A Villain's Destiny
I will follow the destiny of.... being first? :P
Nice read. Hmm, sounds like Recluse's victory will be a fun place.
Quite a Cryptic update there. Nice screenshot, though.
Very interesting....
Interesting. I must contact Iron FIst, he will be pleased to be able to kill Statesman...

Interesting. I must contact Iron FIst, he will be pleased to be able to kill Statesman...
[/ QUOTE ]
Statesman's new Signature Sound-effect:
** Whifff! **
Soooooo, Side-Switching in I7 maybe?
Release the speculating hounds!
Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn
Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad
<.< err... unm.... looking at that picture of Lord Recluse.... did he forget to wear a pair of his spider arms? He only has 3 sets on his back there, but on the comic covers, cov boxes, loading screen! he has 4 sets...
I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe
Soooooo, Side-Switching in I7 maybe?
Release the speculating hounds!
[/ QUOTE ]As long as you don't need to PvP to do it. That would suck!!
<.< err... unm.... looking at that picture of Lord Recluse.... did he forget to wear a pair of his spider arms? He only has 3 sets on his back there, but on the comic covers, cov boxes, loading screen! he has 4 sets...
[/ QUOTE ]
Based on the joints I'd say he still has 4 pairs, except that three legs are hidden behind his body.
Soooooo, Side-Switching in I7 maybe?
Release the speculating hounds!
[/ QUOTE ]As long as you don't need to PvP to do it. That would suck!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Please...I just request you put thought into a reply like that next time...just read it a few times and you'll see what I mean
This space is intentionally left blank.
It just looked like it repeated what was told to us earlier, except in story-like details. It mentions the villains ancillary powers coming from the Arachnos higher-ups (paragraph 3), the new Mayhem Missions (#4), and the Recluse's Victory PvP zone (#5).
More cryptic babble of destiny and fate! Bah! My destiny lies in my own hands, fate will bow to my will! No entity, tangible or cosmic, has a hold over my future! I'll play Lord Recluse's game for now, but let him know that I'll never serve him, and my first goal is not the downfall of Paragon City, but his own defeat!
I am the future! I will be the emperor of this planet! I am the nefarious Dr. Phillis, damn it, and I'm going to school you all!
Under the watchful eye of Lord Recluse, a select few villains have survived long enough to earn a place in the elite inner circle of Arachnos. Forging close bonds with one of Recluses top agents, these once fledgling villains have gained access to new and more dangerous powers. With their newfound strength, villains are now able to unleash chaos and mayhem onto the very streets of Paragon City itself.
[/ QUOTE ]
Interesting, so Mayhem missions are locked to level 40+ players only apparently.
Looks like I need to start PLing.
Soooooo, Side-Switching in I7 maybe?
Release the speculating hounds!
[/ QUOTE ]
Something like that would definatly of made the I7 release page from a week or so ago.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Under the watchful eye of Lord Recluse, a select few villains have survived long enough to earn a place in the elite inner circle of Arachnos. Forging close bonds with one of Recluses top agents, these once fledgling villains have gained access to new and more dangerous powers. With their newfound strength, villains are now able to unleash chaos and mayhem onto the very streets of Paragon City itself.
[/ QUOTE ]
Interesting, so Mayhem missions are locked to level 40+ players only apparently.
Looks like I need to start PLing.
[/ QUOTE ]
Why would you expect otherwise? The only reason lvls 41-50 werent in at launch were because they lacked the content. Mayhem Missions are part of that content I guess :P
I'm hoping/wildly speculating that Mayhem missions will replace hiests for 40-50. This would make them a regular thing and also repeatable, but not available all the time.
Soooooo, Side-Switching in I7 maybe?
Release the speculating hounds!
[/ QUOTE ]
Something like that would definatly of made the I7 release page from a week or so ago.
[/ QUOTE ]
Not necessarily. In the past they've released multiple features updates every few weeks leading up to an issue, with each update listing different features. The I7 update that went up the other week seemed rushed. It seems like perhaps the press release was sent to MMORPG.com a little earlier than it should have been, since it hadnt yet appeared on the CoH/CoV site. I suspect there could be more to I7 than what that initial preview outlined.
Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn
Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad
There most likely will not be side switching in I7. If there was, Heroes could tranfer over and get all the high level Villain content before villains.
the last three paragraphs are the same as a hero one
I am the future! I will be the emperor of this planet! I am the nefarious Dr. Phillis, damn it, and I'm going to school you all!
[/ QUOTE ]
..Dr. Phillis of the Future? *CACKLES*
I am the future! I will be the emperor of this planet! I am the nefarious Dr. Phillis, damn it, and I'm going to school you all!
[/ QUOTE ]
..Dr. Phillis of the Future? *CACKLES*
[/ QUOTE ]
*Scribbles oddly spelled name onto his hit list*
I am the future! I will be the emperor of this planet! I am the nefarious Dr. Phillis, damn it, and I'm going to school you all!
[/ QUOTE ]
..Dr. Phillis of the Future? *CACKLES*
[/ QUOTE ]
Quite a Cryptic update there.
[/ QUOTE ]
a cryptic update
Quite a Cryptic update there. Nice screenshot, though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well it is Cryptic Studios
50Soulsunder: DM/Regen Scrapper
50Limitshift: EM/WP Brute
Victoria Nox: Dark/Dark Dominator
And about 5 others that change constantly...
What destiny will you manifest in the City of Villains? Check out the latest update looking at the difficult path that every true villain must walk.