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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Did you know... More Real-Life Influences on Zone Names

    King's Row is a real-life street located roughly 1/4 mile from the offices of Cryptic Studios. The nearest cross street to Cryptic's street address is East Gish Road. You might not realize it if you grew up mainly in The Hollows, but The Gish is one of the neighborhoods in central King's Row in City of Heroes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This isn't right exactly.

    The first (to my knowledge) location for Cryptic Studios was actually ON a street named Kings Row. I've seen the building and talked to Devs about it: apparently it was as scary a place to work in as it looks, so they moved a bit away to another location.

    They were at the second location when the game launched (if memory serves). I've seen this place too and it wasn't nearly as bad as the hole they were in on Kings Row. But it wasn't great either.

    After release they moved to their current location. I have never been down to the new place so I can't comment on it.

    Ya, ya, more detail then anybody needed but, hey, I stalk devs what did you expect?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There you go, Saber. Fixed it for you!

    (It's a reference to when Sabercat met the devs at a Frye's store one time and posted the pics. Between that and the excellent dev tracker of his from beta, lots of jokes came out of it.)

    Did you know that the devs' posts were originally tracked by a separate program designed by Sabercat and the results had their own separate thread in the pre-beta and CoH beta forums? (Just trying to keep the post on-topic.)
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    The Newsman badge refers to Theodore Knight, who played Ted Baxter on the Mary Tyler Moore Show, and was also the narrator for The Superfriends.

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    I believe Posi also connected that badge to the Fantastic Four's Baxter Building at some point. I could be wrong though.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    so when are y'all coming to Oshkosh??

    PS Cuppa Jo is HAWT

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    if they did, I'd hop down from GB to see it though.

    Hell, I'd even yell for Catwhoorg.

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    Ditto. I'd make the trip as well. (Just a half hour north of GB.)
  4. Nice article, Arctic.

    As for the story confusion, was it possible that another by the name of Galaxy Girl was involved with the meteor?

    Edited for spelling
  5. Templar_Knight


    *gives the OP a big thumbs up and throws some candy canes at him to boot*
  6. It's not too bad for free stuff, IMO. The mission was interesting enough without being too difficult and I'm such a badge hog that I like that part. The only thing I didn't like is the Santa hat makes my female toons look bald underneath.
  7. Wow. Just wow.

    I've been around since early beta and I've never been compelled to reply to a good-bye post before but this is a special case. Before you head off into the sunset, I hope you know that your work was respected and appreciated by the majority of us despite what some trolls might say ("Back under the bridge with ye, vile troll!" *cracks whip*). City of Heroes is an excellent game in my opinion and it is that way because of caring and hard-working people like you on the dev team. The skies in Paragon City are a little cloudier this week. Godspeed, hero.

    /em salute

    That being said, I think it would be cool if your main character made it into the game somehow (statue, plaque, etc.) in appreciation for your work. What do you think, devs?
  8. Isn't Captain Mako supposed to be one of the villains? He would certainly qualify as the shark guy.
  9. SG Name: Paragons of Justice
    SG Leaders:Templar Knight (Spokesman), Mindswiper & Der Baer (Assistant Spokesmen)
    SG Website (if any): Paragons of Justice Homepage
    SG Recruiters: All of us
    Teamspeak/Ventrillo Server: We use Teamspeak.
    SG Peak Hours: Various timezones in the U.S.
    Other Info: We're a mature supergroup, literally. All of us are 25 years old or older (most of us are in our 30s with some in their 50s). This team is built in the style of the Avengers or the JLA.
  10. How about something else to do? SG-only story arcs/TFs might be cool. I'm not talking about your ordinary missions. They need to be the stuff of legends. Bosses, AV and monsters! Oh my! (I know you could say that we can organize these things but I'd like to see this to add another reason for there to even be an SG besides of the extra chat channel.)

    The ability to set different levels of leadership with different responsibilities. Currently, leader, captain, and member do not offer enough options to streamline the organization.

    I'd like to be able to alter the SG colors/symbol after creation. Happens in comics all the time. This would be leader only option, I think.

    SG stats at the kiosks might be cool as well. Highest average level, highest number of arrests in a zone, etc.

    The Alliance chat is on its way IIRC but that was my only other pet peeve.
  11. This was a innovative event IMO. The only problem I had the whole time came from a twit with a high level character knocking on the door we were using to get the badges. A "trick" comes out, the high level character left, and the monster slaughters half the group. Goes to show you that griefers will do what they can to keep others from having fun.
  12. Templar_Knight

    Tanker Update

    Wow. Excellent compromise, Statesman. I'm impressed and have renewed faith in this game and its development team. Rock on!