Unofficial Badge List.




Well, they talked about it, so I went and got it. The 6 Accolades listed in the PIGGS. There are some that correspond to badges in the game and then there are a few that do not. So I created a whole other page for them.



Finally found a new one!

Spelunker : Gotten on a single mission, rescuing the Fortune Teller from the CoTs, down in the caves under Perez Park, at lvl 9.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh heck. That's the most annoying of all the low-level missions, and one I've avoided taking ever since the first time I did it, and now they've put in a reason to do it anyway? That's just mean....



Finally found a new one!

Spelunker : Gotten on a single mission, rescuing the Fortune Teller from the CoTs, down in the caves under Perez Park, at lvl 9.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh heck. That's the most annoying of all the low-level missions, and one I've avoided taking ever since the first time I did it, and now they've put in a reason to do it anyway? That's just mean....

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Not for everybody. I enjoy cave maps. Though this one was a <bleep> and a half, but only because the door was placed deep in Gaiman Woods. (red zone in Perez, *shudder*)



I don't recall any inside the heart of the PP forest-maze but there are some along the edges of it I found though generally oustide the maze areas.



I -know- the Atlas History badge works, I got it myself on the Training Room server.

Some of the History plaques are bugged, but I know several of them work.

To point you in the right direction:

Concentrate your searching in one level-range worth of areas. i.e. plaques in Atlas Park, Galaxy City, Kings Row, Perez Park. That's your best bet on getting all the plaques required for a History badge.

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Perhaps I might have misunderstood this statement, but I thought that you would get a history badhe for getting all plaques in one zone. Now I had to find out that you need to visit several zones to get a History Badge.

So AP, KR, GC and PP are considered being in one level-range? and perhaps Hollows, Steel, Sky, Boomtown and Faultline being in another?



The History Locations are just as involved as all the Travel Locations.

Many people have posted to another thread and I've correlated the information. I'll continue to do so, but please try to make it easier for me by posting new information to this thread:;PHPSESSID=

Also, if you use the accumulated spots found by all the contributors (I just organized), you can get the first History badge "Pupil".



Yes its linked, the Plaques location thread shows which parts of which set are in different zones. Didn't see any listed for the Hollows though (probably a new area in storyline as well as game so no reason for history plaques). Seems to be grouped in sets of 3-4 zones.

Set 1: Atlas Park, Galaxy City, Kings Row, Perez Park
Set 2: Steel Canyon, Skyway City, Boomtown, Faultline
Set 3: Independence Port, Talos Island?, Dark Astoria, Terra Volta (note no plaques listed for Talos, probaby tied to the missing tourism badges there)
Set 4: Founders Falls, Brickstown, Creys Folly, Eden
Set 5: Rikti Crash Site, Peregrine Island



Absolutely 100% not true.

By "set" of badges, the system is looking for badges that have a common theme. One theme might be Crey and their storyline. It involves getting Tourism, History, Achievement, and Accomplishment badges all dealing with Crey. Get a complete set and you get the Crey-themed Accolade badge... and that Accolade comes with a permanent boon to your character.

The Isolator badge is NOT a prerequiste for ANY Accolade badge, and it never ever will be.

This is simply a "fun" badge for those that want to do the (extremely tedious) task of defeating far too many villains in the tutorial.

Positron posted that in this thread:



I don't know if this is bugged or not, but I presumed that any SA that was open to all characters would give a badge of some sort. I did the 30+ mission Crimson Story Arch, and while I did get a badge for killing Kronos, I didn't get one for completing th arch.

What i did get was a lvl 53 SO which is nice... but a badge would have been nicer.

Is this a bug? or does that incredibly long SA just not give a badge?



I've not heard of any arcs giving a badge yet. The only mission related badges I've seen reported are for standalone missions. I've completed two arcs on test and didn't get badges.

Those arcs are:
Etched clockwork piece
Tsoo Dagger

Missions that have given badges:
Negotiator - Clockwork vs Skulls mission
Spelunker - Rescue the fortune teller
Spirit Warrior - Tsoo Vs. Banished Pantheon (20-24)
Pwnz - Beat PwNxx0rz! Freakshow boss on that mission (20-24) <- missed out on this but helped a friend finish the missiona nd he got the badge.
Mystical Savior - One of the Warriors missions (not sure which one)

Also notice there are only 14 mission/statue badges and there's a lot more story arcs than that.



This is only conjecture, but there is a lvl 50 story arch that is a bunch of Supervillains from Praetorian Earth. I presume that with the completion of this arch, one would receive the Vanguard (15th SA) badge.



"Missions that have given badges:
Negotiator - Clockwork vs Skulls mission
Spelunker - Rescue the fortune teller
Spirit Warrior - Tsoo Vs. Banished Pantheon (20-24)
Pwnz - Beat PwNxx0rz! Freakshow boss on that mission (20-24) <- missed out on this but helped a friend finish the missiona nd he got the badge.
Mystical Savior - One of the Warriors missions (not sure which one)"

Redeemer - The Alexander/Warrior arc.



Okay my list was off and the Mystical Savior should be the Redeemer (once it was posted I realized the error in the spreadsheet). Is Alexander a full story arc or a specific mission/mini-arc of chained mission parts.



Alexander The Great is a Mini-Arc



I didn't see a villian badge for "Knives of Artemis" (lvl 40+ villian group, all female mercenaries). Is this intentional? And are there more villian groups missing?



I believe a couple other factions are missing. Also for those that are there some have multiple badges. Many of the multiples involve defeating a monster class enemy for that group. Most are for specific lts or bosses but some (clockwork) are for underlings.






The Banished Pantheon Spirit Badge is awarded for killing 200 Banished Pantheon Spirit Boses.

Not 100, but 200.



I didn't see a villian badge for "Knives of Artemis" (lvl 40+ villian group, all female mercenaries). Is this intentional? And are there more villian groups missing?

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KoA are a division of Malta.

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the Slayer badge for Vampyr appears to be about 200 or 300 Vampyr. Minions, LTs, and Bosses count for this.



I can confirm that the Slayer badge is for 200-300 Vampyr. I've been working on it, and I've definently killed over 100 of them, and I'm only a little over halfway to it.



how about kill 200 rikti monkey badge?



Babbage Badge is broken.

We just killed lvl 50 Monster Babbage (Psychic Clockwork) and didn't receive the Clockstopper badge.



Babbage Badge is broken.

We just killed lvl 50 Monster Babbage (Psychic Clockwork) and didn't receive the Clockstopper badge.

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Those count as "Psychic Clockwork". You need to defeat "Clockwork" for that badge!



Babbage is Babbage is Babbage..... whether he is telepathic or not.

Gearsmasher is for gears, but Clockstopped is supposed to be from a clockwork monster (i.e. - babbage).

Kronos gave a badge both times wekilled him (someone else got it the 2nd time), and it was a different type kronos. But it was still a malta monster, which yields the Master of Olympus badge.