Why do people here quit so easily?




While the title may seem as an insult to all the European players out there, it is merely a method of getting your attention, as I don't think a sledgehammer would do the job, considering your very not-physical being here :P

In the last couple of days, I've been playing a RSF and a Barra SF on the Union Server. The case in both teams were the same: When getting to the final mish, people give up very easily when facing an AV that can teamwipe you. Though, there were different reasons between the two SFs.

In LRSF, the team (from memory) was like this:

DM/Regen Stalker (Me)
SS/Stone Brute
DP/Kin Corr
Energy/Kin Corr
Demon/Dark MM
??/Shield Brute (Don't remember his primary :P)

Now, ignoring the parentheses this team would seem optimal for doing the SF, at least I think so. Now, the team was working rather good, the only reason, IMO; the reason the team split was a combo of mainly two aspects, I think. First of all, it was late, and many of us got tired.
The second reason was a wrong tactic: The puller of the group did for reasons unknown to the rest of us start out by pulling Statesman himself. Not that tough a gentleman again. Now, the reason this, after 2 hours of continuous attempts, caused the team to split up was that now the other heroes became aware of our prescence, thus leading Numina to start her buffing. Simply put, ouch! Now, in retrospect I realise that we couldn't have done much here, as the buffers were awaken, and that every time we tried to pull one of them, the others followed. This is not a call out to pull yourselves together with the SF, this is rather a suggestion to make sure your team know of the strategies before starting the plan.

Now, in BSF, the team composition was as following:

DM/Regen Stalker (Me)
Merc/Pain MM
DB/Regen Srapper
Grav/Emp troller
Energy/??? Blaster

Indeed, this might not be optimal for a usual BSF, but that was just because there was next to no interest in forming the SF in the first place.

The composition aside, I think it went great! Sure, we had a somewhat hard time fighting the EB/Hero in first mish, but hey, an Ill EB is an annoying threat! Ms. Liberty layed the road for our tactic against AVs. The troller, along with the melee characters (and maybe the MM) had holds, which we used to hold the AVs, a rather creative idea, IMO, and hey, it worked.
Now, in the last mish, we used the same strategy on the Arachnos AVs. Same thing happened as earlier: one of ours faced, vengeance on us, while altogether holding the happy dude. Now, when having the experience of dancing with Reichsman, we got the wonderful experience of being teamwiped, twice. "Oooh, big deal!" was my thought; the others: "We can't do this! I'll leave the team!". And no, I'm not overdoing this! We tried taking him on again, didn't hurt him much, and while I'll admit he didn't notice our punishment so much (Thanks to his 200,000 HP), I seriously think that giving up after only 10 minutes is simpy wimpiness! I mean come on, you teamwipe freaking twice! That doesn't mean that the challenge cannot be met!!

Now, some people might wonder: "What is your point with this thread?" Well, tbh, I think the reason I wrote this is to both get out with aggressions, and also to call out the players of the European Servers to hear whether I'm the only one experiencing a tendency among teammates to running away from actual challenges in the game.

And must apologies the bitterness that might be traced in the thread ^^

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself



I know what you mean. I did a LGTF yesterday and the team consisted of 2 tanks, 2 controllers, blaster, scrapper, defender and my PB. The two controllers disappeared in the first mission never to be seen again. The scrapper quit at the third mission, as did the blaster who decided we wouldn't beat Hami so we carried on with 2 tanks, defender and PB...and finished succesfully. There's probably a lesson in there somewhere

Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2

Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.



Not tnoticed it too badly here on Defiant, but one incident that did stand out was my first attempt at Tin Mage.

After three teamwipes on the first mission, the team lead quit after making noise about how it was "impossible". After a quick reform with the rest of the team, and one character swap we managed to clear the TF in a reasonable time, with only minimal defeats along the way!

In my case, it was a siuation that was fixable by altering team tactics (sticking together for AoE Buffs) rather than team composition.



in defiant there are only 2-3 quitters, that r known...

i don't play union, but i heard that there are a lot of quitters there

defiant only

my public list : http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/9355



This is a fairly new occurrence, and not isolated to any one server.

Frankly, it's because the game has gotten too easy, and everyone playing has become accustomed to that level of challenge.

Any challenge at all anymore, and in many cases that means just baseline performance rather than speeding, is seen as a negative. "Slogging through a TF" is simply not something players are accustomed to doing, and most really won't try very hard to do something that to them seems like a failure. It's all seen as a reward structure now, whereas in the past with no real rewards to speak of, you slogged through just to say you did so.



Originally Posted by OV_ohms View Post
I know what you mean. I did a LGTF yesterday and the team consisted of 2 tanks, 2 controllers, blaster, scrapper, defender and my PB. The two controllers disappeared in the first mission never to be seen again. The scrapper quit at the third mission, as did the blaster who decided we wouldn't beat Hami so we carried on with 2 tanks, defender and PB...and finished succesfully. There's probably a lesson in there somewhere
Yer I'm still trying to figure it out too.

Again. Thanks for sticking with the team.

Originally Posted by preachmoore View Post
in defiant there are only 2-3 quitters, that r known..
I know a few of them myself now.



I used to have an SG which was basically about no quitting, if you started a TF you finished it. There was always a way to finish it. I don't bother now but I do always find a way to get things done. Unfortunately sometimes an expectant power that you know is taken as a must have on any self respecting <insert here> might be missing leading to less and less options. Powers aren't always about PvP or farming PvE they can be about flexibility.

Sometimes the leadership isn't good and time gets late, sometimes people fail to show so plans go to the wall, sometimes the leader may say one thing and someone in the team promptly interprets it in a way the leader never thought possible and they do something else. Worst thing ever, typical when the cavern trial was new was that you had 7 people with different ideas and time running out. How people never got the obvious first time round I don't know. I just play for fun now.

Just another heads up about Defiant too, often, they do know how to get through the game like butter.

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Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
This is a fairly new occurrence, and not isolated to any one server.

Frankly, it's because the game has gotten too easy, and everyone playing has become accustomed to that level of challenge.

Any challenge at all anymore, and in many cases that means just baseline performance rather than speeding, is seen as a negative. "Slogging through a TF" is simply not something players are accustomed to doing, and most really won't try very hard to do something that to them seems like a failure. It's all seen as a reward structure now, whereas in the past with no real rewards to speak of, you slogged through just to say you did so.
I wholeheartedly agree! It's really disappointing that people grow accustomed to easiness, especially in these days where the harder TFs are becoming more desirable due to Incarnate content I have, though, begun trying to remember "quitter" globals, so as to only team with these when on large teams.

Furthermore, I'm surprised so many of you mention Defiant! I have been a former Defiant-player, but I barely teamed back there! Then again, I wasn't member of any channels back then (like Defiant Events, sals etc.)

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself



I like TFs which go a bit wrong it really tests you

One reason that there "may" be less quitters on Defiant is that there are less of us and we tend to know most of our fellow players.

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I used to have an SG which was basically about no quitting, if you started a TF you finished it.
I find it sad that an SG would have this as a basis.

It's common courtesy to other players not to quit as soon as a mild challenge presents itself.

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Originally Posted by mereman View Post
I like TFs which go a bit wrong it really tests you

One reason that there "may" be less quitters on Defiant is that there are less of us and we tend to know most of our fellow players.
That's partly it I think - also I wouldn't mind betting, given the lower population of Defiant there's a slightly higher average age of the players - and so less emphasis on the next shiny - and I think Mere and I can speak for each other when we consider ourselves to be bloody-minded curmudgeons who ain't gonna get beat by no stupid game!

Last night (well about 2am this morning to be exact) we did a 6 man Kahn TF with a poorly balanced PUG. It went fine right up until Reichsmann himself and that ended up taking us about 90 mins. But it turned out to be fun and there was a genuine sense of achievement and although not everyone enjoyed the TF itself, nobody quit.

That said, people on Defiant have quit, often - but generally that's not because the team cannot defeat the particular mission/AV/TF - but generally they are unable to coordinate sufficiently to be able to do so. (Hamidon is a perfect example - Defiant doesn't seem able to manage it, but Union does.)

A couple of things I've noticed is that there's a kind of mythical believe that only certain teams can achieve certain missions. That's completely wrong and for the most part a well balanced team ofr 3 or 4 can manage almost all the content given the will.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Defiant player here. I hear what y'all are saying and I do see it from time to time. The biggie i've noticed is when joining a pug group on a lady grey theres usually one or two that seem to disappear before hami time (*sorry guys, phones ringing* *girfriends being a blank* etc) and reappear for the last mission. Perhaps i'm a little sceptical. It could also be the reason it appears defiant don't do Hami well - they don't practice! lol



I've been on a few teams that have given up on the last mission, mostly on the STF with PUG's, although an early run against battle maiden beat us. But it's always been a team decision.

I've also been on a team that has finished the STF with 6 after the Emp and his partner lost their internet after the 2nd mission. Took us a while but we pulled it off with the Kin healing the tank off the towers.

I've had a few people quit on me, but not many and often cos they were newbies who didn't understand Task Forces meant you stick it out.



Im a bit backwards in quitting teams to be honest. I have quit teams without notice i admit, but its only in certain conditions.

I prefer teams that are random, ones that wont steamroll the entire thing and that every member of the team is doing SOMETHING to keep the rest alive. You know . . . . . . carnage/against all odds kind of teams. Now this just might be different/unusual powersets but it still makes it interesting for me.
However teams that steam roll things and the leader and team are adamant that everybody must do it X way for the fastest time, those teams i quit. Not because its too hard or too easy, because its just not fun for me as a general rule to steamroll stuff.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
(Hamidon is a perfect example - Defiant doesn't seem able to manage it, but Union does.)
I'm sorry to hear that Defiant has problems getting Hamidon Raids up and running
I got no high lvl chars on Defiant, if I had I think i would have tried to help out. (Cause I love to hear that new players experiences their first Hamidon Raid ) I know Lawrence did offer his help (and mine) in helping you get a few up, I cannot do much in term of playing, but if you like I can give advices.

Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post

However teams that steam roll things and the leader and team are adamant that everybody must do it X way for the fastest time, those teams i quit. Not because its too hard or too easy, because its just not fun for me as a general rule to steamroll stuff.
...I hope I will not be like that Damz. Granted I do like to do things effecient, but I do like abit of carnage from time to time. (Heck.. Rise of the phoenix is nothing but another attack power in my chain when I fall )
So yea, I love it when things get a bit chaotic, but sometimes steamrolling is just yummy. (If I come with unwanted advice that feels like i want to micromanage... do TELL Me! )

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
However teams that steam roll things and the leader and team are adamant that everybody must do it X way for the fastest time, those teams i quit. Not because its too hard or too easy, because its just not fun for me as a general rule to steamroll stuff.
I'm with you on this one. Speed runs I find just as boring as farms.
One day I'm going to run an ITF where every foe on every map is to be dead before moving onto the next missions.



...I hope I will not be like that Damz. Granted I do like to do things effecient, but I do like abit of carnage from time to time. (Heck.. Rise of the phoenix is nothing but another attack power in my chain when I fall )
So yea, I love it when things get a bit chaotic, but sometimes steamrolling is just yummy. (If I come with unwanted advice that feels like i want to micromanage... do TELL Me! )
Dont worry lady, we've teamed a few times and you aint like that at all The times you've lead us just resulted in a more organised team [like the tin mage tf, you showed us how to do it], huge difference in the two so your safe lol

I'm with you on this one. Speed runs I find just as boring as farms.
One day I'm going to run an ITF where every foe on every map is to be dead before moving onto the next missions.
Funny you mention the ITF, because the first mission where almost every single team goes up the back way once outside i must be the only person who wants to do it the traditional way of up the steps and face the ambushes head on A few deaths here and there are a sign of a good time imo . . . . . .

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I've done a couple on ITFs recently and everyone went the back way.
I remember complaining about the ambushes at first but now I find it a challenge to take them on.

And unless you're going for a Master of run, deaths are just a miner thing.

The all MM ITF I ran a while ago, took almost 2 hours due to lag (I think it was 1 of about 5 ITFs running at the same time) and DCs, but it was a lot of fun. I also want to run an all Stalker, an all Tank and an all Blaster ITF. Think I'll arrange one soon.



I joined an all blaster ITF on Defiant a couple of weeks back. We died a fair bit but there was plenty of vengeance to go round and we still finished in quite a good time

Originally Posted by The_Thorny_Devil View Post
One day I'm going to run an ITF where every foe on every map is to be dead before moving onto the next missions.
Mmmmm shards....

Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2

Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.



Not much you can do about quitters. They don't like debt. It makes them feel like they're getting much less infamy than usual which doesn't make sense since lv 50s earn a lot and the debt is gone after logging off for a bit.
First time quit: I add a note to the player's name in my list
2nd time quit: global ignore

Most of the time, I do SFs with a group of people that I know. Half the time, random folks just don't work out.



Originally Posted by The_Thorny_Devil View Post
I'm with you on this one. Speed runs I find just as boring as farms.
I agree. Even on random groups, I'll excuse myself if the team is streamrolling. I just don't find it very much fun to walk up to every spawn and 'race' to get my one power off in time.



Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
I agree. Even on random groups, I'll excuse myself if the team is streamrolling. I just don't find it very much fun to walk up to every spawn and 'race' to get my one power off in time.
Why not just ask them to put the rating up? I have been of TFs where someone has done this and the teams have usually been quite happy to comply.

Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2

Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.



I don't really see alot of quitters to be honest. Sure theres been a few, but i wouldn't call it a problem

And keep in mind people might have real life obligations and such and might have to leave if a TF is dragging out on time.



Originally Posted by OV_ohms View Post
Why not just ask them to put the rating up? I have been of TFs where someone has done this and the teams have usually been quite happy to comply.
Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes you just have such a team that steamrolls anything.

A lot of people like playing that way, as well. You'll likely find more people who enjoy steamrolling and getting rewards than you do people that want to turn up the challenge just for the sake of challenge.