


when it starts could someone do us all a favor and come on here and let us know? i cant play right now because im working but i can check the forums all the time.
To me it sounds issue 2 related. either a prequel like mentioned before or the actual release.



September 19th is this week. It is National Talk Like A Pirate Day.

We will be invaded by pirates. It's logic.

PERC Supporter
La Pucelle (BS/SR)
Miseria Bella (Sonic/Dark)
Wrangler Annie (SS/Elec)
Coldsmoke (Ice/Dark)
Saber Maid (BS/Regen)
and others...



I vote for tonight(Wednesday) or Friday or Saturday. My Girlfriend is coming over on Thursday, and she'd be really disappointed if I were playing CoH all night. So for her sake, please make it tonight or Friday!




IT WOULD BE AWESOME...if we had a more specific sense of when this might begin. Please, for the love of god, give us a better sense of when we NEED to be on.

thanks in advance.



whatever it is, whoever it is, let them come. my fire/dev powerbuild will crush them all!!!!

huh? what? what's all this talk about this "event" may not be an event at all, but just issue #2 going live? and then possibly having an event coincide with the release of issue #2?

oh sh*t.

fire/dev blaster looking for team. anyone? anyone? i need help...



Awwww dang it. I wish I knew what day it was going to happen. I gotta pick one night this week to get caught up on chores and laundry. Grrrrr, guess I'll just have to leave CoH on in the background while I clean.

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too. I feel ya! But that will be after I have called into work *cough cough* I am So sick again *cough cough*

Boyfriend :Are you ok babe? You are staying home? Well you rest up.

Me : Yeah I should be ok, I just need to stay in bed all day & get better *weak cough*

Boyfriend : Ok well I will see you when I get home.

Me : OK darlin', I am just going to go back to bed now. *rolling over & shutting off light*

Pano of me RUNNING FROM BED already dressed in sweats & with a Mountin Dew in hand, headed towards computer that is already loaded with CoH.

This is going to rock!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm telling para..para...to tired to remember his name but that guy you like..ya

[/ QUOTE ]

SO NOT FAIR!!!! Don't make me hurt you, you might like it after all.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm the one who makes the threats here, hurt me good.

[/ QUOTE ]

I must kill you now. Paratus knows of my evil plan to take over the CoH world.

I shall enjoy this!! *rubs hands together*

Come on PVP, come home to mama.

*winks at bountyhunter*



However, with the guarenteed death due to lag and the fact it sticks with ya, I think I'll pass and stay safely hidden in my home until it passes...

[/ QUOTE ]


Invasions are the best thing about a game like this -- the excitement of not knowing what's happining. Knowing there is chaos going on out there.

And you want to miss it? For what? Because of the debt of a few deaths? I suffered six deaths in a row trying to kill the Clockwork King, and that was just to get (failed, btw) a SO drop.

It's like skipping the Olympics because you might twist your ankle in the 100 meter dash. WTF is all your play for then, if not this?

If we don't get stuff like this, there's no reason not to move on to WoW when it comes out, then EQ2 when that comes out, and so on, and so on, until one comes around that does have this kind of excitement.

You and this guy from the EQ boards a few years ago should be locked in a room together. He complained that the rare EQ event "messed up his levelling plans". Well, hell. I don't even know what to say.

My jaw just lays on the floor.

"Hey! You knocked generic cola all over your precious D20 books!"

ED: Now I know how Nancy Kerrigan felt: "Why...?!? Why...?!?"



i highly doubt this announcement is democratic. I can see a whole forum of people saying OH NO dont let it be on wednesday night! ive got church/girlfriend/work/walkthedog/buy a car/feed the monkeys/eat at joes!. and him actually changing it.
most likely it will be at a peak time were as many people can experience it at the same time.
I know ivan is coming to FL thursday and im sure the power will skip if not get completely knocked off here. So im hoping (not voting :P) that it happens friday/saturday night.



September 19th is this week. It is National Talk Like A Pirate Day.

We will be invaded by pirates. It's logic.

[/ QUOTE ]

AR, Mateys! Land ho!

Prepare to be boarded, Talos Island, as we are the scurvy sea dogs!




Awwww dang it. I wish I knew what day it was going to happen. I gotta pick one night this week to get caught up on chores and laundry. Grrrrr, guess I'll just have to leave CoH on in the background while I clean.

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too. I feel ya! But that will be after I have called into work *cough cough* I am So sick again *cough cough*

Boyfriend :Are you ok babe? You are staying home? Well you rest up.

Me : Yeah I should be ok, I just need to stay in bed all day & get better *weak cough*

Boyfriend : Ok well I will see you when I get home.

Me : OK darlin', I am just going to go back to bed now. *rolling over & shutting off light*

Pano of me RUNNING FROM BED already dressed in sweats & with a Mountin Dew in hand, headed towards computer that is already loaded with CoH.

This is going to rock!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm telling para..para...to tired to remember his name but that guy you like..ya

[/ QUOTE ]

SO NOT FAIR!!!! Don't make me hurt you, you might like it after all.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm the one who makes the threats here, hurt me good.

[/ QUOTE ]

I must kill you now. Paratus knows of my evil plan to take over the CoH world.

I shall enjoy this!! *rubs hands together*

Come on PVP, come home to mama.

*winks at bountyhunter*

[/ QUOTE ] <3 dark watch




On that note...does anyone know why higher level characters show up here and there? I was in kings row a while back and almost ran into a level 38 devouring earth on the steps of the police station. I've seen other high level enemies out of place numerous times. How do they get there?

[/ QUOTE ]

Higher level mobs outside of their usual zones are the results of ambushes. Even though my main is level 40, I still get the occasional missions in Kings Row, or even Atlas Park.



Awwww dang it. I wish I knew what day it was going to happen. I gotta pick one night this week to get caught up on chores and laundry. Grrrrr, guess I'll just have to leave CoH on in the background while I clean.

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too. I feel ya! But that will be after I have called into work *cough cough* I am So sick again *cough cough*

Boyfriend :Are you ok babe? You are staying home? Well you rest up.

Me : Yeah I should be ok, I just need to stay in bed all day & get better *weak cough*

Boyfriend : Ok well I will see you when I get home.

Me : OK darlin', I am just going to go back to bed now. *rolling over & shutting off light*

Pano of me RUNNING FROM BED already dressed in sweats & with a Mountin Dew in hand, headed towards computer that is already loaded with CoH.

This is going to rock!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm telling para..para...to tired to remember his name but that guy you like..ya

[/ QUOTE ]

SO NOT FAIR!!!! Don't make me hurt you, you might like it after all.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm the one who makes the threats here, hurt me good.

[/ QUOTE ]

I must kill you now. Paratus knows of my evil plan to take over the CoH world.

I shall enjoy this!! *rubs hands together*

Come on PVP, come home to mama.

*winks at bountyhunter*

[/ QUOTE ] <3 dark watch

[/ QUOTE ]

WOOT!!! Dark Watch is the rox00rz!!

Anyone looking for a SG on the Justice Server please let me know I will be more than happy to have you in our wonderful community!!



...I'm not sure what all this is about Statesman, but you can be sure that if its a threat to Paragon City, I'll be more than happy to pound it into the dirt!

[/ QUOTE ] Me too! Just let me finish eating this pie first.



do we even have any space? we might have to wait til that fancy shmancy alliance chat starts working and make the uber high level dark watch and the gimpy lowbie dark watch. bounty gets to go in the gimpy lowbie one because he's a gimp, of course.



Okay, I have a few questions and also some suggestions...scratch that, "comments" on how this should play out if indeed this is an "invasion".


1. What day did the original invasion take place during the beta?

2. How long did it last?


I remember hearing complaints about lag during the original invasion although most of my information was second hand. I'm sure they optimized there Servers at this point especially since there was a recent ISP Maintenance *Wink* *Wink* The best thing they could do if they schedule this for the weekend is to spread it out across the entire weekend so that everyone has a chance to be apart of this and help out. Of course there would be peak usage on all of the Servers so it would probably be a problem and my concern is if they can really handle this much load.

I don't know how there there setup there, but they may have to spread it out and put it on a few Servers one day and a few more the next to keep the bandwidth usage reasonable.

I for one an excited about this because it's something different than doing missions and street hunting and will really promote teamwork to succeed on this.

I just hope they have it up for as many heros as possible to enjoy and that I can be apart of it.



Y'know, this could all be as simple as them coming up with some type of "aetheric energy" explosion that causes the powers to change in certain heroes. This could be their explanation for why there are so many changes in the powers happening with Issue#2. There may be nothing more than a newspaper statement like the announcement about capes and Hero-1.

Wait and see what it is before getting too excited.



Awwww dang it. I wish I knew what day it was going to happen. I gotta pick one night this week to get caught up on chores and laundry. Grrrrr, guess I'll just have to leave CoH on in the background while I clean.

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too. I feel ya! But that will be after I have called into work *cough cough* I am So sick again *cough cough*

Boyfriend :Are you ok babe? You are staying home? Well you rest up.

Me : Yeah I should be ok, I just need to stay in bed all day & get better *weak cough*

Boyfriend : Ok well I will see you when I get home.

Me : OK darlin', I am just going to go back to bed now. *rolling over & shutting off light*

Pano of me RUNNING FROM BED already dressed in sweats & with a Mountin Dew in hand, headed towards computer that is already loaded with CoH.

This is going to rock!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm telling para..para...to tired to remember his name but that guy you like..ya

[/ QUOTE ]

SO NOT FAIR!!!! Don't make me hurt you, you might like it after all.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm the one who makes the threats here, hurt me good.

[/ QUOTE ]

I must kill you now. Paratus knows of my evil plan to take over the CoH world.

I shall enjoy this!! *rubs hands together*

Come on PVP, come home to mama.

*winks at bountyhunter*

[/ QUOTE ] <3 dark watch

[/ QUOTE ]

WOOT!!! Dark Watch is the rox00rz!!

Anyone looking for a SG on the Justice Server please let me know I will be more than happy to have you in our wonderful community!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I only quoted this because it looks cool.... I'm shallow.



Maybe Statesman just saved a bunch on his car insur... just kidding Not like it hasn't been posted a half-dozen times already by you kids out there (you know who you are!) who are too anxious to post before actually reading the thread!

I'm gonna hafta call Bull on the green meteors, this announcement has got everyone re-evaluating every power in the game they'd not seen previously and deciding its a Foo encounter. If I'm wrong, so be it. Show me some green meteor snapshots as they sound really cool.

IMO - its an event tying in the launch of Issue Two. Like a Time of Troubles for CoH...

Umber's Hall of Heroes & Villains



do we even have any space? we might have to wait til that fancy shmancy alliance chat starts working and make the uber high level dark watch and the gimpy lowbie dark watch. bounty gets to go in the gimpy lowbie one because he's a gimp, of course.

[/ QUOTE ]

HeHeHe, I think that each of the leaders should be head of one of the aliances, and yeah bouty is a gimp but thats par for course!

Its all love baby!! All love!!




On that note...does anyone know why higher level characters show up here and there? I was in kings row a while back and almost ran into a level 38 devouring earth on the steps of the police station. I've seen other high level enemies out of place numerous times. How do they get there?

[/ QUOTE ]

Higher level mobs outside of their usual zones are the results of ambushes. Even though my main is level 40, I still get the occasional missions in Kings Row, or even Atlas Park.

[/ QUOTE ]

not always. during the past month i've seen a lot more rikti spawns in places where they don't normally spawn, like steel canyon, kings row, etc. i've seen other instances where high level villians "negotiate" with low level villians in different gangs, i.e. devouring earth talking with outcasts, things like that.



Well I was there for the Rikti Invasion during the Beta phase of the game. The Invasion was really cool, but a bit laggy. Only 2 Servers were up and going at the time. I tied lots of times, but knew my character was going to get wiped. So it didn't matter.

I got to see a Rikti Leader in the Lobby of the Hosptial in Steel Canyon. His Word Balloon was also the Bold Red text coming up in the Window.

Remember when the Game started, Paragon City is recovering from the Rikti Invasion (well that was the invasion).

Assuming it's an Invasion of some kind (probably the Hollow storyline), or all the Update 2, storyline items.

My Hope is, that the Experience is based on area not team, beacause, so much is going on. People aren't going to be worrying about KSing, would be my guess, and in a sense everyone is on the same "team". figthing the big bad. The normal hunting Hellions etc. will be put on hold. Xp's should be dished out by participation in the area.

Maybe low level characters can fight in "Eastgate" and at some point the ground opens up and creates the "Hollows". The Shadow Shard Dimension opens ups, and you'll be fighting the new Rularuu and Igenous.

Hopefully we can see Statesman and the other Main Heroes running around, and you can fight alongside with Statesman or "the Brawler" etc.

Level information per zone would be nice, since during the invasion, the Rikti didn't obey the Level rules, Lvl 10 in Atlas Park, Lvl 20+ in Steel Canyon etc.

I Think being able to participate in the new history "as it develops" is INCREDABLY awesome.

These are the things that Makes COH really cool.

My guess is this.

Event Day (whenever it is). Followed by an announcement that the Servers will be down for an hour or so. Update 2, loaded to Servers, with latest patch). Can get back on, with Update 2 implimented.

This is Really Cool. Would be cool maybe if it was done on a few of the Servers at a time, but that might not be possible. Better chance to see Statesman etc.



I would imagine that with how user friendly this game is the event will run for a couple days.

I hope so anyway.



Well, I saw barrels floating two or three feet above the water in Independence Port yesterday. I am sure it has something to do with this.

And there was a Rikti wading in the water there. He said something about having lost his sunglasses, but I am not buying it.



Well, I saw barrels floating two or three feet above the water in Independence Port yesterday. I am sure it has something to do with this.

[/ QUOTE ]

I sent a bug report in for this 3 weeks ago. They still have not fixed it? Odd. There are about 8-10 barrels just hanging in mid air.




On that note...does anyone know why higher level characters show up here and there? I was in kings row a while back and almost ran into a level 38 devouring earth on the steps of the police station. I've seen other high level enemies out of place numerous times. How do they get there?

[/ QUOTE ]

Higher level mobs outside of their usual zones are the results of ambushes. Even though my main is level 40, I still get the occasional missions in Kings Row, or even Atlas Park.

[/ QUOTE ]

not always. during the past month i've seen a lot more rikti spawns in places where they don't normally spawn, like steel canyon, kings row, etc.

[/ QUOTE ]

Most likely because there's more and more people of sufficient level that are getting these missions. I was ambushed by 5th Column on 2 occassions in KR, 3 times in Skyway, and 2 times in Talos last night alone. Now, this is just ONE person in zones of dozens of people, where half or more are higher level.

In one night, over the weekend, we (my wife and I) were ambushed by Rikti 6 times in King's Row within the span of about 3 hours...

Really...sometimes a duck is just a duck...

i've seen other instances where high level villians "negotiate" with low level villians in different gangs, i.e. devouring earth talking with outcasts, things like that.

[/ QUOTE ]

This has been going on since approx level 10, when you reach the ability to fight in Skyway and Steel Canyon. Welcome to 4 months+ ago...