


Statesman, I agree with you. Ever since the "accident" which gave me these strange powers, I have been particularly sensitive to the ebb and flow of cosmic energies. Both Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces have been responding strangely of late.
I have also noticed a change in the philotic makeup of certian areas of the city. This does indeed bode ill. Perhaps the Cirle of Thorns have been in contact with thier infernal masters? Or, perhaps more disturbing, the Rikkti have found some way of communicating with others of thier race, perhaps this is their handywork. We know so little about their technology that it could be they are up to something.
One thing is for certian, I and my peers shall be on alert. These are dangerous times, and ALL heroes should be on the lookout.
I have noticed a certian "concentration" (if it can be called that) in the Atlas Park district. Perhaps a full time presence should be maintained, so that none of the citizens are in danger if/when things come to a head.
I believe you know how to contact me, I am registered with the appropriate city agencies. If you need my assistance in any matter, please do not hesitate to contact myself, or my fellow team members.
Do be on alert yourself Statesman, I feel as though you have become a symbol for truth and justice to our fellow heroes. It would be MOST upsetting if anything were to happen to you.
Until our paths cross again, my friend.




It's got to happen on Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays.

Douglas Adams is my superhero.

(Liberty) Trick Dacy - Forge Steel - Hypother Mia
(Freedom) Folgus Sprit
(Infinity) Marcus Solomon
(Protector) Thylacine
(Justice) Ashkicker - Revile



For those of us who weren't in Beta, and with the possibility this might be a live event, can those who were clue us in to what that event was like? For example is this going to be a minion plague for a few hours to fight, which if you aren't on then you will miss? Was the beta one annonced beforehand, so you could be sure to be there? Did it last for days, so you had a better chance of participating?

[/ QUOTE ]

A couple of days before it began. A Rikti ship was spotted in skies flying over Paragon City from time to time. After that huge spawns of Hydra started showing up at Blyden Square in Steel Canyon. There where other unexpected spawns in other zones. It all lead up to the climax of the actual invasion.

Rikti motherships appeating over all the City Zones. Groups of Rikti appearing all over the place. You could see the Rikti Portals a ways off as the energy ribbons shot up into the sky. Some heroes took up scouting duty looking for hot spots. When Rikti where spotted, the was put out and mass confusion, er combat, started.

The Rikti Commanders where nearly invincible. There were literally more 40-50 heroes (of levels 30+) surrouding the one in Talos Island. My Tanker was standing on the Commander's head literally, while I pounded away on him. They kept up for 2 or 3 minutes of continuous combat before that sucker fell.

When I first target the Ritki Command he was only a level 8 Blaster. It it was a bug and I had targeted some SK'ed player. But no, it was him. The commanders have a <Censored. This information is CLASSIFIED. Omega Level Security Clearance Required>

Oh man. That was soo much fun!!! If it is going to be alive event, I can't wait!!



You sure those strange energies weren't just the Back Alley Brawler moving his bowels?






When I first target the Ritki Command he was only a level 8 Blaster. It it was a bug and I had targeted some SK'ed player. But no, it was him. The commanders have a <Censored. This information is CLASSIFIED. Omega Level Security Clearance Required>

[/ QUOTE ]
So you're saying I better finish that story arc and get my omega level security clearance badge if I want to figure out what's going on, eh?

This should be fun. I missed the invasion in beta because I had a final exam that night...stupid reality getting in the way of my superheroing!



These energies are escalating at an enormous rate, it almost feels as if it is sucking energy from everything to grow larger, my powers are waning, I can only hope that by the time this even reaches head, the climax will restore my powers to me, then whoa to the enemy that releases this, for the dark power I summon from hell will grip them in a tight fist and crush them. but who is behind it? I have head rumors of trolls using explosives underneath the city.. in tunnels. I wonder if that relates to the energy signatures at all.. hmm.. this matter must be investigated

- Demon Damian, lvl 28 empath defender, victory server



I knew I left the iron on in my lair.



HOLY [censored]

I wonder what it'll be! ^_______^



Fellow heroes, disturbing information has come to light. Thanks to the hard work at the Federal Bureau of Super Powered Affairs and the Portal Corporation, we have discovered an odd energy signature throughout Paragon City.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, that's just a blip. It's not a secret extradimensional dance club or anything. No sir. Nothing like that going on. Nope.



did you mean etheric Statesman??

e·ther ( P ) Pronunciation Key (thr)
Any of a class of organic compounds in which two hydrocarbon groups are linked by an oxygen atom.
A volatile, highly flammable liquid, C2H5OC2H5, derived from the distillation of ethyl alcohol with sulfuric acid and used as a reagent and solvent. It was formerly used as an anesthetic. Also called diethyl ether, ethyl ether.
The regions of space beyond the earth's atmosphere; the heavens.
The element believed in ancient and medieval civilizations to fill all space above the sphere of the moon and to compose the stars and planets.
Physics. An all-pervading, infinitely elastic, massless medium formerly postulated as the medium of propagation of electromagnetic waves.

[Middle English, upper air, from Latin aethr, from Greek aithr.]
e·theric (-thrk, -thîr-) adj.



sorry guys.... i farted



sorry guys.... i farted



[censored] [censored] wow i missed the rikti beta invasion dammit wish i didnt but swwwweeettttt man sweet is all i can [censored] [censored] say lol



whew, What a relief. I thought my hero-type sense was tingly over something stupid, like toilet paper stuck to my shoe. Glad to know tha feeling is working right and that ominous foreboding really is something.



Statesman... I friggin hate you... NO NO NO I love you devs, you're the greatest dev team out there.... but. grrrr... with the teasing. Hate hate hate you guys... but in, ya know, a good way

Either way, I was holding my main untill Update 2 goes live, but I think this definetley warrants dusting off.

"Get Froggy!"



maybe a sneak preveiw of the mighty lord recluse? Muhahahaha... Let the spider rule!!!!!... er i mean Go hero's.




[/ QUOTE ]


PKing GM's for teh win !!1!!!!!11!!



I feel giddy.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Maybe it's free candy. Or a ham. Sounds invasionish...

[/ QUOTE ]

Meat, he is gonna give us a box of Christmas meat!!!!!No Job though.



Or he saved a bunch on his car insurance by switching to Geico.

[/ QUOTE ]

Only naturally He does work with the Geko So he got an even deeper discount!



Well we need a build up for City of Villains... hmm Well the best place to find a ton of villains is.. in jail. So when is the big Zigg finally going to be broken open? With all the plots to crack the prison house wide open sounds like a good place for the City of Villains Trail zone. hehe

OH maybe its an announcement for beta? oooo

To the best dev team ever: I enjoyed meeting you all at the Summits and best of luck in all your future endeavors.



All your Paragon are belong to Rikti?!

[/ QUOTE ]




e·ther ( P ) Pronunciation Key (thr)

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah. That's the anglicized version of the word "aether" (which preserves the ancient Greek root much better).



e·ther ( P ) Pronunciation Key (thr)

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah. That's the anglicized version of the word "aether" (which preserves the ancient Greek root much better).

[/ QUOTE ]

ROFL! Damnit, Jack! I was just posting "literary license allows for the spelling 'aetheric' as it applies to the more esoteric realms of mysticism and magic...."