


can we get a heads up to when this is going to be??? i missed all the invasions in beta and i need to know so i can fake an anurisim and get out of work....

[/ QUOTE ]

Seriously! Some of us have lives we have to be responsible at (most times). Can't we at least find out what day so that we can cut our irresponsible behavior to only one 24 hour period?!?



I doubt this is an event. I don't think that the devs are ready to do that stuff properly yet. This is just back-story for the Shadow Shard. They need some heavy explanation. You can't just add a new zone like that without some heavy reasoning..



Fellow heroes, disturbing information has come to light. Thanks to the hard work at the Federal Bureau of Super Powered Affairs and the Portal Corporation, we have discovered an odd energy signature throughout Paragon City. Researchers believe that this aetheric energy appears to be building towards a climax at some point in the near future. We believe that this will occur at some point over the next several days, but the authorities are not yet sure. All heroes should be on the look out for anything strange in the city. Be on guard; we have reason to believe that this bodes ill for our metropolis.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ooooo ...

lol ... please tell me that you will make this an all day event I'm going to be totally bumed if I can't join in because of work



I doubt this is an event. I don't think that the devs are ready to do that stuff properly yet. This is just back-story for the Shadow Shard. They need some heavy explanation. You can't just add a new zone like that without some heavy reasoning..

[/ QUOTE ]

HMM I thinkyou are onto something. Maybe it's an event that trigger the story and bring out the new zone.



I doubt this is an event. I don't think that the devs are ready to do that stuff properly yet. This is just back-story for the Shadow Shard. They need some heavy explanation. You can't just add a new zone like that without some heavy reasoning..

[/ QUOTE ]

Statesman has said in a previous interview that they were hoping to get live events in soon after issue 2 goes live.



I doubt this is an event. I don't think that the devs are ready to do that stuff properly yet. This is just back-story for the Shadow Shard. They need some heavy explanation. You can't just add a new zone like that without some heavy reasoning..

[/ QUOTE ]

Statesman has said in a previous interview that they were hoping to get live events in soon after issue 2 goes live.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmmm... That's true. I think it was the MMORadio interview now that you remind me. Still, I think that this announcement is simply back-story for the Shadow Shard. I'd LOVE to see it kick off with an event, but I think this is more of a justification for a wacky zone addition than a precursor to an event.



If it is a GM event puh-leeeez consider holding it over a weekend, so those of us not in a US timezone can afford to spend the midnight hours taking part



I hope it ain't got nothing to do with the opening of the dance club *grumble grumble*



What if they just changed the game mechanics for a day and made everything colored purple....

or green maybe.....ya.......green......



Awwww dang it. I wish I knew what day it was going to happen. I gotta pick one night this week to get caught up on chores and laundry. Grrrrr, guess I'll just have to leave CoH on in the background while I clean.



Me thinks its just a warning that Issue 2 is on the way.



If they told us when it would be...server would be packed...and it would ruin the spontaneous aspect of the event...

[/ QUOTE ]

So true! I think it's gonna be Lord Recluse and his minions (or a new type of mob that's gonna be Lord Recluse's) attacking heroes in Paragon City, fully utilizing awesome-looking, never-seen-before, CoV powers.
Either that, or something I didn't even think of.

It would rock just to see Statesman on the steps of Atlas Park City Hall (on every server, he'd just be an NPC) like in the E3 video for CoH. I'm only a level 21 empathy defender but I would still do my part! Even against impossible level 40s!



I'm guessing it's either a GM event that will happen the day before Issue 2 goes live or the day that issue 2 goes live.

My guess is that it'll involve the CoT somehow.



The obvious thing to happen is an invasion by the Rularuu.

Just as after the Rikti invasion we cou;d go to the crash site and start jumping around parallel realities, so too after the rularuu invasion we'll be able to enter the Shadow Shard.

I just hope they let out Rularuu level appropriate to each zone. I don't want anyone to miss out!



sorry for my noobiness, but who are the Rularuu?



Can we please have the event from Friday-Sunday? What good would it be to host something during the week? With school back in session and most of your subscribers working through the week (to pay for subscriptions ), it would seem to be in the best interest of all to choose the weekend for this. I know you are probably better staffed for an event during the week as it is when you are working as well, but alot of people will miss out on it.

Major Marvel lvl 43 INV/EM tank
Dark Vendetta lvl 32 Energy/Energy blaster
Black Rhino lvl 18 Dark/Regen scrapper

Rulebook? You must be joking.



sorry for my noobiness, but who are the Rularuu?

[/ QUOTE ]

Read the Issue #2 Features Update .



oh great, something really interesting is about to happen and I'll be out of town when it happens...



Hahah, i love how.. random and quiet these types of things are..
everyone just stands there going.. UHHHHHHHHH OK!!
then.. something happens!!! and everyone goes.. that was it?!?!?!?!?
its gunna be GREAT!!!!!!



The energy signals are just Icon's sewing machines getting all the capes ready. The big blimp in Atlas is going to do a midnight dump of capes onto the city and it will be a free-for-all to see who gets one.

Major Marvel lvl 43 INV/EM tank
Dark Vendetta lvl 32 Energy/Energy blaster
Black Rhino lvl 18 Dark/Regen scrapper

Rulebook? You must be joking.



I really hope I am wrong about this, but I believe that it is just issue 2 coming out. Strange energy readings? Ooohh could that be the terra volta reactor about to go critical? I am a level 35 blaster borred out of my freakin skull, so I hope that all you clowns that think it is gonna be a live event are right. At level 35 this game is tedious as hell



I am also betting that this 'event' will happen in Eden to actually get someone to go in there.



It'll probably happen the end of this week, because that's when hurricane Ivan is hitting my area and my power will be out so I won't be able to play.

i know, whine whine

Don't forget to take screenshots.



e·ther ( P ) Pronunciation Key (thr)

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah. That's the anglicized version of the word "aether" (which preserves the ancient Greek root much better).

[/ QUOTE ]
Torture Pronunciation: 'tor-ch&r
The Pronunciation: [th]
Players Pronunciation: 'plA-&rs
Of Pronunciation:'äv
Paragon Pronunciation: 'par-&-"gän
City Pronunciation: 'si-tE



I just so hope it's a 24 hour event, or at least a 12 hour event or something similarly large, as if this happens at 10-12pm-ish eastern American time then that will be about 3-5am for me, there's no way I'll be able to hit that much unless it reaches from 6pm or to about 5am eastern.