



On that note...does anyone know why higher level characters show up here and there? I was in kings row a while back and almost ran into a level 38 devouring earth on the steps of the police station. I've seen other high level enemies out of place numerous times. How do they get there?

[/ QUOTE ]

This happens when a high level character has a mission in a low level area. An ambush can occur after they complete the mission. You probably saw the ambush sitting, waiting for them to leave the mission. Or they hadn't de-spawned after the heroes fled....



so you all smelled that to, maybe someone ran over a skunk O.o.

back to a more related post, if there is something big coming (most likly just issue 2), but if it was a big problem like a lvl 100 montser or something, leave it to the citys heros. I have wittnessed many miricles on these servers, people helping people, its great. so if this turns out ugly, im in till i die. thats my 2 cents

*goes back to counting debt*



About the meteors: Ive seen meteors in brickstown before. They were just a simple streak of colour, green if i remember correctly (Doesnt that make it nickel? Or copper?) If this is the kind of thing you saw, I'm fairly certain it's just a usual part of the night sky.

Oh, and this was several weeks ago.

On a side note, did the blyde square statue always have that red tint at night? That would kindve go along with an aethric energy buildup if the satue suddenly comes alive and goes rampaging. Of course I did just get a new video card, so that could be all it is



This won't be the launch of Issue 2.. perhaps a prelude to Issue 2 as mentioned, but not the issue going live.

Here's why.. (and the one "variable" in my statement is that I interpret "a few days" to be less then a week)

1) There's be no mention of the scheduled maintenance yet.
2) They won't patch on Friday. (Not only does this make sense, but it's been stated before) And since there's been no mention of longer then usual downtime tomorrow....
3) Issue 2 is still a "get at your own pace" download, it's not mandatory yet.
4) They're still putting new code on Test, and still testing stuff.
5) They're talking about etheric energy. (Etheric - 1 a : the rarefied element formerly believed to fill the upper regions of space b : the upper regions of space : HEAVENS.) If this was something related to the Tera Volta, I wouldn't expect to see it's energy referred to as etheric.
6) Gaffer said it's "very optimistic" to expect Issue 2 this week.

The earliest I'd expect to see issue 2 would be next Tuesday. Then giving them a day to make sure all's well and assuming no problems creep up that they have to patch again on Wens. Wednesday would be the "Issue 2 is launching" event. If that's what it is.

Yeah I know "a few days" is very vague and can be anything. Just don't think they'd announce something happening in a "few days" and it not happen for over a week. But like I said that's just my opinion and nothing but speculation on that.

So my thoughts are that something's happening sometime soon, today tomorrow or Friday is my guess. Maybe Saturday. And it's going to be something from currently live stuff. (Don't think they can access issue 2 stuff without a patch and see point 3 above)

Yeah I have too much spare time at work today what can I say..



Fellow heroes, disturbing information has come to light. Thanks to the hard work at the Federal Bureau of Super Powered Affairs and the Portal Corporation, we have discovered an odd energy signature throughout Paragon City. Researchers believe that this aetheric energy appears to be building towards a climax at some point in the near future. We believe that this will occur at some point over the next several days, but the authorities are not yet sure. All heroes should be on the look out for anything strange in the city. Be on guard; we have reason to believe that this bodes ill for our metropolis.

[/ QUOTE ]

awww christ on a crutch....this always happens to me......i'm prolly gonna miss do to a damn buiznezz trip ....jack- if u read this plz hold off all events/invasions/whatever u got up your sleeve till monday night!!!



I missed the end of beta thing because of work. I'll probably miss this due to work. This damn work thing is really getting in the way of my fun!!!



I missed the end of beta thing because of work. I'll probably miss this due to work. This damn work thing is really getting in the way of my fun!!!

[/ QUOTE ]
u & me both buddy.............



So we are basically looking for something in the next couple of days, or today specifically? I read someone mentioned the 15th.



Green meteors?! Sounds like a Regen Scrapper with Super-Jump to me...

Seriously though, SCREENSHOTS! Pleeeease!



Fellow heroes, disturbing information has come to light. Thanks to the hard work at the Federal Bureau of Super Powered Affairs and the Portal Corporation, we have discovered an odd energy signature throughout Paragon City. Researchers believe that this aetheric energy appears to be building towards a climax at some point in the near future. We believe that this will occur at some point over the next several days, but the authorities are not yet sure. All heroes should be on the look out for anything strange in the city. Be on guard; we have reason to believe that this bodes ill for our metropolis.

[/ QUOTE ]

odd energy = reactor problems = issue 2 terra volta respec mission



Don't forget the super speed... to leave that burning trail through the sky during re-entry.....

Green meteors?! Sounds like a Regen Scrapper with Super-Jump to me...

Seriously though, SCREENSHOTS! Pleeeease!

[/ QUOTE ]



May the hype be with you....

I have a different memory of the Rikti "invasion" at the end of beta. It was broken. A few people had fun, but in Atlas, we spent 9/10 of the event finding broken Rikti that couldn't be attacked. I think I saw maybe 3 functional Rikti (all of them taken down by the few high level heroes around while the rest of us were mobile targets who could do absolutely nothing useful). The Rikti stood around, sometimes killed people, but didn't actually DO anything. Ooooh...scary invasion, they spawned some monsters, most of which didn't work, and none of whom actually had a goal other than killing heroes. Real terrors to the city.

Statesmen likes to raise expectations, but don't go overboard and expect something dramatic or spectacular, you'll likely be disappointed. I'll be surprised if it amounts to anything more than villains being spawned throughout the city and wandering around to be mobile targets.

And I agree, this should henceforth be known as the Geico event.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ya the invasion was fun for the initial 20 minutes then it got frustrating, hope they do a better job this time...breaks the mood when cars and trucks are in the streets and people are walking them also.

I was on justice so it was damn near impossible since most were lowbies,lag was bad but it was expected.

Hopefully it's more spread out this time...I couldn't stand 24 hours of that.



So my thoughts are that something's happening sometime soon, today tomorrow or Friday is my guess. Maybe Saturday. And it's going to be something from currently live stuff. (Don't think they can access issue 2 stuff without a patch and see point 3 above)

Yeah I have too much spare time at work today what can I say..

[/ QUOTE ]

It would be nice if the big event was a prequel to issue #2 and the event itself actually caused some changes to the existing game world or caused changes to the current zone maps...

…something like a massive earthquake (caused by excessive 5th column tunneling during base creation ) causing the zone maps which will be connected to the Hollows to have damaged buildings and a mini-Boomtown effect near where the entrance to the Hollows will be.

Accompanied, of course, by a massive outpouring of new villains, invasion, etc…

Doesn’t sound too aetheric related but would be nice.



Awwww dang it. I wish I knew what day it was going to happen. I gotta pick one night this week to get caught up on chores and laundry. Grrrrr, guess I'll just have to leave CoH on in the background while I clean.

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too. I feel ya! But that will be after I have called into work *cough cough* I am So sick again *cough cough*

Boyfriend :Are you ok babe? You are staying home? Well you rest up.

Me : Yeah I should be ok, I just need to stay in bed all day & get better *weak cough*

Boyfriend : Ok well I will see you when I get home.

Me : OK darlin', I am just going to go back to bed now. *rolling over & shutting off light*

Pano of me RUNNING FROM BED already dressed in sweats & with a Mountin Dew in hand, headed towards computer that is already loaded with CoH.

This is going to rock!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm telling para..para...to tired to remember his name but that guy you like..ya



I suspect this is the build up to the release of update 2 when the Hollows will be created.



odd energy = reactor problems = issue 2 terra volta respec mission

[/ QUOTE ]

reactor problems at a nuke plant would cause much much more than an "odd energy" and im sure someone other than the Federal Bureau of Super Powered Affairs would notice.

I agree on the "introduction of The Shadow Shards" theory, but I honestly doubt it will be an invasion. They have already done that and thus that is what we expect.



Keep your eyes open gang.

The Shadow of the Past is stretching over the city. And nothing will be safe from its reach

[/ QUOTE ]

post from statesman on an older thread entitled "Ritki invasion 2, Statesman...PLEASE!" - oooooooo



He is just going to announce he saved allot of money on his car insurance....




man, statesman must be having a BLAST reading all these posts of confused , sad , and crazy people not knowing what will be happening or when it will happen or what he means.... he must be loving this. Spending all day checking out peoples' confused posts and not even responding to their questions cus he is just loving the suspence. Man i envy him.



Awwww dang it. I wish I knew what day it was going to happen. I gotta pick one night this week to get caught up on chores and laundry. Grrrrr, guess I'll just have to leave CoH on in the background while I clean.

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too. I feel ya! But that will be after I have called into work *cough cough* I am So sick again *cough cough*

Boyfriend :Are you ok babe? You are staying home? Well you rest up.

Me : Yeah I should be ok, I just need to stay in bed all day & get better *weak cough*

Boyfriend : Ok well I will see you when I get home.

Me : OK darlin', I am just going to go back to bed now. *rolling over & shutting off light*

Pano of me RUNNING FROM BED already dressed in sweats & with a Mountin Dew in hand, headed towards computer that is already loaded with CoH.

This is going to rock!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm telling para..para...to tired to remember his name but that guy you like..ya

[/ QUOTE ]

SO NOT FAIR!!!! Don't make me hurt you, you might like it after all.



Those are ambush leftovers.. so might've been that a higher-level hero had a mission in Kings Row or so and, upon exiting the mission a group of monsters appeared which the hero either missed or ran away from. Missed. Not that heroes would run away from stuff.

Edit: Oops! How embarassing.. was looking at the wrong page, and kept wondering why my posts weren't being added at the bottom. Oh my, so shameful...



It's NOT "running away"... it's "going to get help"!



Awwww dang it. I wish I knew what day it was going to happen. I gotta pick one night this week to get caught up on chores and laundry. Grrrrr, guess I'll just have to leave CoH on in the background while I clean.

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too. I feel ya! But that will be after I have called into work *cough cough* I am So sick again *cough cough*

Boyfriend :Are you ok babe? You are staying home? Well you rest up.

Me : Yeah I should be ok, I just need to stay in bed all day & get better *weak cough*

Boyfriend : Ok well I will see you when I get home.

Me : OK darlin', I am just going to go back to bed now. *rolling over & shutting off light*

Pano of me RUNNING FROM BED already dressed in sweats & with a Mountin Dew in hand, headed towards computer that is already loaded with CoH.

This is going to rock!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm telling para..para...to tired to remember his name but that guy you like..ya

[/ QUOTE ]

SO NOT FAIR!!!! Don't make me hurt you, you might like it after all.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm the one who makes the threats here, hurt me good.



Those are ambush leftovers.. so might've been that a higher-level hero had a mission in Kings Row or so and, upon exiting the mission a group of monsters appeared which the hero either missed or ran away from. Missed. Not that heroes would run away from stuff.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well I know that most of the time, unless I know, or suspect an ambush is coming, as soon as I'm out of a mission I usually head to a contact or to buy/sell enh. With a superspeedster, the ambushers have no hope of catching me.

Especially if on a TF as soon as one mission is done, we usually move, top speed to the next.
Hopefully I've never left anyone in the lurch, but if I have...sorry.

As for the event, I eagerly await to see what will occur.
My vote is tonight, or tomorrow.

If we don't agree, that doesn't mean you're less correct than I am...
Just less interesting - Dogbert

Athena Olympia 50 MA/Sr Pinnacle
Abby Zira 32 Ice/Ice Virtue
Nova Element 40 Rad/Rad Champion
Green Bee 48 Dual/WP Virtue
Radi Burns 50 Fire/Rad Champion



Maybe all the citizens are going to be "contaminated" and we can "arrest" them so they can be cured (and we won't have to go back to outbreak for the badge). Hmmmm....