Scrapper Guides and FAQs




The way you phrase your question was "does it makes sense to take a few slots out of some of the lower damage attacks and add heals to Health and Fast Healing?"

The truth of the matter is there is never a need to do anything but take the second power from your secondary, which in this case is fast healing. In fact there a variety of ways that people on the boards suggest to build, and when to respec.

Nonetheless, to give you the math associated with the regen rates, I direct you to Immortal-Nite's Regen Rates Guide - Issue 4 . I hope this helps you make an informed decision when you begin slotting your powers.



Could one of you veterans out there suggest a good Dark Melee/SR build? I've searched high and low but can't find one specific to that power set. Thanks in advance



I agree have there been any changes to the DM/Regen guide in episode four or five? Started one of those before looking here and it has turned out to be quite fun! Thanks!



Below is some information about being a Scrapper in Issue 5. It will not tell you what type to pick or
how you should play it. It will give you the numbers and some suggested slotting. Only the secondary
power sets are given. The first section talks about general information on resistance, defense and
healing in Issue 5. The second section is about the Dark Armor Scrapper, the third is about the
Invulnerable Scrapper, the fourth is about the Regeneration Scrapper and finally, the Super Reflexes

Some general information on resistance, defense and healing for Issue 5:

Reference to Numbers

Resistance is how much damage you take when you get hit. The types of damage you can take from villains
are Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy (Dark), Toxic, Psionic and Untyped (Hamidon).
If a foe hits you and does 100 points damage and you don't have any resistance to the damage type, you
take 100 points damage. If you have 20% resistance to that damage type, you will only take 80 points

Defense is whether you will get hit or not. An even level minion villain has a base 50% chance to hit
you if you have no defense and no buffs or debuffs from friends or foes and the villain has no to-hit
bonus and no to-hit buffs or debuffs from friends or foes. Powers can sometimes provide defense to
specific damage types or provide defense to melee, range or AoE/Cone.

All archetypes will now be able to reach their Max Defense sooner (was level 40, now level 20). Tankers
now have a higher Defense cap than Scrappers and Kheldians. Scrappers and Kheldians have a higher
Defense cap than all other archetypes.

If you end up with 50% defense from powers and buffs from teammates, even though a minion now has a
zero (50 - 50) chance to hit you, the game does not allow a zero chance to-hit and put a cap of 5% on
the to-hit minimum. So a foe always has a 5% chance to hit you.

Healing is the regeneration of your health or hit points. Normal healing takes 240 seconds to go from 1
hit point to full. Regeneration Scrappers have the ability to lower that time considerably.

Training Origin (TO) enhancements provide 5% additional to defense if using enhance defense buff (DefBuf)
enhancements. They also provide 5% additional resistance if using enhance damage resistance (DamRes)
enhancements. Dual Origin (DO) enhancements provide 10% additional and single origin (SO) enhancements
provide 20% additional. Heal TO enhancements provide 8.3%, Heal DO enhancements provide 16.6% and Heal
SO enhancements provide 33.3%

Note: all enhancements assume even level (white)

Tough (Fighting Pool) is 11.25% resistance to smashing and lethal and each SO DamRes enhancement
provides 2.25% more

Weave (Fighting Pool) is 3.25% melee and ranged defense and each SO DefBuf enhancement provides
0.65% more. Weave also provides some status-effect protection against immobolization

Health (Fitness Pool) is 40% health regeneration and each SO Heal enhancement provides 13.3% more.
Health also provides some status-effect protection against sleep.

Dark Armor information for Issue 5:

Dark Embrace (DE) is 22.5% resistance to smashing, lethal and 15% resistance to toxic and negative
energy. Each SO DamRes enhancement provides 4.5% more for smashing and lethal and 3% more for toxic
and negative energy

Death Shroud does negative energy damage-over-time (DoT) to each foe in melee range it affects

Murky Cloud (MC) is 22.5% resistance to fire, cold and 15% resistance to energy and negative energy.
Each SO DamRes enhancement provides 4.5% more for fire and cold and 3% more for energy and negative
energy. It also provides resistance to endurance drain

Obsidian Shield (OS) is 37.5% resistance to psionic and each SO DamRes enhancement provides 7.5%
more. It also provides status-effect protection (Sleep, Holds, Fear and Disorientation) that increases with
level up to level 45

Dark Regeneration does minor negative energy damage and recovers 30% health per foe affected in melee
range. Each SO Heal provides 10% more

Cloak of Darkness is 3.25% defense and each SO DefBuf enhancement provides 0.65% more. It also
provides stealth and resistance to immobilization

Cloak of Fear causes fear to about half the affected minions in melee range. It also debuffs the
affected foes accuracy by about 10%

Oppressive Gloom causes disorientation to all minions affected in melee range. It lowers your health
over time by a small amount

Soul Transfer is a self resurrection causing damage to all foes affected in melee range. When you rise,
you will be Invulnerable for a short time

Note: there is not any status-effect protection to knock down, knock back (Acrobatics in the Leaping
Pool can provide this protection or Hover in the Flight Pool can provide semi-protection to knock)

Example slotting is shown below using even level (white) DamRes SO enhancements (75% cap):

Smashing and Lethal (most common in the game) Issue 5:

DE (6 SO DamRes) - Total 49.5%
DE (5 SO DamRes) - Total 45%
DE (6 SO DamRes), Tough (6 SO DamRes) - Total 74.25%
DE (6 SO DamRes), Tough (5 SO DamRes) - Total 71.75%
DE (5 SO DamRes), Tough (6 SO DamRes) - Total 69.75%
DE (5 SO DamRes), Tough (5 SO DamRes) - Total 67.25%

Elemental Fire and Cold in Issue 5:

MC (6 SO DamRes) - Total 49.5%
MC (5 SO DamRes) - Total 45%

Elemental Toxic in Issue 5:

DE (6 SO DamRes) - Total 33%
DE (5 SO DamRes) - Total 30%

Energies Energy in Issue 5:

MC (6 SO DamRes) - Total 33%
MC (5 SO DamRes) - Total 30%

Energies Negative Energy in Issue 5:

DE (6 SO DamRes), MC (6 SO DamRes) - Total 66%
DE (5 SO DamRes), MC (5 SO DamRes) - Total 60%

Psionic (one of very few powers in the game with protection against psionic damage) in Issue 5:

OS (5 SO DamRes) - Total 75%
OS (4 SO DamRes) - Total 67.5%
OS (0 SO DamRes) - Total 37.5%

Invulnerability information in Issue 5:

Resist Physical Damage (RPD) is 5.625% resistance to smashing and lethal and each single origin (SO)
enhance damage resistance (DamRes) enhancement provides 1.125% more

Dull Pain (DP) adds 40% (unenhancable) of your base hit points to your hit points, and then heals you
40% (enhancable) of your hit points. Each SO Heal provides 13.3% more

Temporary Invulnerability (TI) provides 22.5% resistance to smashing and lethal and each SO DamRes
enhancement provides 4.5% more

Resist Elements (REl) is 5.625% resistance to fire, cold and toxic and each single origin (SO) enhance
damage resistance (DamRes) enhancement provides 1.125% more

Unyielding (Uny) is 7.5% resistance to all types except psionic (only 3.75% to smashing and lethal),
and each SO DamRes enhancement provides 1.5% more, 0.75% smashing and lethal. It also provides
status-effect protection (hold, sleep, disorient, knock, immobilize) that increases with level
up to level 45. It also has a 5% defense debuff

Resist Energies (REn) is 5.625% resistance to energy and negative and each single origin (SO) enhance
damage resistance (DamRes) enhancement provides 1.125% more

*Invincibility (Inv) provides 1.125% melee defense (0.5625% ranged) to all except psionic for every
foe in melee range up to 14 foes and also adds a to-hit bonus for every foe in melee range up to 14
foes. It also provides a melee Taunt effect. Each SO DefBuf provides 0.225% melee (0.1125% ranged) more

Tough Hide (TH) is 3.75% defense to all types except toxic and psionic. Each SO enhance defense buff
(DefBuf) enhancement provides 0.75% more

Unstoppable (Uns) is 52.5% resistance to all types except psionic and each SO DamRes enhancement
provides 10.5% more. It also provides status-effect protection (hold, sleep, disorient, knock,
immobilize) and a boost to endurance regeneration. When it ends, it leaves you with no endurance,
unable to regain any endurance for 15 seconds and 10% of your hit points

Example slotting is shown below using even level (white) DamRes SO enhancements (75% cap):

Smashing and Lethal (most common in the game) in Issue 5:

Unyielding (6 SO DamRes), RPD (6 SO DamRes), TI (6 SO DamRes) - Total 70.125%
Unyielding (5 SO DamRes), RPD (6 SO DamRes), TI (6 SO DamRes) - Total 69.375%
Unyielding (6 SO DamRes), RPD (6 SO DamRes), TI (5 SO DamRes) - Total 65.625%
Unyielding (5 SO DamRes), RPD (6 SO DamRes), TI (5 SO DamRes) - Total 64.875%
Unyielding (6 SO DamRes), RPD (1 SO DamRes), TI (6 SO DamRes) - Total 64.5%

Unyielding (6 SO DamRes), RPD (1 SO DamRes), TI (6 SO DamRes), Tough (0 SO DamRes) - Total 75.75%
Unyielding (6 SO DamRes), RPD (1 SO DamRes), TI (5 SO DamRes), Tough (1 SO DamRes) - Total 73.5%
Unyielding (5 SO DamRes), RPD (1 SO DamRes), TI (5 SO DamRes), Tough (2 SO DamRes) - Total 75%
Unyielding (0 SO DamRes), RPD (1 SO DamRes), TI (6 SO DamRes), Tough (2 SO DamRes) - Total 71.25%
Unyielding (0 SO DamRes), RPD (1 SO DamRes), TI (5 SO DamRes), Tough (4 SO DamRes) - Total 75.75%

Elemental (fire, cold and toxic), and Energies (energy and negative energy) in Issue 5:

Unyielding (6 SO DamRes), REl (6 SO DamRes) and REn (6 SO DamRes) - Total 28.875%
Unyielding (5 SO DamRes), REl (6 SO DamRes) and REn (6 SO DamRes) - Total 27.375%

Defense in Issue 5:

TH (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 8.25% (except toxic and psionic)
TH (1 SO DefBuf) - Total 4.50% (except toxic and psionic)

*Inv (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 2.475% melee, 1.235% ranged (1 foe) to 34.65%, 17.325% (14 foes) (except psionic)
*Inv (5 SO DefBuf) - Total 2.25% melee, 1.125% ranged (1 foe) to 31.5%, 15.75% (14 foes) (except psionic)

*Note: Statesman says 1.125%. Player testing shows between 2.25% and 2.625%

Regeneration Information in Issue 5:

Fast Healing (FH) is 75% health regeneration and each SO Heal enhancement provides 25% more

Reconstruction heals you 25% and each SO Heal enhancement provides 8.3% more

Quick Recovery is 33% endurance regeneration and each SO endurance recovery enhancement provides
11% more

Dull Pain (DP) adds 40% (unenhancable) of your base hit points to your hit points, and then heals you
40% (enhancable) of your hit points. Each SO Heal provides 13.3% more

Integration (Int) is 50% (unenhancable) plus 100% (enhancable) health regeneration and each SO Heal
provides 33.3% more. It also provides status-effect protection (hold, sleep, disorient, knock,
immobilize) that increases with level up to level 45

Resilience is 5.625% resistance to smashing, lethal and toxic and each SO DamRes enhancement provides
1.125% more. It also provides some protection against disorientation

Instant Healing (IH) is 600% (unenhancable) plus 200% (enhancable) health regeneration and each SO
Heal provides 66.6% more

Revive is a self resurrection. You rise with 50% health and 50% endurance

Moment of Glory (MoG) is 71% resistance (all damage types except psionic) and 80% defense. It also
provides status-effect protection (hold, sleep, disorient, knock, immobilize) and endurance recovery.
When activating MoG, your health drops to 25% and cannot be increased throughout the duration. When
it ends, you cannot recover any health for 15 seconds

Example slotting is shown below using even level (white) Heal SO enhancements in Issue 5:

FH (6 SO Heal) - Total 225%
FH (6 SO Heal), Health (6 SO Heal) - Total 345%
FH (6 SO Heal), Health (1 SO Heal) - Total 278%

FH (6 SO Heal), Int (6 SO Heal) - Total 575%
FH (6 SO Heal), Int (0 SO Heal) - Total 375%
FH (1 SO Heal), Int (6 SO Heal) - Total 450%

FH (6 SO Heal), Int (6 SO Heal), Health (1 SO Heal) - Total 628%
FH (6 SO Heal), Int (0 SO Heal), Health (1 SO Heal) - Total 428%
FH (1 SO Heal), Int (6 SO Heal), Health (1 SO Heal) - Total 503%
FH (6 SO Heal), Int (6 SO Heal), Health (6 SO Heal) - Total 695%
FH (6 SO Heal), Int (0 SO Heal), Health (6 SO Heal) - Total 495%
FH (1 SO Heal), Int (6 SO Heal), Health (6 SO Heal) - Total 570%

FH (1 SO Heal), IH (0 SO Heal) - Total 853%

FH (1 SO Heal), Int (0 SO Heal), IH (0 SO Heal) - Total 1203%
FH (1 SO Heal), Int (6 SO Heal), IH (0 SO Heal) - Total 1250%
FH (6 SO Heal), Int (6 SO Heal), IH (0 SO Heal) - Total 1375%
FH (6 SO Heal), Int (0 SO Heal), IH (0 SO Heal) - Total 1175%
FH (6 SO Heal), Int (6 SO Heal), IH (6 SO Heal) - Total 1775%

FH (6 SO Heal), Int (6 SO Heal), Health (6 SO Heal), IH (6 SO Heal) - Total 1895%

Super Reflexes Information in Issue 5:

Focused Fighting (FF) is 12.5% melee defense and each SO DefBuf enhancement provides 2.5% more
Note: villains melee AoE/Cone powers are also considered melee; e.g. Dragon's Tail, Head Splitter, etc

Focused Senses (FS) is 12.5% ranged defense and each SO DefBuf enhancement provides 2.5% more

Agile (AG) is 5% ranged defense and each SO DefBuf enhancement provides 1% more

Practiced Brawler is status-effect protection (hold, sleep, disorient, knock, immobilize) that
increases with level up to level 45

Dodge (DG) is 5% melee defense and each SO DefBuf enhancement provides 1% more

Quickness is 20% increase in attack rate (unenhancable) and increases speed (enhancable)

Lucky (LU) is 5% AoE/Cone defense and each SO DefBuf enhancement provides 1% more

Evasion (EV) is 22.5% AoE/Cone defense and each SO DefBuf enhancement provides 4.5% more

Elude is 45% melee/ranged/AoE/Cone defense and each SO DefBuf enhancement provides 9% more.
Endurance recovery is increased while active and when it ends, you are left with no endurance and unable
to recover endurance for 15 seconds

Example slotting is shown below using even level (white) DefBuf SO enhancements:

Melee Defense in Issue 5:

FF (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 27.5% defense
FF (5 SO DefBuf) - Total 25% defense

FF (6 SO DefBuf), DG (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 38.5%
FF (5 SO DefBuf), DG (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 36%
FF (6 SO DefBuf), DG (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 34.5%
FF (5 SO DefBuf), DG (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 32%
FF (6 SO DefBuf), DG (1 SO DefBuf) - Total 32.5%
FF (5 SO DefBuf), DG (1 SO DefBuf) - Total 30%

FF (5 SO DefBuf), DG (1 SO DefBuf), Weave (5 SO DefBuf) - Total 36.5%
FF (5 SO DefBuf), DG (6 SO DefBuf), Weave (5 SO DefBuf) - Total 41.5%
FF (6 SO DefBuf), DG (6 SO DefBuf), Weave (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 45.65%

Elude (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 99% defense

Ranged Defense in Issue 5:

FS (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 27.5% defense
FS (5 SO DefBuf) - Total 25% defense

FS (6 SO DefBuf), AG (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 38.5%
FS (5 SO DefBuf), AG (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 36%
FS (6 SO DefBuf), AG (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 34.5%
FS (5 SO DefBuf), AG (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 32%
FS (6 SO DefBuf), AG (1 SO DefBuf) - Total 32.5%
FS (5 SO DefBuf), AG (1 SO DefBuf) - Total 30%

FS (5 SO DefBuf), AG (1 SO DefBuf), Weave (5 SO DefBuf) - Total 36.5%
FS (5 SO DefBuf), AG (6 SO DefBuf), Weave (5 SO DefBuf) - Total 41.5%
FS (6 SO DefBuf), AG (6 SO DefBuf), Weave (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 45.65%

Elude (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 99% defense

AoE/Cone Defense in Issue 5:

Evasion (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 49.5% defense
Evasion (5 SO DefBuf) - Total 45% defense

Evasion (6 SO DefBuf), LU (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 60.5% defense
Evasion (5 SO DefBuf), LU (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 56% defense
Evasion (4 SO DefBuf), LU (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 51.5% defense
Evasion (6 SO DefBuf), LU (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 57.5% defense
Evasion (5 SO DefBuf), LU (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 53% defense
Evasion (4 SO DefBuf), LU (3 SO DefBuf) - Total 48.5% defense
Evasion (6 SO DefBuf), LU (1 SO DefBuf) - Total 55.5% defense
Evasion (5 SO DefBuf), LU (1 SO DefBuf) - Total 51% defense
Evasion (4 SO DefBuf), LU (1 SO DefBuf) - Total 46.5% defense

Elude (6 SO DefBuf) - Total 99% defense



Thanks for the info Buffy, but maybe under SR, and elude, you might want to mention that you can't attack or assist allys

(unless that has changed in I5), my scrapper isn't high enough to get it yet.



Thanks for the info Buffy, but maybe under SR, and elude, you might want to mention that you can't attack or assist allys

(unless that has changed in I5), my scrapper isn't high enough to get it yet.

[/ QUOTE ]

The documentation is old. Elude was changed to be able to use while fighting a few months ago. It is a good power to turn on against Archevillains or when things are going south quickly. It will give you 3 minutes of great defense then, drop you to zero endurance and unable to regenerate any endurance for 15 seconds.

Some people will use it everytime it is ready to go.



Thanks for the info!

However, I was on test today, trying out Unyielding, and I was fighting a Lead Brick in SC, both of us at lvl 16, with UY unslotted. He hit me with Stone Fist for 56.15 hpts of smashing damage with UY off, then hit me for 53.2 hpts of smashing damge with UY on. This shows a 5.25% reduction of Smashing damage, unenhanced. I hope my figures are right, otherwise UY is kinda lame, except for status protection.



So is LoreUndone in reply to your post just making [censored] up or what?

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



ya looks like a dumb [censored] to me



I believe that he is one of the influx of posters disgruntled by I5 who are taking every posible chance to post extravagant complaints about I5 and personally I am not dignifying his rants with a response.

If he said something relevant to the thread or of any substance then I would consider responding, but until then I am trying to not feed the Troll.

regards, Screwloose.
"I am not young enough to know everything."

How to Look Stuff Up Yourself - It's Fun and Easy
Looking for Powers Numbers try City of Data.
For Fraks sake read the Guides and FAQs
Global Chat Channels - Australia



i dont see any more dark armor / spines .
I just came back recently and now my armors stack so the other builds dont make asmuch sence now.. i am 31 i kind of like my build but am nnot sure where to go from here



i dont see any more dark armor / spines .
I just came back recently and now my armors stack so the other builds dont make asmuch sence now.. i am 31 i kind of like my build but am nnot sure where to go from here

[/ QUOTE ]
Take Thoughts of a level 50 Spines Scrapper (Long) by Screwloose (or any other guides on a Spines Scrapper) and Dark Armor Overview for Issue 5 by Screwloose. You'll be set then. Spines did not really change except with the recent scrapper damage increase. These two will help ya with a Spines/DA.

First Of The Year

Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.



Thanks for the info Buffy, but maybe under SR, and elude, you might want to mention that you can't attack or assist allys

(unless that has changed in I5), my scrapper isn't high enough to get it yet.

[/ QUOTE ]

The documentation is old. Elude was changed to be able to use while fighting a few months ago. It is a good power to turn on against Archevillains or when things are going south quickly. It will give you 3 minutes of great defense then, drop you to zero endurance and unable to regenerate any endurance for 15 seconds.

Some people will use it everytime it is ready to go.

[/ QUOTE ]

Cool thanks, I just earned a respec from the TF, for my scrapper and need to figure out the best way to do it. She's 39 now.



Hello all,

I have added a Spines/Regen guide that takes into account I5's changes to the Scrapper boards.

This guide is meant for those that have reached at least level 35 and are Respeccing their Spines, but the information and the statistics etc. are good through all levels.

Hope this helps some of you understand and enjoy good Spines/Regen AoE gameplay in the I5 world.


-Jentia Argool(Bostic)
Freedom Server
Spines/Regen I5 Guide!
SG:-Civic Alliance
Jentia Argool (41)- Spines/Regen Scrapper
Justice Server - Jab Molassie (14) En/Ela Brute
Devil Mas(11) Dk/Dk Brute
Hechler Glocklan (20) Th/Dk MM



I posted a claws/invuln guide available here.



I believe that he is one of the influx of posters disgruntled by I5 who are taking every posible chance to post extravagant complaints about I5 and personally I am not dignifying his rants with a response.

If he said something relevant to the thread or of any substance then I would consider responding, but until then I am trying to not feed the Troll.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only reason I replied was to provide accurate numbers in response to his obfuscation, so that a newcomer wouldn't be gulled by his filthy lies.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Marker to know where to start next time. I have sent an updated Guides listing to CJ. Keep an eye out for an update with section headers for primary powersets and Issue numbers behind each listing. If you don't see your new or updated guide then, post here so I know what I missed!



Anyone have an I5 Claws/SR build?? I know some people think this is a gimped combo and some think it's awesome, I'd like to see a guid to try it out and see for myself. Thank you for your time



SR is just gimped in general. Wait till SR gets fixed until you play one. Unless you like to stress yourself out.

-(Subject 9) lvl 50 Scrapper, Claws/SR, Protector
-(Frenzi) lvl 50 Brute, DM/WP, Virtue

Instead of nerfing the best classes, just bring everybody else up to their level of greatness. Everybody will be happy.