Now I understand why monsters come from the doors.




.......I would send out monsters too if the same eight heroes kept knocking at my door all night.

An A for effort, but exploiters will be exploiters.



.......I would send out monsters too if the same eight heroes kept knocking at my door all night.

An A for effort, but exploiters will be exploiters.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yep i sure am exploiting, please ban be CoH for i am ruining the game with my exploiting the trick or treat event



Hey, you said it, not me.

You're welcome to ban yourself if you want, I just want to rub this in so next year things don't turn out this way.



Time for a fun little game of "What Would It Be Like Without Exploiting!"

What would it be like without exploiting? Well, single heroes would be running around from door to door, killstealing and leaving mobs behind after they get those badges, possibly putting heroes in the low level zones at risk when the tricks catch up to them en mass.

What is it like now? Everyone is organized in groups of 8, taking turns clicking in the same door.

I don't see where the problem is. It's certainly not as intended, but it's safer for everyone else.



Time for a fun little game of "What Would It Be Like Without Exploiting!"

[/ QUOTE ]

So you're admitting it's an exploit? Good.

What would it be like without exploiting? Well, single heroes would be running around from door to door,

[/ QUOTE ]

Because nobody would ever think that grouping would still get them their badges faster...

killstealing and leaving mobs behind after they get those badges,

[/ QUOTE ]

Because killstealing and mob leaving didn't always happen in the game since launch.

possibly putting heroes in the low level zones at risk when the tricks catch up to them en mass.

[/ QUOTE ]

High level heroes can't trick or treat doors in low level zones. So um, no.

What is it like now? Everyone is organized in groups of 8, taking turns clicking in the same door.

[/ QUOTE ]

Doing something boring and repetitive just to get ahead. Exactly the sort of thing Statesman said he disliked. I'll be happy to go snatch the radio interview if you want me to.

I don't see where the problem is. It's certainly not as intended, but it's safer for everyone else.

[/ QUOTE ]

Debunked for things already said.

Really people, don't try to defend your guilty consciences. The devs didn't think ahead, everybody exploited and it will probably be fixed next year. Deal. I know I am.



Well tell you what, go around and report everyone you see doing this and say they are exploiting. I mean we cant have people going around and collecting badges in an even that will probably last the weekend.

the only people that can truly define this as an exploit are the devs.

And i am pretty sure Statesman wouldn't consider this an exploit since he considers exploiting when people use to fall through the stage and attack enemies from below then have GM's get them unstuck. Yet he didnt think people camping portals wasnt a exploit.



No complaints here. While eveyrone was off camping doors in PI, I got my Fake Nemesis badge.



Doing something boring and repetitive just to get ahead. Exactly the sort of thing Statesman said he disliked. I'll be happy to go snatch the radio interview if you want me to.

[/ QUOTE ]

I did this, got all 6 badges. I was not once bored, and didn't find it at all repetitive. I had a lot of fun with the team I was on.



Well tell you what, go around and report everyone you see doing this and say they are exploiting.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why? What good would it do? Why would I report everybody over something I took part in?

You seem to think I have some sort of problem with the people doing this. Nope. I have a problem with the devs for not thinking ahead. I don't care that you did it. I care that the devs left the opening for it.

Or are you just trying to say that because you aren't alone, you're right and justified?

Aren't we defensive? Go on! Wear your badges that everybody else will have with pride! Little old me can't stop you! Cause you sure aren't going to prove me wrong. You aren't going to convince me that the devs sat down and decided to set up an event where people stare at a single door for hours trying to get a badge.

Well no, I take that back. I'm sure people didn't get the badges because they just got bored.

I mean we cant have people going around and collecting badges in an even that will probably last the weekend.

[/ QUOTE ]

A screw up is a screw up, no matter how long it lasts. Sorry.

the only people that can truly define this as an exploit are the devs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which they will. Oh, they may not flat out call it an exploit, but it will be changed by next year.

And i am pretty sure Statesman wouldn't consider this an exploit since he considers exploiting when people use to fall through the stage and attack enemies from below then have GM's get them unstuck.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry, I pretty much quoted him word for word. Please refer to the Radio ITG interview.

Yet he didnt think people camping portals wasnt a exploit.

[/ QUOTE ]

He said he doesn't care about exploits. He said he cares about people having fun and not doing repetitive things just for XP. Tomato, Tomahtoe IMO. A nicer means to the same end. By the way, I wouldn't use the portals as an example if I were you, being those mighty fire demons now give the XP of mere pets.

I'm still wondering why you're taking this so personally. Like I insulted your mother or something.




I did this, got all 6 badges. I was not once bored, and didn't find it at all repetitive. I had a lot of fun with the team I was on.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well good for you. Apparently you're more easily amused by camping the same door for an hour than I am. Doesn't mean that it isn't staying in the exact same spot grinding out badges, regardless of if your team talked enough to make you not think about it.

In closing, you sir are a troll.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe, but at least I'm not the one throwing out insults just to reassure myself over what I've done, hmm?

Have a nice day.



The devs didn't think ahead, everybody exploited and it will probably be fixed next year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um - actually, this is exactly how we planned it. We had fun with it. And people seem to be having fun with it (hence the several threads). So, um, no, this isn't exploiting, IMHO.



The devs didn't think ahead, everybody exploited and it will probably be fixed next year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um - actually, this is exactly how we planned it. We had fun with it. And people seem to be having fun with it (hence the several threads). So, um, no, this isn't exploiting, IMHO.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you statesman



Yes, Thank you States.



The devs didn't think ahead, everybody exploited and it will probably be fixed next year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um - actually, this is exactly how we planned it. We had fun with it. And people seem to be having fun with it (hence the several threads). So, um, no, this isn't exploiting, IMHO.

[/ QUOTE ]

I started a thread in the Suggestions forum with this idea; I don't know if it's practical to do as far as server load goes, but I think that removing the time limit and making each door knockable only once by a hero until they've knocked on all the other doors in the zone (skipping the cave entrances) would make for a more entertaining event, with the heroes running around madly trying to find all the doors, and getting to explore all of each zone, instead of only as much as they need for street sweeping and missions.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Joined an eight man ToT team. Camped a door for about two hours. Got five badges. Had the most fun I've had in CoH in MONTHS! Awesome, AWESOME event devs! Now if they would just put the pumpkin head in the costume options...



Just to say, I spent a good deal of time with a group of eight at a single door. We'd all hit it up for whatever we could get, take the Tricks down, swap Treats if we wanted to, and then chat or something for the next thirty seconds to the next hit. It was never boring, or unfun, it was actually a heck of a lot of fun. I ended up doing that because intially I had been running door to door on my own or with a couple other people, and we'd end up spreading out as we went. It was much more fun to be in a close knit group where you could really interact.

So, yea, if doing it that way was more fun, I think its the thing to be doing.

The only possible thing I might suggest is to have the Tricks scale to the team size. That would be complete havoc, and a lot of fun. Groups of weight tend to make short work of tricks.



I got all six badges. The Trick or treat group I was in made
the whole thing look like a joke. 8 Heroes 4 dark savants 3
earth elemetals and an average of 3 phantoms and 10 imps.
Everyon decked out with 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 "Rows" of buffs.
Topped off with a continous barrage of slippery stuff powers
it was like fighting a bunch of flopping fishes. Might have been
harder if they sent groups paired off to the party size.
But nothing I would charge into myself even with a pair of friends.

The Legendary Cosmological Prince Reigar 53rd Illusion Control/Storm Summoning/Primal Forces Mastery/Incarnate

It's a dark and story night. That means something bad is happening out there



So why did you stay in the group if you didn't like it? You don't have to be in such a large group or any group at all to participate.



Theres a simple fix for this. Unless im mistaken a common halloween prank is to knock on a door get your trick or treats, change costumes and knock again, with eight heroes and up to 8 costumes a piece (supergroup color change) thats a lot of possible costumes.

In other words change costumes after every knock

Would YOU remember every group in that situation :P Let them have their fun ITS TRADITION!!!

Pheona Vestrit - 50 Katana/SR Scrapper
Wind in my sails,
Water in my world,
Dragons in my sky!



I think thing was ridiculously easy.
And we were cracking jokes on how easy it was
And half of us had pets.
And something like this went through our minds.

We were the siege.
A sea of heroes.
Well a large group of heroes and thier minions.
The villians had to contius keep us happy.
They rummaged thier stores for inspirations
Or Tossed a few of thier friends to see if they
could make us level and make some of us disappear.
But we would not leave untill we had gotten
all of thier candy coated inspirations.
And were awarded all of the solid milk choclate badges.
Anyways how many villians can you stuff in a 10 x 10 foot room.

The Legendary Cosmological Prince Reigar 53rd Illusion Control/Storm Summoning/Primal Forces Mastery/Incarnate

It's a dark and story night. That means something bad is happening out there



The devs didn't think ahead, everybody exploited and it will probably be fixed next year.

[/ QUOTE ]

Um - actually, this is exactly how we planned it. We had fun with it. And people seem to be having fun with it (hence the several threads). So, um, no, this isn't exploiting, IMHO.

[/ QUOTE ]

Statesman, I too wanna add my name to the list saying "Thanks!"

This event is absolutely awesome, and I can't wait to get back into it tomorrow. I also can't wait to see what's coming at Christmas.

Dame Silverwing (50 Kat/SR Scrapper) Virtue
Professor Bikini (50 Bots/Dark MM) Virtue
Dame Silver Fury (41 Peacebringer) Virtue
Operative Velvet (50 Fortunata) Virtue
Petal Dancer (35 Plant/Kin Contoller) Virtue
Tanegashima (Rapidly levelling DP/Ice Blaster) Virtue
(and more)



.......I would send out monsters too if the same eight heroes kept knocking at my door all night.

An A for effort, but exploiters will be exploiters.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is sarcasm, right? I mean, you can't be serious... right???



zzMDude, where are you ?

Honestly, what is the difference between camping one door and going from door to door ?

It is a one shot event, please, forget your griefs and enjoy.
If you don't want to hunt for pumpkins, go for Cot mages, nobody cares for them at the moment.



[edit]NEXT TIME I'll read the whole thread. Nice to know I agree with states[/edit]

I do not think this is an explot. This game is built for teaming, you think the devs expected us to solo the doors? I doubt it.

Would the 8 heroes teamed get any less experience if they moved from door to door? In most zones that time would be ectremely trivial. So maybe a tamp down of 5% of the XP. Meaningless.

Will they change things next year. Probably. It would be more fun if you *had* to run from door to door, liek real trick or treaters. Currently there's a one minute limit on clicks period, adding a 20 minute limit before you can re-do the same door would be more fun. But is this exploitive - no. Is it non-heroic - no.

It would also be more fun if onc in a while the trick was a real trick, spewing +4 spawns you'd have to run from to survive.

But an EXPLOIT? On this one, I don't get you zzMDude.



Actually it isn't an exploit. An exploit is when you find a bug that allows you to take advantage of the game. For instance there was a bug that allowed you to get under the world and attack mobs without being able to be attacked back. This was an exploit because your not suppose to be able to get under the world.

In standing outside the door and knocking every 60 sec to get a ToT is not at exploit as the game is working as designed. An exploit would be that you could click the door open in oh say 5 seconds. The former is a tactic (albeit a dull one) the latter is an exploit (albeit in my opinion a benign one).