


I imagine it was the Crey Corporation's poor attempt to dump some toxic waste from their antigrav research unit, but who knows.



I have to agree with one of the posts waaaaaay above. I'm so excited but I don't know why or when!!!

I've got things planned, it sure would be nice if you were somewhat less than Cryptic goshdarnit!! Just be out with it so we can make plans for poop sake.



Or maybe...

Statesman will appear in Atlas and whip out the boombox emote!

[/ QUOTE ]

That would never work. The Broadcast channel would be full of "I'm standing right here in Atlas Park 27 and he's not here. And why does it look like a slideshow?"



(What's the plural of "enigma" anyway? Enigmi?)

[/ QUOTE ]

Nobody knows.



Hey, Just wondering did they say the official date of Issue 2 cause i cant wait till capes and i wanna check out that dance club.

Playing since Release....still no level 50 :*(



Really...sometimes a duck is just a duck...

[/ QUOTE ]
"so if she weighs the same as a duck...."

I can only imagine the great laugh the Devs are getting from this thread. Notice they've only posted ONCE in this thread (aside from the origonal post) and that was to debate the semantics of the word "aether"



Is it time yet? Is it time yet? Is it? Huh?

.....taping finger on monitor.... Hello?!

So is it time yet? Is it? Huh? Huh? tap! tap!! <sigh>



Hey, Just wondering did they say the official date of Issue 2 cause i cant wait till capes and i wanna check out that dance club.

Playing since Release....still no level 50 :*(



Really...sometimes a duck is just a duck...

[/ QUOTE ]
"so if she weighs the same as a duck...."

I can only imagine the great laugh the Devs are getting from this thread. Notice they've only posted ONCE in this thread (aside from the origonal post) and that was to debate the semantics of the word "aether"

[/ QUOTE ]

ROFLOL! Yeah, tell me about it.

I'm finding this whole thread laughable to the point of being ridiculous, and I'm not even the one that started this mess. I can only imagine how much Statesman is rolling around laughing at the people making fools of themselves...

Of course, him being...well...a statesman, and all... I'm sure he'd never use the term "fool"... More like "people being silly." Of course, I vote more on the good old Felix Unger breakdown of "assume".

Some people are even going so far as to break down specifics and creating whole new threads about "the coming invasion" when they're about as clueless as a rock about what States was referring to.

Man, P.T. Barnum would have a field day with this crowd. *snickers*



Well...just a few more minutes until the electric company turns off the area's power. I really hope the several days means about 7 or more :\

Everyone take lots and lots of screenies, I want to know what I missed.



Both Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces have been responding strangely of late.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nonsense! The natural laws of the universe don't just ebb and flow at the whim of some mythical creature!

These changes are completely in accordance with the Laws of Science as we know them, and your so-called "philotic" senses are merely an hallucination caused by exposure to the mutagenic radiations that permeate our fair city.

Clearly, these strange radiations have some perfectly RATIONAL explanation, without invoking the supernatural. You "magic" types need to just settle down and let the scientists and technologists handle the issue. You can do crowd control.

- VGSentinel

P.S. The Vancouver Guardians stand ready. We shall not let this evil force menace our new adopted home unchallenged!



BF saw that too a couple days ago! We thought it was so cool.



Just to experince a part of the History behind Update 2, will be cool.

Assuming of course that is the big announcement. I for one never looked up, so I missed seeing the Rikti Motherships.
And even though 40 or so heroes were all attacking the same Rikti, and I didn't earn 1 single Xp. and earned lots of debt. It was an incredible experince being in the Rikti Invasion.

My new replacement character, even has a mention of her older sister, being mysteriously "wiped" after the invasion. Nobody at Freedom Corp, will give her a straight answer. So she's taken the same name as her older sister, and fights evil in her name.

Now of course your character's aren't going to get wiped, like last time, so being more careful during this "event" will be more critical.

I for 1 can't wait, and will definantly be sick that day, assuming we get a specific warning, on when.

Some people laughed when, the annoncement was there that the Rikti was going to Invade on such and such day at such and such time.

So it wasn't a "Surprise" Invasion but it got a lot of folks on. If there isn't a notice, shouldn't matter, every night all the servers seam to be in the yellow. so no matter when they do it, lots of people will be there.

Can't wait, Thanks again Statesman and all your fellow Devs, for an awesome game, and fun anticipation, while slaving away at work.

I'm constantly looking over my shoulder, while I'm typing this post, and others, because I'm at work. and should be doing work stuff, and not CoH board stuff.

Again I can't wait, keep up the great work.



Maybe it's free candy. Or a ham. Sounds invasionish...

[/ QUOTE ]

Ham! Ham! Ham! ........ mmmmm ham.



Well, I saw barrels floating two or three feet above the water in Independence Port yesterday. I am sure it has something to do with this.

[/ QUOTE ]

I sent a bug report in for this 3 weeks ago. They still have not fixed it? Odd. There are about 8-10 barrels just hanging in mid air.

[/ QUOTE ]

Those barrels have been there since Beta.



Maybe the Barrels being in the water is the announcement, I've sent the same bug report as well a while ago, never did check on the Test Server to see if Update 2, has them unfloating.

I'm sure Statesman will have a bunch of heroes swiming and floating on and over the barrels, and then a big 10 countdown, and you can witness the barrels hitting the water.

Make sure to take lots of screenshots guys. It will be a 1 time event.



Maybe they just opened the bar? go have a drink and relax :]

Junkyard Wolf
California Smog(CoV)
Far Rider
Durango Dave



i sure hope this doesn't happen tonight. Please let it be tomorrow so i don't miss it cus i had to visit the gf. Please let it be tomorrow night



I'm not sure if anyone has noticed this BUT. If you've played on the test server and gone to Peregrine Island. Portal Corp is surrounded by Military Gaurds and Personel. If you've noticed this you can pretty much assume what is going to happen. Hello Portal Invasion All I know is that this is going to be awsome. I'm checking this website 4-5 times a day just trying to see if there's any new messages from Statesman. Gj on getting and keeping our attention Devs



Pfft, you're all wrong, the news is that the Pizza Hutch has those new Pizzas wrapped around a ham.



I'm not sure if anyone has noticed this BUT. If you've played on the test server and gone to Peregrine Island. Portal Corp is surrounded by Military Gaurds and Personel. If you've noticed this you can pretty much assume what is going to happen. Hello Portal Invasion All I know is that this is going to be awsome. I'm checking this website 4-5 times a day just trying to see if there's any new messages from Statesman. Gj on getting and keeping our attention Devs

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats cause thats the entrence to he new Shadow Shard zones

But yeah..Im pretty sure its them attacking



I dunno if this is 100% true or not, but...

On the Champion server, I heard that there was a level 49 huge, white mech in Perez Park. It was apparently killed before I got the chance to check it out though.

If it is true, I wonder if this has to do with Statesman's announcement?



Just noticed the Icon talior in IDP is out. Unless the only Talior is in Steel.



Pfft, you're all wrong, the news is that the Pizza Hutch has those new Pizzas wrapped around a ham.

[/ QUOTE ] if it was ham on pizza that would be ok too.