Vote! Statesman, Positron '04




NO NO NO!!!! Vote for DARK NEUTRON as your mayor of Paragon City!!!! (No kidding!). Send a petition to Devs today saying you want to see Dark Neutron as your mayor!!!
For more info ion his campaign: Dark Neutron for Mayor




Course answering the following question may sway my vote. Why during the distribution of the antidote to the Unity Plague do we ignore Kings Row.? [cut] But poor Kings Row, I feel the ignoring of such a zone of poverty is a issue that needs to be addressed. So how would you address this candidates?

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Debate! Debate! I call for a debate!



Why vote for the lesser evil?

/Recluse supporter



(National Anthem Playing in the Background)

Mighty Man: Ladies and gentlemen, voting is an important part of our nation, and I must say I love our nation for giving proud people like you the right to vote. So when you vote today, don't vote for someone that looks like a disgusting spider, or wears a helmet all the time even though he obviously doesn't need it to protect his head. I'm Mighty Man, and I don't wear a mask OR look like a disgusting spider.
Mighty Man is also down with "teh" "L33T" "SkillZ", and can even talk the street, word up, and so on. He is also "Uber-Rulerrzzz", and does not "suxxors" like his two "n00b" opponents.
So vote for Mighty Man for Mayor, caus' you have to "PH3aR" his homies, G.

Peace Out, Mighty Man

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic



Vote Frostfire! He promises ice slides in every mission and city!



As the unofficial best-looking campaign manager, I propose we allow the candidates to fight to the death. Or, we could simply all watch the CoV trailer again and skip the Statesman defeat.



I vote for Geko, he's the only dev who gets anything done.



Given Statesman's long record of being unable to live up to his campaign's hype, and Lord Recluse's lack of experience, I'm rooting for the Geko/Vyv ticket. You might not like what they're doing, but at least they're straightforward, honest, and experienced!

Has anyone gotten Jimmy Carter involved yet? Without him, who knows how much vote fraud and voter intimidation we'll have due to recognized enemies like the Devouring Earth, Hellions, and Vahzilok.



First off, SpongeCake, that was hugely funny. Yeah, our consitituion is a sticker people actually having to be a citizen of the US to vote for our president...we're funny that way.

As far as this vote goes, I'm going to have to go with Sanjay in Skyway City. Hey, he's up on the latest news and he cares about our city.

Suuuuuuurrrrreeee, Statesman can break him in twain with nary a blink, and Lord Recluse would probably suck out his soul or something...but hey, a man reading a paper as the city falls into corruption around him...that takes guts...

Do ya FEEL me, PARAGON CITY!!!!!!!




I vote for Geko, he's the only dev who gets anything done.

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A vote for Geko is a vote for the insurance industry! That candidate with literally "do the robot" for money! The city will be controlled by nothing but money-backed special interests!

But I've got good news... I just saved a load of money by voting for CuppaJo!



But I've got good news... I just saved a load of money by voting for CuppaJo!

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No, that's Geko....

Vote for Geko and save a TON of money on Car Insurance!

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic



I am crying FOUL now!!!

Even Statesman has said the Avg. is about 3 to 1 (Minion v/s Hero) If the Villians are scaring up the votes. Think about how skewed this election is going to be!!!!

I think Heros should get 3 votes on a number system like that. I will take this as high as the Council too!!!

Vote 4 Statesman!!! He is all for the better quality of life of all of us!!!

CAN"T WE ALL BE FRIENDS I mean look at it, he gave you all the Hazard Zones to do with as you please....
If you Vote Statesman He will provide Weed-eaters for all in Perez Park!!!


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Don't worry, we have been busy canvassing Dark Astoria -- we're getting out the ghost vote. Banished Pantheon isn't eligible as most are from another dimension. The Sixth Census -- I Count Dead People.

Those of you with Magical archetypes, don't forget to get killed today and do the reincarnation thing. Sure, it's an exploit of the system, but we must vanquish evil!

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Statesman was in much more than that, he's a bona fide army vet!

Served in WW1 before he got his powers, served in WW2 after he got his powers, and he helped out with military operations during the Cold War (during which he was hit by a nuke.... ouch)

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Yes but I just saw a special by the "Swift/Sprint Veterans for Truth" that said Positron got numerous deferments due to his suit of armor.

Recluse/Jo - The only way to go!

Doesn't pander to supporters by giving them "Treats"
Willing to stand up for the right to do evil
Offers SG Bases when he is in office next year

Never seen without the helmet, what's he hiding?
Doesn't offer same helmet to new heroes in the costume creator
Has knowingly provided short range missles (rocks) to heroes on the weekend before the election

Routinely racks up debt on young heroes, at a time when they need xp the most
Wears flannel before labor day
Also never shows his face.

Friend to the little man, no matter how stumpy. (Also likes the Soggy Bottom Boys)
Has high caffine content
Has never had a hero die on any of her task forces.

Recluse/Jo - The only way to go!



Im voting for the Wasteland/Aura ticket. Aura has been helping us on the forums since beta and is cool because of the hand written letter I recieved when I won an event. And Wasteland made it so I can see colors on my laptop. Anyone who can turn a grey world into a colorful world gets my vote.



*Start scary backround music*
*Deep announcer voice ON*

This election season before you vote, remember a few facts.

FACT: Statesman saves babies.
FACT: Recluse EATS babies.

FACT: Statesman saved Paragon City.
FACT: Recluse has tried to DESTROY Paragon City.

FACT: Statesman helps new heroes with personal notes in the Game Manual.
FACT: Recluse ISN'T IN the Game Manual.

FACT: Statesman promotes good personal hygiene and is a sharp dresser.
FACT: Recluse stinks. And his mother dresses him funny.

The conclusion is clear. Do you want a smelly, baby eating villian as your President? Or a clean cut all American hero like STATESMAN?

*scary backround music OFF*
*deep announcer voice OFF*

O ye that love cake! Ye that love to lick and nibble, stand forth! Freedom to taste and savor hath been hunted round the boards. If I am to be denied my cake ere long, let it be said that I went to my fate with a face full of creamy frosting and a smile on my face.
Go. Nibble. Lick Cake!



Umm...ok, yeah, I have to change my vote....Wasteland got my driver in the game and ....I can see dead people...oh, that's a co-worker, never mind......but yeah, Wasteland for VIP



Posted me crazy but i will be voting for the socialist equality for monsters party.

Vote Echoai for President and recieve a free rock!!

*my name is MollusK and I approve this message*



Well, whether you vote for Statesman or Lord Recluse, just remember Gilgamesh's "Vote or DIE!" slogan...

Mighty Man: Vote or Die? What the heck does that mean?
Gilgamesh (***** Pistol): What do you THINK it means, (censored)?!
Mighty Man: Aaahh!
Gilgamesh (Waving Pistol Around): Vote or DIE, mother (cesored)!

[/ QUOTE ]

ripping off south park?

i think i'll piss on this election too. both parties are promising things now, but i doubt they'll live up to later.

like why can't the hellions be better shots? i doubt recluse will help train them. and cuppa moving in the take away freedom of speech, seems like evil to me. and when is states gonna show up in atlas. you know, just like the incumbent, only do a couple photo ops here and there, and the occassional conference. now, positron, you always see him, but it's always the same.

and where are the independents? you can never go for them cause it'll just swing the vote to one of the other parties depending on the zone.

that's why i'd like to write in a paco vote. you know, the npc by the hospital in galaxy. with a name like paco, you can't go wrong.



I am crying FOUL now!!!

Even Statesman has said the Avg. is about 3 to 1 (Minion v/s Hero) If the Villians are scaring up the votes. Think about how skewed this election is going to be!!!!

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Massive allegations of voter fraud will disqualify most of the villain votes. I mean honestly, there's like 3,500 guys running around this city claiming to be "Hellion Brawler!"

Mostly Pinnacle, with scattered alts on Liberty, Freedom, and Justice.

I had a great time playing with you!



Make the Hero vote count, get it out. Vote & if your in Florida Vote 2 or 3 times. Recluse/Jo take it all the way--never forget the minoin vote they out number us all.



While Lord Recluse and CuppaJo may be too busy liberating campaign funds from Paragon S&L, I feel it is my duty as a citizen to respond to these allegations.

1) That baby incident was never proven, besides, Lord Recluse is on the Atkins diet, and everyone knows that you are allowed unlimited baby.

2) Now we are going to punish Lord Recluse for something he *tried* to do? Obviously Paragon City still stands, so he hasnt destroyed it yet. Where I am from we reward people for trying, we dont punish them for things they have never done.

3) You are aware of the vast Statesman-ain conspiracy in regards to the game manual? As Lord Recluse tries to get the new manual pubished with the updated information that includes powers that exist, it is stopped by publishing. Have you noticed that there have been two issues released since launch, yet no updated game manual that even lists level 41-50!

4) Sure Lord Recluse "experimented" with a Dark Arts scrapper in his wiley youth, but come on, who hasn't?

Recluse & CuppaJo - The only way to go!

Really people, how annoyed are you when you vote for someone that turns out to be a criminal? Vote Recluse now and you don't have to worry about that disappointment later.



The Paragon Absurdist party offers you the PMCCALL/BEERJITSU ticket.

We are, arguably, the stupidest posters on these boards.

Our platform includes:

<ul type="square">[*]Improved Mind Control and Regen Powersets[*]A new AT - the Togonians[*]MORE LOST IN KING'S ROW![*]PIE! We are the only party offering PIE![/list]
No matter how you vote, your government will be stupid. Shouldn't they be good at it? Vote Stupid in 2004!



Bwhahaha, but *IIIIIIII* own all the voting machines.





Recluse, a child eater? Hah! It was never proven that the baby was eaten on purpose, he was only kissing these children and didn't know the speed and strength at which he attempted this act would cause trauma from the mask/fangs. Now, we all know that dragons make better Presidents, even when ruling in voice via a Presidential Elect. And after all, Mt St Helens was about erupt. The Great Ghost Dance has begun......(more Shadow Run)



It's really sad that people think some imaginary digital superheroes would be better at leading our country than the real choices.

It's even sadder that I agree with them!