


Yeah, I'd like States to be on top of the steps of city hall, police keeping people back as he gives a speech... How awesome would that be?

[/ QUOTE ]

Our police? The Paragon City Police Department? The guys who can't get their purses from hellions, those police? The ones who can't thin traffic after a little league soccer match, those police?

We're doomed.



Heh come on Virtue and say that about the PCPF and you'll get a good sock in the mouth. Those boys and girls don't play over there!



The Police in East Gate and Brickstown actually do their job though, it's quite a shock.



Ya know, I'm really torn here. You see, Ivan the Terrible is fast-approaching, and it'll hit Wednesday and last through the weekend (supposedly). Now on the one hand, we're talking 80 mph winds, rains, flooding, possible tornadoes and electrical storms, general mayhem.... "Dogs and cats, living together! Mass Hysteria!"*

On the other hand, if the weather's really bad, I get out of work, and can play CoH so I can die pathetically during the event.

It's a moral dilemma.

(Just watch, the event will happen while my ISP crashes. That'd be my luck.)

*-guess that quote.



Spoof of ICself :*Rolling around on a shag Carpetng in socks and a sweater"Odd energy sigs you say? I wonder whatever could be causing them?"
IC:tightens fighting gloves "When Chaos Happens, Chaos Control goes to work ..Now just got to figure out When and where."
OOC: Intresting.. I Hope what ever it is is not something low levels of My Super Group can survive.

"When chaos happens... I'll be right in the middle of it."
Let Your Spirit Fly!!!
Kid K



"Dogs and cats, living together! Mass Hysteria!"*

*-guess that quote.

[/ QUOTE ]




Awww...come on...I've been waiting forever for an event and now thanks to that hurricane I'm going to miss it...such is my life...



The best climax/ending to it would be a couple Hammy's spawned in Atlas Park thanks to the Rularuu allowing the DE to reach it and they spend all day working on bring Hamidon beyond the boundaries of The Hive

This space is intentionally left blank.



Yeah I like a good "Cryptic" announcement as much as the next gamer but it'd be semi-helpful to know when this alleged event will take place, in reality. Hate to think something may be coming to spice the game up since beta ended and make prior commitments.



((If they told us when it would be...server would be packed...and it would ruin the spontaneous aspect of the event...

...but if I miss it I am gonna be so pissed... I already missed the Beta event my a few minutes...I came just as people were killing off the last few Rikti's))



Exactly. I'm no level 12 noob at the end of beta this time around ya damn dirty apes...er...Rikti! I want to be alerted so I can hand out some righteous Earthling justice.



Maybe he switchedd to GEICO??????



Haha too damn cool! An event is coming I hope!



Damn, i just found out that i'm probably driving down to San Francisco for a road trip. Figures, it would happen on this weekend.



Woot! I'm glad this time I won't be getting killed by level 35 Rikti monkeys.



Crosses fingers....Please don't let it involve Devouring Earth in a cave, I can deal with anything but that.



I suspect Portal Corp is about to open a portal to what will become Firebase Zulu. The gateway on test is the center building of the Portal Corp campus, and last I looked on the live servers, the bunkers/sandbags, and troops are notably absent. While we've been given the in-game explanation for the disaster in Eastgate, the Shadow Shard and Firebase Zulu have gone without explanation... so far.

Love the suspense, by the way...

Synchrotron, level 50 Radiation/Radiation Defender
Fighting crime on Champion since 2004



ya that makes alot of sense, thats what i thought, good to hear the patch is comming out sooner then i thought, I'm guessing this is just a prelude



OK, how will the average player WHO DOES NOT go to the forums find out about this?

[/ QUOTE ]

Well I know that I'm certainly posting in my sg message and trying get them organised, but it's already being talked about in broadcast, and it'll be on the server radios,so I doubt many people will be uninformed entirely



Oh this figures my last 3 days of my CoH Account and now we get an event...



It's alright man, it happens



OK, how will the average player WHO DOES NOT go to the forums find out about this?

[/ QUOTE ]

In the coming days they may also put this as a news bulletin on the updater.. (you know, where you click "I agree"). Currently, it's about pre-downloading issue 2..




i hope its an in game event. ever since i heard of the invasion at the end of beta i've wanted to participate in one.

[/ QUOTE ]

The Rikti invasion at the end of beta was rather exciting at first. But the lag was unbeleivable. Hopefully, the servers are now optimized to the point where that won't happen. If this is another Rikti invasion, it will be awesome.

And if it's something else, it will be even more awesome.

[/ QUOTE ]




Or he saved a bunch on his car insurance by switching to Geico.

[/ QUOTE ]


Good one!!



Why do I keep thinking Ghostbusters? The stay-puft man is going to be romping around Paragon...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yea, I am totally voting for a GIANT mob to reck havok on our little world But without a new death animation "Flattened under foot" I don't think it would have the same impact. LOL... smushed heroes everywhere! Riot!