New Stalker Build, Please come rate




Alright after frustrating tactics this the best build I could come out with... A few slots are wasteful missing about 4 set bonuses

Why I choose Broad/Elect for a PvP build!
It crossed my mind when looking for a nice PvP build... By then I automatically choose Broad sword (Rated a pretty balanced Set)... Giving out an Acc bonus, Defense debuff, Defense Melee buff (45%) Very High damage, But slow recharge rates. and so far my level 40 Stalker is hitting what Gm's could (Of course it was slotted with 150mill worth of sets)

Ye so When I was flipping armor and I based a theory of increasing the DPS while having a major resistance... So I checked out Electric armor, Seemed good back to back with a high damage set (broadsword) with increasing DPS and also has a major 75% to all resistances (expect Toxic 40%) and a basic average of 25% to all defenses Making it really attracting...

Also back to back strats with energize & power sink! Elec is awesome set to have if you drain yourself.... Saving your *** with 60% ENDred plus 200% regen plus 700 HP (basically half your health) and A vary fast recharge so Use it often.

Please copy the link below add paste it in mid's hero/villian designer, Rate my build! I know its crap but kinda good in some other ways! Please get attention to things I need to improve on But so far this build has shown many strengths and few weaknesses!

<small><code>|&nbsp;Copy&nbsp;&&nbsp;Paste&nbsp;th is&nbsp;data&nbsp;into&nbsp;Mids'&nbsp;Hero&nbsp;D esigner&nbsp;to&nbsp;view&nbsp;the&nbsp;build&nbsp ;|
|78DAA593596F125114C7EFB088D0A11469E946110B656D076 86BB4AD5A97B65A2D4|
|94D351A3592116E612C4233336E6F7E803EE9834FBE1913BF 824D5C3F189EE5A20F|
|3E3A81FF8F3973EF39FF339C5B7BB5A10BF1665D68E16B1DD 371EA7BAED93990B6B|
|F66B6AC46E88E74DCD493E756A71910424CAA87F59AEC4869 5CB57B66B3BEF7B267|
|379383271B725F761D696C7664C3B5AD46FD8AFDAC6747B7B B6D69CBAE6B0C7E847|
|77BBD8EB165B5DAAED56DE9EACEED4AC789D0CD8E349BD276 DAD6A13EB83F8495C9|
|CD43AB610CAAEDC81796E9B6CD6EBD663AAEB45F4F80CB027 C8F23425D7DBF68017|
|2C2B3CF6803AAC267319E124E1C105682008D7679C5A886A1 749490192154638455|
|58A7F13ABF56F652860AE16495B148082D3196096BB0CBAB7 6792B9448AF321609C|
|34B8CB3849165C257E8C4AF3AF1673DF424473895671408A3 454689F00D7605B896|
|27F09142D9CF8C4F840B6026A8CC04D94C9CCDC4D9CC049B9 960175306E13BA41D6|
|23362A844EFCC03831156A1701F2E7111524754ED88DA5E24 2438CB0FC812552D45|
|D3F46E8A19C61C613ECBC8131672844B9036C669456C0D10F 00A2F141F537FD8189|
|74A703349B69F2C137CB06E5C753BBE45E992D709A91B8C6D 42F526E316E127F89C|
|543E277942523C2F67F6192D068F549A47CA0FB5A695CF69E 53300B119159B49F18|
|840E8B47A4BA7DFD27F52382214DF117E41F559557D96EBA5 B95E86EB65B85E969D|
|E5D85914D2CEA94EE77884733CC2391EE14284B030CC08116 2B02BCFB5B43C8F4BE|
|11C5B5F87D75EE2479E125B9F4F10CA3384CBB0C0A0D3D0F7 18EF696F993B28735B|
|71485E51CD57D852C2F7E778C2078766E79FC8AE4F9D45886 81499FEBBE6BFAE2FF|
|AE098076F87E0D71E88B88B720F6FEFA33C407988B147288F 51EA28FD637DE02272|
|1E0DADA0ACA2ACA11CE1A2001E9221141D258C328C1241194 189A1C451A6503EA0F|



Elec armor has no kb resistance(only protection) and grounded only works while on the ground.
Need to slot for 41(with acro) at least.
Using powersink and parry will probably get you squashed.

Honestly Elec armor gets no repel resistance, no built in preception no decent -kb etc.
Is this toon already 50? Are you dead set on elec armor?



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
Elec armor has no kb resistance(only protection) and grounded only works while on the ground.
Need to slot for 41(with acro) at least.
Using powersink and parry will probably get you squashed.

Honestly Elec armor gets no repel resistance, no built in preception no decent -kb etc.
Is this toon already 50? Are you dead set on elec armor?
Well, thats why i added tactics (50% perception) Not the best but its alright, Um I rushed him to 40 in about 5 days... Ive Been hit by Rebel attacks all the time and they really don't really work on this guy...

And... The attacking is well strategical it is awesome!! What you do is you attack with parry then attack with 2 other powers before you hit parry again I found it is very effective (about 200 damage for parry) stacked for 30% melee....

Ty so much for pointing out the rebels and KB I did not think of those!

Im going to say this... This is a awesome PvP build I found its the No1 Hyrbid stalker in the history of my experience... Defeated 5 stalkers easly (Without Assassin Strike) Im talking 4 hits down under 10 seconds... But lost 14 matchs (about 2-5 minute battles) of endurance matchs!

75% resistance to all (toxic 40%)
25% Defense to All plus 89% AoE
All hits over 245 and have pretty fast recharges
Endurance!!!! 3 Endurance per second (with all buffs on) Sick Endurance buffs and a Insurance health saver!

Now all I have is crappy sets on, and its doing really really really well

Current stats

41% Resistance all
9% Defense 41% AoE
All hits over 75 average DPS
Endurance 2.1 per second

Facing off level 50s... Now if I can defeat level 50 stalkers easly with these crappy sets Why not continue???

Please reply back :P It seems like you know wehat your talking about so maybe you can help me?



I have to question the fact that you actually found 19 other stalkers who were willing to actually "duel" you. A stalker duel goes something like this. "........................................." Entering Sudden Death Mode ".................................."

Hide/Stealth IO/Stealth means that their stealth cap is higher than your perception. With a yellow I think you can see them when they get within 10 feet of you but as soon as they leave that near impossibly small radius you can't target them.

Build lacks any escape power (Phase/Hiber) Lacks travel powers (Ninja run so doesn't cut it no matter how many bad regens you see using it) Lacks KB protection, lacks procs in attacks. Lacks the concealment pool all together I just realized. Energize horribly underslotted. All that focus on defense when you could probably take Shadow Meld and get much more mileage out of your slotting.



/Elec is possibly the worst choice in terms of PvP. In PvE that build would be awesome. If you're building for PvP try Ninjitsu, or Willpower.



Originally Posted by DivineMajestic View Post
/Elec is possibly the worst choice in terms of PvP.



Well Im going to continue! Cause not only this build is great, but its fun and challenging! Plus.. Alot of weaknesses against brutes and stalkers I find, But If anyone insists of just One slash then Dash It also ruins games... Dont really need a escape power cause I dont puss out! I stay in battle till Defeat



Originally Posted by ThirstofZeus View Post
Well Im going to continue! Cause not only this build is great, but its fun and challenging! Plus.. Alot of weaknesses against brutes and stalkers I find, But If anyone insists of just One slash then Dash It also ruins games... Dont really need a escape power cause I dont puss out! I stay in battle till Defeat
Let me further explain. Electric Armor is a resistance based set. Anybody that attempts to attack you will be successful. Getting back into hide will always be a problem. So in short hide takes 10 seconds to reinitialize, giving anybody 10 seconds to put any type of damage to keep you out of your critical state. Going resistance base on a stalker is just a bad idea. You really rely on being able to stay hidden/crit. But if you're set on it good luck.



Originally Posted by DivineMajestic View Post
Let me further explain. Electric Armor is a resistance based set. Anybody that attempts to attack you will be successful. Getting back into hide will always be a problem. So in short hide takes 10 seconds to reinitialize, giving anybody 10 seconds to put any type of damage to keep you out of your critical state. Going resistance base on a stalker is just a bad idea. You really rely on being able to stay hidden/crit. But if you're set on it good luck.

This is a awesome PvP build I found its the No1 Hyrbid stalker in the history of my experience...
this clearly debuffs any of your logic divine



Originally Posted by RoboBug View Post
this clearly debuffs any of your logic divine



Originally Posted by ThirstofZeus View Post
Well Im going to continue! Cause not only this build is great, but its fun and challenging! Plus.. Alot of weaknesses against brutes and stalkers I find, But If anyone insists of just One slash then Dash It also ruins games... Dont really need a escape power cause I dont puss out! I stay in battle till Defeat

The time, it has come.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Tru W4RRi0r

I am PL in RL.

Freedom- Magnet Man, Hott Sauce, Stand-Up Comic



Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
The time, it has come.
Actually LOL'd



lol duels

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



on the plus side when villains outnumber heroes and base crowd, once the heroes start droning you'll be immune. you can /e boombox



Dont really need a escape power cause I dont puss out! I stay in battle till Defeat
Defeated 5 stalkers But lost 14 matches
This is a awesome PvP build I found its the No1 Hyrbid stalker in the history of my experience...

I'm soooooo missing something here.



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
I'm soooooo missing something here.
I don't think it's you.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Doomed for failure from the start...advice falls on deaf ears



Originally Posted by DivineMajestic View Post
Let me further explain. Electric Armor is a resistance based set. Anybody that attempts to attack you will be successful. Getting back into hide will always be a problem. So in short hide takes 10 seconds to reinitialize, giving anybody 10 seconds to put any type of damage to keep you out of your critical state. Going resistance base on a stalker is just a bad idea. You really rely on being able to stay hidden/crit. But if you're set on it good luck.
Hide is 8 seconds now... or 7. I forget. L2StalkerBuffPatchNotesFrom2YearsAgoLolz:P



Hide is 8, but the rest of your stealth (Stealth + IO) is still 10. That leaves two seconds between getting into hide and the rest of your stealth kicking in where everyone and their mother can still see you, and that's assuming it actually works right. There've been a few times where I'll be sitting at like 937 feet of stealth for more than two seconds after getting into hide until I actually get up to the 1143 cap.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."