Scrapper Guides and FAQs




Any tips for a Broadsword/Agility Type ?



Originally Posted by Black Baron View Post
Any tips for a Broadsword/Agility Type ?
Broad Sword/Super Reflexes. Take Parry while leveling to smooth out the ride. Drop it once all your defenses are at 45% without it. Hack is better than Slash. Take everything from your secondary but Elude, and if it's your first time with Super Reflexes, you might want to take Elude just to see if you like it. Fitness (Hurdle, Health, Stamina), Leaping (Combat Jumping), Fighting (Boxing as a wasted pick, Tough, Weave) and probably Speed (Hasten), but consider Leadership (Maneuvers, Tactics). If you buy no other IOs, pick up a Steadfast Protection unique and a Kismet unique while you level.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Broad Sword/Super Reflexes. Take Parry while leveling to smooth out the ride. Drop it once all your defenses are at 45% without it. Hack is better than Slash. Take everything from your secondary but Elude, and if it's your first time with Super Reflexes, you might want to take Elude just to see if you like it. Fitness (Hurdle, Health, Stamina), Leaping (Combat Jumping), Fighting (Boxing as a wasted pick, Tough, Weave) and probably Speed (Hasten), but consider Leadership (Maneuvers, Tactics). If you buy no other IOs, pick up a Steadfast Protection unique and a Kismet unique while you level.
Hm mostly what I did. (Ok. I have not taken parry at the first possibility.)
You think Fitness is still necessary ?
It will soon be inherent I hear.
I might be able to tough it out until then....



Originally Posted by Black Baron View Post
Hm mostly what I did. (Ok. I have not taken parry at the first possibility.)
You think Fitness is still necessary ?
It will soon be inherent I hear.
I might be able to tough it out until then....
They'll almost certainly hand out a free respec with I19. I wouldn't want to suffer with no Stamina until then.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Found this in someones sig once, though I had already closed the forums by the time I got around to reading it, so I'm not sure who wrote it.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Originally Posted by CuppaJo_NA View Post
Updated April 7, 2011

Official Guide Post Editor for this update was Quilcene
Links updated for new forum by Maynia

This thread is for posting Guide or FAQ links for Scrappers. Please create your guides in the "Player Guides" forum (since posts in that section do not roll off) and link the thread here. Also, do not post your guide in this thread - only the link to your guide. Here are a few to get you started from the Guide to Guides.

Failing any clear identifier from the poster, I will go by the original post date vs. Issue releases (I1: 6/30/04, I2: 9/17/04, I3: 1/5/05, I4: 5/5/05, I5: 9/1/05, I6: 10/28/05) - e.g., if it was posted in March/05, it is an I3 Guide.

Guides appearing here were gleaned from links posted in one of the "Guide to Guides" threads (the Scrapper GtG or the GtG threads in the "Player Guides" forum). I cannot sift through the hundreds of individual threads to find a posting, so be sure to 1) place your guide in the "Player Guides" forum, nowhere else and 2) post a link to it in a "Guide to Guides" thread!

This guide now has the most relevant information near the top and everything that was posted before I9 (May 1, 2007) is now down at the bottom. There is still some good stuff there, but just know that it is older information.Scrapper



Broadsword/Super Reflexes Scrapper Guide (TwilightPhoenix) [I19]
I13 Guide to the Broad Sword/Shield Scrapper (Miladys_Knight)
The Arm Strong Method: A Guide to Broadsword/Willpower (Garthalus) [I12]
Shimmering Steel: Swords/Invulnerability (Amaan_Khan) [I11]
EvilGeko's I9 BS/Regen Guide: New Ways to Kill! (EvilGeko) [I9]
Stormbringer-BS/DA Scrapper Guide I6(Dracomicon) *note, this guide has been updated to include inventions and PvP basics.*


The shadow warrior : Claws / Dark Armor Scrapper build by Celidya (i 15)
Celtic Hearts Guide to Claws/Dark Armor! (celticheart) [I12]
Gremlen's Claws/Invul Guide Issue 11 (Gremlen) [I11]
The Stabby Frenzy: Claws/Super Reflexes Guide i11 (nebber) [I11]
A PvE Guide to Claws/Dark Scrapping (GGG247) [I9]

Dark Melee

Desmodos's DM/DA guide (Desmodos)
The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee (Smiling_Joe)
How to make things die fast: A guide to the Dark Melee/Fire Armor/Soul scrapper (Stone Daemon) [I19]

Dual Blades

Guide to Dual Blade/Willpower Scrappers i11.5 (Errant_Electron) [I11]
Dual Blade Combos Bind File! (_Fanny_)

Fire Melee

Broken's Guide to Fiery Melee/Super Reflexes [I14]
Jamo’s Fire/Fire Scrapper guide (JamoUp)
The Will to Burn: Fire/Willpower Scrapper I12 (Joy_Division) [I12]


Mojo's Guide to Katana/Willpower (_Mojo_)
Amberyl's Guide to Building and Playing the Post-ED Katana/Regen Scrapper (Amberyl) [I12]
Bobitron’s Guide to the Katana/Dark Scrapper (Bobitron) [I11]
Shimmering Steel: Swords/Invulnerability (Amaan_Khan) [I11]

Martial Arts

SpiderTeo's Martial Arts Guide[I15]
Kicking it to 50: Relections of a MA/SR scrapper(GGG247) [I10] *Updated with IO information*
Martial Arts/Super Reflexes Handbook for i10(AstralFire) [I10]
MA/DA: Enter the Dark Dojo (DesertScorpion) [I9]


Quilcene's Guide to a Spine/Regen Scrapper (Quilcene) [I12]
Rising to the Challenge: An Issue 12 Guide to Spines/Willpower Scrappers (Yamato) [I12]
Pointy, Flaming Death - Spines/Fire Guide [I12] (Ionic_Torrent) [I12]
Ian's Guide to the AoE Scrapper:Spine/Dark updated for i9 (milk_weasel) [I9]
Spine/Dark Invention Origin Guide(Moot_Point) [I9]
The AoE Kings-Spines/DA Guide for i9(John_Printemps) [I9]


Memphis_Bill's Fiery Aura overview (Memphis_Bill) [I18]
For Honor! For Glory! Issue 13 Guide to Shields (John_Printemps)
Issue 12 Guide to Slotting Regeneration with IOs (Camo_Fire) [I12]
Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration (Windenergy21)
Invulnerability for NOOBS. (KingSnake) [I11]
Quick guide to /Invuln Scrappers(_SF1_) [I10]

PRE-I9 GUIDES (anything dated before May 1, 2007)


On the Care and Feeding of your Scrapper (CaptainAdept)
Scrapper Slotting Basics(DistantDeath)
Scrapper APP's: A Brief Overview (Screwloose) [I4]


The Hunter/Gatherer, an I6 BS/INV scrapper guide (Yomo_Kimyata) [I6]


Claws/SR Guide for I7(nebber)
Poison Bloom's guide to Claws/Super Reflexes(Madam_Enigma)
Tiger's Tale:Reflections of a Lv. 50 Claws/SRer(DarZindel)
Phire's I5 Claws/Regen Guide To Survival Success (Phire666) [I6]
Claws/Invulnerability Guide (Battle_Claw) [I5]
Guide to Claws DPS (Edict) [I3]
Claws/Regeneration Pre-35 Guide (Paradoxic) [I2]

Dark Melee

The DM/DA Bible(The_Gamemaster)
A Comprehensive guide to PVE DM/Regen Issue 8(Cinderblock)
Dark_Mike's I7 Dark Melee/Regen Guide(Dark_Mike)
Shadow Brawlers Guide to Dark Melee/Super Reflexes (DeNMaN) [I3]


Katana/Dark Armor Scrapper(Fetch)
Katana/Regen Guide-Witty Title Here (Eran_Rist)
Katana/Regen Post Issue 6 (PDF29TAG) [I6]
Rock's Katana/SR ED Compliant Guide (BloodPython) [I6]
Divine Avalanche Scrapper Guide, Version 2.0 (Ebon_Wrath) [I6]
Building and Playing the Katana/Regeneration Scrapper (Amberyl) [I4]
The Paradoxe: A Flying Katana/Invulnerability Scrapper Guide 1.2 (Paradoxe) [I4]
Katana/Dark Armor - A Guide (Guardian_Gaz) [I2]

Martial Arts

Martial Arts - A Comprehensive Guide (Tulzar) [I6]
Martial Arts/Super Reflexes - The Advanced Guide (tpull) [I6]
Martial Arts - Extensive Regeneration/Power Pool Guide V3.1 (RisingPhoenix) [I3]


Thoughts of a level 50 Spines Scrapper I1 to I7(Screwloose)
Ian's Guide to the AoE Scrapper(Spine/Dark)(milk_weasel)
Confessions of a Spines/Dark Scrapper(forest60)(I7)
Poison Massacre: A Spines/Regen Guide for i7(Shadow_Poison)
Bostic's Spines/Regeneration I5 Respec Build Guide (Jentia_Argool) [I5]
A Spines/SR Guide (vI6.1) by Funky Pink (Funky_Pink) [I6]
Respect Example: Warcupine - Spines/Regeneration/Body Mastery (Plasma_Welder) [I4]
Thoughts of a Level 50 Spines Scrapper (Screwloose) [I3]
Spines/Dark Armor: The Dust Bunny's AoE Guide (Romance) [I2]


Scrapper Secondary Information for Issue 7(BuffyASummers)
Dark Armor Overview for Scrappers(Issue 8)(Screwloose)
Amauros' Guide to SR Scrappers (and stalkers) 3.5 (Amauro) [I6]
Dark Armor Overview for Issue 5 (Screwloose) [I5]
Dark Armor: Scary Scraptroller Template (Fear) (GhostCaT) [I3]
Updated the main list with Memphis_Bill's guide to Fiery Aura (geared towards Tankers, but is relevant for Scrappers as well), Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration, a Dual Blades Bind guide, a BS/SR guide by TwilightPhoenix, and Stone Daemon's Dark/Fire/Soul guide... I couldn't find any guides from a Google search for Elec/ or KinMelee/ unfortunately. Also updated the Last Updated By date.

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Anyone working on Electric Armor info?



Originally Posted by Alexie View Post
Anyone working on Electric Armor info?
I found three Electric Armor guides for Brutes just by doing a quick Google search. I feel that Brutes and Scrappers would play pretty similarly from a defensive standpoint, but just keep in mind that these guides are not necessarily geared towards Scrappers, and might have suggestions for building Fury, which is a moot point for Scrappers.

Electric Armor Guide v1.1 (Speqter)
The Voltic Beast - A Guide to Electric Armor for Brutes (Nalrok_AthZim)
Electric/Electric Brute Guide (Nemo Utopia) (Link takes you offsite to

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Hey any guides for Elec/WP?



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
I'm almost done with a Katana and Ninja Blade/Electric guide, and may be doing a general Electric armor guide later.
Awesome. i'll be looking forward to this guide



I need the dual blades combo binds. Apparently the guide was removed for stupid reasons



Any guides out there for Broadsword/Electric Armor?



Been gone a long time and since coming back, my level 45 BS/SD scrapper dies A LOT. Didn't use too. Need some advice for my defensive slotting and Power Pool picks, so an updated guide would be heavenly. Thanks!