Those of you with two accounts (or more)
Common and uncommon salvage: put up for sale at 1 inf or delete when more inventory space is needed.
Rare salvage: keep it if I'm bidding on or have a recipe that needs it, otherwise put up for sale at ~75% of going price.
Salvage is dirt cheap compared to recipes so I don't know why anyone would go through the trouble to actually store any of it for longer periods of time.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
Two accounts. I don't really do anything special. Rares (typically) go into SG storage, much-used items (Luck Charms, for instance) in another, the rest I don't generally have to worry about. It's more recipes (X has this, I know Y can use it, gleemail it) that they come in handy with.
Tier 3 common and uncommon salvage is dirt cheap except during a major AE exploit (and even then it's not that expensive) so I don't really bother stashing it away.
I never store any salvage with my accounts. For me I don't know if I will need or when I will need it so I just sell it all. How I see it, why sit on salvage that I can sale for 2 to 4 million. I could use that inf to buy a salvage that I need or even help buy a recipes
Salvage is dirt cheap compared to recipes so I don't know why anyone would go through the trouble to actually store any of it for longer periods of time.
Because Winter's Gift recipes can only be purchased during the Winter Event and the salvage prices for those recipes skyrockets.
Once we have the recipes we can craft them and toss them into storage until the prices start climbing again and sell them for a tidy profit. Last year I made 500 million just selling the Winter's Gift enhancements I had stored for a few months. I was able to finish constructing one of my bases after I converted the whole amount to prestige.
tl;dr: I store rares and stuff I need across multiple accounts, "storage alts" and "storage bases."
I usually store rare salvages, recipes/enhancements I'm using in a build, and salvages I use frequently in marketing on designated "storage alts" across all of the servers.
Our main SG is usually pretty fluid* with storage and we have alternate groups for unplayed characters that double as storage bases.
Usually what happens is that I play for hours on end. Then I dump all my salvage drops into Base Storage and either meet up with my storage alt or Gleemail the recipes I'm keeping and then sell the rest at the market. I repeat this until I'm forced to take a day and sort out what I have, what I'm crafting, and what will end up being randomly dropped on players I run into or given to SG Mates. Then the process repeats itself.
I used to use a spreadsheet, but it became such a pain to manually track stuff that's constantly in flux, that it fell to the wayside. I do still use it for long term storage of stuff when I'm keeping static inventories on certain alts.
*For the most part, I try to sell off stuff regularly and only store rares. However, it's been awhile since I spent a day to sort out my inventories, so things have clogged up.
Oh yeah, I haven't even started with the commons and stuff in the base for the empowerment buffs... but that's another story for another tl;dr of mine.
Common and uncommon salvage: put up for sale at 1 inf or delete when more inventory space is needed.
Rare salvage: keep it if I'm bidding on or have a recipe that needs it, otherwise put up for sale at ~75% of going price. Salvage is dirt cheap compared to recipes so I don't know why anyone would go through the trouble to actually store any of it for longer periods of time. |
I have two accounts, and I'm pretty terrible about storing any salvage at all. I keep rares on my characters until I need room, then I sell them. I sell everything else. When I'm crafting, I buy whatever I need, either bidding low and waiting until the next day to grab everything or buying it at whatever the buy it now price is. On the whole, I make a lot of money crafting and selling so I can't be bothered with worrying over salvage prices. Also, being able to only store 30 salvage per bin makes it completely not worth my time. I'd rather have 100 crafted IOs than 30 pieces of savlage that might or might not be useful to me someday.
Most of my base storage is devoted to storing crafted IOs that I might need later or want to sell at some point. (9 bins of IOs, 2 enhancement storage, and 3 or 4 salvage storage I guess, but mostly filled with base salvage junk from way back.)

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
My second account was initially used for item or money transfers.
Then I used it to keep my arena-healfarms open without having to rely on another person to stay online for a particular period of time.
Now it's just for SG self-promotion stuff, but I'm not much of an alt-a-holic, so I don't even keep the second account active.
As for salvage, I pretty much sell everything but rares, and once I run out storage in my Vault/SG, I kinda weed through it and sell a handful of stuff in bulk. lol. I don't care if I can make better money off it by doing it differently. Inf isn't really one of my priorities.
If you ever wonder why the prices are too high, or why something isn't available, write down these names.
I keep my base storage stocked with the stuff for +recharge, grant invis, +lethal res, and +smash res.
I also have 2 bins dedicated to prototype elements and access bypasses.
Other than these items, I burn salvage at the empowerment stations creating w/e I happen to have the salvage for and I market the rest for 1 inf if I need the room to fill up my base storage. YAY 80 salvage slots!
I keep my base storage stocked with the stuff for +recharge, grant invis, +lethal res, and +smash res.
I also have 2 bins dedicated to prototype elements and access bypasses. Other than these items, I burn salvage at the empowerment stations creating w/e I happen to have the salvage for and I market the rest for 1 inf if I need the room to fill up my base storage. YAY 80 salvage slots! |
I was just saving all the salvage that any of my toons would get - and if I had more than 10 of any 1 item, I'd take 10 out, and sell it in the median range of what people were paying for it. There are many diverse views on the marketing of CoH, so I'll keep my trap shut.
I thank all of you for your words.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
recently i came to the conclusion that storage of salvage is a waste of time , after spending a good hour sorting through stuff that had sat there for an age , what i do now is i only keep rare stuff that i know i will need for a recipe to be made in the next few levels of a toon , and i can do this with storage alts own personal vault space .. so all my bases are now storage free...i even use storage alts for made IO storage..
I have two accounts and... I don't use either for storage at all.
On any given character, I keep up to X+1 pieces of a given type of salvage where X = the number of recipes in my inventory that use it. I sell unwanted recipes first, for 5 inf (even purples), then clear down my salvage. Common and Uncommon at 300, Rare at 5,555. Failure to sell results in something becoming vendor bait when I run out of room on the AH.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

My established bases (one red, one blue) have:
5 of each arcane tier 1 salvage
5 of each tech tier 2 salvage
5 of each arcane tier 2 salvage
5 of each tech tier 2 salvage
1 bin to dump in tier 3 salvage (tier 3 is usually cheap and my 50's are swimming it in)
I have a 2nd VG for rare salvage (five bins I think); I don't specify which but if I have room, it goes in there. There is also one bin of tier 3 arcane and 1 bin of tier 3 tech uncommon. Plus a dump bin of 'this tends to be useful uncommon'. I pull stuff out of here for red and blue use.
This allows me to grab pretty much anything off the shelf to craft anything I pick up for use, storage or sale.
Low level alts grab standard IO's from bins and replenish the salvage stock with what they collect so my crafters replace the IOs.
My bases on other servers (IE baby bases) will collect whatever salvage is picked up for the use of my crafters-to-be-there.
I will often use the two accounts to transfer items rather than wait 15 seconds between emails especially if I'm setting out a character because I can be doing 40 or so crafts (presuming I can pull half of the characters' planned build from IO storage).
I did once sell all my salvage and the prices then skyrocketed so I won't do it again. However, I will sometimes buy salvage if it's fairly cheap and I can't be bothered to load a second instance to find it. I don't keep an exact list of salvage kept except how I've listed it above. I do keep a spreadsheet of IOs in the bases though.
A friend who no longer plays had a list of every alt with every item stored on it. I wish I was that organized. However, another friend who no longer plays sold EVERYTHING. We actually used to check what he was selling so we could nab the purples before he vendored it.
Some people can't be bothered with micro-management, others are such hoarders they can't bear to sell anything that they might possibly use at some point in the future.
I'm a natural hoarder but I'm also lazy; the set IO storage makes setting chars less painful, the rare salvage appeals to my inner cheapskate.
Do whatever makes you happy.

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info
Meh, I just list everything I get for 1 inf, except on a rare occasion of a purple or something.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.
Where do the last 2 come from?
I have all the seller badges and the crafting table. |
a L 50 starts with 50 slots
+2 for selling 50 pieces of salvage on the market
+2 each for each group of the L25-30 Generic IO memorization (+18 total)
+10 for the Vanguard Storage thing (500 Vanguard Merits +5,000 inf)
which means that the Max on a L50 character on an account with 66 months active is 85
On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3
Here's how I do it. Several friends and I have a base that we have built since storage was first introduced. That's what we use for teleport pads, the medical room, and so forth. Two of us, who are heavy crafter/badgers, have started our own coalition bases purely for storage.
In mine, the base consists of the entrance room and one 2x2 workshop. I have nine salvage bins in that one room. Eventually I'll have another room, and the oversight room for the vault and crafting table. But salvage bins are cheap at 15k prestige.
My high levels are in the group SG, and my lowbies in the personal SG, since the lowbies need their salvage cleaned out more often. I sell my yellow salvage and dump the common and rare into the bins. Every so often when the bins start getting full, I have a mass crafting session to get crafting badges on the alts who need it, which cleans out the bins. Then the whole thing starts all over again. And once in a while I'll log into both accounts at once, since my PC is hefty enough to dual box, and dump unneeded salvage from the alts in the group SG onto the lowbies. This way most of the salvage is in one place.
"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."
My storage bin layout is organized by letter
commons: [A-C][D-F][G-K][L-P][Q-S][T-Z]
Rares: [A-D][E-M][N-R][S-Z]
When I get drops, I toss them in the appropriate bin. The maximum of number of a type of salvage is 5 so I don't flood the bin with 20 fortunes.
Here's where 2 accounts come in for crafting. The crafter is at the base while 2nd account is at BM. If any salvage is missing in the base, BM toon buys the amount needed plus 3. The extra 3 are put in the bins for future use. After going through the recipes, the BM toon trades the salvage to the crafting toon. I craft in the base until my enh tray is full. Then I put some on the market and play.
If you ever wonder why the prices are too high, or why something isn't available, write down these names.
When I *do* sell stuff, it's generally 5 inf. Sometimes I get 5 inf. Sometimes I get 5 million. If I'm keeping stuff, it's stuff I'll use - so it wouldn't be on the market anyway.
If you don't want to pay "high prices," bid low and/or use the alternatives (play the game, use AE, etc.) I haven't bought a luck charm, for instance, in a long, long time thanks to AE rolls. Last ones I bought on the market (and used) were JUST after the markets went cross faction and I was getting them for 1-3000 a piece. Only have 150 tickets? Congrats. 8 tickets a piece for common salvage. You have 18 rolls to get a luck charm, and you'll probably end up with more stuff to put on the market.
Yep. Really hurting it there. (*lists more Alchemical Silver I got that way but didn't need for 5 a piece.*)
I sell everything that I can and a most times for 1 inf except for rare salvage that goes for over 1M which I keep.
The worst thing you can do is run around with a full set of recipes and miss some chance at a purple drop because you don't have room. I tend to mail as many of the rarer recipes to myself and have a main character build them and sell them. Get the ouro day job badge ASAP, it gives a boost to recipe drops.
per say 1 TF = at least 1 trip to sell everything, email the good stuff home to be made latter.
A few months ago, when I returned to the game, I decided to get a second account to aid in getting my alts invited to my sg, and because I was running low on slots on my preferred server.
Then, because I found myself always running out of room for salvage, I decided to make a second SG to stash even more salvage.
Now, I have found that logging on the alt just to access a piece of salvage being more of a pain to me than it's worth. A friend in game said that they sold all the common and only stashed the rare salvage. That hadn't occurred to me prior, but now that it's in my head, I figured I would ask the rest of you how you handle your salvage.
So, might some of you share how you use your second accounts to your advantage regarding salvage?
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese