Capped Ranged def in PvP. Worth it?
Even if you are at cap...your defense will drop to 20% because of DR.
For what AT?
The AT makes a huge difference. Some ATs cap higher than others. Defenders, Controllers, Corruptors, Doms, MMs and Blasters cap at ~20%. Others cap at ~40% realistically. It's possible to go higher, but at the cost of potentially gimping your build. My Bane has just under 43% ranged and it took alot of fudging to get that. At the point he's at now it would take about 10% more defense just to get 1% after DR.
Is it worth it? Yes and no. Blasters with stupidly high acc bonuses will still cut through defense like it isn't there, but most others will miss most of the time.
i run around with ~43% ranged defense with elude up on my scrap and it saves a few spare hits here and there, but stalkers punch through it with bu+AS and whatever other bonuses they are running. It's enough to make me roll a lolregin.
i run a lol em/sr brute in pvp, i have a crap ton invested, but the end state is decent. even with DR i have around 43%def to range and 41% to melee, pop veng if you can and youll go up a little bit higher than cap or just below it. but as another had said, any good blaster with bu/aim and good bonuses will hit most of the time. me persoanlly i enjoy /sr's still. they can be very useful. so i wouldnt reroll just yet, give it a shot, then if your not pleased reroll to w/e and start all over
@The REAL Chop
My teachers always told me to follow my dreams. To bad they are all Nightmares.
What % do you need in PvE to get 45% in PvP ?? Thinking about making a shield Defense scrapper but I would want the %'s to make it worth while.
Would probably want either Broadsword for Parry or Dark Melee for -acc and self heal.
But anyway,,, Does anyone know the numbers or the formula to calculate ?
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
For my Bane, 70.58% PvE gets DRed to 42.84%. I imagine it would take over 85% PvE to get to 45% DRed.
The curve is so steep past 55% PvE numbers, I would say it isnt worth it. Shoot for 55 or so and you'll come in with about 39~40. Thats decent enough. Buffs will still ruin your day.
Allrighty, thanx for the feedback. Looks like i wont try reaching capped def in pvp because DR sucks. :/
I was wondering if capped ranged def in PvP was worth reaching with IO's sets...... If it isn't, than i guess i gotta go reroll. :/