Scrapper Guides and FAQs




Any /Willpower guides? For anything, Scraps or Tanks.
My search fu is weak, couple that with the inherent weaksauceness of the search function and you have no-joy.

Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.



Any /Willpower guides? For anything, Scraps or Tanks.
My search fu is weak, couple that with the inherent weaksauceness of the search function and you have no-joy.

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There's a SS/WP Brute guide that you might be able to transfer over.


Seven years of heroism. Seven years of friendships. Seven years of saving the world. Seven years of virtuous selflessness.

You will return, for you are the mighty City of Paragon, the City of Heroes.



Any /Willpower guides? For anything, Scraps or Tanks.
My search fu is weak, couple that with the inherent weaksauceness of the search function and you have no-joy.

[/ QUOTE ]

In a nutshell? You want all the powers, with the self-rez being optional. Tough/Weave/CJ/Health/Stamina help a great deal, but aren't necessary. I'd skip Aid Self, personally.

Slotwise I would at the very least (For SOs, IOs are another story I don't feel like getting into in a short review):

Five slot HPT (three heals, two res).
Three/Four slot Mind Over Body.
Three slot Fast Healing.
Eventually three/four slot In. Will (Depends on if you want to boost the base psi def or not).
Four-Five slot RttC (I liked five slots with three heals, one endred, and one taunt, but then I was playing a tank).
Three slot Quick Recovery.
Three/Four slot Heightened Senses.
Three slot Strength of Will.

There's nothing really tricky about the set. Slot the three armor toggles as you would any other armor toggle. Max out the regen gain of RttC and Fast Healing by raising your health total with HPT. RttC is pretty straight forward, though I would skip slotting in tohit debuffs, as the returns suck.

I've found I can easily fit in Swift/Health/Stamina (which I would strongly recommend, more blue is power), Boxing/Tough/Weave and a travel power if you plan your build out ahead of time.

Of course, you might want to lose B/T/W if you want to dip into the APP. While B/T/W help a lot, SoW offers about the same mitigation value.

Not a guide, persay, but suggestions I hope help.

Miserya - 50 EM/ELA Brute (Perma-shelved)
Adriana Rayne - 42 Katana/Dark Scrapper
Cyberpulse - 26 Super Strength/Willpower Brute
Steel Heart - 24 Invuln/Super Strength Tanker



Updated October 21st 2007
Official Guide Post Editor for the update was Muad_Dib

This thread is for posting Guide or FAQ links for Scrappers. Please create your guides in the "Player Guides" forum (since posts in that section do not roll off) and link the thread here. Also, do not post your guide in this thread - only the link to your guide. Here are a few to get you started from the Guide to Guides.

Failing any clear identifier from the poster, I will go by the original post date vs. Issue releases (I1: 6/30/04, I2: 9/17/04, I3: 1/5/05, I4: 5/5/05, I5: 9/1/05, I6: 10/28/05) - e.g., if it was posted in March/05, it is an I3 Guide.

Guides appearing here were gleaned from links posted in one of the "Guide to Guides" threads (the Scrapper GtG or the GtG threads in the "Player Guides" forum). I cannot sift through the hundreds of individual threads to find a posting, so be sure to 1) place your guide in the "Player Guides" forum, nowhere else and 2) post a link to it in a "Guide to Guides" thread!


On the Care and Feeding of your Scrapper (CaptainAdept)
Scrapper Slotting Basics(DistantDeath)
Scrapper APP's: A Brief Overview (Screwloose) [I4]
Three Tested Builds (TheConfessor) [I1]


EvilGeko's I9 BS/Regen Guide: New Ways to Kill! (EvilGeko)
Stormbringer-BS/DA Scrapper Guide I6(Dracomicon)*note, this guide has been updated to include inventions and PvP basics.*
The Hunter/Gatherer, an I6 BS/INV scrapper guide (Yomo_Kimyata) [I6]
Broad Sword/Regeneration Guide: STILL KILLIN' (EvilGeko) [I5]
Broad Sword/Dark Armor Guide V2.5 (Nai__) [I3]
Casual Broad Sword/Regeneration Build V2 (Nunix) [I3]

A PvE Guide to Claws/Dark Scrapping (GGG247)
Claws/SR Guide for I7(nebber)
Poison Bloom's guide to Claws/Super Reflexes(Madam_Enigma)
Tiger's Tale:Reflections of a Lv. 50 Claws/SRer(DarZindel)
Phire's I5 Claws/Regen Guide To Survival Success (Phire666) [I6]
Claws/Invulnerability Guide (Battle_Claw) [I5]
Guide to Claws DPS (Edict) [I3]
Issue 3 Post-Integration Claws/Regeneration Scrapper Guide (Serrated_Edge) [I3]
Claws/Regeneration Pre-35 Guide (Paradoxic) [I2]
Yet Another Claws Guide (Bloodwill) [I2]
Claws Guide (HaLdAvId) [I1]

The DM/DA Bible(The_Gamemaster)
A Comprehensive guide to PVE DM/Regen Issue 8(Cinderblock)
Dark_Mike's I7 Dark Melee/Regen Guide(Dark_Mike0
Shadow Brawlers Guide to Dark Melee/Super Reflexes (DeNMaN) [I3]
Comprehensive Guide to Dark Melee/Invulnerability V3.0 (Leprechauna) [I3]
The Complete Guide to Dark Melee/Regeneration (Alyssa) [I3]
Dark Melee/Dark Armor Scrap-Controller V2 (MasterHung) [I2]
Dark Melee/Dark Armor FAQ V1.0 (SoulGrind) [I1]

Katana/Dark Armor Scrapper(Fetch)
Katana/Regen Guide-Witty Title Here (Eran_Rist)
Katana/Regen Post Issue 6 (PDF29TAG) [I6]
Rock's Katana/SR ED Compliant Guide (BloodPython) [I6]
Divine Avalanche Scrapper Guide, Version 2.0 (Ebon_Wrath) [I6]
Building and Playing the Katana/Regeneration Scrapper (Amberyl) [I4]
The Paradoxe: A Flying Katana/Invulnerability Scrapper Guide 1.2 (Paradoxe) [I4]
Katana/Regeneration Guide for Issue 2 (StoneTemplePilot) [I2]
Grey Wind's Guide to the Offensive Katana/Super Reflexes Scrapper (Grey_Wind) [I2]
Katana/Dark Armor - A Guide (Guardian_Gaz) [I2]

Kicking it to 50: Relections of a MA/SR scrapper(GGG247)
Martial Arts/Super Reflexes Handbook for i10(AstralFire)
MA/DA: Enter the Dark Dojo (DesertScorpion)
Martial Arts - A Comprehensive Guide (Tulzar) [I6]
Martial Arts/Super Reflexes - The Advanced Guide (tpull) [I6]
Guide to Martial Arts/Dark Armor (Chick) [I3]

Martial Arts - Extensive Regeneration/Power Pool Guide V3.1 (RisingPhoenix) [I3]
Satori's Master of Martial Arts/Super Reflexes Guide (Kyx2000) [I1]

Ian's Guide to the AoE Scrapper:Spine/Dark updated for i9 (milk_weasel)
Spine/Dark Invention Origin Guide(Moot_Point0
The AoE Kings-Spines/DA Guide for i9(John_Printemps)
Thoughts of a level 50 Spines Scrapper I1 to I7(Screwloose)
Ian's Guide to the AoE Scrapper(Spine/Dark)(milk_weasel)
Confessions of a Spines/Dark Scrapper(forest60)(I7)
Poison Massacre: A Spines/Regen Guide for i7(Shadow_Poison)
Bostic's Spines/Regeneration I5 Respec Build Guide (Jentia_Argool) [I5]
A Spines/SR Guide (vI6.1) by Funky Pink (Funky_Pink) [I6]
Respect Example: Warcupine - Spines/Regeneration/Body Mastery (Plasma_Welder) [I4]
How To Build Spines/Regeneration V3.0 with I4 Powers (_Havok_) [I4]
Thoughts of a Level 50 Spines Scrapper (Screwloose) [I3]
Spines/Dark Armor: The Dust Bunny's AoE Guide (Romance) [I2]

Quick guide to /Invuln Scrappers(_SF1_)
Scrapper Secondary Information for Issue 7(BuffyASummers)
Dark Armor Overview for Scrappers(Issue 8)(Screwloose)
Amauros' Guide to SR Scrappers (and stalkers) 3.5 (Amauro) [I6]
Dark Armor Overview for Issue 5 (Screwloose) [I5]
How to Slot Regeneration for I5 (Screwloose) [I5]
A Guide To Super Reflexes (MedievalMayhem) [I4]
Immortal-Nite's Regeneration Rates Guide - Issue 4 (ImmortalNight) [I4]
The Dark Armor Numbers Guide: (Issue 3) (Romance) [I3]
Dark Armor: Scary Scraptroller Template (Fear) (GhostCaT) [I3]

Regeneration and Power Pool Guide V3.0 (HaLdAvId) [I2]

[/ QUOTE ]

updated 22 Jan 08.



I need Guide for ninja with Katana/Dark Armor mix of PvP PVE for lvl50 (I11)

Nacht Nova Thunder = Level 50 (Liberty) Dark Blaster/Storm Summoning - Defender
Nova Ninja = Level 50 (Liberty) spines/ Regeneration - Scrapper
CanadianMan = Level 50 (Liberty) Super Strength/Invulnerability - Tanker
LibertyBoy = Level 35 (Liberty) Stone Armor
/Fiery Melee - Tanker



Guides have been updated.




I'm lookin for DB/SR heroes side Can't find one
please help

Nacht Nova Thunder = Level 50 (Liberty) Dark Blaster/Storm Summoning - Defender
Nova Ninja = Level 50 (Liberty) spines/ Regeneration - Scrapper
CanadianMan = Level 50 (Liberty) Super Strength/Invulnerability - Tanker
LibertyBoy = Level 35 (Liberty) Stone Armor
/Fiery Melee - Tanker



I made a guide to Invlun, fyi.

It's right... here.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



My first guide, written for Katana/Dark Armor scrappers!

Link here



Any Spine/SR, esp. pvp oriented?

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Any Spine/SR, esp. pvp oriented?

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Oddly enough, if you go back a page or so to the big list of guides, there's one for Spines/SR.

To change it for PvP, just replace SR with Regen or something.



yea if you're trying to PvP with SR, you're doing it wrong



My former i7 Claws/SR guide has been updated for i11:

i11 claws/sr guide

and boy is it long.



Anyone made a Fire Scrapper yet? and have a guide that I could add into the list?



I think I should write a Broadsword/Super Reflexes guide, there doesn't seem to be a recent one there. I'll get info from more experienced players too though.




first guide i wrote.

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How is that a guide? Its just a posted build. No advice on why to took what you took. Same for slotting. Need s a lot more work.

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copy and paste the code into mids hero builder, the lastest v. 1.4 .the attacks are maxed out for the most amount of dmg, acc, end redux, and rechrge. its called frakenslotting your powers to get the most out of your powers instead of being concerned with set bonus's. DM/SR is a very tight build. without the end redux for DM, i would have had to gotten stamina, taking hurdle/swift, and health (not as useful since for SR, the point is you are not gonna be hit as often). so basically i would have to take out 3 of my powers just to get stamina. without the recharge, there would be no way to build a buzzsaw attack (fast hitting attacks w/no downtime). whats not to understand?