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  1. I agree. The best tactic when solo is to get in, poke the blinkies and get out as fast as you can when the ambushes activate.
  2. drogoh


    I've been looking at all of the stuff out there and I think I'll save my doom or cheers for at least beta when I can go test drive this expansion. An alpha preview is way too early to pass judgment on the final product.
  3. If there's room, I'm game. I probably won't have anything going on. If not, it's okay.
  4. So I'm not sure if anyone had already mentioned it, but I noticed a couple of previously patched issues (Shield Charge damage multiplier and Invincibility sound loop -- see http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=194230) appear to have been reverted.

    Going off of the numbers I've seen with and without the Shield Charge fix, it does appear to me that this bit was backed out. I also heard, while standing near an Invulnerability Tanker, Invincibility looping its activation sound as more enemies got closer. I went ahead and /bugged them but I'm not sure if it's a known issue or not by now.

    Additionally, during the first of the event tests, we noticed the Deadly Apocalypse event had kicked off in a hazard zone (The Hollows, specifically) and provided this in the feedback, as well as during the test itself. I think that's the only bug, other than the issues with powers, that I've noticed.

    As far as the event itself, I've enjoyed it. However, it can be a bit disappointing when playing a character and being the only one on your team at one of the banners, not getting credit when the banner you've been attacking falls. My Illusion Control/Storm Summoning Controller is one such character, since the pets always go for the mobs and not the banner itself. With the way the pets react to the advancing mobs, there's no way I'd ever get the 10% damage for badge credit alone.
  5. drogoh

    Can't Log In

    Bravo to you for the linked image. I was half expecting to see a picture of John McCain doing that bit with his tongue.
  6. Work on capping out your inf, the absolute maximum you can hold. That may take a few days.
  7. A few days ago, on the 10th, I filed a bug report about not being able to summon Amy when exemplared from 50 to 44 (I was on a Dr. Quaterfield TF at the time). I hadn't seen any mentioning in recent patch notes, but my bug report was given the standard "thanks for submitting a bug report!" response. Is this being looked at by anyone, or has it even been brought up as an issue beyond Support?
  8. It sucks that maintenance times in the US screw things up for people around the world, but it has to be done. If it's not at a time that inconveniences you, it'll be at a time that inconveniences others. It's not true that they don't care about your business. Every company cares about the business and revenue its customers provide. Downtime happens for any technology, it's a fact of life that you can't avoid, and it's going to happen during a time that inconveniences some group of people out of everybody in this world. Speaking from experience, I would believe the maintenance times were selected when they were because the graphs show the least amount of users and activity, not to arbitrarily "screw" any one geographical region.

    Threatening to ragequit over something that must be done is a bit silly. Yes, the maintenance times do inconvenience me. I am an American but I play during my night, on up through the morning. I do not threaten to cancel my accounts and make a public outcry stating that NCsoft doesn't care about my business because I've dealt with the same issues, and understand that it's a necessary thing.

    If you want to have a fit and scream that NCsoft doesn't value your business just because of your geographical location, that's your prerogative. I just don't think it's warranted.
  9. I did encounter one thing that can be classified as a bug.

    I was on a team of people that started out in Atlas Park then moved on to Kings Row. I had lingered behind because a few of us were pestering a certain redname in local, so I was a little late to the party. While I was still in the other zone, someone else was invited to the team. I saw the message 'Someone has joined the team' but noticed my team window did not say the new name. Instead, for a minute or so the team window looked as if there were two people of the same name on the team. I mentioned it in team chat and was going to screenshot it when something refreshed and it updated. Still, it seems noteworthy.

    At this point, my only change to the process would be the Greater Mystic Aspect distance counter updating faster. Everything else seems to be fine.
  10. Note to self: bumrushing the FP is a bad idea...

    However, it was kinda fun throwing caution to the wind, even if it ended in failure.
  11. Generally any sort of advertisements for these attracts unwanted attention from PvP folks looking to get an easy kill. Personally, I like doing any non-PvP activities in those zones at a time which the zone will be devoid of people, like the early morning hours, generally after 3:00 AM CDT and before 7:00 AM CDT.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbiter Kim View Post
    Hey guys,

    Can I get any specific missions? Were they radio missions?
    I filed a bug report on one of Daedalus' hero missions titled 'Recover the Tabula' where the mission door was the AE front desk back on September 21. I haven't done the arc again since to see if there was any change, though.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Niviene View Post

    • Shield Defense - Shield Charge: Modified this power’s damage to have it correctly be multiplied by the Scrapper damage modifier. The end result is a large increase in damage to this power.
    This enables my Broadsword/Shield Defense Scrapper to make even bigger orange numbers, and as such makes things even better. A fully IO'd /SD Scrapper is truly a thing of beauty, and this fix is just icing on the cake.
  14. I can fill the spot of being the bad juju and bring something, probably my Corruptor.
  15. If I'm alert at the time, I can bring something.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MadHobbit View Post
    what i am wondering ,is with trying to be more cost effective,why does ncsoft not settle ona standard engine,and then port allthe games to it?they licenced the unreal 3 engine a bit ago, and i assume they have all the support from the company they need.while a in house game engine is fine,using a standard engine would make the training of new personnel faster, and easier.as a player ,i really dont care if the game is based on unreal,doom,or xxxx engine. as long as the game play is the same. and if this was a static mmo with a set game world, any engine is fine,but look at all the resources that must be
    used to upgrade the engine,if they used a standard engine ,then that would not be as needed as much. the DEVS here are in some way similar to Hollywood, they are the directors of the game,like the director of a movie, most directors of movies ,dont spend much time worrying about the camera workings, they worry more abuot what will be shown on the screen, they go rent the best cameras they can and go shoot.

    yes it will be a bit of a pain if the game was to switch engines,but once done it will last a few more years,in the computer world, we are getting ready to start using windows 7,which will be a bit of a pain but in 6 months to a year after it happens,things should smooth out.
    Sometimes it's easier to write your own code to do the things you want than it is to modify someone else's code to make it do what you want.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shred_Monkey View Post
    I frequently see new players commenting on how they can't find teams or any other players on this game. Since most of this game is instanced, and there's rarely a reason to go back to newbie zones as a high level toon, it makes sense that the population is invisible to the typical new player. Usually the best suggestion to give them is to join a global channel where they can find players talking, forming teams, asking questions, etc.
    Maybe it's because I live on Freedumb, but I don't see any of the complaints about not being able to find a team, at least not since Issue 16. I frequent the low level zones with my high level toons all the time, whether it's for a reason or just to run through and jump around on the buildings.

    My suggestion is to have a serverwide global channel that all new toons are automatically on when they start. I'd almost suggest that "broadcast" be serverwide, because using broadcast is much more intuitive then talking on a global channel. However, I think there are obvious abuses with making broadcast serverwide, and having a zone channel is handy for other purposes.
    Broadcast being a global channel or somehow server-wide would be bad. Example (using Freemdom) would be the dooooooom in AP and PI. AP has the "omg i16 kill't teh game doooooooooooom" FUD, while PI has the "omg u farmerz sux dooooooooooooooom" FUD that creeps up every now and again. Then there's the Broadcast PvP that happens in the PvP zones... wouldn't want THAT being mixed in there.

    Perhaps another option would be to make Atlas Park broadcast and Galaxy City Broadcasts a global channel that can be monitored and talked on to by anyone in the channel to facilitate players helping players.

    Really, there's dozens of ways to do this.. mainly I just think something needs to be done.
    Combining zone Broadcasts into one channel would just be a rehash of the existing things but with a different name. Some people use /hc to chat, or they figure out how to use global channels. If a new player doesn't know how to use global channels, there's /hc. If they can't figure out how to use /hc then there's a lot more wrong.
  18. Bug: Deadly Apocalypse spawned in The Hollows, which is a hazard zone.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Who did that to you? of course what's worse is when someone stays in the mission claiming "Reichsman can't touch me!" instead of following orders to leave the mission.
    Well he couldn't.

    I was under the impression there was some sort of timer for standing around picking Reichsman's nose so I was doing just that.
  20. I ran into this back on the 21st, spoke to a GM and followed up with a bug report at their suggestion. The GM mentioned to me, in-game, that it was the mission itself that was bugged.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    That's when I turn on Personal Force Field and shame the tank or scrapper into showing some balls by jumping into the next spawn solo. I need to train my teammates on occasion.
    Silly PFF. If I'm playing my Defender, a Good Luck and charge in with Choking Cloud while laying waste with Ice Storm. If I'm playing my Scrapper, I'm too busy dragging two mobs with me with AAO and Shield Charging into a third.
  22. This seems possibly server-side cache or cookie-related. I usually access the forums by going to 'http://boards.cityofheroes.com/' and when I hit the main page I was logged out. However, when I clicked on Development to go into the Development category, I was logged in as myself.

    I opened a ticket with NC support but I don't know if anyone is going to be looking at this anytime this weekend.
  23. To provide further clarification, I highly doubt this is a client-side issue, as I can personally vouch for no changes to my system in at least the last week. My sysadmin sense is tingling that this is either vBulletin being screwy or something else on the back-end.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    My guess would be that the common factor between all of you is either XP or IE7.

    IE8 isn't doing this for me. Firefox isn't doing this for me. Vista isn't doing this for me. Windows 7 isn't doing this for me.

    Currently, I'm only getting it on XP and IE7. I had uninstalled Firefox on that computer when I replaced a drive and haven't reinstalled it yet. Once I get it reinstalled I'll test it, but only with the newest version of Firefox. That should tell us whether it is an XP specific item or an IE7 specific item.
    Nope! Windows 7 and Firefox 3.5.3 here.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Karl_Rove_Man View Post
    I don't think you can actually do anything from that page...I've noticed that the server time listed at the bottom of the page does not move at all...it's always been 8:08 PM.
    I... uh... er... what?