Amy's Ward not working properly when exemplared




A few days ago, on the 10th, I filed a bug report about not being able to summon Amy when exemplared from 50 to 44 (I was on a Dr. Quaterfield TF at the time). I hadn't seen any mentioning in recent patch notes, but my bug report was given the standard "thanks for submitting a bug report!" response. Is this being looked at by anyone, or has it even been brought up as an issue beyond Support?



I too had an issue with Amy's Ward on Saturday (Nov 21st) on my Defender while exemplared down from 50 to 9 or 10 (can't recall which, but was on "Break up the Clockwork and Skulls" mission via Ouroboros Hero-side). Mid-mission, I used up a charge of Amy's Ward, the summon effect went off, but it was a dud. Didn't want to waste another charge on the chance that it was buggy so it only occured once. Not sure if this is the same problem as you drogo, but this was the best recent thread to mention it in.

I neglected to bug it at the time but may as well mention it here in case this turns out to be a persistent issue or so that may need to be addressed.



I thought they fixed it recently. It was affecting many "temp" summon powers, including the Shivans and even the Ouro portal.

I guess they missed something?


Originally Posted by Patch Notes for the Live Servers - 11/12/2009
The Shivan Shard temp power now works correctly while exemplared. Previously, the summoning animation would play and a charge would be consumed, but nothing would be summoned.
Yeah, I guess if it's still doing it with Amy this week, they might not have realized it sometimes happens with other summon powers too.



I would recommend sending a PM to Arbiter Kim about this (since he's in charge of bugs) and also give him the link to this thread.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Yeah, I guess if it's still doing it with Amy this week, they might not have realized it sometimes happens with other summon powers too.
I know it was also affecting the Vanguard HVAS at one point. I remember the Shivan patch note, but don't know if the HVAS was fixed.

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