


There's a storm coming. Watch the skies! Trust no-one! Look, you fools. You're in danger. Can't you see? They're after you. They're after all of us. Our wives, our children, everyone. They're here already. YOU'RE NEXT!



I hope the great thingy comes out before thursday.... because if now i'm going to be too... aw, who am I kidding, I'd quit my job for this.

but please not thursday



There's a storm coming. Watch the skies! Trust no-one! Look, you fools. You're in danger. Can't you see? They're after you. They're after all of us. Our wives, our children, everyone. They're here already. YOU'RE NEXT!

[/ QUOTE ]

Interestingly, my SG is called "Majestic 12" and I have "Groom Lake" in there... *chuckles at all the overt references*



Or he saved a bunch on his car insurance by switching to Geico.

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Only naturally He does work with the Geko So he got an even deeper discount!

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL, Issue 1.5 : Stateman Switches to Geico



The announcment is... Solient Green is made of people!

To the best dev team ever: I enjoyed meeting you all at the Summits and best of luck in all your future endeavors.



Dont worry folks...Champagne will be served in the hospitals during this crisis...



Oh YEAH! Bring it ON!



So I propose this event be unofficially named "The Geico Event".



I wonder if this is related to a wierd floating cloud in SC that I saw about 2-3 weeks ago.... the NPCs were running from it like it was a baddie. Maybe???

If so anyone wanna join me for a debt party when this does go down??? Like my signature says..... Ya can find me faceplanted anywhere!!



Hmph. Might just be the release of issue #2... B-o-r-i-n-g
But if it's an invasion, I SAY, BRING IT!!!!! Then same old story. GOND hits they die.

Oh, PS If it is indeed an invasion of some sort. For those villians who r listening. Same rules as before. No eyes, no balls.



there is a sorcerer that can make a cloud, i know because he made one and it kept hiting me with lighting a few days ago.
1st and only time i have seen it, but i don' think it has anything to do with this. it was weak anyway and did almost no damage.

all i have to say is an announcement like this without giving specifics sucks for the working man!



Oh, PS If it is indeed an invasion of some sort. For those villians who r listening. Same rules as before. No eyes, no balls.

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Regarding your rules...? You can say that again...



I am One with the Zen of Scrapping... my debt is an illusion...

Bring it on!



I am One with the Zen of Scrapping... my debt is an illusion...

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Assuming the big event isn't issue 2, you can always reverse SK to get rid of debt faster!



There's a storm coming. Watch the skies! Trust no-one! Look, you fools. You're in danger. Can't you see? They're after you. They're after all of us. Our wives, our children, everyone. They're here already. YOU'RE NEXT!

[/ QUOTE ]

"Feel the storm? It's coming!"

"I thought that was rain. ;_;"

Jason Heavensrun
Swift : Freedom Server
Check out my first Architect Arc, "Bring Up the Sun", arc #339507, and let me know what you think!



I hope the great thingy comes out before thursday.... because if now i'm going to be too... aw, who am I kidding, I'd quit my job for this.

but please not thursday

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Oh yea if it's thursday im calling in sick and if they don't believe me i'm dropping out!

1 thing I've seen is that baddies seem to have powers stronger than their lvl or completely impossible for their archtype. I saw a shocker about lvl 10 use a lightning cloud and a brick zapped me! mabye just bugs but its still wierd



Hopefully it lasts all day... Id hate to have to wake up early to be a part of it, and i have classes 12-3:15... At least i have an excuse to stay home and play games! (hand is in a splint. ^^;



Researchers believe that this aetheric energy appears to be building towards a climax at some point in the near future

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Thinking they had found the source, the Paragon Times sought an interview with the hero Aether, lead investigator for a local detective agency. Brushing aside reporters, he denied being behind any energy releases, adding, "Whoever sensed it, dispensed it."

When asked about the build toward a future climax he responded, "Stay out of my love life."



hmmmmmmm.....last night I had a new hero I was working on...I was fighting some Hellion in GC, when suddenly...it was like he had super speed...he literally disappeared in a flash...moved in a split second down the block and then back again. I thought it could have been a weird server thing...now I wonder....




Hey states, its cool your being all cryptic and all, but could you tell us if its on a saturday, or a sunday. Seriously, i got school, so if its a weekday, then I'll miss out, and i don't want to miss out. So just give us a straight answer for once.

Blizzard still sucks if you were wondering.



Researchers believe that this aetheric energy appears to be building towards a climax at some point in the near future

[/ QUOTE ]

Thinking they had found the source, the Paragon Times sought an interview with the hero Aether, lead investigator for a local detective agency. Brushing aside reporters, he denied being behind any energy releases, adding, "Whoever sensed it, dispensed it."

When asked about the build toward a future climax he responded, "Stay out of my love life."

[/ QUOTE ]


Excellent!!! Thanks for the Laugh!



Time to break out the emergency stash of 25 Cases of Coke Classic.. Time to camp on the computer. WAITING for something to happen.. Ohh wait... Got a job.. Ohh well.



Dang it! Why the heck did I think to upgrade to Windows XP last week without adding RAM first? Np for all you newer machine running folks but I got a bus speed of 100 and 384 megs RAM ain't cuttin' it. Literally in a group of 4 or more my FPS drops to 0.5-0.9 so solo is all I got till next month when I can double my RAM. (sigh) CoH.....she loves AND hates, no?



Whatever it is, I'm sure we'll thwart it!

We spend countless hours thwarting things and we've gotten pretty darn good at it.

thwart! thwart! thwart!

Justice server



Matt_Crowe, that is some good stuff. . .