25 -
It was a Honor having been there and been able to help you finalize the CoP`s.
Even if I didn`t make it on the Photo.
I just hope it does not end like the Nemesis Invasion which at the end of the month was just a boring Troll in the lowbie zones who killed you while you were not watching. (IMO)
Not using Twitter nor Facebook.
Not starting to do either.
Old fashioned ?
Maybe -
Silly DEVs.They said States would be gone now.
I recently hopped through Indie Port and found Sates still there.
So he is still alive I guess? -
Statesman is dead. Has he died officially for the Union RP`ers so far?
If so has there been some reaction/event I failed to notice?
Because if not I think we should try to organize a fitting send off.
Please discuss. -
Quote:Well Full Fighting Pool is a bit overblown. I have Kick,Tough and Weave inn a attempt to be a bit less squishy.I'm concerned by the fact that you say you have the full Fighting pool by level 30. I think this is the bulk of your issue, especially since you've said you've not neglected your Empathy side. You can get the full Fighting pool, but it's much more worth it in a final build than a leveling up one in my experience.
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|[/code] -
As I mentioned I have tried to build my Emp side up too. (In hopes of attracting some permanent group) so terrify is still out there for me.
I guess I will get it when I finally turn Lvl 32 in January when I return to my computer and can play again . -
Quote:No. You are really helpful Thank you.Are you using Confuse like a Hold? My standard solo tactic is to Confuse the toughest (or most annoying member of a spawn and then hold the next (most annoying), and finally begin my single target routine of attacks to defeat each target in order. Once you have terrify, you should still open with either a Confuse or AoE sleep, then Terrify the whole group, and THEN start a single target attack routine.
I apologize if this is not new info to you, since your tactics are known only to you at this time.
No I use confuse rarely. I heard it was bad style, and Masshypnosis seems like it has only a very short duration ( and seems to miss often),
Terrify is next on my to learn list. (But I still consider TP-Friend)
It looks like I must assign more slots to the Group Attacks... -
Its what I usually do but there are some I seem to have trouble putting to sleep/hold. Some Robots and Tank/Brutes (I guess thats what the Bronze Strongmen are) seem barely affected.
I have a Mind/Emp Controller I like and I am very good at Teams (well supportive) but I have no fixed group (I was introduced to two but lets just say it didn`t work out.). I dislike standing around bleating for Teams..
Is there any way I can make the Character better at solo play?
So far I got lvl 3o ish and have tough, kick and weave the rest is just regular powers.... (I have a respec) -
Maybe that was the problem. I will try and report.
Maybe today ?
There has just been a announcement about three Hours of downtime ..... -
I have a similar problem. The Problem is the Toon I want to mail the Inf away from is the one with my Global Name. ( and somehow it does not take the @ in the Address.)
Quote:Hm mostly what I did. (Ok. I have not taken parry at the first possibility.)Broad Sword/Super Reflexes. Take Parry while leveling to smooth out the ride. Drop it once all your defenses are at 45% without it. Hack is better than Slash. Take everything from your secondary but Elude, and if it's your first time with Super Reflexes, you might want to take Elude just to see if you like it. Fitness (Hurdle, Health, Stamina), Leaping (Combat Jumping), Fighting (Boxing as a wasted pick, Tough, Weave) and probably Speed (Hasten), but consider Leadership (Maneuvers, Tactics). If you buy no other IOs, pick up a Steadfast Protection unique and a Kismet unique while you level.
You think Fitness is still necessary ?
It will soon be inherent I hear.
I might be able to tough it out until then.... -
Does this work ?
Is it feasible ?
(A thousand apology's if this has been asked before but I could not find it.) -
Quote:Thanks I have bookmarked it and will try to read and memorize it,I remember being in this position I had to look up everything from roflmao to bio.
This site might help you:
http://mmoterms.com/ -
Quote:Will do thanks.First, Welcome to the game and the forums. Here is what farming is as pertaining to COH.
Farming- The act of repeating an action a number of times for the purpose of earning something from the repeated action. In City of Heroes this most often involves resetting a mission a number of times in order to earn something out of the mission multiple times. Things earned vary from experience, to influence/infamy/prestige, to badge credits.
If you ever find yourself at a point in your toons career that you don't have enough influence for SO's, give me a shout, I will happily donate some funds to cover some expenses for you as well as point you in the direction of earning your own "shinies".
I also can't recommend enough that you check out the Mentor Project.
(That might take while.) -
I am pretty new at this MMO Stuff but I noticed that there seems to be a particular slang (that being not a native English Speaker to boot) I do not really understand.
I think Anchor is serving as a Teleport Beacon ?
TP is teleport.
But beyond that I am bewildered and clueless.
Can some of the old Hands please clue me ( and the other noobs ) in ? -
Because I must if I solo ?
(It got better since I now have flight.)
Yeah I know there surely are ways to build better characters then I do (my best Blaster is Lvl13), but hey I am still learning the ropes being a total noob.