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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    for those of you interested in Arena PvP, i got this yesterday from Lighthouse regarding the subject.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Thank you for taking the time to write me. The Arenas have been a topic of some conversation here, given the additional spotlight they will be getting under Issue 8 with the new terminals to access them from Pocket D. Hopefully that will lead to some more action on what I know has been a long standing issue.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think the arena is one of those things if they got working properly will turn more players on to PvP in general. Im rooting for them hopefully take some of that action.. i mean the bugs have been around since i4 so im glad its atleast a topic of conversation. Thanks again LH for the response~!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Damn good to hear. I would suggest going to pocket d when the arenas terminals go live there and telling people to "please /bug any bugs you find while using the arena." At least for the first 2 weeks that the terminals are live they will get optimal use. If people are encouraged to /bug any bugs this will probably be when the DEVs get the most bug reports to look at.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hey thats a great idea, ill make sure to pass the word along to the players of Guardian.
  2. for those of you interested in Arena PvP, i got this yesterday from Lighthouse regarding the subject.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Thank you for taking the time to write me. The Arenas have been a topic of some conversation here, given the additional spotlight they will be getting under Issue 8 with the new terminals to access them from Pocket D. Hopefully that will lead to some more action on what I know has been a long standing issue.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think the arena is one of those things if they got working properly will turn more players on to PvP in general. Im rooting for them hopefully take some of that action.. i mean the bugs have been around since i4 so im glad its atleast a topic of conversation. Thanks again LH for the response~!
  3. fix the arena fix the arena fix the arena.
  4. /signed Arenas have been on the backburner way too long now.. it has so much potential
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    my gripe is being perma suppressed when you use anchor debuffs. that needs to be fixed so you're suppressed initially but not permanently. there's nothing you can do about someone outrunning your leash when you cant even keep up with them

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yup, I've been playing my storm defender for over a year now and have always enjoyed doing so. Perma suppression is the only gripe i have as well.
  6. Oh my god, has it been a year already!?!

    Time does fly when your having fun!
  7. i remember spending two hours in the character creation mode

    i remember the first time i heard the music entering Atlas Park and getting giddy

    i remember the first time i asked were are the lost in kings row.

    i remember defeating my first task force and getting in trouble for not picking up the groceries

    i remember spending a week on circe island to get my mage badge...i still don't look at doughnuts the same way

    i remember winning my first costume contest...and my second....and my third...and my fourth....

    i remember going to sam goody with 60 bucks to buy as many sci-fi movie/tv show sound tracks as i can get to better my gaming experience

    i remember spending 17 hours straight in Paragon City and not feeling weird about it.

    i remember having a girlfriend.....
  8. The_MollusK

    The Kudos Thread

    Yes, thank you for destroying every other aspect of my life.
    thanks mostly for the char creation tool, that sold me too, but also thanks for great game play, fun missions, badges, a great community, no lag, and getting me back into comics.
    *fancy bow*
  9. The_MollusK

    Villain Emotes

    [ QUOTE ]

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  10. The_MollusK

    Villain Emotes

    OH OH,

    how about vomit emote ala vahz zombies!!
  11. me crazy but i will be voting for the socialist equality for monsters party.

    Vote Echoai for President and recieve a free rock!!

    *my name is MollusK and I approve this message*
  12. The_MollusK

    Villain Emotes

    [ QUOTE ]
    We need walking

    [/ QUOTE ]

    omg yes, this game really needs some sort of walk and crouch toggle... especially for CoV.

    as for another idea howabout

    /e pissing contest- a true villians game

    aha jk
  13. The_MollusK

    Villain Emotes

    /e knife- takes out a knife and starts sharpening it.

    /e charge- for villian tankers: like what bulls do right before charging, eg. kicks up dirt behind him

    /e drunk- pulls out a bottle in a brown bag and chugs it while swaying

    /e angry- face turns red, & steam comes out of ears

    /e lecture- this can be like the heroes lecture but much much much longer, it has to be so long that by the time your finished with the emote, the hero you trapped or were about to kill escapes.

    /e straight jacket- just that

    /e coin flip- ganster style lean while flipping a coin over and over again

    /e shooter mcgaven- like the other gun emotes just more annoying.

    /e head spin- ala exorcist

    /e dark cloud- gloomy rain cloud lurks over your head.

    /e playboy- instead of a newspaper, you pull out a playboy and check out the centerfold....for girls i guess itd be a playgirl...ew

    /e shovel, pulls out a shovel, points at a hero and begins to dig a grave

    /e i gotta get back to work :P
  14. The_MollusK

    Villain Emotes

    [ QUOTE ]
    * a Micheal Jackson impersonnation

    [/ QUOTE ]

    omg this CoV needs to have the Thriller dance, that would rule.
  15. The_MollusK

    Villain Emotes

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    ;dance None of this kiddy stuff. Villans du a sultry/sexy dance.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh god... not the Buffalo Bill "tucked in" dance... *shudders*

    [/ QUOTE ]


  16. The_MollusK

    Villain Emotes

    for villians with capes: how about a emote were you pull your arm across your face while holding the end of your cape so your whole body is inside the cape. A good laugh would follow.

    *also on another note*

    Heroes have minigame emotes that include coin toss, dice, and paper rocks scissors, but what would villians get?

    I think 3 card monty is in order
  17. the mollusk flys into the thread and meets takashi atop Atlas statue.

    "Its come to this," the mollusk said while pointing to the briefcase in his hand.

    Takashi simply nodded and said, "i understand...."

    The Mollusk then opened the suitcase which contained a small tatical nuke and proceeded to arm it.


    "This thread had so much potential, but so little was killed, and i cant sit and watch it get buried without justly taking everything out with it." said the mollusk quietly.


    'maybe next time' said Takashi.

  18. Takashi respawns at the hospital with a bit of a headache.

    *that last kill was brought to you by the letter S*

    'Its time to settle the score,' he thought to himself as he leaves the hospital into the dark night. 'If i was bad at spelling and grammer where would i hide..hmmm' he said in local channel.

    'You will find who your looking at inside City Hall' growled a man cloaked in black.

    'Thanks' Takashi replied as he headed towards Atlas Park.

    *5 minutes later*

    'heh, that cloaked figure was right, theres Calash now standing by the Information desk...muhahah he won't know what hit him.' Takashi thought to himself.

    /toggle steamy mist
    /toggle snow storm
    /toggle freezing rain
    /click Zapp

    "TODAY YOU DIE CALASH' takashi screamed in broadcast as a bolt of electricity shot out of his arm and into the back of Calash's head.
    When the smoke and rain cleared all that was left was the limp body of Calash, bits and peices of smoldering skull, a burnt carpet smell and about 5 level 2 heroes covered in blood and left in shock at what they just witnessed.

    Takashi walks out of the building and meditates atop the satue of atlas.
  19. Back in July YFNDBA started a thread called The You kill me I kill you and so on. I thought it was a blast to read and figured its time to start one up again.

    YFNDBA wrote:
    [ QUOTE ]
    (I can't beileve no one has posted this back up yet....anyways)
    Back on the old boards we had a thread called the "You kill me, I kill you"...I can't remember the rest of the title....
    So here it is again!
    The rules are as follows:

    You must kill something in every post.
    You can't kill the same way two times in a row
    No "I had my anit-plasma suit on" crap.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Takashi Murakami enters the thread with caution. The streets are empty and all the doors seem to be locked.
    "Hmm, i guess im the first one here....I gotta find something to kill...and fast," he mumbled


    he looks at the bottom of his boot and sees he stepped on a roach

    "Heh, I guess that counts."
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I missed the end of beta thing because of work. I'll probably miss this due to work. This damn work thing is really getting in the way of my fun!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    u & me both buddy.............
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Fellow heroes, disturbing information has come to light. Thanks to the hard work at the Federal Bureau of Super Powered Affairs and the Portal Corporation, we have discovered an odd energy signature throughout Paragon City. Researchers believe that this aetheric energy appears to be building towards a climax at some point in the near future. We believe that this will occur at some point over the next several days, but the authorities are not yet sure. All heroes should be on the look out for anything strange in the city. Be on guard; we have reason to believe that this bodes ill for our metropolis.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    awww christ on a crutch....this always happens to me......i'm prolly gonna miss do to a damn buiznezz trip ....jack- if u read this plz hold off all events/invasions/whatever u got up your sleeve till monday night!!!
  22. thx zealot, for the swell guide.....i give u some stars now
  23. 1492 A.D.

    Aboard the Santa Maria, deckhands are busy with there morning chores. Christopher Columbus gazes out into the deep blue sea dreaming about fame and fortune.

    Then, the sky turns black, lightning strikes and a portal opens above them. Everyone looks up in awe of what there witnessing.

    Someone yells, "Arrrghh we've reached the end of the world!!"
    And panic ensues.

    Then something begins to fall through the portal, (it's timestrykes dismembered leg) the shipmates are terrified and so a riot onboard began..

    Christopher Columbus tries to calm everyone down
    but before he could finish saying "Everybody STAY CALM!!" his first mate drops his musket in the rush which accidently blows off Columbus' head.
    Then timestrykes limp leg fell through the portal and landed on the ships deck with a squish. The sky turns blue again and the portal closes. Everyone on deck stops and gathers around the bloody leg.
    "Christ it looks like somebodys leg" shouted one deck hand.
    "Arrgh IT TIS somebodys leg....Take its SHOE!" shouted another.

    After an hour or so of arguing over the mysterious shoe, everyone on board realizes that columbus is dead. A group decision is made to head back to Spain, "the high seas are no place for man."said the remorseful shipmate.
    America isn't discovered for another 100 years, instead by another man called Buckingham Green the IV.

    This event forever changes history.....
  24. Argus B. Green stares at the clock at work...4:58...4:59...5:00!! Quiting time!! Argus grabs his briefcase punches out and races out of the office building and straight to Paragon Pub.

    There he drinks, and drinks, and drinks, talks to some woman, gets slapped and drinks some more.

    "LAST CALL!!" shouts the bartender.

    Argus rolls tiredly off the stool and stumbles out of the bar...

    "Hey u didn't pay buddy!?!" yelled the bartender. ARgus said nothing, instead he used his secret super power:gale and knocks the poor guy through the window..(from this day on the bartender has a bad lisp) "where the hell did i park my car" argus thought..."oh there i am" He pulls out his keys for his volvo gets in and peels down the promenade he accidently runs over Professor Stryke...killing him instantly.

    "DAMN" Argus mumbles as he drags the bloody corpse into the trunk of his car. Shortly afterwards he was seen pushing his car into the lake in prometheus park, then passing out on a park bench.