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  1. Hi,

    have a great one and many more to come

    Happy Birthday
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Maybe it has to do with the normal maintenance today? Maybe as part of that they're doing something with the updater, or they just took down that part of it as well?
    Hi, normal maintenance today? I thought that was yesterday (thursday)

    Edit to add: but at least I know it is not my end so no sweat All will be sorted in due course.
  3. Hi Guys,

    thanks for fast responses and have you checked your server status page, I am getting a new page with only two usa servers and the eu ones with a coloured dot showing status system? real weird

  4. Hi Guys,

    cannot get past updater screen.

    Logged in as normal a few hours a go and played for two hours. Shut down machine and now I am getting stuck at the connecting screen. Have tried on three different machines with same results. Can get into Test in a blink of an eye.

    All I get is the black box with connecting #1 (or occasionally #2) and then it stalls, no graphics or anything.

    Is there something amiss with the live connection system?

  5. Hi,
    thanks to you all for the responses. How do you guys remember all the info that is out there Respect.

    Just what I was looking for and safely saved to the hard drive.

    Culex must have spent forever putting this together.

    Think a printout is in order, cheers.
  6. Hello everybody,

    can anybody point/link me to a spreadsheet type guide that I can use as a simple/general crib sheet when the DP set goes live that will give a rough clue as to which ammo might be best suited? (If one exisits that is!)

    With four types of ammo available and all the variations of Foes and different damage resistances, I do not have the mental capacity (or indeed inclination for what is after all a leisure activity) to memorise the hundreds of combinations that we will need to play this new set with any degree of competancy.

    I use that excellent sheet that shows Foes by level and Zone areas and also Vidiotmaps, but now need some sort of clue as to what to biff them with when I get there

    Or at the end of the day, are we all just going to slot the regular ammo and just get on with the job making this request a mute point?

    If any answers I get indicate that there is no such easy/simple guide out there but it would be a valid/useful tool to have, then any links/steers to info that I could use to put one together would also be warmly welcomed

  7. Hi,

    and no different to say, the Weedwacker badge, which requires defeat 50 Hellfrost and/or Succubi. Do one foe type or the other (or a mixture) and you get the same one badge.

  8. Hi,

    can I get a clarification on the free months game play time please.

    If I purchase the version that gives this, will it affect in any way the dates that my Vet's badges are awarded?


  9. Hi,

    saw the line in the Issue 17 announcement post about Epic AT's being available at lvl 20.

    Is there another thread about this, looked but failed!

    I wonder why this is happening. It would appear that a new player will be able to roll a first toon to 20 and then roll a PB or WS. Is that correct?

    I figure this will mean a huge (okay subjective)(significant) increase in the Epics rolled and so teaming. Does this mean that we are to have Voids and Nictus in our missions on a much more regular basis, with the addition of the less experienced/aware (not necessarily less skillful) playing the very toons that are at risk and in danger of putting the team so as well?

    Going to be a fast learning curve.

    I wonder why this change is necessary? Are we dumbing down? Getting to 50 to roll my WS was a goal to get to 50, now, well one less reason for the journey?

  10. Sorry, for some weird reason the system decided to double post my above reply. This edit is to remove text and add this explanation
  11. Hi,

    am wondering.....?

    With the new (ish) lvl50 option of no xp and double inf when sidekicked below 50 enabled, does that then mean in effect that a lvl 50 playing at lvl 49, will earn 4 x Inf? (Albeit at a slightly reduced rate than at lvl 50 per kill)

    I suppose we would also lose the chance of a Purple drop, but would that also be offset by the huge amount of Inf we would be earning?

    Maybe being a lvl 49 during the 2xp weekend will make you the most wanted friend in the game

    Am I missing something fundamental here?

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    On the other hand, there really isn't any point to try to work the badge system in this way any more due to Going Rogue.
    Must have the shinies NoW............
  13. Hi,


    How do I get all the new shinies ie the early access to the Duel and Demon summoning and also the 4 exclusive items?

    Do I have to pre-order/purchase one or both versions of GR ie $29.99 and another $39.99?

    If so that means it is $30 for the two shinies or $40 for the four and I will end up with two copies of GR? Help!

  14. Hi Claws,

    thank you and am now sorted. I saw those icons and assumed (that word again) they were just a quick pick for crafted IO's, not that they gave the specialised available sets. duh!

    New thing for today learned, tick VG

  15. Hello,

    am finally trying to get to grips with Mids and am stuck!

    Ingame I have chosen Tenebrus Tentacles from the Dark Mastery pool as a power pick and have slotted a couple of the Enfeebled operations set enhancers in it. However I cannot find that set as a choice to slot in Mids even though the set does accept Immobilise?

    Am I missing the obvious (probably) or is it just a reflection of game changes that Mids is not reflecting yet? I do have the latest build installed

    I aim aiming to post the build on the scrapper forum for advise so would like that full build slotting to reflect the actual.

  16. Hi,

    why would you want an ageing rock band tribute costume?

    We "are Not The Champions" at least not in this game

  17. jacktar

    Respec TF


    relax, respecs are available far more than that. You do respec missions for them, get them from various Veteran badges and we get free respects from the Dev's at regular intervals if the game play changes or new stuff is brought out.

    You can also get a recipe drop for a respec by playing same as any other recipe drop only very rare but they do happen, and finally because they do drop it means they come up for sale in Ww's albeit for a tidy sum of Inf.

    There are limits to the amount you can hold for some of the above so I suggest you check out the Wiki for detailed info.

    Happy respec

  18. Hi,

    also known as "Blood Porting".

  19. Hello everybody,

    Because, am running a new toon and just hit level 12.

    At lvl 11 was running radio's solo and was fully slotted with lvl 10 TO's. Trained to lvl 12 and reslotted with lvl 15 DO's.
    The TO's were giving me approx 4% enhancement and the lvl 15 DO's about 12%.

    But, and this is really subjective, I do not feel three times more powerful and am still taking what seems like the same time and number of hits to defeat the foes.

    Same toon, same diff, same zone, same radio's, with only the slotting different. I am aware that foes scale to toon lvl in instanced missions and I thought that this upgrade to enhancers is probably the most marked change. I expected to feel "Uber" for at least a level but apart from a slight decrease in end usage I don't feel that strong.

    Does the game look at what sort of enhancements are slotted and scale up foes to compensate?

    Just curious and thanks for any responses.

  20. Hi everybody,

    well I was going to ask where all this drive by buffing happens because after three years mostly soloing on blueside Virtue I have trouble remembering when it last happened to me but....!

    just logged on my latest lowbie under Atlas and in an instance got buffed lol.

    Stupid place to do it and pointless in an operational sense for me but hey ho such is life!

    However this particular buff was the Force Field bubble with a duration of 4 minutes, again no biggie, except it was also the product of the castors artistic attempts to recolour his/hers powers.

    The bubble was the most lurid lime/yellow you can imagine and very very intrusive whether zoomed in our out. I see no reason why I should alter my graphic settings for 4 minutes so just stood there till the buff wore off. This did interfere with my play time.

    I run a Cold/Ice def and have colour changed my powers (shields) to make them as pale as I can to try and minimise the graphic effects of those buffs. This was overkill the other way. If I had been on a team with that player and in a cave with no visual escape I would have just had to quit the team.

    So it is not just the buff power effects that affect us but also the player changes to them.

    Was going to have a word with the player but immediately they buffed me they then logged out!

  21. Hi guys,

    Tank newbie here

    Am still low level and wiffing a lot and wondered what that does to Gauntlet's effectivness?

    Do I have to hit a foe, or just fire off an attack at a targeted foe for Gauntlet to work it's taunt magic?

  22. Hi Guys,

    help please.

    have been playing for 30 months using the same hardware, one PC and two laptops. Up to a couple of months ago i breezed through the game with all graphics blazing and never a dc.

    Could play for hours no problem.

    So since just before christmas, late Nov early Dec I am getting Mapserver dc's on a regular basis, like every 10 mins or so. It has gotten so bad I cannot complete a mission and have abandoned teaming. I am playing almost exclusively TF's as at least I can get back in team on those.

    My problem is clarifying whose kit is at fault. Mine ie my internet provider or my router or miodem (all the same kit) or the game stuff?

    How can I try and pin it down. Any suggestions will help me as I am at my wits end and ready to abandon the game an action which will make me feel really sad

    Please help, thanks.

    Edit: clarify me being sad to leave the game
  23. Hello everybody,

    about to roll an Inv/Fire tank and have ben reading all I can find in the forums, but.....!

    I am fortunate enough to have the Ninja stuff and the Veteran bonus powers.

    So how different would a build for the above be if it was accepted that it would need no travel powers or prerequisites and that Sands of Mu et cetera would/could replace secondary attack power picks?

    What possibilities for power picks and slotting arise? Be as creative as you wish whilst still retaining the nature of a "Tank". I want survivability and aggro control for teaming.

    This new stuff is changing the game slightly and I wonder what it means in practical terms for our future builds?

  24. jacktar

    Logging in?


    Not sure if you are in UK but using the USA version and servers so please ignore if not

    I am in the UK and was on the USA servers (Virtue) all morning (8.00 till 11.55 UK time) with no logging in problems. The US servers usually and routinely go down once a week on a thursday, from 12.00am to 2.00pm max if all is well.

    In practise I am usually able to log back in by 1.30pm.

    If you have problems outside those hours and the servers are up (check as earlier explained) then maybe you have another problem.

    Hope you get sorted soon and to see you about ingame

  25. [QUOTE=
    One thing I found interesting though was during the numina TF. Defeat the Council in Boom Town.. that mission has gotten rough! you know how fast the 5Th column go through those things!! xD[/QUOTE]

    lol I volunteered to do the Council bit just the other day and was really embarassed at how long it took! Felt like a right newb

    On the other end of the scale however, I have also been doing the Croatoa Kelly Nemmers arc with its hunt x mishs for the first time in ages.
    Defeat 15 Fir Bolg in Misty Woods sounds a breeze or would be if you can find any! I spent 30 mins on patrol before I got the 15. I was also using the taunt and retreat back into the Woods method.
    That did include a couple of minutes getting my second hit on sally so that was a bonus but I am not a fan of those location based hunts.