Post 20 missions-leave the +1 mobs




I know Statesman has posted that the missions having +1 mobs is a bug and will be fixed. This, apparently, was a big problem at lower levels when you don't have the powers and defenses to take them out very easily.

I'm just wondering if at higher levels, maybe post 20, they could leave the +1 mobs in. Last night I was teamed with a friend and we were having a blast with door missions. There was actually a challenge in taking out some of the bigger groups. We were using tactics, had some longer fights and it wasn't just a zerg fest.

I'm a controller, he's a blaster and we were having a great time. I just think it's a great way to boost fun and xp having mobs that are just a little bit more challenging.

So any chance that the "bug" can stay in place at higher levels? And if 20 is too soon to implement this, how about at level 30?



One problem I can see with it staying +1 pre 30's is the now infamous "power 10 enhancers". Will be np for those that can get them therby increasing their effectiveness,but what about those that have to wait 5-10 lvl more to get the SO's their toon requires?

That is an easy enough "fix",but will it be a "priority fix"?



The +1 mobs in missions are frustrating for me as a Controller if I am trying to solo a mission.

Because quite simply, if one of the boss critters gets tagged with the +1, I have a Red Boss to deal with in that mission, and almost certainly one that I can't kill unless I can get him alone (which is also hard because I can't kill much of anything in a single AE Hold cycle).

The Mission Difficulty Slider would/will be a great thing though when it comes out, especially for groups.

Let's Dance!



They're hit and miss for me. Some missions have had two +1 Bosses as the last thing to kill and that was a bit over the top. I did it but it took me half an hour and wasn't a lot of fun. The +1 Minions and Lts are fun and dangerous and good XP.

Speed Bandit.



That would conflict with their plans to make the +22 mobs more dangerous.

Considering that purples quickly become hard to hit (making grouping with a 3 level different buddy harder) I prefer than plan. If they make the level 25 guy a lot harder to beat (and they'll give more XP for him too, of course) that'll work better. Then I'll have more challenge from him and my level 22 friend will still be able to land a shot on him every once in awhile. That's not nearly as true as when fighting a level 26 guy.



Bah, your too Uber with your Imps Ketic (Kidding )

I actually like the +1 Minions & Lt's, no real difficulty with soloing them. Bosses on the other hand might be a little too much to handle if they were all +1.

COH/CoV - Virtue
8 Ball - Lev 50 Kin/Energy Defender
The Canadian Fist - Lev 50 Ice/EM Blaster

Omega Ghost - Lev 50 Robo/Dark MM
Ghostfall - Lev 50 Arachnos Crab Soldier



One problem I can see with it staying +1 pre 30's is the now infamous "power 10 enhancers". Will be np for those that can get them therby increasing their effectiveness,but what about those that have to wait 5-10 lvl more to get the SO's their toon requires?

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Um..if you have bothered to do enough missions to reach "Friend" status with a contact, they now unlock DO enhancements of all types -- one of the great changes in this update.
However, you have to find a contact whose specialty matches your origin (i.e., a contact who gives you CoT missions will sell you Magic/X DOs).



That would conflict with their plans to make the +22 mobs more dangerous.

Considering that purples quickly become hard to hit (making grouping with a 3 level different buddy harder) I prefer than plan. If they make the level 25 guy a lot harder to beat (and they'll give more XP for him too, of course) that'll work better. Then I'll have more challenge from him and my level 22 friend will still be able to land a shot on him every once in awhile. That's not nearly as true as when fighting a level 26 guy.

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Well you could always SK your friend that's 3 levels lower than you, that would help too. But I know what you're saying.

Sounds like it's only really a problem for people that are soloing. So maybe they could only have +1 mobs in a mission if you're teamed up? Solo missions would be evens and teamed would scale up starting with +1 mobs and get harder depending on the team size.

Seems a good way to make the game a bit more challenging for teams.



We ARE going to do something to the 22+ mobs...

And I'm definitely going to get to work on that darn mission difficulty slider (since the higher level people love the increased mob levels...)




TBH, I feel -really- bad where I am right now. I'm a lvl 18, 1/2 bubble from lvl 19.

(Edit: Not bad in a .. well. .bad way, I love the game.. but more of a bad in a "Pain, the pain of being a rock and a hard place" pain. I feel for those above me, and below me.)

I have been fighting +1's that are Tsoo's and others put together.. now I can take them, until I hit the bosses.. which own me like no body's business.

Yet give me a snigle partner, or a team, and these same +1's turn from being an unstoppable wall (I don't think I've beaten a door mission solo since issue 2), to an absolute joy of teamwork and fun... =)

So it's weird. I can solo till the boss and his mobs, but then, splat, nothing.

So I think 18-22 is gonna be a nether region for a bit.. The +1's are starting to get fun, but they still beat ya all over...

And I hope that when you implement the diffuculty slider (if it is set up like I think it is), you take into account XP awards, as well as disabling it for team matches (as they have their own dynamics).




We ARE going to do something to the 22+ mobs...

And I'm definitely going to get to work on that darn mission difficulty slider (since the higher level people love the increased mob levels...)

[/ QUOTE ]

lol, you can almost *see* Statesman's stress from the last few days.



We ARE going to do something to the 22+ mobs...

And I'm definitely going to get to work on that darn mission difficulty slider (since the higher level people love the increased mob levels...)

[/ QUOTE ]

lol, you can almost *see* Statesman's stress from the last few days.

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Yeah, cause he is giving us full answers ....

Group Hug for Statesman !!



i've ben keeping a running account of my lowbie mission experiences vs +1 bosses over here .

no one seems to be too interested in whineless posts aimed at shedding light on debatable topics.



We ARE going to do something to the 22+ mobs...

And I'm definitely going to get to work on that darn mission difficulty slider (since the higher level people love the increased mob levels...)

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the response Statesman. I know you guys are going to be working on 22+ mobs. Just thought this would be a great way to help out in the mean time.

Can't wait to see what you have in store for us.



I'm glad the difficulty slider is getting into the queue soon.

Thought should be put in to allowing an easy setting on it as well for those people who solo and can't do the standard level. Give a penalty to xp or whatever.

Personally I think I'd set it to easy only for mission where we die several times, and set it to hard for missions with stupidly easy factions (family/warriors). I definitely like the current setting when going in with a 2-person team. Hard, but doable and lots of fun.




TBH, I feel -really- bad where I am right now. I'm a lvl 18, 1/2 bubble from lvl 19.

(Edit: Not bad in a .. well. .bad way, I love the game.. but more of a bad in a "Pain, the pain of being a rock and a hard place" pain. I feel for those above me, and below me.)

I have been fighting +1's that are Tsoo's and others put together.. now I can take them, until I hit the bosses.. which own me like no body's business.

Yet give me a snigle partner, or a team, and these same +1's turn from being an unstoppable wall (I don't think I've beaten a door mission solo since issue 2), to an absolute joy of teamwork and fun... =)

So it's weird. I can solo till the boss and his mobs, but then, splat, nothing.

So I think 18-22 is gonna be a nether region for a bit.. The +1's are starting to get fun, but they still beat ya all over...

And I hope that when you implement the diffuculty slider (if it is set up like I think it is), you take into account XP awards, as well as disabling it for team matches (as they have their own dynamics).


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This is EXACTLY my experience as well. Except I am level 16, just turned 17. I can solo the whole mission (with a certain amount of caution and associated risk) then I get to the boss, and he cons Red now instead of Orange. So I try him, burn a whole tray of inspirations except for the Revive one, because I will need it in a second. Now I have to wait until I level or go get some other person to finish a mission. Heck even when I leveled and retried last night, the orange version still took all my inspirations and came down to an OOE sliver of life fight. (Boss was a Troll "caliban" based on his abilities) I am a Fire/Ice Tanker if that makes any difference in my arguement.



We ARE going to do something to the 22+ mobs...

And I'm definitely going to get to work on that darn mission difficulty slider (since the higher level people love the increased mob levels...)

[/ QUOTE ]


Thats funny, I seem to recall making numberous posts that emp defenders have a near impossible time with indoor missions BEFORE the recent increase in difficulty.

I can't imagine why any of them would want indoor missions made even more utterly impossible.

OHH, wait, I just remembered.

The only people you listen to are the broken classes, scrappers and blasters, both of whom can easily solo there way through hordes of high level mobs.

Yeah, I can see why your pet classes would want the increased level mobs to stay.

They need to keep uber leveling so you can keep thinking the games too easy and increase the difficulty even more so the non scrapper / blasters can get fuxxxored just a bit more.



We ARE going to do something to the 22+ mobs...

And I'm definitely going to get to work on that darn mission difficulty slider (since the higher level people love the increased mob levels...)

[/ QUOTE ]


Thats funny, I seem to recall making numberous posts that emp defenders have a near impossible time with indoor missions BEFORE the recent increase in difficulty.

I can't imagine why any of them would want indoor missions made even more utterly impossible.

OHH, wait, I just remembered.

The only people you listen to are the broken classes, scrappers and blasters, both of whom can easily solo there way through hordes of high level mobs.

Yeah, I can see why your pet classes would want the increased level mobs to stay.

They need to keep uber leveling so you can keep thinking the games too easy and increase the difficulty even more so the non scrapper / blasters can get fuxxxored just a bit more.

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Would you like some cheese with your whine? In addition to my Scrapper, I ALSO play a Gravity/ForceFields Controller, and a Super Strength Tank (Both currently 14 AND seeing +1 Level MOBs in missions). My Tank solos everything with no problems. My Controller solos groups of multiple +1 minions and LTs just fine. He has issues with +1 Bosses; but he ALSO has issues with Bosses in general and did before the upgrades.

If a Controller can solo, I don't see how a Defender is having issues since the two I often group with say they have a way easier time still soloing than my Controller.



We ARE going to do something to the 22+ mobs...

[/ QUOTE ]

Such as.....?

Are you refering to scaling them up more for missions? Or the additional hit point thing you've been talking about?

In any case I agree with the original poster. Post level 22 (not 20 since you can't get SOs yet) missions should have many +1 level mobs. Post level 30, +1 mobs should be the minimum, and +2 should be common (though +2 bosses would be too much). Also, missions should scale up to LT and Bosses much faster with more people in the group. Duo missions should have a lot more bosses in them (post 30).

This is the only way to make missions viable for xp. Outdoor hunting xp is just far too much better than missions. The increase mission rewards help, but it's still not even close to outdoor hunting.



The slider in Anarchy Online was one of the things I loved most about it. Not just the difficulty setting but that you could choose whether the reward was weighted towards XP or $$... among other adjustments you could make. Missions to match your personal playstyle = FUN.






A day late and a dollar (or more) short......



Wow, blast from the past.

The +1 enemies were/are a bug? Huh. Considering that difficulty levels 2 and 4 take the higher level spawns into account, I guess that bug has turned into a feature. -_o

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



*cues up "Take Me Out" by Franz Ferdinand.*

