Now I understand why monsters come from the doors.




Where the fsck are the exploiters?

Ok, so I spent MANY hours not only getting the badges (that was easy), but also working with many ToT teams and had A DAMN GOOD TIME.

Also, I'd run by and see a ToT team within my level range and click the door for them. I was passing through anyway, either they get some mobs to kill or I get an inspiration. Good deal.

Where's the problem? You don't want to do repetitive things? Don't play video games period. Don't breathe. Don't blink. Don't go to work/school. Just die. I mean, you only do that once.

I can not fathom how some of you pissy little cry babies have NOTHING better to do than [censored] about an event which a LOT of people are enjoying immensely. How can you have the balls to come here and [censored]? Because YOU'RE not having as much fun as everyone else?

And don't you DARE tell me that you're upset because NOBODY wants to do anything but ToT. Did respec and bastion TFs today. Plenty of people around.

Also, the monsters in the city zones....LOVED IT!!!

Seriously. I've been wanting that for so long. Just big monsters like kraken, babbage, whatever roaming the cities occassionally. Talked about this with my SG and we all agree that it'd just be fun.

It's truly a wonderful site to see a group of 15 lowbies in steel canyon take on the giant pumpkin. I love just watching them.



Yeah guys, let's exploit. Every gather around a door so 2 bad guys pop out 50% of the time. Let's not do a mission or hunt in a hazard zone. Let's waste all our time to kill a few monsters!!!



This was a innovative event IMO. The only problem I had the whole time came from a twit with a high level character knocking on the door we were using to get the badges. A "trick" comes out, the high level character left, and the monster slaughters half the group. Goes to show you that griefers will do what they can to keep others from having fun.



Heh, has everyone noticed that the OP stopped posting after Statesman's reply. Did'nt even post a "Sorry I was wrong"-post. People today...

Just wanted to say I found the event great. Spent 1 hour camping outside a door in Brickstown and 1 hour outside a door in Atlas. Earned me 4 badges Then my weekend gaming time was over



Well, this is what my SG did tonight. We got a bunch of players together, and found a set of 2 doors side by side that wern't in use by others, and camped it. We rotated through so everyone could get their badges.

Well, after 15 min of this, someone came up and clicked on the door we used. No biggie, except that our 2 blasters had laid Trip mines in front of the door. So the mobs went boom.. and ...were arested...

Player moves on, no biggie. 10 minutes later, he comes back. Does the same thing, with same results.

He hangs around though. So we stop dropping trip mines, so if he clicks the door, the mobs come out for him.

We alternate for a bit, and he runs off.

Few minutes later, a group of lvl 34 minions run by. No biggie.

We keep going.

After 15 min, we eventually notice that this kid is training mobs on us, and has been for last 10 minutes or so. No biggie, we don't attack, and almost none attack us. Those that do attack us, we ...Arrest...

This goes on for about 15 minutes, us dodgeing trains, and then one of his SG mates comes by, and they start this.

They relise that what they're traingin on us isnt' killing us. I'm a lvl 34 Regen Scrapper, so I'm at my most uber at lvl 35(Apparently I'll be nocked down a few notches in my 40's I read). So they get one of their higher SG mates to come SK one of them so they can train bigger stuff on us.

How do we know one was SK'd? When they run by with a train on their tail, they'd click the door, and a Trick would come out 2 or 3 lvls higher then the person who clicked it.

This goes on for another hour. Us haveing fun at their inability to train kill us. We eventually get tired of it, send off a group of petitions, and move to a different set of doors a few blocks away. They come over and continue the training.

goes on for another half hour, and we move again.

They follow us AGAIN.

THEN they train THREE of the big Pumpkin head guys and their minions on us. we give up and log more petitions, and descide to log for the night.

All in all, the halloween event was fun, even the deaths, but it was ruined by this group of 3-4 players who just could not find something else to do.


Off to bed



Well, I think this was a blast. Now, granted, I did it "all wrong"- I ran up and down the streets going to new doors in Kings Row each time, fighting stuff on the way, and most of the night I soloed. I only earned one badge, the one for defeating the Pumpkin King. I was a mere level 10 at the end of the night, so evidently I screwed this whole thing up. Feh!! I had fun. Kudos, Statesman! 'Nuff said.

Patiently waiting on Election Day to run around the city and arrest politicians!



Thank you Devs for a fun night I had stopped playing as much as I usually did, but this weekend was fun for me I loved the event and it also showed that something a lot of us have talked about on the forums (random glowie doors) might not be such an impossibility.

Anyway I liked the casual feel about it, where everyone who could invest a few hours over the weekend could have fun with it all

Thank you guys good work

As for you guys who automatically cry wolf (exploiting calls) well I would say something, but I think States said it all, so move along now I'm sure there are a lot of other silly things you can claim are exploits and cheating.



Might have been
harder if they sent groups paired off to the party size.

[/ QUOTE ]

That would have made the doors into too much of an xp automat I guess.

A "badge you dont really need" Automat is ok though.

Also the "once per door" mentioned somewhere is a bad idea. Suddenly you differentiate the fun according to movement powers and previous map knowledge.

Victory - Mare,Dagger of Pain,Keep,Hogun and Bloodpetal
The Keep-Arcs: 164260, 188373, 192610, 196090 and funny side-chapter 218575.
Mender-Arc: 266163



.......I would send out monsters too if the same eight heroes kept knocking at my door all night.

An A for effort, but exploiters will be exploiters.

[/ QUOTE ]

And how many badges did you get? If you say all 6, I'll have to say you either are lying, exploiting, or... have no life.




Well tell you what, go around and report everyone you see doing this and say they are exploiting.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why? What good would it do? Why would I report everybody over something I took part in?

You seem to think I have some sort of problem with the people doing this. Nope. I have a problem with the devs for not thinking ahead. I don't care that you did it. I care that the devs left the opening for it.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was for FUN. And if you don't care, why make it an issue?



Personally, i aonly spent a n hour or so online on saturday, got all the badges on a character, hung out wiht a couple of cool people, made soem friends, and got to do something that CoH doesn't normally let you do.

*EQ2 spoilers*
Spawncamping - yes, that's it, get a big group, sit in one place, wait for somethig to spawn, rinse, repeat.Why - because you want rare loot. A major feature of alot or MMO's, but not CoH.

So, this weekend, there was rare loot (6 unique badges) and a loat of spawns to be camped (doors). It was fun because it was different. If you didn't want to camp, you moved about, or split up, or did doors for a bit, did some misisons, killed come big [censored] pumpkin dudes, whatever.

The only problems i saw was when we did a misison or two, then whilst heading back to clicky-camp, dance, and chill out for a bit by a door, a couple of players quit 'cos they thought it was booring. Ie, they already had their badges.
We replaced them though, with some other cool people.

Now, if the entire focus of the game was suddenly chaned to be based around this clicky-camping (I like that term) then I and alot of other people would be mightlily narked, but for a weekend, their idea of "working as intended" was good enough for me.

"There was much w00tage all weekend - nice one."



I spent several hours online over the weekend. Got me all 6 badges on 2 characters, and 5 badges on a third.

While I did find badge hunting fun, it was more fun since I was with a group of people. Even when my 2 characters already got the 6 badges, I stayed around to help the ones who still didn't have theirs.

Since I wouldn't be able to play CoH for the next few months and the fact that Halloween only comes around once a year, yeah I enjoyed just clicking on doors with my team mates.

The best part of the event, IMHO, was hunting Eochai. I mean, we weren't in it for the xp. We just wanted to kick his big pumpkin head and make pumpkin many times as we could.

Overall, congratulations to a great event. I'm looking forward to seeing more fun stuff here in Paragon City.

P.S. On the plus side, the badges actually fit one of my characters background of hating the CoT and anything remotely supernatural so I'm happy.



Joined an eight man ToT team. Camped a door for about two hours. Got five badges. Had the most fun I've had in CoH in MONTHS!

[/ QUOTE ]

And *THAT'S* the bottom line!



I had a blast,did it over 2 days and the teams kept changing as people got what they needed. No KS'ing,no PL'ing just a grand old time,made a few new friends.Thanks Dev's!

Junkyard Wolf
California Smog(CoV)
Far Rider
Durango Dave



If you wanted it harder you could have made it harder by simply having everybody in your group wait to use their "knock". Then all of you could "knock" at the same time. That would give you a possible number of villians to fight of 27. Of course I don't know how you actually did it. If you did it like the countless numbers of others I saw they would have only one hero go up to the door and "knock". Bleh

I thought it was a very fun and entertaining way to give the players something special for the Halloween Weekend.

I'd just like to see those groups as common groups to fight in game. The witches were a blast!



Personally, I think the halloween mobs were players in an alternate universe version of COH, who kept getting door missions to a city, and who enede up sending in bug reports that there ambushes of mobs waiting for them just on the other side.



What a funny thread!

Overall, I wouldn't call it an exploit other then I would call recycling the same mission over and over again to get that badge an exploit. Cheesy, yes, lame, yes, harmful, not really... So who cares?

Besides, I didn't see anyone pointing a gun at my head. I talked a couple tot groups I was in, into letting me train badguys back to the group to spice things up inbetween tricks. After 2 or 3 tot groups I got bored and put together a group, we went out to the hollows and knocked out 3 people's missions. Matter of fact, at least one of the scrappers said he was only interested in coming along if it wasn't for ToT! It's been fairly thoroughly beaten to death, so I'm not gonna take more then a couple swings at it.

My thoughts on Halloween experience overall:

the BAD: within two minutes of logging in, I (a lvl4 travel-power-less) controller got TP'ed to the top of a very high skyscraper by someone who apparently thought it was funny to do that to people all night. I did eventually get myself down without getting killed with some forethought and a few Jet Lee style ledge drops (ala Cradle 2 the Grave). Rumor has it he was banned from the server for it. But last I heard there were already people planning on protesting the ban. (Sigh) Some people are just not happy until they ruin everyone else's good time

the GOOD: let's face it. The idea's cute, and clever. And BELCHING WEREWOLVES! How can you go wrong with that?? If I were going to complain to the devs, I'd say they didn't take it far enough. Not thinking large enough scale! I'd say riddle the streets with em. It was pretty fun nearly getting stepped on by a three story pumpkin creature.

I always thought that was one of CoH's shortcomings. Has some really good ideas, but they stop short of making them really satisfying. really EPIC. People will be talking about this for a week, and then it'll be forgotten. If that long. More likely people will just forget about it after the election.



Time for a fun little game of "What Would It Be Like Without Exploiting!"

[/ QUOTE ]

So you're admitting it's an exploit? Good.

What would it be like without exploiting? Well, single heroes would be running around from door to door,

[/ QUOTE ]

Because nobody would ever think that grouping would still get them their badges faster...

killstealing and leaving mobs behind after they get those badges,

[/ QUOTE ]

Because killstealing and mob leaving didn't always happen in the game since launch.

possibly putting heroes in the low level zones at risk when the tricks catch up to them en mass.

[/ QUOTE ]

High level heroes can't trick or treat doors in low level zones. So um, no.

What is it like now? Everyone is organized in groups of 8, taking turns clicking in the same door.

[/ QUOTE ]

Doing something boring and repetitive just to get ahead. Exactly the sort of thing Statesman said he disliked. I'll be happy to go snatch the radio interview if you want me to.

I don't see where the problem is. It's certainly not as intended, but it's safer for everyone else.

[/ QUOTE ]

Debunked for things already said.

Really people, don't try to defend your guilty consciences. The devs didn't think ahead, everybody exploited and it will probably be fixed next year. Deal. I know I am.

[/ QUOTE ]

So .. wandering from door to door isnt repetive, but standing at the same door is ???

I dont get it ?



lol guys don't rag on the OP too much, he's just enjoying himself the only way he knows how. I mean just think of how bored and unhappy he was before the Devs created this event, giving him something to complain about.



yea, where did that OP go......?

maybe they just haven't had any time to get back to the forums...

maybe they changed their forum name and posted again, we just didn't catch it...

maybe they were so crushed by statesman's response that they can't muster up enough will to keep on living...

i thought the whole thing was fun. with so many people running from door to door, or some just camping at one, i was able to hunt peacefully for the most part. i was bugged a couple times by people running up and getting hits on my monster mobs when i did decided to trick or treat, but no biggie, the incidents made for good stories to friends. maybe the best part of the event was stateman's response in this thread. heh.



This was a innovative event IMO. The only problem I had the whole time came from a twit with a high level character knocking on the door we were using to get the badges. A "trick" comes out, the high level character left, and the monster slaughters half the group. Goes to show you that griefers will do what they can to keep others from having fun.

[/ QUOTE ]

I faced this as well. The griefer failed to kill me however, as I had gi running.

Hopefully this is fixed for future events.

Mr. Neo



That same griefing happened to me about five times, just last night. Fortunately for me I was able to catch the names of some of them and they were reported.

I watched one of them on my Friends list to keep track of which zone he was in (so we could move to a different zone) and I saw that immediately after I sent the petition, he had a loonnnng delay where he didn't zone at all, then I could see that he went off to do missions. (My guess: a mod chewed him out. We only caught this guy once.)

The other one was a complete idiot. I could tell from my Friends list whether he was within click-range. (You know, click on the friend's name, and if they come up in the Target window, they're within, oh, 200 feet.) When he buzzed by, we backed away from the door and all got a clear view of his repeated griefing. That guy got two petitions and minutes later, his status changed to OFFLINE. (My guess: axed. And good riddance. We caught him twice.)

It's a shame, too, because we might not get this event next year unless they can figure out a way to keep that from happening. Maybe they fix it so the Trick doesn't aggro people unless they're in the same group as the one who knocked?