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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
    The title really says it all.

    I have grown increasingly tired of the FUD that players who fear any change bring to the forums as well as the DOOM criers, who, after many years of success for this game, have apparently ALWAYS been dead wrong.
    Go to redside sometime and see how many players you find.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
    I too predict early cancellation.
    The show is on NBC, correct? It'll get a half season, minimum, then.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post

    My main thought was that DCUO will be dinged by some people for having "lack of content" simply by being a brand new game. I think that's a generic criticism for almost any MMO (released at any point in history) just because no set of Devs can realistically launch a game with multiple years worth of content ready to go on Day One. *shrugs*
    That's just how it is. The consumer is accustomed to going through new games on a very regular basis, and the competition is there to ensure there is enough new content, as long as the consumer is willing to buy new games to achieve that goal.

    It's not that important, anyhow. Competing with content means you're, in essence, competing with all video games, ever made. You must compete with the social side of the game. With features. With options. With the ability to customize and personalize characters.

    Many MMOs fail in large part because they get burdened with licensing. COH succeeded in no small part because it was able to create a universe where the user was a central part, and not playing someone else's role. They key to the subscription model is to make the user care enough about a character to want to keep it around.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    The AI for melee pets has been fixed.
    No, it hasn't. They suffer the same problems that the other pets do.

    Pet AI is still problematic, but bad Masterminding got a buff, as it were. Control, however, was lost for all.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OV_ohms View Post
    Why not just ask them to put the rating up? I have been of TFs where someone has done this and the teams have usually been quite happy to comply.
    Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes you just have such a team that steamrolls anything.

    A lot of people like playing that way, as well. You'll likely find more people who enjoy steamrolling and getting rewards than you do people that want to turn up the challenge just for the sake of challenge.
  6. brophog02

    Judgment slot

    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    Yawn I still see that AF is tilting at that old windmill.

    Face it, no matter how you state it folks aren't going to buy that anything makes blasters less useful.

    And Judgment won't do jack shite to marginalize anyone.

    There have been so many pronouncements that this AT or that is dead since 3 years ago it's just a joke now.
    If I had a nickel every time someone brought an absolute statement to a discussion, I'd have a lot of nickels. There's never a shortage of folks whose arguments are nothing more than 'because I said so'.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    Just doing some quick changes to see, I was able to get your regen up to 345%... Is that good ? I don't know.. How much Regeneration do you need to make up for missing or limited defenses ?
    Running a regen blaster in this fashion is a downtime reducer, not a direct counter to more defense.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
    The closer you get to the softcap, the more each point of defense adds.
    The closer you get, the more it adds relatively.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Thorny_Devil View Post
    I'm with you on this one. Speed runs I find just as boring as farms.
    I agree. Even on random groups, I'll excuse myself if the team is streamrolling. I just don't find it very much fun to walk up to every spawn and 'race' to get my one power off in time.
  10. If you ever wonder why the prices are too high, or why something isn't available, write down these names.
  11. brophog02!

    Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
    Psuedo KD. .
    Correct. It is not knockdown, as defined by the game, and in some cases it can actually increase the distance between adjacent enemies. There is always an angle of deflection to be concerned with.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Werner View Post
    In the end, it's just semantics, as long as people are clear about what they mean.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DWish View Post
    But burst damage has meant bigger orange numbers since day 1 of this game.
    Those definitions have been fought over since they were invented, like most definitions.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
    My Bots are retired, as are all my MMs, until this is fixed.
    Ditto. The AT is about control, and that needs to get fixed.
  15. brophog02!

    And now you know how IOs and some animation changes turned one of those least like powersets into one of the most liked powersets.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rebus_Sohal View Post
    This bug is one of the greatest things to happen for undead and ninja MMs and the crappiest thing to happen for all the others.

    I am happy as my undead do what they are supposed to do for a change but still want a fix for the more commonly used ranged minions.
    No it isn't. I didn't gain one bit of functionality that I didn't have with Goto. I lost control in the process.

    It was only a "gain" for lazy players of melee pets.
  17. First advice is: Don't listen to any advice whose base recommendation is to just not use storm powers. They all can be used in a team setting. The difference with storm and most other sets is that Storm is much more of a toolbox. There's no set routine on how to use them.

    Draggynn on the Defender boards is working on a great, and comprehensive guide to Storm. I suggest to start there.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lewisite View Post
    Its not a myth, its a rock-solid fact. I don't like to get into potentially flamey arguments... but I'm going to anyway since it irks me when people give me the old L2P speech. Its nonsense buddy.
    If you want to see nonsense, start throwing out absolutes.
  19. The problem isn't slotting for defense. That's just a matter of filling in the sets for that form of defense. The problem isn't even paying for it. That's fairly easy.

    The problem is doing those things without hurting other things, like damage and recharge. Since blasters have no real base in the primary/secondary to build from, more of it has to come from sets and that comes at the expense of something else.

    Planning around the musculature or spiritual alpha slot really helps here. You can also plan to just get a partial softcap (around 32-33%) and take it the rest of the way with a small purple inspiration.
  20. brophog02

    V 1/4/11

    Haven't watched it since the first few episodes. They took everything meaningful from the original and turned it into just another ABC show.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
    Between beta and live I've soloed this arc 40+ times with a wide variety of characters and have used a number of tactics to defeat him. I've passed the strategy to several friends by cut-and-paste in PMs and e-mails and the advice has worked for them, so I decided to go ahead and turn that document into a mini-guide...

    Soloing Trapdoor
    Nice work on the mini-guide. With time, and such advice, we'll end this nonsense about the mission being 'impossible'.
  22. brophog02

    Judgment slot

    Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
    Yup, blasters are pretty much done. They certainly don’t help on ITFs, LGTFs, or Apex.

    They obviously help. The changes threaten to marginalize that help, however, relative to other ATs, given that Blasters are primarily damage ATs, and are therefore bringing something the rest of the team already provides.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starflier View Post
    Everything in Praetoria has problems with stairs. Makes hostage/escort missions a pain.
    Everything in the game hates stairs. I was just doing Maria's arc the other day, and Ms Liberty could take on AVs, but that staircase baffled her.