~MoRSF (Barracuda SF) - Wednesday, Sept 30~

Aoide Muse



A Mr E-Man Production

Featuring Mr E-Villain

Mission: Master of the Reichsman Strike Force – Thus Spoke the Reichsman
Contact: Barracuda
Location: Grandville

Date & Time: Wednesday, September 30 @ 10:30PM Eastern/7:30PM Pacific

Level Range: 45-50

Combatants: 5th Column, Freedom Phalanx, Longbow, Paragon Police Department

Arch-Villain(s)/Hero(es): Ms Liberty, Numina, Schadenfreude, Invincible Reichsman, Black Scorpion, Scirocco, Captain Mako, Ghost Widow, Reichsman

Current Team Roster:

1: Mr E-Villain: SS/Inv Brute
2: Big King: Dark/Dark Corruptor
3: Nericus: TBA
4: Whitestar Scrapper: EM/Inv Brute
5: drogoh: TBA
6: Childe: Dark/Dark Corruptor
7: Muse of Destruction: Crab
8: Matt: Widow or MM

Gabriel Keats: Fire/Rad Corruptor

Strike Force Stats & Info:
  • This Strike Force requires a 4-person team to start & I will set it to No Temp Powers (which includes Veteran Reward Powers) & 0 Defeats
  • 9 missions (4 talks)
  • Badge(s): Arbiter & Master of the Reichman Strike Force
  • Merit Reward: 20
  • Please note, this SF ends after the final Recluse Talk (not after the Reichsman mission)
Mr E-Man’s MoRSF Mission Notes:
  • Stick together, listen to instructions & do not be afraid to offer your opinion on strategy!
  • Everything else is a “work in progress”
Join in the fun & try to become the Master! Sign-up here or send a global to @Mr E-Man

Paragon Wiki: Thus Spoke the Reichsman Strike Force

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
I'm down, toon to be decided.

WARNING! This SF is still reported as BUGGED for rewarding Master Badge. If you don't get it, you have to petition support with some serious evidence and HOPE they reward it.

The devs have recommended not trying for the badge until it gets fixed.



Originally Posted by Kahlan_ View Post

The devs have recommended not trying for the badge until it gets fixed.
Aye. I do not recall current Test notes stating this was fixed, and even if it is, who knows if Tuesday the patch goes live?

Recommend focusing on MoITF, MoSTF and MoRSF in the interim.



Please sign-up Whitestar Scrapper (EM/Inv Brute). At the very least, we can use this as a trial run for future attempts. No need to do other stuff.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Aye. I do not recall current Test notes stating this was fixed, and even if it is, who knows if Tuesday the patch goes live?

Recommend focusing on MoITF, MoSTF and MoRSF in the interim.
I've already discussed this with E, and he is aware of it. For now he is choosing to still run it. Keep that in mind when signing up.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



I can volunteer something for this. I have four level 50 villains, so let me know what you want.



I'd like to come with Cryptid, my widow. I promise I won't flake out this week... (lost track of time helping my bf prepare for a job interview last weds).



If you still have room and need/want the help, you can count me in with Muse of Destruction, E.

@Aoide Muse

Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web



i can bring a widow or MM depending on want we need.



I'll take an alternate spot with my dark/dark. Hoping for better luck with Comcast this week.

Justice Superteamer
Current Project - Water Blast Superteam starting Friday, 7/20/2012.
Come out and join us Fri/Sun 8pm ET on the "Justice Superteamers" channel.
All players welcome!



Based on her request, I moved Luna to the alt section & place Big King on the main list.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Based on her request, I moved Luna to the alt section & place Big King on the main list.
Thanks E! I'm not a huge badger, I sign up just to have stuff to do. I'd rather people who want the badge get the chance versus me

Plus I'm so tired lately, that I don't know if I could give it my all :smirk:

I'll be lurking around that night just in case someone doesn't show and you are desperate for a body

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Hey guys... I think I'm actually going to bow out on this one. I just thought about how late this will probably go and I work in the mornings... If you guys ever run this on a Fri/Sat or earlier on a weekenight.. I'll definately be there.



Originally Posted by toxsyn View Post
Hey guys... I think I'm actually going to bow out on this one. I just thought about how late this will probably go and I work in the mornings... If you guys ever run this on a Fri/Sat or earlier on a weekenight.. I'll definately be there.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



There was a patch today, so try to run the updater before tonight's SF everyone!

Patch notes are not up yet, but I am pretty sure that this will eliminate the -1 TF setting, so things should be really fun tonight!

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
There was a patch today, so try to run the updater before tonight's SF everyone!

Patch notes are not up yet, but I am pretty sure that this will eliminate the -1 TF setting, so things should be really fun tonight!
(Oh, and Childe's a dark/dark corr)

Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.



E, you might want to reconsider bringing Mr E-Villain for tonight.. Invincibility is bugged as of today's patch.

The sound that normally plays when the power is first toggled on, instead loops repeatedly every time there are foes in range to give you the extra buff. It's VERY annoying.

I can tolerate it.. but I wanted to let you know ahead of time.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
E, you might want to reconsider bringing Mr E-Villain for tonight.. Invincibility is bugged as of today's patch.

The sound that normally plays when the power is first toggled on, instead loops repeatedly every time there are foes in range to give you the extra buff. It's VERY annoying.

I can tolerate it.. but I wanted to let you know ahead of time.
Tell everyone to turn their speakers off for the night

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Tell everyone to turn their speakers off for the night
Luna your the best!



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
E, you might want to reconsider bringing Mr E-Villain for tonight.. Invincibility is bugged as of today's patch.

The sound that normally plays when the power is first toggled on, instead loops repeatedly every time there are foes in range to give you the extra buff. It's VERY annoying.

I can tolerate it.. but I wanted to let you know ahead of time.
Just the one sound? heh - back in the day, all the sounds continued to loop after activation...


...from everyone in range! :smirk:

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



It was a fun run last night, but ultimately we were unsuccessful in acquiring the Master of... badge.

Our first death occurred as we were clearing the final mission & "picked-up" Black Scorpion along the way - the ambush was overlooked/forgotten & took out one of the team.

We ended with 10 total deaths - not bad really, considering this was only the 4th time I had done this SF & we also did not have a stalker to help nuke the ambushes.

I think Nericus accounted for the most deaths...not that I was counting... :smirk:

It's all about having fun & learning for the next time!

Here is where I would post a screenshot & list the team, but I forgot to upload the pic last night, so I'll add it & the team info in later. :smirk:

The following are just some mental notes that I took from last night's run:

Mission One: How many ambushes are in that end room (before we go out to Ms Liberty)? My feeling is that we need clear the ambushes as they were following us through the doors on the way out.

Mission Two: A stealth/TPer would be useful, other wise, everything went well. We should pull Numina out of the room to be a little more cautious.

Mission Three: Talk

Mission Four: Using the Ouro portals to exit after Reichsman spawns is good...using your own Ouro portal closes it on the brute that is following you to it...

Mission Five: Stick together & clear until the key drops - doing so around the dig area is best since the door is there. A stealth/TPer would be useful here as well.

Mission Six: Talk

Mission Seven: Talk

Mission Eight - Part One: While this mission is not so much hard, there are a lot of chances for deaths to occur. First clear out all of the 5th Column & take care of any ambushes that occur when one of the AVs is rescued. Sac the AV, find the next AV, take out the ambush, etc.

Mission Eight - Part Two: Grab your temp powers & don't be afraid to use them - you can recharge them (all except the Fail Safe Guns which only Stalkers can use). Stalkers gain Max Stealth to enter the two gun rooms to nuke the ambushes, Corruptors/Dominators have attack/holds for the ambushes, Brutes/Veats gains a team End Drain resistance power, MMs can keep Reichsman from phasing.

Mission Eight - Part Three: Well, without a Stalker aboard last night, I was thinking that we might have wanted to have some Ouro portals open as an escape route, but since we had already had a death, we did not do that. What we did do was with two butes one tanked Reichsman while the other grabbed as much of the ambush aggro as possible. We did have deaths, but it worked OK.

Mission Nine: Talk (Remember the SF completes after this talk, not after Reichsman is defeated)

Obviously this is still a work in progress.

Great attempt everyone! Thanks for joining.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
It was a fun run last night, but ultimately we were unsuccessful in acquiring the Master of... badge.

Our first death occurred as we were clearing the final mission & "picked-up" Black Scorpion along the way - the ambush was overlooked/forgotten & took out one of the team.

We ended with 10 total deaths - not bad really, considering this was only the 4th time I had done this SF & we also did not have a stalker to help nuke the ambushes.

I think Nericus accounted for the most deaths...not that I was counting... :smirk:
On a Master run it's not who dies the most.....but who dies first. Wasn't me

It's all about having fun & learning for the next time!

The following are just some mental notes that I took from last night's run:

Mission One: How many ambushes are in that end room (before we go out to Ms Liberty)? My feeling is that we need clear the ambushes as they were following us through the doors on the way out.
about 3 waves possibly 4. Also some of the PPD's were Khelds that rezzed.

Mission Two: A stealth/TPer would be useful, other wise, everything went well. We should pull Numina out of the room to be a little more cautious.
Yes a Stalker with TP as Assemble the Team will be useless on master runs. Also purples and the Vanguard accolade can aid against Numina.

Mission Four: Using the Ouro portals to exit after Reichsman spawns is good...using your own Ouro portal closes it on the brute that is following you to it...
Who did that to you? of course what's worse is when someone stays in the mission claiming "Reichsman can't touch me!" instead of following orders to leave the mission.

Mission Five: Stick together & clear until the key drops - doing so around the dig area is best since the door is there. A stealth/TPer would be useful here as well.
Again Stalker with tp. Or else Team can fly at hi altitude and dive down to the area.


Mission Eight - Part One: While this mission is not so much hard, there are a lot of chances for deaths to occur. First clear out all of the 5th Column & take care of any ambushes that occur when one of the AVs is rescued. Sac the AV, find the next AV, take out the ambush, etc.
Yes it is important that the team remain focused and not be distracted when the AV's are freed.

Mission Eight - Part Two: Grab your temp powers & don't be afraid to use them - you can recharge them (all except the Fail Safe Guns which only Stalkers can use). Stalkers gain Max Stealth to enter the two gun rooms to nuke the ambushes, Corruptors/Dominators have attack/holds for the ambushes, Brutes/Veats gains a team End Drain resistance power, MMs can keep Reichsman from phasing.
Once temp powers are obtained, brutes need to be ready to taunt Reichsman away from the rest while the rest take up support positions and be ready to attack/debuff him as well as deal with ambushers. If there another brute, that one needs to be ready to do some massive taunting to aggro ambushers. Also the Reichsman brute needs to aggro some ambushers well. Should there be a Stalker on team, they need to remember that it's 4 switches, 4 guns, 4 blasts. Use them wisely. And no it is not click all 4 to get one blast....someone did that on a previous SF I was on,......


Mission Nine: Talk (Remember the SF completes after this talk, not after Reichsman is defeated)

Obviously this is still a work in progress.

Great attempt everyone! Thanks for joining.
It was fun! Looking forward to the rematch.