Regarding recent changes




I played a ranger at the begining of EQ. There was nothing wrong with the class, until the first nerf that was two months after the release.

I don't mind change. I think that Geko and Positron are moving too fast. The problem is that change after change is happen with little time to see how the effect each or the game in general.

I have played this game since day one and have said I would be the last player playing.

I was not taking about AV chain mezzing. I ran into a group of tsoo on the street. My hero can kill sorcerers and can kill green ink men. You put the two in the same group and it makes a long prolonged death for the hero.

I have like most of the changes to the game. It seem to peak after issue. There were alot of good changes. Unless you work for Sony, I can see how people can say that no mistakes were made and the game is prefect, when cryptic acknowledges that there are unfix bugs.

I have played mmorg for years. I don't mind dying. The game would not be interseting if don't could not lose. Dying helplessly is not fun either. The key for a game to be fun is the times that you nearly get whiped and lived or go back to avange your death. Most importantly that you can live thru good game play.

I don't mind the game becoming difficult at the same time you need a way to survive. To me grouping is not the correct answer. I challange Geko and Positron to find a way to make the game a little more survivalbe.



I was not taking about AV chain mezzing. I ran into a group of tsoo on the street. My hero can kill sorcerers and can kill green ink men. You put the two in the same group and it makes a long prolonged death for the hero.

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You can beat this combo solo by using 2 insprations, namely Disabline and insight start off attacking the green ink man and swiching to the sorcerer till it dies or ports away then swich back to the green ink man. repeat till thay are bolth dead. works wonders for my scrappers anyway. a level 21 dm/inv and 25 ma/regen. the game froces you to think more then before thats all.



I read a few of these and thought I'd toss in a few bits:

1) If anyone's system crashes more than before, they should not just blame devs. Windows XP SP II patch ruined the game for me for about 2 weeks for a bit there. I'd say I've had a few more disconnects going from area to area than I used to, but mapserver disconnects in-mission or in zone have gone way down since launch, greatly reducing my frustration with this game. Some of this was me kicking my cable company's butt, some may have been NCsoft. I certainly haven't noticed them making things worse anyway.

2) IMO Smoke Grenade was stupid before. I could just see the mobs:

"Gee, it got real smokey in here all of a sudden after that BOOM noise, ooh well must not be a big deal." says mob 1
"AARRGG!!, I've been shot" says his buddy
"Ohh well, I can't see where it came from, guess I'll just stand here" says mob 1

Gimmie a break. It was awfully nice to get easy XP, but it was really way too lame. I'm glad it was FIXED (I would not say nerfed in this case).

3) I do think the Hollows still has issues. Nowhere else in the game that I know of can a low level guy (under travel power level down to lvl 7 or so) have to wade their way through lvl 15 mobs to get to a mission in a hazard zone. Add to it that some spawns are close enough together in the hollows to make it nearly impossible to get by without drawing aggro (I'm an experienced player and I have a little trouble. What about that newbie with their first lvl 7 guy?) and that there are big dropoffs making navigation sometimes tougher than Perez, and I think there is a problem. Is it terribly flawed? No, but it could use improvement (IMO).

4) For the Mobs in levels thing. After patch 2 we had all those +1 cons pissing some people off and making others happy. Going back more towards primarily even level was necessary IMO for the early game, but the game post 22 or so should be mostly +1s, and post 33 or so could be mostly +1s w some +2s IMO. Yes, I think the level slider would be a smart addition as well. I just think the default could do this. This would bump the challange up (if you're lvl 33 you know what you're doing by now) and would have a feel that I think is appropriate for the game. As your character gets more powerful, you'd kinda like for them to have a bigger advantage over the evildoers, which we have now (what is so super about your superhero after all if they are no better than the average guy?). I think there's no need to try to skew the mobs much tougher (a little'd be OK by me).

5) I believe Hasten has been nerfed 2x now. Once to about 3 Rech reducts to make it permanent (not sure what it was before this, I didn't have SOs till just before Patch II), and now you pretty much need all 6. I like this. Call me crazy, but I don't like how much this power felt like a "must have". Now I gotta decide if I really wanna burn both a power and 5 enhancement slots to make my guy perma-hasten. I still mostly go with it, but now I don't feel like I've intentionally weakened my character if I skip it. (This is the general opinion of my SG - 10 members, all friends)

6) It seems to me there's something wrong with the enemy kill counters (I feel like someone must have posted this before). I dusted off my lvl 18 blaster last night from about 2 months of disuse and noticed he had no gear kills. He had made a small living killing Clock Princes before, and I know I wiped up a fair # of gears too. Similarly, he had no kills for any other boss type. Were the counters reset after the badge patch, or do you have to kill at least 1 of something post-badge patch for the kill badge counter to come up or what? I feel there's a bug in here somewhere.

7) There's been a bug since day 1 where missions do not always stay in the Nav window after selection (again, I feel this must have been posted somewhere before). This is especially annoying with teams because the mission isn't visible either (if you haven't gotten there yet), and in mission if you have to destroy x or something, sometimes it doesn't update, sometimes you just can't see it. You guys really gotta fix this. It's annoying and it looks like you don't care, leaving such an obvious bug up for so long.

8) Stay the course Cryptic. You will have people upset whenever you change something. Deciding what you really should do is the tough thing. So far your changes have imprved the game IMO, not made it worse.

OK, opinions and ideas exhausted for the night. Gotta go shake my butt at a club.

Peace in Paragon!

- Madfro




6) It seems to me there's something wrong with the enemy kill counters (I feel like someone must have posted this before). I dusted off my lvl 18 blaster last night from about 2 months of disuse and noticed he had no gear kills. He had made a small living killing Clock Princes before, and I know I wiped up a fair # of gears too. Similarly, he had no kills for any other boss type. Were the counters reset after the badge patch, or do you have to kill at least 1 of something post-badge patch for the kill badge counter to come up or what? I feel there's a bug in here somewhere.

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No bug here. None of the kill counters (or debt counters, or heal counters, or damage taken counters, etc) counted anything that happened before the badges went live. They only started counting after the badges were created. The only things that were retroactive were the mission and task force badges (because they could go through your character data on the server and see if you'd done those).



I actually enjoyed that I had to be more carefull hitting AV and bosses. I think it stupid that I need disapline to street fight when my Hero has three anti-stun defenses.

If you think my play is weak, I did go back and kill the same group. I shut off my toggle powers and took the disipline and defeated the tsoo no problem.

It is one thing to be hit by this and given a chance to run away and being hit and have no chance to save yourself. I did have a disapline on the hero, I never got the chance to use it. Now I know to use it before, due to my powers being useless.

Another change they made was to the amount of influance gained. This is much lower all all levels due to it being too much 34+. Pre 32 on the first hero, money was tight. I had to trade a bunch of influance from my higher level hero. My lower one is 200,000 influance in the hole from the loan mostly from buying full sets of inspirations. Yes, at this point I have had to fill up around 1,000 times.

This is what I am posting about that make two changes that by themselves are improves lead to things that make the game worse. There is a situation in the game now where you need to carry around disapline, but can't afford to have them. Decrease accuracy and enduracne recovery but add more groups larger mobs with boss and increase the damage and hitpoints they have. All of these chanages are within the last couple of months. From prespective they keeping on added these improvement, Don't seem to notice how they interact.



Hi i have a question for Geko. I have a regen scrapper and a controller with radiaton. Now AM needs to be reworked but you have already talked about that. But are you going to nerf regen? If so why? And I think that invulnerability has a far superior advantage when u see them herding 30 mobs at a time . I am worried that my regen scrapp that i had to work hard on to get him to where he is by 6slotting QR, Stamina, Instant Healing is going to be all washed up. I truly hope U dont nerf it because i still die with instanty healing, where as invulnerability tanks and scrapps barely get touched.



You have a great game but the worst reputation off all MMOG’s. Yours is the only board that the customers are afraid of dev’s. That is, if they find a way to make a character work well, to never, ever let the dev’s know because they will nerf it. Justified or not!
Your rules are nice but not followed by your team, stealth changes go on all the time to powers and bad guys.
Please but a details page that will have all changes, to show that stealth is not your way.
I want to keep playing this game and have been since Bata.

But you have to make a game doable for casual players not just hard core, of which I am. Else it is much less fun for anyone but hard core, and hard to get good teams.
I stopped telling my friends to get this game because u keep stealth nerfing or do major changes powers without telling us.
You should have a way that, if u make a major change to a power, that people have a way to exchange the power or at least reslot it.
More choices and information will help change your reputation.
From a hopeful player.



As for the burn "exploit" or the hasten "exploit" or the provoke/invinc "exploit"; its a load of crap all of it. The devs are delaying the inevitable. This game is unfortunately doomed. They are trying to balance out something that in a year will be running at AC2 numbers. If someone finds a way to level fast or have some fun let em. Your mistake not theres. Stop worrying about what to nerf and start worrying about what happens when the players hit lvl 40 and have ...

We will see and only time will tell. I would like to renew interest in CoH as it is one of the few original online games on the market. I am a little dissapointed with the approach and lack of non-combat content though.

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Nicely Said. Non-combat and stopping the nerfs may save this game but only if it can be done quickly, and they can show that the nerfing will stop.



I say keep the character models they way it looks on the live servers. Please dont change our character models.



So um...are you ever going to remove the accuracy penalty from group flight..or just leave it the gimped power it is.
I would really like to use it as a combat aid for my team, instead of a power i get laughed at for using or told to turn off.

Also are you going to fix Invisibilty and Superior Invisibilty or just leave it so only two stealth powers which use practically no energy and have no real penalties will work better.
You know i like these Invisibilty powers, but it seems the higher level i get the more things see me with Invisibilty.
I thought wow maybe they would give a good defense bonus..., but they give less then stealth, and it looks like everyhting targets me first, even if i dont attack.

So anywise...just some questions.....




I know this has been put on the boards before and I am sure I will not be the last...What is going to happen with Dimension Shift? I am "sick" of seeing that power in my power pool and not be able to use just doesn't help us at all and I have never seen a power that all gravity controllers say...."this sucks". People complain about propel, but I love it. If that is how damage has to be done by gravity controllers then so be it...but I saw DS used one time. No one else has used it. There must be some way of addresssing this.



There are over 40 pages of complaints on the Controller board about the Gravity powerset and DS in particular, how it is hated by everyone.. I havent seen one comment by a Dev yet...

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



I have heard that they are considering making IH and integration mutually exclusive.

I hope this is not so, as it will make regen scrappers extremely tedious to play.

I could see putting some of IH's power into fast healing to make players use more slots, but messing with status protection and/ or primary power will make the game unplayable.

Regen is already a dog for the first 30 levels, making the last 20 hell will not improve the game.

I will try out issue 3, but if regen is too badly hobbled, I will certainly allow my subscription to lapse.

You folks have excellent customer service... don't blow it with a poor paradigmatic optimization.

Game is supposed to be fun. Will this be fun?



Geko: Maybe it's time to close the shop on this post, LOL!



great code of cyber game conduct

Whaddya mean, we aint got no booze?!



Haven't played in 2 months. Why? The game is boring, and too difficult. By that I mean you spend hour after hour grinding it out just to get a level...what happens then? Great I get to pick a power, and f I haven't picked my powers in the proper order prior to this level I may aswell start over. Or I get some nice enhancement slots. YAY! The game, in essence, is very easy, the most noob friendly MMO out there, but the juice is NOT worth the squeeze.

Devs...I have said it 1,000 times...QUIT NERFING, and ADD CONTENT. Or you will lose paying me, and about 13 of my guild mates. We all have one more monht left on our memberships...I thinl we will just have to wait for Villians.



Thanx Devs, Thanx for screwing Regeneration!!!

Regeneration/Integration now offers some increased Regeneration, and can accept Healing Enhancements.

FOR WHAT? Thats What IH is for.

Regeneration/Instant Healing Max Regeneration buff was slightly reduced. Additionally, it gains less of a boost from each added Enhancement.

!Now IC weaking IH cause Intergration now has regeneration bonus.

Also ingame description claims that Intergration & IH can no longer be used togeather.

Ok this is my point, IH will become usless. Why you ask?, becasue as soon as an enemy uses Hold, Sleep, or other status hits IH will simply turn itself off. With Intergration now having Regeneration and not stackable with IH, IH one the great powers for Regeneration Powers used by higher levels will become nothing more than a respec drop.

If this was done to help out the amazing amount of endurance it cost to run Interation & IH then let me tell you that wasn't a problem, by the time you get IH level 28 you should have Quick Recovery and Stanima with both of those sloted the right way running Interation & IH should be no problem.

If it was done because of thought the combo of Intergration/IH was to strong well agiain not true, from time to time it was still possible to get killed soloing and even in groups.

And now with the new Enhanced Enemys/Bosses there is no way a regeneration scrapper could go toe to toe with a boss or the new elite boss.

I give the regeneration changes,

And You Will Shed Tears Of Scarlet
By jubeilev at 2005-02-21



Thanx Devs, Thanx for screwing Regeneration!!!

Regeneration/Integration now offers some increased Regeneration, and can accept Healing Enhancements.

FOR WHAT? Thats What IH is for.

Regeneration/Instant Healing Max Regeneration buff was slightly reduced. Additionally, it gains less of a boost from each added Enhancement.

!Now IC weaking IH cause Intergration now has regeneration bonus.

Also ingame description claims that Intergration & IH can no longer be used togeather.

Ok this is my point, IH will become usless. Why you ask?, becasue as soon as an enemy uses Hold, Sleep, or other status hits IH will simply turn itself off. With Intergration now having Regeneration and not stackable with IH, IH one the great powers for Regeneration Powers used by higher levels will become nothing more than a respec drop.

If this was done to help out the amazing amount of endurance it cost to run Interation & IH then let me tell you that wasn't a problem, by the time you get IH level 28 you should have Quick Recovery and Stanima with both of those sloted the right way running Interation & IH should be no problem.

If it was done because of thought the combo of Intergration/IH was to strong well agiain not true, from time to time it was still possible to get killed soloing and even in groups.

And now with the new Enhanced Enemys/Bosses there is no way a regeneration scrapper could go toe to toe with a boss or the new elite boss.

I give the regeneration changes,

[/ QUOTE ]

Relax. The description is wrong. You can use Integration and Instant Healing together.

They originally changed it to the way you described, and it sucked hard for nearly everybody for precisely the reasons you described, although Ambigula was able to kill every monster in every zone in one shot without any problems whatsoever. In a brief lapse in their traditional routine, they actually listened to the players and changed it so that both powers work together again.

It's just laziness, however, not to fix the descriptions and power names before releasing I3. I'm sure somebody can come up with a "poor devs" excuse to justify that, if you'd like.



My particular concerns are with Invulnerability from the standpoint of a claw/invul scrapper who doesn't powerlevel, and uses tactics and insp, in addition to acc,end,dam, and recharge enhancements in my attacks instead of just damage, and as many defense enh as i can in my defensive powers (except for togles which get at least one end redfuction).

At lvl 30, before it was take out minions first, then fight just the boss, prepared with insp.. one lvl 30 boss, ok.. be prepared to run if need be. two.. get one, then definately run and get prepared for next one..

Now- one lvl 30 boss... use all my insp tray tohold half end, half health with maybe a damage or acc, definately a luck or two thrown in, and dull pain and rest ready if i need em, and still die at least once before taking him out. I am supposed to have some resistances to lethal and smashing damage with the invul set, but when i can only do a max of maybe 75 pts of dam with a hit, twice that IF i crit, with usual being about 45, and he turns around and hits me with his sword for over 200 points of damage, i become very concerned. I only have around 600+ hp to beging with 2-3 hits and I'm down. (Not to mention all the ranged attacks everyone seems to have now)

Also, i've noticed a problem with my end. one lvl 30 minion, and one lvl 30 leutanant, and i am almost out...

Just what I've noticed so far...



My particular concerns are with Invulnerability from the standpoint of a claw/invul scrapper who doesn't powerlevel, and uses tactics and insp, in addition to acc,end,dam, and recharge enhancements in my attacks instead of just damage, and as many defense enh as i can in my defensive powers (except for togles which get at least one end redfuction).

At lvl 30, before it was take out minions first, then fight just the boss, prepared with insp.. one lvl 30 boss, ok.. be prepared to run if need be. two.. get one, then definately run and get prepared for next one..

Now- one lvl 30 boss... use all my insp tray tohold half end, half health with maybe a damage or acc, definately a luck or two thrown in, and dull pain and rest ready if i need em, and still die at least once before taking him out. I am supposed to have some resistances to lethal and smashing damage with the invul set, but when i can only do a max of maybe 75 pts of dam with a hit, twice that IF i crit, with usual being about 45, and he turns around and hits me with his sword for over 200 points of damage, i become very concerned. I only have around 600+ hp to beging with 2-3 hits and I'm down. (Not to mention all the ranged attacks everyone seems to have now)

Also, i've noticed a problem with my end. one lvl 30 minion, and one lvl 30 leutanant, and i am almost out...

Just what I've noticed so far...

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If you took invincibilty you want to keep the minions for the defense bonus and take out the hard hittin boss first.



Thats cool. but umm what about telekinesis? that power should not be aoe and needs to be fixed as well as it needs to work on bosses. add a level restriction to it or something but please fix it the way it is and makeing it aoe just does not cut it. leave to aoe push to storm controllers and give the mind controllers a single target hold/push just as it was

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WHOA! I can't believe someone is complaining about THIS power. I mean, as controllers go, Mind Controllers have a hard enough road anyway. The TK change actually made it POSSIBLE for us to solo effectively. It certainly is more draining on END than the Storm powerset. Additionally, it tends to push the mobs OUT of the battle completely, so don't EVEN try this when you have a blaster with you! (" Stop! You're pushin him out of my range! ")

It's sometimes the LAST defense in my "toolbox" to hold a boss, so I can't possibly see this as a threat to the Storm powerset.

If anything, I am a little annoyed that an Illusion controllers' pets now cast Fear and Stun. Sort of makes us Mind controllers obsolete. (Of course, to the devs defense, the pets fear power at least does no damage).

If you've never played a Mind Controller, give it a try. Its an exercise in zen-like patience.

Psipher, Mind/Emp Natural Controller 38 (Protector)
aka Crimson Stalker, Storm/Dark Magic Defender 23



I thought we were going to get a free respec with issue 3. Why haven't we got it?

"To crush your enemies,
See them driven before you,
and to hear the lamentation of their women."



Alot of people need to back down off of the Devs, they are a limited # of people doing all the work they can in a day, these are people like you and me, who gave us something that now over 3\4 of us are addicted to, Look at it this way, you file a in game pentition and what do you get, a mass amount of e-mails and a Dev talking to you within 5 mins (longest iv had to wait) how can you get better tech support, They have so many buggs that need fixing and so many powers that probbly were over looked, Cryptic and Ncsoft would NEVER lie to the players, they have no reason to, They will say what at the time they see to be true. if something chagnes they cant ignor it based on something they said two weeks ago, The Devs are doing a goddly job at keeping this game up and running in the best way they can, Give it time people, the lag will stop with time, bugs will be worked out.
And for all thoughs who quit because of a bug or seomthing, get the hello otta here and stay out, dont bribe the devs like they give a crap if ONE more person is paying, yea im sure they care alot about there #'s but they got alot more to care about tthen one person playing a game they are workin on,
Mad Props to the Creators of this game.

(on a side note, not sure if this is a bug or being caused by uber lag, Has anyone else noticed that sometimes when you go to cast PA it uses a random Insp???)



The respec hit the test servers yesterday, I believe.



I believe he means the live servers.