Regarding recent changes





Quoted from Geko - pulled out a few relevant points and comments (Max_Firepower)

Not every change will make your Hero more powerful, but it is our goal to make it more fun. Those are not always the same things. It is not fun if it is not challenging (that is, easy is not always fun)... If a change is bad, it can be modified...So, for now, I am simply asking you to try things out for a while, and we will do the same. I promise things will ebb and flow until we hit a sweet spot...

So, with that said, let me give you my 10 Commandments of Geko:
*I will always listen to the community (that goes for the boards, in game, and thru mining data and statistics).
*I will not be scared to be wrong.
*I will react as quickly as possible, but not sooner than needed.
*I will not be scared to be unpopular.
*I will not make a change to the game simply because it is popular.
*I will do my best to continue to make this game fun.
*I will not intentionally stealth nerf.
*I will not reduce Accuracy.
*I will try my best to give you detailed information.
*I will make Statesman wash my car.

(well, 9 out of 10 aint bad)

A few last words…

We have no intention to stealth nerf...But it is not in out best interest to try to pull the wool over your eyes...But never assume you are being ignored.

[/ QUOTE ]

Keeping it simple:

Ask us to test ED, then put it up so quickly - It STRONGLY appears this was a 'done deal' from the time that States announced it. What changes - if any - were made as a result of NON-internal testing?

If you wanted lots of testing done on the I5 Powers (though not Enhancement changes - to be clear for Statesman's benefit) and listened to that feedback, how in the world did the data have any meaning when the plan you've had since March was going to change the EFFECTIVENESS?

For example, We're dropping SR Toggles from 20% to 12% and Passives from 10% to 5%. OK... but now if I have more than 3 slots in a power, I'll end up even lower. Truthfully, that's A LOT. I4 Toggle, 44%, I5 Toggle 25%, I6 Toggle... 20% Maybe?

Is that data from I5/pre ED still valid? If Devs knew ED was coming down the pike, then why not include it so you COULD get good data?

ED was externally tested for all of 5 days before releasing to live. How many days was the I5 setup on the Test Server before release. Any tweaks or changes to it during that time? Hm... Yes - some up and down, but that was based on OLD Enhancements. I sincerely doubt you have anywhere near as much info on how much of an effect it'll have, but that's only my opinion.

I feel like I'm lifting wool off of my eyes. And it's scratchy.

So, Geko - do you feel that the ED scenario and the Devs have lived up to your commandments? What would you have done differently?



For those of you who were in Beta, you know I always do my best to listen to the community, as does the rest of the Cryptic team. As always, we are all listening and watching. Nothing is permanent in an MMP. New features will be added, and things will change. Not every change will make your Hero more powerful, but it is our goal to make it more fun. Those are not always the same things. It is not fun if it is not challenging (that is, easy is not always fun).

My point is anything can change. If a change is bad, it can be modified. Many rants about Hasten hit the boards before most people even tried out the changes. Also, many of the upgrades and improvements to other powers were not even considered. So, for now, I am simply asking you to try things out for a while, and we will do the same. I promise things will ebb and flow until we hit a sweet spot. My guess is Hasten will not be reverted, but the pendulum will probably swing back the other way a little bit. The same may hold true for Accelerate Metabolism.

So, with that said, let me give you my 10 Commandments of Geko:
*I will always listen to the community (that goes for the boards, in game, and thru mining data and statistics).
*I will not be scared to be wrong.
*I will react as quickly as possible, but not sooner than needed.
*I will not be scared to be unpopular.
*I will not make a change to the game simply because it is popular.
*I will do my best to continue to make this game fun.
*I will not intentionally stealth nerf.
*I will not reduce Accuracy.
*I will try my best to give you detailed information.
*I will make Statesman wash my car.

(well, 9 out of 10 aint bad)

A few last words…

Please try to avoid rumors. We have no intention to stealth nerf. Once in a rare while a change goes out that falls off a patch note, or a change is made that affects things in an unforeseen way (technically, this is a bug). But it is not in out best interest to try to pull the wool over your eyes. If you think you see a problem, please politely let us know. Long ranting posts full of disrespect often gets ignored and a real problem may get overlooked. If you see a change that is not in a patch note, it may not belong there, but it may also simply have been overlooked. Either way, we will do out best to confirm things for you.

Finally, there are a lot of you, and these boards are huge. We read as much as we can, but we can’t read and respond to everything. But never assume you are being ignored. Remember, for most issues, please use the in-game petition tool.

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I for one like the changes introduced, and please DO NOT roll back the changes to hasten. I played CoV beta and it was refreshing to see not *every single character* have hasten in their build. I had hasten in some of my characters and didn't in others. It was not a *must have* power, but it was still a very strong power.
Leave I6 changes as they are, they are very positive for the game and makes the game a lot more fun.



I had hasten in some of my characters and didn't in others. It was not a *must have* power, but it was still a very strong power.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hasten was never a must-have power. Hardly any of my Heroes had it. The "theme" Heroes I had that DID have perma-Hasten needed it.

You are assuming that because a Power is powerful it *must* be taken. That assumption is wrong, by your own admission (I had hasten in some of my characters and didn't in others.)

The only explaination that I can see for why the I6 changes as they are, they are very positive for the game and makes the game a lot more fun is that you disapprove of other player's build choices.

When viewed in that light, your response to this post is technically a form of greifing.

Currently playing:
Infaerna Who knew Fire/Fire Brutes were fun to play?



In the interest of accurace - please note that Geko's post is regarding changes to Hasten is OLD - it is from BETA COH to Issue #1.... Like WAAAY back. It is most assuredly NOT dealing w/ED. But his "9 points and a wish" are theoretically still valid, no?



When viewed in that light, your response to this post is technically a form of greifing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not at all, but points for attempting to belittle another poster. Pie for you!