusion and or fear. I know for sure that they don't affect slows; no Hamis as of yet do no end recovery, endurance drain and some others as well. I'm actually wondering if they wouldn't introduce a -regen at some point, since some of the slows and other powers now supress/-regen.