522 -
Hi Guys,
apologies for a minor thread jack.
Was on an MoM AV farm the other night and we were all rocking till the Crystal Titan spawned.
We got well thrashed that first time then got in gear and took him down a couple of times over the next runs.
So I wondered if anybody has used the "Ambrosia" insps from the Eden trial during the MoM trial when that AV spawns. Curious if they work. I know the wiki says useless outside of the Eden trial but we now see the guy in two places.
This question more for curiosity than practical application
Thanks -
Quote:Although I've encountered some Nightmares twice as often as others, the *end result* (in my experience) is very even. Between them, my two badgers ran MoM (either to completion or initial phase only) 30 times.
Exotica ran MoM 16 times and obtained all 16 Nightmares. Note: She obtained the 16th and final Nightmare on her 16th run, see Code/window below.
Una ran MoM 14 times and sits at 14 of 16 Nightmares. She obtained those 14 Nightmares in her first 10 trials.
Here's the breakdown :
Avatar of Hamidon 10
Adamastor 8
Bat'Zul 8
Lanaru the Crazed 8
Eochai 7
Paladin 7
Jack in Irons 6
Deathsurge 5
Jurassik 5
Ruladak the Strong 5
Babbage 4
Lichen-Infested Extinction War Walker 4
Crystal Titan 3
Kronos Titan 3
Lord Winter 3
Caleb 2
Unknowns due to crashing 2
Total 90 (30 runs x 3 Nightmares each)
At any rate, it is random. Nice randomy random with random sauce.
Why is it no surprise to see that that pesky "forever missing" Caleb only gets two viewings in 90! -
My alt has a "Pirate Hook" from the "Gloves" section fitted to the left hand. Can I swap it to the right hand?
Same alt is using Katana powers and a Katana (recoloured). Did we ever get a proper Pirate Cutlass weapon?
Have tried and looked, but am not a costume specialist hence the above questions.
Muchly thanks -
just been for a meander around the Portal Corps lawn in PI with the German Shepherd pet and "Walk" toggled on.
Saw the changes mentioned in the update notes so wanted to try it.
Does anybody else think/feel that the implimentation of this is really weird?
The alt walks at a steady pace but the pet just walks and stops, walks and stops. It looks and feels not right.
I guess the speed of the Walk and the seperation distance to attract the pet is somehow a bit off.
I wonder if the Dev that did it actually tried it out?
Silly point and the world is still turning, but we did pay money for the pet and the Dev's obviously listened to all the player feedback about wanting to take it for exercise and spent time on it!
Is it working like this for anybody else?
Cheers -
should have received my "annual" on the 1st October so am now 2 months overdue. Not a whisper from support for over a month! They don't care. Well that is how it feels to me.
VIP status, they are having a laugh! -
Hi Guys,
the live publish is posted to start in my time zone in about an hour so thought I would pop in and park up a couple of alts at new day job stations. I was ingame an hour ago and forgot to do it then
I was met by a new download of about 5 Mbs and now when I log in I am getting a "Wrong version of game" error message.
Do I asume that the launcher updating system is out of sync (earlier) with the server down system and so not fret about something going on with my end?
Fingers crossed!
Thanks -
Quote:Hi,Ditto! Hopefully we can talk about Real World Hero while we're there?
I just need to figure out how to get from SF Nob Hill area (where I'm going to be staying with a friend and my husband since my hubby and I are driving down from Oregon) to the Meetup.
BART is your best friend. The Bay Area Rapid Transit rail service is superb.
I used to fly over from the UK to stay in San Jose when my son worked at the old Cryptic studio's and on the days I was not there annoying him and hanging out, we would jump the transit train and head for SF.
The trains are really nice and clean and fast and cheap, and of course, stop at Palo Alto.
Hope you have a cracking con -
Hi Guys,
my annual Vet badge was due 01 October. Nothing received yet.
I did the usual petition and repetition and had a flurry of responses from different GM's/CS guys that said nothing positive. They gradually tailed off with no word for about 2 weeks now.
I did receive one token in the middle of the month but have no idea what it was related to or for what period it belonged to!
I am not sure if the award of an annual Vet badge gives an additional token?
My old system Vet rewards billing/account sub dates were (01 April/01 July/01 October/01 January) with the 01 October being the annual due date.
So because my new system dates are (should be? Man who knows under this stupid system!) due on the first date of the month I think that on the 01 October I should have had one token for the month and my new annual Vet badge and (perhaps?) the extra token that comes with it.
But as it stands, now it is 01 November and I have not had anything so far.
Maybe the live fix today will get a grip of this nonsense!
Grumpy old man -
Quote:Tried doing this last night but failed entirely due to PUG teams running through the door.
Me: Do you want to go for the badge?
Team: Yes
Me: Want to fight the extra boss?
Team: Yes
Me: Don't go into the build, okay?
Team: Yes
*team enters building*
Me: You are just replying "Yes" to everything I type aren't you?
Team: Yes
LMAO - Epic -
Hi Guys,
and just so it does not get lost in all the token stuff, still no award of a now three week late annual Vet badge and it's token!. Just more meaningless waffle from CS and vague references to a "patch"!
Just go into my account and award it, end of! -
thanks everybody
At least I can carry on without feeling bad about perhaps wasting a resource.
Cheers -
not sure if you have your Lore slot unlocked, but if you have just hit any tailor and in the powers screen select the Lore tab and you will see every type of pet you can have.
Cheers -
Hi Guys,
not a marketeer so apologies if any of this is stupid and/or naive.
Running a lot of itrials and getting loads of 53 SO drops.
I usually just hit the guy in RWZ and sell them off.
But now we have a lot of players not on VIP acounts and so not running trials. Would they benefit from the 53's?
Are they being offered on the market and if so are they moving? Is there a demand at all?
I really don't need the cash I get from them and wondered what use they are to others.
Thanks -
yep same as Eric, I have this badge and I just stood on the entrance platform outside of the the main doors.
Cheers -
Hi all
cracking info and positive thinking which has sorted me out.
My alt is actually based on your guide LM - respectI had him at 50 before the Inherent changes and have just dusted him off after a year or two.
I am going the Recall Friend/Superior Invisibility and Mutation route. I feel this gives me an even more rounded team support member whilst improving my solo stealth ninja stuff as well.
Really appreciate the fast and very knowledgeable wise heads responses.
Thank you all. -
Hi Guys,
am about to respec my ILL/Rad to get the benefit of inherent fitness.
It is about as purpled out as it can and so am really happy with my base build.
I am trying to work out what 3 power picks I can take when Fitness pool is gone.
I have no spare slots so will be taking powers that are okay out of the box.
I am looking at (in no particular order of importance):
Superior Invisibility from the Ill set
Recall Friend from the TP pool
and then one more from the following - Mutation or Super Leap or the new 5th power from speed pool or another power from the Psionic Mastery pool.
I have an unbounded leap stealth slotted in my prestige power rush at the moment so I wonder if the Superior Invis is better for stealthing? The Unbounded Leap stealth would then be redundant I think.
Is Mutation any good?
Any thoughts or alternative plans will be most welcome. Thanks -
I was looking for a "Costume" section with no luck so apologies if in wrong section. (Is there one?)
The Bolo has two versions, one with a white star and one with a white skull. Question is relevent to both.
Is there anyway to change that white colour?
I know the Bolo has primary and secondary tints but neither seems to affect the white graphic.
Thanks for any responses.
The alt has a belt "Jewelled", and I want to match the Bolo white star to the jewel colour -
so have received my points and am not sure about the token, but I definately have still not received my annual Vet Badge due on 1st October!
I did raise a ticket on the 2nd and I had replies, the last being 6 days ago telling me exactly what I told them a week before! They (account support) confirm my eligibility and asked for 24 hours to resolve the award. Still no action.
Anybody else had their missing badge awarded please?
Still not holding my breath for any meaningful result in the near future. And not impressed!
Thank you -
so I look at all the "Stuff" to buy using points or tier merits or real money and am in a state of angst about what to start with.
I appreciate that any answers will be subjective but all info helps towards the decision making process.
I am not interested in anything "Costume" based, just stuff that increases an AT's power or abilities or indeed general gameplay assists like respec unsloters(for enhancements).
I mean stuff like enhancement enhancers, temp powers, special insps et cetera. Which gives more "Bang per Buck"?
What do you prioritise? What goes at the top of your shopping/wish list?
Am like the kid in the sweet shop with a handful of birthday money at the moment.
PS. I have all 9 tiers filled so am also interested in which "Muti buy" tier 9 stuff seems best buy. -
Quote:So anybody know the thinking behind "No Enhancement" drops?This is supported by what the wiki page says.
Thanks -
I was due a new annual Vet Badge on 01 October. It has still not arrived. (Despite a petion filed on the 1st.)
Is this tied in with the PP and Tokens fiasco?
Not holding my breath for any imminent delivery!
Cheers -
Hello Guys,
can anybody explain the way I go about using this reward please? Do I have to go see a trainer and change colours from there or can I do it on the "Fly"?
Can I have different colours for the titles and my alt's name?
Thanks -
Hi Guys,
Silver Albatross now at 1251, with one Sewer Trial and all the Underground Trial badges and, after a switch back to blueside, the Twinshot and Thiery's arc left to do