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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Quite a Cryptic update there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    a cryptic update

  2. I like this thread too.

    I'm not totally crazy about how so many people seem to just not realize that his scrapper is level 44 as he's writing all this, though. Too many "don't let it get you down" (or whatever) comments when he has already not let him get him down (or whatever).
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    What I do know, however, is in the case where the mob has to use a power to blow themselves up (as opposed to Skiffs, for example, who just sort of explode), you can stop the power entirely with EF. The power that Mages/Embalmed/whatever use to blow themselves up is interruptable, and EF will continuously interrupt everything that's inside it, so they can't blow up at all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I remember hearing once that either EF or RI will also stop Vaz Morts from rezzing, and Tsoo sorcerers from teleporting. The first seems true, but the second's not. Not interruptible, I s'pose.

    I've never seen a full list of interruptibles it stops, though.

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    Stuff I've personally seen it stop:

    -Embalmed/Mages can't blow up
    -Morts can't rez
    -Medics can't heal, Genesists can't rez
    -I think I saw it stop a Radiologist from using RI, I'm not sure though
    -Nemesis snipers can't snipe (presumably all snipers can't snipe)

    It does not stop Assembler Princes/Death Shamans/whatever from summoning Cogs/Husks/whatever, though. I thought it would but it doesn't.


    [ QUOTE ]
    And sky raider engineers from getting out FF generators.

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    Dammit! Forgot that one.
  4. I was unhelpful.

    But at least this thread was educational, I didn't realize that exploding Warhulks aren't affected by debuffs.
  5. I dunno.

    What I do know, however, is in the case where the mob has to use a power to blow themselves up (as opposed to Skiffs, for example, who just sort of explode), you can stop the power entirely with EF. The power that Mages/Embalmed/whatever use to blow themselves up is interruptable, and EF will continuously interrupt everything that's inside it, so they can't blow up at all.

    But I guess that isn't what you were asking.
  6. I tried the steps lined out in this guide, and they really work! I'm now killing skuls with the best of them! Thank you Noir!
  7. I have never used ctrl to change trays. I have often wished for a third tray. Therefore, I like this change.

    Also, I'm surprised this is meeting so little resistance. I mean, it's a great idea, but on the other hand, they're planning on changing something; doesn't that mean that people should be coming out of the woodwork to profess their love for changing trays with the control key?
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I really hope the Taunt/Provoke agro control they add to our atks has a visual effect, much like Porvoke does now. Two reasons. So i can space myself accordingly, and to show my team mates that I AM in fact provoking, pissing off, or gaining agro.

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    I'm hoping they do this too. I'm worried I'll never be able to tell if it's working or not.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, I have to ask. Why is everyone so excited about this? I've rarely read an announcement that had less information than this one. For all I know this is an announcement that they are shutting down several servers due to lack of players.

    Sheesh, people can get worked up about the dumbest things.

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    People are excited BECAUSE of the lack of information, not despite it. It's called a teaser.
  10. rawkman

    Tanker Update

    Here's what I want to know: If you Punch someone, and if the provoke effect in that Punch triggers, will you be able to tell if the effect kicked in, and if so, which mobs just got mad at you? I'm assuming that the little explosion will still appear over the heads of the mobs like it does with Taunt and Provoke, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask.