


Even if it's on Friday, I get home before prime time (Should be home at 2:00 PST) just thought about the prime time thing. And if it's anything like Turbine's events, it won't just be one day, it'll last the whole month if necessary.



ooo, bad things are coming unh...well then heroes have no need to fear since Kitties Reborn will be there to protect you (at elast on the virtue server hehe) =^_^=



So what do you guys think the event will be (to lazy to look back through the 22 PAGES to find out if anybody else has given i good answer to this)

[/ QUOTE ]

If you're too lazy to read the thread, then I'm both too lazy to answer directly and of the belief you don't deserve an event, or at least don't deserve to partake of one.



I just hate how it's going to be done in the next few days.

I'd much prefer to be playing, and am too busy with my videos at the moment. Couldn't it wait until after the contest? That'd make Spacekitten happy.



Ok, I have to ask. Why is everyone so excited about this? I've rarely read an announcement that had less information than this one. For all I know this is an announcement that they are shutting down several servers due to lack of players.

Sheesh, people can get worked up about the dumbest things.



I thought aliens were of a higher intelligence but these dumschmuks keep coming back for more.


My business is kicking @%#@% and right now, business is good!

So Bring It On Baby!!!

"Wanna know what happens next? log onto whoopyourass.com!



Ok, I have to ask. Why is everyone so excited about this? I've rarely read an announcement that had less information than this one. For all I know this is an announcement that they are shutting down several servers due to lack of players.

Sheesh, people can get worked up about the dumbest things.

[/ QUOTE ]
People are excited BECAUSE of the lack of information, not despite it. It's called a teaser.



This sounds awefuly familiar.

Statesman: "I don't know where, I don't know when; but something terrible is about to happen!"

I suppose we should move from orange to red alert, or code "red" ...




Ok, I have to ask. Why is everyone so excited about this? I've rarely read an announcement that had less information than this one. For all I know this is an announcement that they are shutting down several servers due to lack of players.

Sheesh, people can get worked up about the dumbest things.

[/ QUOTE ]




Ok, I have to ask. Why is everyone so excited about this? I've rarely read an announcement that had less information than this one. For all I know this is an announcement that they are shutting down several servers due to lack of players.

Sheesh, people can get worked up about the dumbest things.

[/ QUOTE ]

Because with one of State's recent interviews there was talk of events with issue 2.



Must... use... psychic... powers...

Wait I'm a Scrapper $@&*@, well I guess I'll have to wait.

*Looks to left sees every playable hero's alternate from the Praetorian universe waving at him*

"Ahh hell."



Fellow heroes, disturbing information has come to light. Thanks to the hard work at the Federal Bureau of Super Powered Affairs and the Portal Corporation, we have discovered an odd energy signature throughout Paragon City. Researchers believe that this aetheric energy appears to be building towards a climax at some point in the near future. We believe that this will occur at some point over the next several days, but the authorities are not yet sure. All heroes should be on the look out for anything strange in the city. Be on guard; we have reason to believe that this bodes ill for our metropolis.

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay.. let me try to sort this out for everyone. What he's trying to say without saying it is:

1. Issue 2 is going live (this weekend would be my guess).

2. Live event at that time.



Fellow heroes, disturbing information has come to light. Thanks to the hard work at the Federal Bureau of Super Powered Affairs and the Portal Corporation, we have discovered an odd energy signature throughout Paragon City. Researchers believe that this aetheric energy appears to be building towards a climax at some point in the near future. We believe that this will occur at some point over the next several days, but the authorities are not yet sure. All heroes should be on the look out for anything strange in the city. Be on guard; we have reason to believe that this bodes ill for our metropolis.

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay.. let me try to sort this out for everyone. What he's trying to say without saying it is:

1. Issue 2 is going live (this weekend would be my guess).

2. Live event at that time.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds right to me!



Statesman and the rest of the devs must be laughing their butts off at all the speculating going on. I mean, 24 pages of replies?!

This is my take, and I'm not usually a pessimist, but don't get your hopes up for an "invasion" of any sort. Instead be prepared for the most logical thing that could happen and thats issue #2 going live. Thats the only thing that makes sense.

I have read alot of Statesmans answers to questions on the boards and in almost everything he states that getting issue #2 to the live servers is the biggest priority. It wouldn't make sense for them to be holding an 'event' before it goes live and especially not during.

I hate to sound all 'spockish' but the only logical thing I get from his cryptic (ugh) message is that he is announcing the arrival of #2 going live.

HOWEVER....An invasion, prison riot, hordes of trolls spilling forth into the city would be AWESOME!! but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Ignorance dies from exposure to truth.
I am the hunter of ignorance.
I am the truth.
- The Seeker



Statesman and the rest of the devs must be laughing their butts off at all the speculating going on. I mean, 24 pages of replies?!

This is my take, and I'm not usually a pessimist, but don't get your hopes up for an "invasion" of any sort. Instead be prepared for the most logical thing that could happen and thats issue #2 going live. Thats the only thing that makes sense.

I have read alot of Statesmans answers to questions on the boards and in almost everything he states that getting issue #2 to the live servers is the biggest priority. It wouldn't make sense for them to be holding an 'event' before it goes live and especially not during.

I hate to sound all 'spockish' but the only logical thing I get from his cryptic (ugh) message is that he is announcing the arrival of #2 going live.

HOWEVER....An invasion, prison riot, hordes of trolls spilling forth into the city would be AWESOME!! but I'm not getting my hopes up.

[/ QUOTE ]

I just read your post real quick but, I hate to say it but you sound all 'spockish'.



Hmmm.. just my personal theory... But for those people that have played on the test server and have seen what the portal corp building looks like compared to live... I have a feeling this event will end up explaining why it went from simple research facility to armed camp....



Hmmm.. just my personal theory... But for those people that have played on the test server and have seen what the portal corp building looks like compared to live... I have a feeling this event will end up explaining why it went from simple research facility to armed camp....

[/ QUOTE ]

You're right, I'm guessing a ton of Shadow Shard guys will break through in a huge level range and be all over the city.



The commanders have a <Censored. This information is CLASSIFIED. Omega Level Security Clearance Required>

Oh man. That was soo much fun!!! If it is going to be alive event, I can't wait!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey hey HEY!, I HAVE omega level clearance!



"Something really bad is going to happen someplace near here sometime soon."

"Gee, could you vauge that up for us a little?"

[/ QUOTE ]

WOO! Go Buffy!



Well Statesman, what a pleasent message you have sent to us of the days ahead and the future of Paragon. One thing.... of all the heroes involved in defending this great city, And of all the Ledgends that have been born in this struggle against evil. We have yet to be graced by your presence. So I have begun to think maybe the threat that we will be facing this time might not be as ill as you may think.... *Smirks* We are a city of very powerful heroes some of us veterans and some of us rookies, But we all have been fighting this war without our fearless leader. Which leads me to this question.....Will you be there Statesman will you finally come out and fight along side the new generation of hereoes that have assumed responsibility for this city?........ Just a thought.



Yeah, I'd like States to be on top of the steps of city hall, police keeping people back as he gives a speech... How awesome would that be?



Ohhh man I can't believe that you guys scheduled a live event during the week of Gamestop's annual manager conference.......evil.......pure evil......



Ok, I have to ask. Why is everyone so excited about this? I've rarely read an announcement that had less information than this one. For all I know this is an announcement that they are shutting down several servers due to lack of players.

Sheesh, people can get worked up about the dumbest things.

[/ QUOTE ]
People are excited BECAUSE of the lack of information, not despite it. It's called a teaser.

[/ QUOTE ]
Dude, a teaser is where a woman comes out on stage in a slinky outfit and the music starts up and you know she's gonna start peeling layers.

This announcment is more like a total bum walking out in a potato sack and you can't help but wonder if you came to the wrong show.



Well, heres my piece of wild speculation...

There will be some sort of event that will explain the opening to the new areas, like the Hollows, and the other changes that Issue 2 is going to bring. Hopefully this will take the form of some sort of cross-zone breakout happening, so that everyone can get involve to some degree.

And when we beat off the assault (as we shall, because we are ever vigilante and dedicated to Paragon's defence!) then Statsman (in game) will repeal the hold on capes (which were, as I understand it, removed as a tribute to Hero 1) to reward the new generation of heroes and their success. Then, either on the weekend or next week, Issue 2 will go live.

Actually, thats similar to what other people have suggested, so its not so wild or original speculation :P



OK, how will the average player WHO DOES NOT go to the forums find out about this?

I figure ppl will spam it in Broadcast, right?

This might be a way to get more ppl to look at the forums too.

Anyway, I hope I'm on when it happens. I guess it will last for a while.

Night Goblin 35 lvl BS/Regen Scrapper
Slag Heap 38 lvl Fire/Axe Tanker
Energy Anomoly 23 lvl Energy/Energy Blaster