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  1. i'd swap nucleus in fireblast for a salvo acc/dam/end/range and switch the deva dmg/end for the quad. you'll get the same acc and damage and a lil' more range and recharge.

    you'll get KB'ed still. you're at 34 pts and need 41. 3 shield walls in shrak skin will get 3 more. 4 kinetic crashes in levitate is 3 more, another kb IO in acro will get the last point.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    Droning is fine, eat a Sturdy or get a Kin to cast ID on you.
    Or spend billions on an IO, I guess.
    kins don't go into RV.
  3. Arena: Success is delivering your role effectively and implementing your options correctly so your team gets more kills than the opposing team.

    Zone: Success is whatever floats your boat.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ghost_Ripper View Post
    So What have ya'll seen that survives and thrives (as in gets their killz) the most when in the 8 to 12 man brawls that go on in RV?
    Good stalkers. But you have to have a good build, analyse the situation well, go for the AS/crit kill shots, and have escapability.

    If you want to stand in the middle of the 8-12 people and mash buttons and not care about your avoidance technique, pick a superstrength tank and spam hurl and fossilize. You'll get some kills. If you wanna be more team-worthy, pick up taunt.

    If you're trying to build a "not gonna die" toon because dying hurts your feelings, I'd suggest instead get over it--especially in zone where dying doesn't count against you. You'll still die and you'll rage even more since you thought you had a not-gonna-die toon after following the advice here.
  5. nebber

    Fire/Em Blaster

    Rain of fire is a very powerful anti-stalker tool in zone PVP. If you are playing there often, I'd pick that over conserve power, as that's more situational, and can be covered by carrying some emergency blues.
  6. on the plus side when villains outnumber heroes and base crowd, once the heroes start droning you'll be immune. you can /e boombox
  7. my scrapper spamming slotting is 2x centriole, 1 grav anchor acc/rchrg, apoc dmg/rchg & acc/rchrg & proc. 66 acc, 95 dmg, 40 range, 95 recharge, and one proc.
  8. which controller outdamages/outsurvives a scrapper, exactly? ima roll one of those.
  9. how did you keep track of 3269 kills? Scratch paper?
  10. welcome all. as a long-time player from europe on america servers, my advice is only make ranged PVP toons. The lag can sometimes make it really, really hard to connect melee.
  11. nebber

    post 13 pvp

    I'm currently running my fire/elec blaster because i'm too tired of PVE to start over with a psy/fire/em/mm. It's still very nice and i prefer it over my scraps just for the range as I have a hard time melee-ing with the lags.

    Two fire blasts + elec fence is all you need to chain, and you can slot elec fence with the hold procs. the fire snipe is great, except when you kill someone from 300ft away and don't get credit. from /elec, power sink is handy when you get elec/therm'ed, and lightning field can sometimes unhide regen stalkers, or at least warn you an AS is coming when you see "missed" from out of nowhere by you. I even got a lightning field kill once--trustory.
  12. I've noticed lately people haven't slotted acro for kb enh in builds posted here lately. Is Mid's right that it only takes you from -2 to -5 KB protection?
  13. I have a fire/nrg tank that I have given up on, so I can say fire as protection isn't good... you get knocked around and the one self heal is not back up fast enough to save you. nrg on a tank is still OK, but second best to SS. KoB, hurl, and fossilize brings stupid high damage for a tank.

    I think ice as a tank primary is the only viable-ish defense set, I've seen an ice/SS do well in RV these days.

    Widows are toast after a blaster pops aim and eats through their hp bar, and they don't put out too much damage.

    Regen is still the best scrapper secondary. If you like scrappers this is the way to go. BS and Fire are the heaviest hitters if you can get into melee range, which is the hard part. Spines doesn't put out as much damage, but has the blessing of range for when you are having a hard time closing in on someone. A well-slotted impale and laser beam eyes can output steady damage, and now that greater activation time = greater damage, barb swipe does very good and recharges so fast you can just keep using it over and over in melee.

    I'd get your spines/regen to 50 and try it out, rather than grind something new. It's a very well balanced hero.
  14. i'm leveling up an earth/therm for the idea that controllers don't get access to much +tohit, and I want melt armor/heatex to land when i use it--thus i want to stack some -def first, which earth has.
  15. I think power push fully slotted for kb knocks down all squishies except those who spend gagillions on -kb IOs. That aside, nrg damage is meh.
  16. nebber

    Drops in PvP.

    Or since the drop rate doesn't support proper braggery, you can get one from the black market and then carry it in your inventory so when you get a particularly good kill you drag it into broadcast and make it seem that much better.

    I've run one hero 0-400 rep and another 0-250 rep and it's been dry except for 1 night where I got 2 drops.
  17. I forgot to mention that SR's scaling damage resistance does nothing as well, because either:
    1) the kill shot from a stalker AS or crit kills you before you're even into the scaling range
    2) when you're in the damage scaling resistance range you're also in the corrupter scourge range.

    I guess this wouldn't affect brutes as much but still, a decent blaster will totally eat you for breakfast.
  18. I forgot to mention that SR's scaling damage resistance does nothing as well, because either:
    1) the kill shot from a stalker AS or crit kills you before you're even into the scaling range
    2) when you're in the damage scaling resistance range you're also in the corrupter scourge range.

    I guess this wouldn't affect brutes as much but still, a decent blaster will totally eat you for breakfast.
  19. I had stuck with my spines/SR as my main PVP pride. Pre-DR, with a super recharge build, my elude downtime was 80s and it was very powerful when played right. Was still very nice for the pre-'fixed' elusivity.

    These days it's a very different story. SR is just about a non-existant secondary. Even with elude up, it feels everyone and their grandmother gets free, full damage hits in. Then aid self suppresses you movement, so even if you heal back you're in range still for more pounding. I don't think a brute would fare any better with the number of blasters with aim. If three stalkers have difficulty taking down an SR scrapper, then it's that the stalkers aren't built well, not that the SR is good.

    Even though it's my pride and I wanted to stick with it to avoid regin and be different, I've given up. Blasters had higher survivalibilty than me and a ballload of more damage. So last week I grinded my BS/Regen to 50 and the survivability difference is night and day.

    Lith--PVBee is retired, so now it's 3 SRs in RV.
  20. i run around with ~43% ranged defense with elude up on my scrap and it saves a few spare hits here and there, but stalkers punch through it with bu+AS and whatever other bonuses they are running. It's enough to make me roll a lolregin.
  21. nebber


    i was hesitant to transfer as well even though a night out drinking costs me about 5x as much. but i'm so happy to see an active rv (even logging in on eurotimes), and glad i did it. Long live Freedom as the refugee pvp server.
  22. well, i'll be playing euro-times so unless they sit home and emp all day, I may opt for tactics or focused acc. I'd be sad to not even see people with the stealth IO coming.
  23. people still bring support heroes to zones?
  24. so with phase and stone epic, no +tohit or perception? Doesn't that make things painful?