Start with a serverwide global
I thought global channels were capped at 2500 members. This was a problem on Victory for a popular global channel and they had to create a new one to handle the extras.
Unless they give this new global a much larger cap, I would imagine people not allowed to join in a relatively short time frame since players may not leave the channel or players quitting and again not leaving the channel.
Now, for a server broadcast, I could see that as a better solution, but runs into the problem of red and blue (and whatever color GR is).
Only other point I can think to add is to really stress the global channels better, maybe even a "global" contact tutorial that directs a player to a bulletin board with global channels (don't know if you can sort via server). I have been here 5+ years, and I can't even begin to imagine what a new player starting today would experience with regards to trying to communicate with other channels and finding new, long term friends. Probably should also stress to new players about the forums and that they check their servers forums out in detail to help LTF or other such events.
I frequently see new players commenting on how they can't find teams or any other players on this game. Since most of this game is instanced, and there's rarely a reason to go back to newbie zones as a high level toon, it makes sense that the population is invisible to the typical new player. Usually the best suggestion to give them is to join a global channel where they can find players talking, forming teams, asking questions, etc.
My suggestion is to have a serverwide global channel that all new toons are automatically on when they start. I'd almost suggest that "broadcast" be serverwide, because using broadcast is much more intuitive then talking on a global channel. However, I think there are obvious abuses with making broadcast serverwide, and having a zone channel is handy for other purposes. |

Perhaps another option would be to make Atlas Park broadcast and Galaxy City Broadcasts a global channel that can be monitored and talked on to by anyone in the channel to facilitate players helping players. Really, there's dozens of ways to do this.. mainly I just think something needs to be done. |
/hc (Help Channel) is already server-wide. Including cross-faction. I don't think we need a server-wide /b equivalent, because it would quickly get filled with /b/tards. I would remove it from my chat windows immediately after implementation, and if enough people do the same (and I know some would), then it kinda defeats the purpose you want to give the channel.
Some people use /hc to chat, or they figure out how to use global channels. If a new player doesn't know how to use global channels, there's /hc. If they can't figure out how to use /hc then there's a lot more wrong.
Yeah, I'm not cutting new players any slack for not reading the official manuals. The company has them convienently located here.
There are already three serverwide channels - Help, Arena and Architect. Speaking for Virtue, only Help sees regular use - the other two are more or less ghost towns. I already made a suggestion regarding one of those here.
Edit: Ninja... awayyyyy!!
There is also the Architect channel which is server wide (although currently very few people actually use it).
EDIT: Curses, beaten to it
A default server wide global channel that auto adds online people (bumping off the longest logged off person) would help a bit I think yes. Many servers do have a "server name here" channel to chat on, but it isn't an automatic thing to join it, making it that way would increase visibility of server population.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
A default server wide global channel that auto adds online people (bumping off the longest logged off person) would help a bit I think yes. Many servers do have a "server name here" channel to chat on, but it isn't an automatic thing to join it, making it that way would increase visibility of server population.
I don't think a chat channel is a good solution to the problem of people who want to team not being able to find one. You'll note that usually the complaint is "I can't find a team" not "I can't form a team." The fact is that many players are allergic to having the star. They'll broadcast that they're looking for a team, they might even send tells to folks asking to join their team, but they won't form their own. Just telling people, "get over it, learn to form your own teams" only goes so far. Yes, some people will learn to form their own teams. But many people are just shy or lacking confidence to the point where they'll never do it.
I have a different problem: I often find myself having enough time to run only one or two missions. I hate assembling a team then leaving it after only one mission. I feel like it's bait-and-switch, because so often the team falls apart after the original leader leaves. So in that situation I'll generally solo. But if there was an easy way for me to find and join an existing team for a mission or two, I'd take it in a heartbeat.
The game needs the oft-suggested "Team Looking for More" function. The team lead would be able to turn on such a function and set options much like we can with the current Search feature. You could leave it wide open or select certain ATs and level ranges. People who fall within the filter settings would see the team in the "Search for team" screen and be able to join; people who fall outside the filter wouldn't see the team.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
I frequently see new players commenting on how they can't find teams or any other players on this game. Since most of this game is instanced, and there's rarely a reason to go back to newbie zones as a high level toon, it makes sense that the population is invisible to the typical new player. Usually the best suggestion to give them is to join a global channel where they can find players talking, forming teams, asking questions, etc.
My suggestion is to have a serverwide global channel that all new toons are automatically on when they start. I'd almost suggest that "broadcast" be serverwide, because using broadcast is much more intuitive then talking on a global channel. However, I think there are obvious abuses with making broadcast serverwide, and having a zone channel is handy for other purposes.
Perhaps another option would be to make Atlas Park broadcast and Galaxy City Broadcasts a global channel that can be monitored and talked on to by anyone in the channel to facilitate players helping players.
Really, there's dozens of ways to do this.. mainly I just think something needs to be done.
I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.