



Bring it on!



It figgers, that today the 15th is when fable is released. and working @ a game store I'm stuck being there.... and I'll have to put fable off until the crisis is over....

Dam n those Evil Octopi.




on Infinity: I was running through Skyway and I saw meteors fall from the sky. They all originated from one spot, but went in random directions. When I got to where one of them fell, there was nothing there.

Is this a prelude? do_0b



I saw an NPC called Gaylord.



I have sent out the call to the rest of the Tempest Clan, and we shall begin patrolling.....as soon as we get off work

Be they deadly Rikti invaders or Benevolent Republican Behemoths (BRBs), we shall not falter in our defense of Paragon City !!!



on Infinity: I was running through Skyway and I saw meteors fall from the sky. They all originated from one spot, but went in random directions. When I got to where one of them fell, there was nothing there.

Is this a prelude? do_0b

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Maybe that was just a defeated flying hero. We fall out the sky all the time



The obvious thing to happen is an invasion by the Rularuu.

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or worse yet...Paris Hilton!!!



There was definitely more than 8... I counted 11 when I started seeing them. Don't know how long it lasted before I noticed. It lasted for about 4 minutes, and then stopped. The last "meteor" fell somewhere near the Train station. My flying friend went to check out the source of the "meteors". He told me that he saw a large object at the highest point he could get to, but it disappeared before he could get a better view.



meteors huh......

no sir...I dont like it



I say baloney! I doubt they have started anything up yet!

more likely they will start it up just before update 2, or when update 2 releases.. I havent seen anything wierd nor has anyone of my friends or supergroup.



May the hype be with you....

I have a different memory of the Rikti "invasion" at the end of beta. It was broken. A few people had fun, but in Atlas, we spent 9/10 of the event finding broken Rikti that couldn't be attacked. I think I saw maybe 3 functional Rikti (all of them taken down by the few high level heroes around while the rest of us were mobile targets who could do absolutely nothing useful). The Rikti stood around, sometimes killed people, but didn't actually DO anything. Ooooh...scary invasion, they spawned some monsters, most of which didn't work, and none of whom actually had a goal other than killing heroes. Real terrors to the city.

Statesmen likes to raise expectations, but don't go overboard and expect something dramatic or spectacular, you'll likely be disappointed. I'll be surprised if it amounts to anything more than villains being spawned throughout the city and wandering around to be mobile targets.

And I agree, this should henceforth be known as the Geico event.



Why do I keep thinking Ghostbusters? The stay-puft man is going to be romping around Paragon...

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Yea, I am totally voting for a GIANT mob to reck havok on our little world But without a new death animation "Flattened under foot" I don't think it would have the same impact. LOL... smushed heroes everywhere! Riot!

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WOOT!!! but I need the heroes to look like Jim Careys character in The Mask. How they get comepletely flattened and are 2D characters walking around "drunk". Then we will need an emote to stick my thumb in my mouth & blow to fill myself back up with air!!

I can see this!!

I need this!!



There was definitely more than 8... I counted 11 when I started seeing them. Don't know how long it lasted before I noticed. It lasted for about 4 minutes, and then stopped. The last "meteor" fell somewhere near the Train station. My flying friend went to check out the source of the "meteors". He told me that he saw a large object at the highest point he could get to, but it disappeared before he could get a better view.

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11 meteors you say? Probably a lv 4 Call Meteor spell. THe mage trainer will sell you that for 10 gold. But you have to be level 40.



For those of us who weren't in Beta, and with the possibility this might be a live event, can those who were clue us in to what that event was like? For example is this going to be a minion plague for a few hours to fight, which if you aren't on then you will miss? Was the beta one annonced beforehand, so you could be sure to be there? Did it last for days, so you had a better chance of participating?

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It was kind of announced in advance, we knew there was going to be something happening that night. Personally, I had an absolute blast that night, it was a huge amount of fun. I think there were like 8 instances of Galaxy City, and in mine there were almost 100 heroes fighting the Rikti. A huge bunch of us were running around finding the spawned knots of Rikti (and they would spawn mostly in large groups, like 15 - 20 guys) and then run over them. Most of the higher level people (level 15, remember it was beta, and on one of the newer servers, I think Pinnacle) got into this massive fracas outside the hospital with Rikti that just kept on spawning. I swear that battle lasted 30 minutes or more.

Finally all that were left were the Rikti around the hospital so everyone was there throwing themselves into the battle. Even lower level heroes (I was only level 7). I remember that was the first time I had been ressed. Oh, and there was a main Rikti boss that was taunting us over chat. Anyway, when that battle was finally over (I think I died 7 times that night) we all when to Justice Plaza and took screen shots, which I still have someplace I think. I can try to post them if anyone's interested. In the screen shots you can easily count almost 90 heroes.

I don't recall having any tremendous lag that night. Really I don't recall any, but I'm sure there had to be some. I remember that was the first time I had seen super jump, and a lot of other powers.

It was awesome!



Awwww dang it. I wish I knew what day it was going to happen. I gotta pick one night this week to get caught up on chores and laundry. Grrrrr, guess I'll just have to leave CoH on in the background while I clean.

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Me too. I feel ya! But that will be after I have called into work *cough cough* I am So sick again *cough cough*

Boyfriend :Are you ok babe? You are staying home? Well you rest up.

Me : Yeah I should be ok, I just need to stay in bed all day & get better *weak cough*

Boyfriend : Ok well I will see you when I get home.

Me : OK darlin', I am just going to go back to bed now. *rolling over & shutting off light*

Pano of me RUNNING FROM BED already dressed in sweats & with a Mountin Dew in hand, headed towards computer that is already loaded with CoH.

This is going to rock!!



Rularuu invasion. that's all there is too it. oops, portal corp opens up the portal to the shadow shard (hence the 'shadows of the past' headline) and then oh crap!! what have we done... the rularuu start invading paragon city.

this will explain the new zone as well as new enemies. will it be something spectacular? maybe. will it be exciting? i hope so!

anyway my guess is this will happen on friday. probably late EST, around say 9ish? that way all the PST folks will be home from work (hopefully) to enjoy this as well as all us folks on the east coast.

anyway, gigabit will be out patrolling tonight on the victory server just to see if there are any strange goings on...



THE LONERS stand ready!!!



Fellow heroes, disturbing information has come to light. Thanks to the hard work at the Federal Bureau of Super Powered Affairs and the Portal Corporation, we have discovered an odd energy signature throughout Paragon City. Researchers believe that this aetheric energy appears to be building towards a climax at some point in the near future. We believe that this will occur at some point over the next several days, but the authorities are not yet sure. All heroes should be on the look out for anything strange in the city. Be on guard; we have reason to believe that this bodes ill for our metropolis.

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Probably does bode ill. Bet that odd energy signature has a pile of nerfs in it...

-- Xurbax



Damn you, Statesman!! DAMN YOU!! Even your official announcements are an enigma. (What's the plural of "enigma" anyway? Enigmi?)

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Enigmas--that's the plural.

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Well, yes and no. "Enigmas" has become accepted since so few people pay attention to the specifics of language nowadays, but the more correct pluralization is "enigmata."



ok, I am at work and dont really have time to read all the posting on this thing, and tried to read through some here and there but there were ones saying "yea that was fun" and others saying "when will it happen" and so i dont know if it already happened or if we are still waiting.... so... um.... did it happen yet?



Yesterday around 10 or so PM EST there were reports of a giant level 50 monster class mob in Founder's Falls on Guardian. By the time one of my SGmates arrived on the scene the mob had been defeated and faded away to the prison. Since we never actually saw the monster, I can't verify its existance, but people said it was there and had defeated it. Not sure how often a giant level 50 monster class giant mob spawns, but either way it can't be a good sign for Paragon...



My feeling is this is simply fair warning that issue 2 is coming very soon. Issue 2 ids built around the Terra Volta reactor becoming unstable, and the energy they are talking about could very well be because of that. Also, given issue 2 has been out for general user testing for a few weeks, AND they have released it for download for almost a week, my money is on a release of Issue 2 Thursday during maintenance or Tuesday next week during maintenance (to avoid the overload it would cause on a weekend). I could be wrong, and probably am, but thats where I am putting my money.



The thought of an invasion really excites me. I love seeing higher level characters in lower level zones, it's odd and helps keep you on your toes...like anything could happen.

The other day (before the announcement) I ran up to the big statue in blyde square where everybody hangs out. I noticed a bunch of dead heroes laying around. I looked at the chat and saw frantic cries for help saying there were level 27 devouring earth in the area. Some high level heroes showed up and cleaned up the mess. I just thought it was so cool. Sure, debt sucks but I wouldn't even mind dying from something like that.

On that note...does anyone know why higher level characters show up here and there? I was in kings row a while back and almost ran into a level 38 devouring earth on the steps of the police station. I've seen other high level enemies out of place numerous times. How do they get there?



on Infinity: I was running through Skyway and I saw meteors fall from the sky. They all originated from one spot, but went in random directions. When I got to where one of them fell, there was nothing there.

Is this a prelude? do_0b

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Keep an eye out, kids! We need screenshots!



Remember people, if you see anything weird, TAKE SCREENSHOTS!

Bah, beat me by a few seconds!