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  1. Yep, Happy birthday to you as well Captain
  2. Happy Cookie (birth) Day Ulli!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by McDunkin View Post
    Unless you are running Vista 64-bit, or XP 64-bit (which cannot be bought retail), your operating system is limiting your RAM.

    32-bit OSes can only access 4GB of memory at a time. However, that 4GB includes BIOS (motherboard and add-in cards), video RAM, sound RAM, and a few other things, leaving you with 3-3.5GB for system RAM.
    Yup. Vista 64bit. Already covered my friend. Handy tip for those who don't know though!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbiter_Morrison View Post
    i work 8-5 cst all weekend so ill try to log in when i get home from work each day, just hope my slow connection doesnt have another long download before i can play friday afternoon
    Arbiter, Make sure that you set the ncsoft launcher to run while you are gone. The download should hit this afternoon or evening so you can get it done before servers are up.

    Just a helpful tip. I learned the hard way 2 weeks ago...
  5. I'm running a EVGA MB with a core i7, 6 gb ram, and dual gtx 260's. It hums right along no matter what I throw at it.

    Noire, 500 GB drives are on newegg for around $56 right now. Good deals!

    I put a 1TB drive in my monster so I would not have to worry about space for a long time. Right now the same drive goes for $74.99 on Newegg.

    Just lettin ya know!
  6. Obsidian_Phoenix


    *sends a big crate of CONGO RATS to Mr. U*

    Sorry it's COD....

    Payable by Pesos or Lithuanian Dollars payable to MEH
  7. Obsidian_Phoenix



    I am sorry to hear about your grandmother. My heart goes out to you.

    I found this site a month or so ago, and I wanted to share it with you. Be prepared, you might need a few kleenex handy...


    Just hang in there hun!
  8. Been there since first beta, and I have preordered the collector's edition. I like it. It's not super awesome, but it will save me from occasional burnouts on other games.

    Yeah it would be nice to get auto 25 to get to the good stuff, but oh well.

    Got my Gladiator to near 16, my spirit caller to 14 before I had to go this weekend.

    Had a bad day sunday... My kitty died Sunday morning. She was 16 years old almost 17. Spent most of the day moping and such...
  9. Obsidian_Phoenix

    Hello everyone!

    It has been a while since I have played for any length of time... Due to many things going on such as moving, kids, kids birthdays, etc...

    Also it had been a while since I really had any desire to play as I had been a bit fried on playing CoX, that I took a break.

    Now I am back for a good long time now, but I may not be exclusively playiing CoX, due to being also heavily involved with Lord of the Rings Online.

    But I am back now and all that!

    C-ya in game!
  10. After being nagged by my co-leader, WhiteRook , I have been informed that I have not posted our group up here yet.

    We are 'The S.P.I.R.A.C.L.E. Contingency' (Super Powered Incident Response And Combat Law Enforcement)

    We are a relatively small SG, but are always open to new members that we have teamed with before. Our group chats via Ventrilo pretty much every night.

    We treat everyone as family and we are all mature players, but sometimes our conversations go a bit on the immature side.

    Well, not much else to say, but if you are interested in joining, please drop either myself @Obsidian Phoenix or @WhiteRook a message and we'll see what happens!

  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey it's a better suggestion than Gimli in a chain mail bikini....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *runs screaming into the night while gouging his eyes out*
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    heh...brings to mind Walter from Jeff Dunham..."weeee loooove iiiit heeeerrrrreeee"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Or Peanut... "We're going to hell, aren't we? Well... Here we are!"
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    This earthquake just rounded off my exposure to natural disasters. All I need now is a volcanic eruption to complete the set.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What's the set bonus for those?
  14. [ QUOTE ]

    Heck - the Titanic had a better run then the Prima Guides!


    [/ QUOTE ]

  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Another thing the insane prices do is discourage small, exclusive SG's. It kinda forces spamming advertisments and blindly recruiting as many people as possible. You need a gigantic group of active players to really be able to afford anything good, and even if you manage to save up for it otherwise, the upkeep will kill you.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    But it still does not affect the 20k per member and only up to 15 members... 300k will not even allow you to add a studio room onto the base.....
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I see that while in SG mode you get Prestige instead of influence. However, if you go to the lady in Atlas Park (who you setup the SG and base with) she will sell you prestige for 2000 every 100000 influence. Note thats 50 influence to 1 prestige.

    However, at level 40, I get like 17 prestige or 1200 influence. But I can 'buy' 24 prestige for 1200 influence. So, even if I want prestige, I'll do better staying out of SG mode since I can buy more prestige with the influence I get out of SG mode than I get as pure prestige in SG mode per defeat.

    Of course this is based on like 2 hours of play, so there may be lots of details I'm not aware of (yet)...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Check your decimal places.

    It's 2000p for 1,000,000 inf. (1 per 500, not 1 per 50).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ok with that being said... When are the building prices going to drop???!!! The price for rooms kill what prestige is available.

    "Sorry team, we got lots or rooms, but we have to wait 6 months to place anything cool in them! Keep working on getting that 3 prestige for a defeat! If we push hard enough, we could afford a generator is about 2 months!"

    Sorry, but I don't want to have to say that to my SG.... I have been running this group for over a year now, we have 30-45 members, and we only get prestige for 15 of those??? Gimme a break.

    I am not trying to start a flame war, but they promote the bases so hard, but we cannot build a decent one for about 8 months now.

    *sigh* I know this will fall on deaf ears, or will get shoved aside with "well, that's how it is SUPPOSED to work.."

    Oh well.
  17. [ QUOTE ]

    You do NOT need to reform your SG. We have the bug fixed here internally, and in the patch after the next one your SG will get it's 20,000p per member, up to 15. You need to do nothing in order for this to happen, it will be automagic.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So only 300k Prestige? With how much the base items cost, that's pretty low.... Heck, with a regular plot and adding rooms I went through 12 million adding rooms, items, and such....

    At this rate, no bases will be built for a bit yet....

  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    /em spews beverage of your choice at screen.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dr. Pepper in my case, and I'm at work... the IT department is going to kill me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I personally am glad not many peeps at my work read these.... Our Budget would be shot within a few days.... Just make sure to maybe look down when ya spew the beverage.... Keyboards are cheap, monitors are not!
  19. GREAT VID!!! Nicely done.
  20. /E DROOLS....

    Holy s#!t...... That was awesome. The disconnecting message was perfect....

    I for one am going to love the new take on the book.

    Grand slam guys....
  21. Obsidian_Phoenix


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Well there is Wizard World in Chcago first weekend in August this year. Pretty good con, and I met States there last year. So the Midwest is not a total wash for conventions.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    True. But if you live west of the Mississippi, east of the Rockies, and north of Texas, you might as well forget about the big comic-cons. Which makes little-to-no sense to me, considering people in the Midwest would have nothing better to do.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ahhhh I see your point.


  22. Obsidian_Phoenix


    [ QUOTE ]
    Anyway, wish I could make it. Haven't been to San Fran in awhile, and I miss Northern California in general. That and, as someone already mentioned, the Midwest is a pretty bad place to look for big comic conventions.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well there is Wizard World in Chcago first weekend in August this year. Pretty good con, and I met States there last year. So the Midwest is not a total wash for conventions.