Unofficial Badge List.




I wonder how long before we start hearing/reading about “badge stealingE
Only one Babbage and about two dozen heroes trying to do enough damage to earn a Babbage badge. It may sound lame, but I bet it’s going to happen

[/ QUOTE ]

I've been thinking the same thing, not so much about the monsters as about the majority of the hazard zone spawn in PP, Faultline, and the Hollows for the first week or two.

One thing I'd like to suggest to hardcore badge collectors is to group up as much as possible--whether that means RSKing and getting the arrests the old fashioned way, or making full groups to decimate the grays you need and get as many badge-hunters out of there as fast as possible.

I've been monster hunting on my home server and on Test, and I'd be glad to invite as many other people as my group could hold when I have the chance to take down one of the prized beasts. I hope others will do the same. Because if we can't be decent to each other, what are we doing playing heroes?



I wonder how long before we start hearing/reading about “badge stealingE
Only one Babbage and about two dozen heroes trying to do enough damage to earn a Babbage badge. It may sound lame, but I bet it’s going to happen

[/ QUOTE ]

I've been thinking the same thing, not so much about the monsters as about the majority of the hazard zone spawn in PP, Faultline, and the Hollows for the first week or two.

One thing I'd like to suggest to hardcore badge collectors is to group up as much as possible--whether that means RSKing and getting the arrests the old fashioned way, or making full groups to decimate the grays you need and get as many badge-hunters out of there as fast as possible.

I've been monster hunting on my home server and on Test, and I'd be glad to invite as many other people as my group could hold when I have the chance to take down one of the prized beasts. I hope others will do the same. Because if we can't be decent to each other, what are we doing playing heroes?

[/ QUOTE ]

the problem with that is that you need to be in a close proximity to receive team badge XP. It only takes one person to mow through perez or any zone he is 10 or more levels over, so it mitigates the need / reason to have a team when doing so. You don't receive badge XP if you are too far away, but you do if you are close, even if you don't do anything.

For lower level hunting this is great to do in teams, but with the high levels, just stick it out....

IF ANYTHING ITS DOING YOU A FAVOR. I love taking groups on with my lowbies in perez, but [censored] i hate bone daddies and damned.... so it should make things easier



IF ANYTHING ITS DOING YOU A FAVOR. I love taking groups on with my lowbies in perez, but [censored] i hate bone daddies and damned.... so it should make things easier

[/ QUOTE ]

At level 35, it's not going to be making anything easier for me personally. Being on the other side of the world from most of the players, I routinely have some of the hazard zones completely to myself. But on Test, I've already seen level 50 AOE blasters running around nuking the hell out of everything instead of cherry-picking. Even with cherry-picking, you get trains. Broadcast in these zones isn't going to be pretty for the first week unless some restraint is shown.



In terms of the stature badges:

I completed the Crimson story arc and got nothing. I believe it gives the agent badge. I believe it is bugged (I want to die now).



In terms of the stature badges:

I completed the Crimson story arc and got nothing. I believe it gives the agent badge. I believe it is bugged (I want to die now).

[/ QUOTE ]

Statesman has stated that Story Arcs do not give badges (they give souvenirs) only individual missions give badges (hopefully some of the mission during an Arc will be included, Patient Zero certainly deserves a badge fighting at -20%)

Victory - Mare,Dagger of Pain,Keep,Hogun and Bloodpetal
The Keep-Arcs: 164260, 188373, 192610, 196090 and funny side-chapter 218575.
Mender-Arc: 266163



That is nonsense. The kill credit counts as long as you are in the zone. I have done several badges and no matter where in the zone it counted in a team.

The hellions badge is for damned not any other hellion. A lot of people get confused and nuke tens of thousands of hellion minions.

99% of kill badges are for bosses. Even ten or more levels above it can take a while to get a 100 bosses. I would rather have it finished it three minutes as opposed to fifteen. You should also be considerate of the lower levels in the zone. How would you like some blaster herding hundreds of hellions. skulls to the gate areas to only get ten bosses and kill 15 lowbies in the process when you are playing a lowbie?



So far these are the missions I've read or seen that reward badges:

Spirit Warrior: Banished versus Circle mission with text about a vision with a vortex, levels 20-24 (confirmed)
Pwnz - The Freakshow mission where you fight PwNxx0rz!, levels 20-24 (confirmed)
Negotiator - Gang war between Clockwork and Skulls
Spelunker - Rescue fortune teller from Circle
Redeemer - The Alexander the Great mission for the Warriors



I was kind of unhappy with some of the descriptions for the locations. Some people have been providing coordinates for the badges, but I decided to get all of them. I know some of these are ont he board, but I went to every one of these and verified it myself by standing on the badge and getting the "/loc".
__________________________________________________ _______________________________________

AbandonedSewersTour1 - Head of the Hydra –

AtlasParkTour1 - Undefeated ________________________ 632, 84, -2324
AtlasParkTour2 - Silent Sentinel _____________________ -608, 70, 1890
AtlasParkTour3 - Hero Corps Insider __________________ 283, 16, -884
AtlasParkTour4 - Patriot ____________________________ 130, 122, -640
AtlasParkTour5 - Top Dog __________________________ 133, 314, -340

BlackShroudDimension1 - Shrouded -

BoomtownTour1 - Phalanxer ________________________-2001, -15, 518
BoomtownTour2 - Regal ____________________________-447, 42, 2172
BoomtownTour3 - Vision of Despair - BROKEN
BoomtownTour4 - Destined for Valhalla _______________-4098, 352, 2475

BrickstownTour1 - Mystic -
BrickstownTour2 - Inmate __________________________-1727, 24, 1152

CreysFolleyTo ur1 - Crey Watcher - BROKEN
CreysFolleyTour2 - Burning the Midnight Oil - BROKEN

DarkAstoriaTour1 - Dark Mystic ______________________1676, 5, 2835
DarkAstoriaTour2 - Seeker of the Unknown _____________1869, -80, 1353
DarkAstoriaTour3 - Cairn Warder _____________________1026, 51, 216

EdenTour1 - Crey Fish ______________________________-1796, 0, 4550
EdenTour2 - Unspoiled ______________________________2480, 34, 2350

FaultlineTour1 – Undamned __________________________ 76, -898, 1687
FaultlineTour2 - Newsman ___________________________1126, -26, 1295
FaultlineTour3 - Faultless Mystic _____________________ -844, -406, -715
FaultlineTour4 – Apex _______________________________ 276, 56, -2258

FoundersFallsTour1 - Foggy _________________________ 969, 0, 2596
FoundersFallsTour2 - Chaotician -

GalaxyCityTour1 - Bird Watcher - BROKEN ______________-1182, 64, -933
GalaxyCityTour2 - Blue Shield – BROKEN _______________-1098, 48, -2263 ??
GalaxyCityTour3 - Brawler - BROKEN __________________ -1098, 48, -2263 ??
GalaxyCityTour4 - Tank _____________________________-1178, 73, -587
GalaxyCityTour5 - Land Locked ______________________ -2037, -44, 1002

HydraDimension1 - Hydra D -

IndependancePortTour1 - Crey Havoc _________________-440, 20, -270
IndependancePortTour2 - Valorous ___________________ 945, 609, -1151
IndependancePortTour3 - Vigorous ___________________-1615, 80, -1871

KingsRowTour1 - Summoned ________________________ -941, -41, 2977
KingsRowTour2 - Upgraded _________________________ -496, 101, 770
KingsRowTour3 - Mystic King _______________________ -376, 70, 244
KingsRowTour4 - Keen Sighted ______________________ -2175, 97, 1142
KingsRowTour5 - Smokey __________________________ -3043, -41, -1356

PeregrineIslandTour1 - Portal Parter __________________ 3045, 0, 1289

PerezParkTour1 - Bridge ____________________________-2013, -56, 1587
PerezParkTour2 - Avatar ____________________________-1536, -32, 3175
PerezParkTour3 - Around the Bendis __________________-874, -31, 3658
PerezParkTour4 - Doc Whedon _______________________-2083, -31, 2853
PerezParkTour5 - Justice Avenger _____________________-1035, 1, 3975

RiktiCrashSiteTour1 - Ace –

SkywayCityTour1 - Purifier __________________________-1086, -15, -7612
SkywayCityTour2 - Solace ___________________________2259, -83, -3365
SkywayCityTour3 – Dauntless ________________________-706, 0, -1776
SkywayCityTour4 - Healing Node ______________________1578, -83, -677

SteelCanyonTour1 - Secret Admirer - BROKEN
SteelCanyonTour2 - Hero Corps Recruit ________________-1762, 16, 1363
SteelCanyonTour3 - Nimble Mynx _____________________-2426, 48, -3406
SteelCanyonTour4 - Bright Star _______________________-2987, -35, 1819

TalosIslandTour1 - Minotaur - BROKEN
TalosIslandTour2 - Nature Lover - BROKEN
TalosIslandTour3 - Whitecap - BROKEN

TerraVoltaTour1 - Conjunction Junction __________________2222, 0, -7100
TerraVoltaTour2 – Meltdown ___________________________1119, 721, -3078
TerraVoltaTour3 - Nervous Dreck _______________________4456, 0, -6122

TheHiveTour1 - Time Bandit –
TheHiveTour2 - Heart of the Hamidon -

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition




You forgot the location of the Founder's Falls Badge "Chaotician" which can be found here: his link

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't forget that one. I have the badge but couldn't remember which tunnel it was. The reason I made the list was because of descriptions exactly like this one. "It's the 3rd from left". Great, but when approaching from the East or West? I wasn't about to guess since my whole point was for exact loactions. If someone has the exact location, I'll add it in.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



well when we make a FAQ on this when it goes live it would be nice to have both directions and locs so you can use the directions to atleast get close to the area and then use loc to pinpoint. I've found most of these on directions only save for a few where i had to loc it due to odd directions.



Talos Badges are now in. Minotaur badge is at the base of Talos Statue. Loc 1697.9 16.3 7698.9



I was thinking the same thing so I tried to describe it as best I could for the ones I found.
(** means I've got conflicting locations)
(this all started with and from the list stupid_fanboy posted.)

Hero Corps Insider
Next to contact Peter Wong at outside corner of City Hall (283, 16, -884)
The US flag over City Hall. (130, 122, -640)
Top Dog
Atop the globe in front of City Hall. (133, 314, -340)
Billboard near Steel Canyon entrance(632, 84, -2324)
Silent Sentinel
203 yds NE from the hospital on the north face of the second building lowest ledge (-606, 71, -1889)
(commentary: *really* dumb location as it relates to the story... Gargoyle would be "perched" pretty low.)

In right hand of Tank statue (-1179,73.3,-586)
Land Locked
Middle of water door in SE corner (-2036,-43,1002)
Bird Watcher (-1182, 64, -933)
Blue Shield -1098, 48, -2263 ??

SW Corner (-941, -41, 2977)
Roof relipad 400 yrd sw of Gish Waypoint (-494, 101, 766)
Mystic King
Rooftop 250 yrds from Gish Waypoint (-375, 71, 245)
Keen Sighted
On platform on powerline tower 113yds SW of aqueduct marker (-2176, 97, 1142)
NE Corner of Royal Refinery (-3042, -42, -1356)

53 yds East of PP marker (-2013, -56, 1587)
Broken Avatar statue, 135 yds SE of Everett Lake marker next to big tree and water (-1536, -32, 3175)
Around the Bendis
Boathouse on south end of Everett Lake (-875, -31, 3658)
Doc Whedon
On small dock, 292 yds East of Everett Lake maker near Gaiman woods boundary (-2083, -31, 2853)
Justice Avenger
Fountain in SW corner( -1033.1, 1.3, 3976)

Hero Corps Recruit
Contact on SE corner of Hospital (-1765,16,1362)
Bright Star
Rooftop West of Subgenetics: one building and across the street (-2956, -35, 1815)
Nimble Mynx
On a rooftop about 150yds west of Boomtown entrance(-2426, 48, -3406)
Secret Admirer - BROKEN

Basketball Court in NE (-1087,-16,-7613)
300 yrds NE of KR Entrance to Skyway off north side of highway lowest level by white van. Between 2 blue dumpsters (2262,-84,-3367)
East wall of Land of the Lost in middle of Brick Garden near statue (-707,0.0,-1075)
Healing Node
SW Land of the Lost by Pillar next to contact (1578,-83,-677)

Boomtown near Entrance________________________(-2001, -15, 518)
683 yards west of the powder keg waypoint, inside the tunnel, in the center divider (-447, 42, 2171)
Vision of Despair - BROKEN
Destined for Valhalla
531 yds east of powderkeg marker in Boomtown, on top of the meeting point where one building leans on another(-4098, 352, 24752)

In front of tilted building in SW Corner of Faultline (1124, -27, 1296)
Faultless Mystic
Follow crevice north from precipice waypoint and take first east. Near blue car, 173 yds from precipice marker (-842, -406, -714)
Top of parking garage SW of subduction marker in Faultline (277, 57, -2257)
At base of dam next to water.(75, -898, 1686)

Crey Havoc
IP East of the TV entrance in buildings ruins on outside edge (-1183, 63, -934) ***
Top of southern arch(closest to TV) on Valor Bridge (945, 609, -1151)
Top of large warehouse in Crey Cove. The lower roof of the warehouse near the center (-1613, 80, -1870)

Conjunction Junction
Culvert NW corner of Cormon Neighborhood (2224 ,0, -7101)
On Reactor One in TV, just inside the first "ring" at the top (1122,727,-3079)
Nervous Dreck
West wall near center. (4456, 0, -6123)

Front door of Ziggurat in Brickstown (-1725, 24, 1153)
Mystic -

Crey Watcher
Burning the Midnight Oil

very front of base of statue on small square between steps (1698, 16, 7699)
Nature Lover
SW corner, .53 mi south of Skyway gate on larger island next to big rock (2671, 124, 9119)
on the top of the western tanker to the east of Ithaca Isles and north of Dark Astoria, out in the middle of the ocean.(-5613, 79, 1855)

Burning the Midnight Oil
Dark Mystic
309yds north of the Didos View marker on top of the cinema. (1678, 6, 2835)
Seeker of the Unknown
175 yards W of Moth Cemetery label, drop into the trench and go inside the crypt to the middle door
(1868, -80, 1354)
Cairn Warder
NE corner inside big rock formation (1026, 51, 218)

107yds South of the Gaspee in FF in a large fountain (969, 0, 2596)
91yds SE in farthest tunnel of the Gaspee FF (815, -207, 2403)

Unspoiled Badge
At base of waterfall approx 106 yards South of Cascades maker: (2480, 34, 2352)
Crey Fish
The Crey sign in the utopia complex 2 yds W of large rock spire (-1796, 0, 4550)

Time Bandit
400 yards SE of the NW corner, the beginning of the road heading north into the rundown structures
Heart of the Hamidon
Middle of Hamidon (middle of the Hive)

Head of the Hydra
Stand next to the Hydra in the Sewer Trial

Hydra D -

Portal Parter
furthest left island with power pole on ground (3059, 163, 1307) (3045, 0, 1289) **

Shrouded -

I'll update as I confirm.




You forgot the location of the Founder's Falls Badge "Chaotician" which can be found here: his link

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't forget that one. I have the badge but couldn't remember which tunnel it was. The reason I made the list was because of descriptions exactly like this one. "It's the 3rd from left". Great, but when approaching from the East or West? I wasn't about to guess since my whole point was for exact loactions. If someone has the exact location, I'll add it in.

[/ QUOTE ]

I had the same problem. This is the ONLY badge i could never find the "compass" for...



Nature lover:
2663, 124, 9113

.53m south of Skyway zone



I found Whitecap: Its on the top of the big ship to the east of Ithaca Isles and north of Dark Astoria, out in the middle of the ocean.

Loc: -5613.4, 79.8, 1855.6

This makes all the Talos tourism badges



The badges at -1182, 64, -933 and -1098, 48, -2263 in Galaxy are still broken after this latest patch.



none of the broken tourism badges were fixed it seems. History ones are working with a few quirky ones such as one inside the forest of Perez Park.

Lets reproduce the Tourism list and give locations for the broken badges just in case they actually fix it.

Talos was turned on someone should see if Kraken now offers a badge



Boomtown near Entrance________________________(-2001, -15, 518)

this location needs to be fixed, its 1581... had me lookin all over the damned place..



great job guys.... anyone looked for the one in black shard dimension? I've looked a little, i'll look a lot more tomorrow though.



Badges list with loc and directions culled from other lists and my own findings.
(this all started with and from the list stupid_fanboy posted.)

Hero Corps Insider
Next to contact Peter Wong at outside corner of City Hall (283, 16, -884)
The US flag over City Hall. (130, 122, -640)
Top Dog
Atop the globe in front of City Hall. (133, 314, -340)
Billboard near Steel Canyon entrance(632, 84, -2324)
Silent Sentinel
203 yds NE from the hospital on the north face of the second building lowest ledge (-606, 71, -1889)
(commentary: *really* dumb location as it relates to the story... Gargoyle would be "perched" pretty low.)

In right hand of Tank statue (-1179,73.3,-586)
Land Locked
Middle of water door in SE corner (-2036,-43,1002)
Bird Watcher
top of Mighty Mart 543 yds East of Freedom Court and 474 yds NW of PP gate (-1182, 64, -933) broken
Blue Shield
87 yds SE of Orion Beltway marker on small second floor rooftop of larger building above white and red van.
(-1099, 48, -2263) broken
Brawler (anyone know the loc for this one?)

SW Corner (-941, -41, 2977)
Roof relipad 400 yrd sw of Gish Waypoint (-494, 101, 766)
Mystic King
Rooftop 250 yrds from Gish Waypoint (-375, 71, 245)
Keen Sighted
On platform on powerline tower 113yds SW of aqueduct marker (-2176, 97, 1142)
NE Corner of Royal Refinery (-3042, -42, -1356)

45 yds East of PP marker center of small wooden bridge (-2013, -56, 1587)
Broken Avatar statue, 135 yds SE of Everett Lake marker next to big tree and water (-1536, -32, 3175)
Around the Bendis
Boathouse on south end of Everett Lake (-875, -31, 3658)
Doc Whedon
On small dock, 292 yds East of Everett Lake maker near Gaiman woods boundary (-2083, -31, 2853)
Justice Avenger
Fountain in SW corner( -1033.1, 1.3, 3976)

Hero Corps Recruit
Contact on SE corner of Hospital (-1765,16,1362)
Bright Star
Rooftop West of Subgenetics: one building and across the street (-2956, -35, 1581)
Nimble Mynx
On a rooftop about 150yds west of Boomtown entrance(-2426, 48, -3406)
Secret Admirer
Southernmost center area of Steel Canyon, in front of one of the medium sized houses, at the base of a lamp post. (-3440 0.0 2541)

Basketball Court in NE (-1087,-16,-7613)
300 yrds NE of KR Entrance to Skyway off north side of highway lowest level by white van. Between 2 blue dumpsters (2262,-84,-3367)
East wall of Land of the Lost in middle of Brick Garden near statue (-707,0.0,-1075)
Healing Node
SW Land of the Lost by Pillar next to contact (1578,-83,-677)

233 yds NE of entrance, 349 yds SE of The Fuse maker near broken steam pipe at corner of building(-2001, -15, 5181)
683 yards west of the powder keg waypoint, inside the tunnel, in the center divider (-447, 42, 2171)
Destined for Valhalla
531 yds east of powderkeg marker in Boomtown, on top of the meeting point where one building leans on another(-4098, 352, 24752)
Vision of Despair – BROKEN (anyone know loc for this one?)

In front of tilted building in SW Corner of Faultline (1124, -27, 1296)
Faultless Mystic
Follow crevice north from precipice waypoint and take first east. Near blue car, 173 yds from precipice marker (-842, -406, -714)
Top of parking garage SW of subduction marker in Faultline (277, 57, -2257)
At base of dam next to water.(75, -898, 1686)

Crey Havoc
IP East of the TV entrance in buildings ruins on outside edge (-1183, 63, -934) ***
Top of southern arch(closest to TV) on Valor Bridge (945, 609, -1151)
Top of large warehouse in Crey Cove. The lower roof of the warehouse near the center (-1613, 80, -1870)

Conjunction Junction
Culvert NW corner of Cormon Neighborhood (2224 ,0, -7101)
On Reactor One in TV, just inside the first "ring" at the top (1122,727,-3079)
Nervous Dreck
West wall near center. (4456, 0, -6123)

Front door of Ziggurat in Brickstown (-1725, 24, 1153)
Mystic - (anyone know loc for this one? Is it broken?)

Crey Watcher (loc?)
Burning the Midnight Oil (loc?)

very front of base of statue on small square between steps (1698, 16, 7699)
Nature Lover
SW corner, .53 mi south of Skyway gate on larger island next to big rock (2671, 124, 9119)
on the top of the western tanker to the east of Ithaca Isles and north of Dark Astoria, out in the middle of the ocean.(-5613, 79, 1855)

Dark Mystic
309yds north of the Didos View marker on top of the cinema. (1678, 6, 2835)
Seeker of the Unknown
175 yards W of Moth Cemetery label, drop into the trench and go inside the crypt to the middle door
(1868, -80, 1354)
Cairn Warder
NE corner inside big rock formation (1026, 51, 218)

107yds South of the Gaspee in FF in a large fountain (969, 0, 2596)
91yds SE in farthest tunnel of the Gaspee FF (815, -207, 2403)

Unspoiled Badge
At base of waterfall approx 106 yards South of Cascades maker: (2480, 34, 2352)
Crey Fish
The Crey sign in the utopia complex 2 yds W of large rock spire (-1796, 0, 4550)

Time Bandit
400 yards SE of the NW corner, the beginning of the road heading north into the rundown structures
Heart of the Hamidon
Middle of Hamidon (middle of the Hive)

Head of the Hydra
Stand next to the Hydra in the Sewer Trial

Hydra D -

Portal Parter
furthest left island with power pole on ground (3059, 163, 1307) (3045, 0, 1289) **

Shrouded -

I'll update as I confirm.




233 yds NE of entrance, 349 yds SE of The Fuse maker near broken steam pipe at corner of building(-2001, -15, 5181)

I'll update as I confirm.

[/ QUOTE ]

The_Dragon corrected this as -2001, -15, 1581.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition




The Badge is located at the southernmost center area of Steel Canyon, in front of one of the medium sized houses, at the base of a lamp post.

The Location is: -3440.0 0.0 2541.8



The_Dragon corrected this as -2001, -15, 1581.

[/ QUOTE ]

The_Dragon must have made a typo as I found the badge and did a /loc there (I do this at all plaques and badges to verify the coordinates as I've found lots of them to be off usually by missing a - sign).

This is the /loc that I got: -2002.6, -15.6, 5181.1



Just a heads up (and not trying to step on any toes here) but I've got the first part of a badge/plaque information site completed. I'm currently working on entereing in all the badge data that's been collected so far including the text descriptions on the badges. The front end for others won't be ready for a while yet as I need to get some core data in as well as get the plaque information populated.

Once its done I'll post an URL and the plan is to have sorting based on criteria (badge type, plaque series, zone, etc.) and history badges and plaques will have pop-up windows that display the information on the other components to getting them.

I've liked the sites up so far for badges and accolades but I'm picky and unfortunately they're falling behind the forums. If people wish to help out just let me know and I'll discuss in PMs about helping as the input method is a webform.