Now I understand why monsters come from the doors.




The devs didn't think ahead, everybody exploited and it will probably be fixed next year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um - actually, this is exactly how we planned it. We had fun with it. And people seem to be having fun with it (hence the several threads). So, um, no, this isn't exploiting, IMHO.

[/ QUOTE ]

And thank you for this fun.

My roommates and I, and anyone that wanted to join us, hung out at the same door for several hours, we had a blast the whole time, the only time we would leave the doors is if any new people to the group didn't have the monster badge yet, at which point we'd all scatter across the zone looking for one (a pumpkin monster) to smack around for its badge ..

Over all, this was a hell of a lot of fun ...



The devs didn't think ahead, everybody exploited and it will probably be fixed next year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um - actually, this is exactly how we planned it. We had fun with it. And people seem to be having fun with it (hence the several threads). So, um, no, this isn't exploiting, IMHO.

[/ QUOTE ]

I love Statesman!



Not sure what the problem with this is... Yes, I started the night running from door to door like a madman seeing what would pop out. It was fun! I was broadcasting and reading the broadcasts of others and enjoying it.

Then I bumped into a friend doing the same, we teamed up, and ran down the street checking both sides, and ran to the others fight and helped with each "trick". And THAT was fun.

Some blaster saw us having fun and asked if he could join. Sure! He flew up and saw an Eochai and we ran over and all got killed! And THAT was fun! We rez'd or were rez'd by other heroes there and we made some pumpkin pie! That was fun too!

Then we heard that you actually get some decent exp (and of course less debt) if you are in a larger group tough enough to deal some real damage to a PumpKing. So we called some friends, did a Find for some teammates, and ran around knocking on doors thinking a PumpKing would pop out.

Some people would get lost, some separated, some wander away, so we decided to stick in one square where there were about 8 different doors available and we checked various ones and arrested all those magical critters who were using a dimensional portal spell to use ANY door as a gateway to Paragon city (so it didn't matter if we used one door or many, the critters weren't IN the building having munchies with the citizens, the act of opening a door was magically opening the gateway).

And the flyers and SJ'ers would pop up and every time we saw a PumpKing we would all dash over and pound him and his minions into the ground! Some people would die, all of us would get very red at times, our healers and damage-dealers worked til they dropped (sometimes literally!) and we all tried to figure out how to use a Rock to Kill a King!

We laughed, we cursed, we had fun, and SOME of us got SOME badges but after 5 and a half hours of playing none had all. Most of us stated we didn't even know what the point of having badges was so we didn't really care, we were just HAVING FUN.

It is unfortunate that you thought it was boring to camp the same door all night. We tried different styles, cycled through different teammates, met some new and great people, had level 14's fighting beside 20's and everyone still getting exp and having fun. It was a long fun fight, and yes, most of us did level during it (even the 20 near the end) but it was the excitement that kept us there.

We had some tough critters that were purple to all us, we had some long chases (the vampire that ALMOST got away...) and we used our powers and our teammates in just about every way possible.

Granted, most of us were "newer" players, no one in the group had an alt higher than about 34, but we all used our 14-17 chars and let a 20 join because she was tired of running around alone all night and thought we were having a lot of fun.

Different playstyles, different strategies, some teaming, some solo-ing, some exp, some badges, some learning, and a LOT of fun and excitement had by all.

Now if THAT isn't what the dev's planned, I'll eat my hat!

In any game, as it has always been, different people will play their own way. Some people only care about grinding out exp, some about "accomplishments" (badges and archvillains here) and some just about having fun and meeting people. You can't make them play "your" way no matter how you program it.

THANK YOU STATESMAN AND DEVS! It was a lot of fun and made my favourite "fun" holiday even better!

Good hunting to all!

(PS: I say phooey to all those who say nerf, exploit, silly badge-grinding nonsense etc. It is a GAME, it's primary reason for existence is to HAVE FUN! If you can't have fun with some teammates and Halloween nonsense then the problem does NOT lie with the game.)

Furyus - 17 Scrapper

Too many alts to list
Every server but Pinnacle
Black Belt in Altoholism, Master of Indeterminancy
(although how it got in nancy I've no idea...)



So it turns out that, a little like in real life, trick or treating is more fun in groups. Sounds good to me! That was the first non-SG team I've been in since months ago, and we had a wonderful time -- although I feel for the poor guy who walked out of our door, only to be greated by a horde of heroes throwing trip mines and ice patches. *laughs* But we invited him in too, spent a lot of time joking about rocks, skittles and pumpkins, and had a really fun few hours.

Yeah, something must *definitely* be done to put an end to this madness! ...



Well States said it isn't an exploit. And a group sitting at one door can be fun. We joked around about candy and the NPCs going into this monster infested building. With one group we did end up moving because higher levels came along to one shot the baddies that we were getting from the door.



The devs didn't think ahead, everybody exploited and it will probably be fixed next year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um - actually, this is exactly how we planned it. We had fun with it. And people seem to be having fun with it (hence the several threads). So, um, no, this isn't exploiting, IMHO.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hahahahahahahahahaha! Owned!!



The devs didn't think ahead, everybody exploited and it will probably be fixed next year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um - actually, this is exactly how we planned it. We had fun with it. And people seem to be having fun with it (hence the several threads). So, um, no, this isn't exploiting, IMHO.

[/ QUOTE ]

Boot to the head!



I think most of the reason that people are a tiny bit offended by you is that you implied that a large portion of the playerbase were exploiters. This is not a popular assertation. Perhaps if you took a moment and stopped looking at the world though such a small lens you might find a glimmer of understanding.



Just to say, I spent a good deal of time with a group of eight at a single door. We'd all hit it up for whatever we could get, take the Tricks down, swap Treats if we wanted to, and then chat or something for the next thirty seconds to the next hit. It was never boring, or unfun, it was actually a heck of a lot of fun. I ended up doing that because intially I had been running door to door on my own or with a couple other people, and we'd end up spreading out as we went. It was much more fun to be in a close knit group where you could really interact.

So, yea, if doing it that way was more fun, I think its the thing to be doing.

The only possible thing I might suggest is to have the Tricks scale to the team size. That would be complete havoc, and a lot of fun. Groups of weight tend to make short work of tricks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Some people aren't entertained by camping doors (Myself included) what my team did was actually trick or treat a zone (Founders Falls) running down the streets beating up 5th and CoT while knocking on doors and getting tricks and treats. -that- was a total blast, because it combined exploring the zone along with fighting and prizes. A couple of hours landed us all the badges, a pile of treats AND "The Slayer" Badge from 5th Column Vampyrs.

Another great place to Trick or Treat was DARK ASTORIA. I mean really, where ELSE would be a better place to Trick or Treat than a zombie-ridden shell of a city? Unfortunately I had to exemplar down as I don't have any characters high or low enough to actually gain exp there.



.......I would send out monsters too if the same eight heroes kept knocking at my door all night.

An A for effort, but exploiters will be exploiters.

[/ QUOTE ]

Haha, you're like the boot licking kid in school who told on everyone for everything. Then Statesman the teacher comes along and tells you to stop being a tool.




I must say I'm slightly surprised by some of the posts I have read in this tread.

First we have someone making a generalized remark which seems to offend a quite a few people,

then we have a person of authority (Statesman) correcting the issue with information.

Then we have a bunch of people attempting to make the original poster feel small.

Real mature guys.

I'm sure he read what statesman said, he didn't need you rubbing his nose in it. Doing that make the people who did it no better in attitude than the original poster.

Lets all try to be respectiful of others, ask yourself, "would I like this post I'm about to make, if the situation was reversed?"

Nemsis lv50 Inv/SS
Arch-Nemsis lv 50 SS/Inv



I personally loved it. Started out solo setting up my own little "tricks" for the baddies.. (Its really hilarious to watch a level 36 Vampire Lord walk out that door looking all mean and nasty.. then go flying through the air as 14 Trip Mines go off and once and toast him.) But i eventually got into a good group where EVERYONE would laugh when my Mines blew Werewolves and Vampires to smithereens. (Cept for the damn spirits... intangible litte pain in the [censored].) It was a roaring good time. There are only 2 things i would like to see changed tho. 1. The spawn of the "trick" should change to accomodate the spawn of the group. Probably still wouldnt be much of a challenge in a good group. but unless we got back to back tricks my mines were knocking out every spawn. 2. Only allow the badge for the Pumpkin Head if you fight him in a zone you can ToT in. Yeah, i cheated too. Tried the Bricks King.. died. I already had over 100k debt from a REALLLY bad Sewer Trial attempt.. and thats unusual so i decided to play it safe and take on the Talos one... didnt even scratch me and solo i put more of a dent in him than the team of 8 fighting him.. and even got the kill... I HOPE i didnt steal their badges like this.. but i didnt want more debt. If you MADE me face one my level.. i would have tho.. and might have enjoyed it more.. (but it wuold be even LONGER before i got back to playing without special incentive.. due to the extreme level of debt im in.)



Did anyone else quietly smirk at Statesman saying "IMHO"... lol.

I may as well take the opportunity to say this here - great event devs, ...tyvm!




Thanks Statesman for the great little Halloween thing. Had a blast and the new badges are awsome.

Oh zzMDude chill out man. This is a game and is ment to be fun. Now if someone caused you harm thats one thing. Camping doors doesn't cause any harm to anyone.



I wanna' log a complaint about Halloween, too!

Where'd my f'n rocks go!?



I wanna' log a complaint about Halloween, too!

Where'd my f'n rocks go!?

[/ QUOTE ]





I must say I'm slightly surprised by some of the posts I have read in this tread.

First we have someone making a generalized remark which seems to offend a quite a few people,

then we have a person of authority (Statesman) correcting the issue with information.

Then we have a bunch of people attempting to make the original poster feel small.

Real mature guys.

I'm sure he read what statesman said, he didn't need you rubbing his nose in it. Doing that make the people who did it no better in attitude than the original poster.

Lets all try to be respectiful of others, ask yourself, "would I like this post I'm about to make, if the situation was reversed?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok Mr High Horse.



Not only have I gotten all six badges on one alt, but I'm planning on doing it for a significant number of the rest.
That's how much fun this is



I don't get how this is exploiting... because people stay in one area? Because it's repetitive? If that's the base of your argument, maybe you should petition to have street hunting eliminated as well.



The devs didn't think ahead, everybody exploited and it will probably be fixed next year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um - actually, this is exactly how we planned it. We had fun with it. And people seem to be having fun with it (hence the several threads). So, um, no, this isn't exploiting, IMHO.

[/ QUOTE ]

Where is the origional poster's responce to this? Hmmmm?

Heaven forbid there is something fun in the game....OH THE HORROR!!!

States.....I got a big piece of pumpkin pie for you to thank you for the event. Made lots of pie helping to take down Mr. Pumpkin Head and his bucket of parts.

You da man



I am not at all surprised that some people will find anything to complain about. If this makes the OP feel "small" as another poster suggested, perhaps the OP should really THINK about what's so damn bad about plopping 8 heroes in front of a door to accomplish something together as a team.

I did this with 2 of my toons and had a blast. Sure, it was easy to beat up on the poor monsters that came to answer their doorbell, but hanging out and joking around with new people was fun. And people stuck around to help others get their badges, especially when it came to the pumpkin king.

When a game goes above and beyond to offer special events like CoH does, we should probably try to nit-pick less and just enjoy what the devs have cooked up. There's a two-way relationship here; the game isn't going to be fun if you don't at least meet it halfway and try to have some fun yourself by engaging in the game and the other players.

I had a great time with the Halloween event and I think the majority of players did as well. And I did find a REAL exploit: I've learned that dancing to entice vampires and wolves to the doors DOES work, but ONLY if your other team members join in.



zzMDude, where are you ?

Honestly, what is the difference between camping one door and going from door to door ?

It is a one shot event, please, forget your griefs and enjoy.
If you don't want to hunt for pumpkins, go for Cot mages, nobody cares for them at the moment.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ummm.... Cleaning the egg off his face?



Well, personaly i thought it was a great idea for them to celebrate a RL holiday in an online game . yes i camped out at a door to get my badges. I was almost as excited to kill these halloween baddies as i was when i hit 50.maybe you guys should just be happy they're keeping it intresting instead of bashing it.who cares if it had flaws.It just proves the Devs can make you do just about anything to get a badge( like knocking on doors for an hour or 2.....kudos to the Devs for a awesome job making the coolest game ive ever owned



Do villains get to beat up christmas carolers next year?

And the rock should just replace brawl.



This event rocked.

They planned it to be exploited and didn't care if people teamed the doors for badges and xp.

Statesman already said so, so stop whining and find something else to complain about your $15 bucks a month
