Now we are all equal
I have to admit, since the bug hit I wound up rerolling an old Ninja MM I once had, but gave it up for bots/dark which I took to 50.
Glad I did. I changed the secondary to /TA instead of the old /PD he had, and now he's lvl 37 and destroying spawns like nothin'.
So, I hear most MMs complaining that they don't like how their ranged pets are now running into melee, and I have to say, it seems like the 'rangers' now just have to deal with the same problems Ninjas/ and Necromancy/ have always had.
People have always complained that the Ninjas and Zombies were squishy. It's probably the main reason they are the most rare types of masterminds (I still see more Mercs than these two). Well, now that the other pets are starting to run into melee as well, it's been discovered that all pets are squishy, but the ranged ones just stayed out of the thick of things. In my opinion, this now levels the playing field for all masterminds. Melee pets already have a disadvantage- they are single target. Under the old AI, they also died faster. They did not have any extra protection to mitigate the fact that they were melee, they didn't do more damage than other sets, there was no trade off for this propensity to die more often because they were closer to the enemy. So it was a double penalty for them, Single target AND they died faster. Now, all pets at least have similar survivability. Instead of only Zombie and Ninja users having to resummon all the time, now all masterminds have to do so. On a closing note, pets that do not have melee attacks (IE Phantasm) running into melee, I agree is rediculous. But minions all having similar lifespans because they all die to AOE melee attacks, that just seems fair to me. |
Awesome attitude to take. "Since the bug makes your set as weak as mine the bug shouldn't be fixed."
My defense capped bots are no squishier than before, but if they run into melee range all the time, all those nice cone attacks I have hit one guy. Ranged pets have powers designed to work at range. If the AI is screwy, it makes their powers not work correctly.
How are you people having problems with your bots?
I have an occasional protector bot or drone run into melee range, but it's nothing a goto command can't fix.
Hell, most of the time I want my bots in melee, because that's where I am and that's where my FFG is. It's just easier that way, and I don't have to "resummon all the time."
Also, in response to the OP, there are tools to keep your melee pets alive. It's called bodyguard mode. If you can't figure out how to play your ninjas or necro well, I'm sorry.
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Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
So, I hear most MMs complaining that they don't like how their ranged pets are now running into melee, and I have to say, it seems like the 'rangers' now just have to deal with the same problems Ninjas/ and Necromancy/ have always had.
People have always complained that the Ninjas and Zombies were squishy. It's probably the main reason they are the most rare types of masterminds (I still see more Mercs than these two). Well, now that the other pets are starting to run into melee as well, it's been discovered that all pets are squishy, but the ranged ones just stayed out of the thick of things. In my opinion, this now levels the playing field for all masterminds. Melee pets already have a disadvantage- they are single target. Under the old AI, they also died faster. They did not have any extra protection to mitigate the fact that they were melee, they didn't do more damage than other sets, there was no trade off for this propensity to die more often because they were closer to the enemy. So it was a double penalty for them, Single target AND they died faster. Now, all pets at least have similar survivability. Instead of only Zombie and Ninja users having to resummon all the time, now all masterminds have to do so. On a closing note, pets that do not have melee attacks (IE Phantasm) running into melee, I agree is rediculous. But minions all having similar lifespans because they all die to AOE melee attacks, that just seems fair to me. |
Durability isnt the problem, it is the fact that I can not control the pets to act in the manner that I want them to that drives me nuts. A MM has the advantage of being able to control their pets but that has been in part removed by the new AI. Under the old system I could tell my pets to move into melee range and attack, resulting in them using melee attacks. With the new AI I have found it impossible to tell my pets to stay at range and shoot and have them stay at range. When I do they eventually run into melee range, generally after having shot several times.
If you feel that the melee pets are weaker than the others that is a very different problem then people not being able to control pets to fight at range.
How are you people having problems with your bots?
I have an occasional protector bot or drone run into melee range, but it's nothing a goto command can't fix. Hell, most of the time I want my bots in melee, because that's where I am and that's where my FFG is. It's just easier that way, and I don't have to "resummon all the time." |
Having said that how are you not getting your full team running into melee against harder targets? It seems that within 30 seconds I have the majority of my bots standing around tougher AVs an GMs. Over the last week I have fought ghost widow twice on teams and in both cases I ended up moving my pets way off to the side in passive because I could not keep them out of her heal range even with constant uses of goto commands.
Goto commands are temporary measures at best. And by temporary, I'm talking about 2-3 seconds at best. I don't want Bots in melee and I absolutely don't want my Thugs (sans Bruiser) in melee. It's simple geometry why these pets need to be at range, there's certainly no advantage to them being in melee, outside of FFG. I'd rather they be doing max damage and I'll worry about their protection.
Even if I'm not having to "resummon all the time" these pets are not performing as well as they did. I've said it before, I've retired from MMs, with some special exceptions, until there's some fix.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
Having said that how are you not getting your full team running into melee against harder targets? It seems that within 30 seconds I have the majority of my bots standing around tougher AVs an GMs. Over the last week I have fought ghost widow twice on teams and in both cases I ended up moving my pets way off to the side in passive because I could not keep them out of her heal range even with constant uses of goto commands.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
It does seem to get worse and more frequent the higher you raise the challenge though. Run a -1/x4 mish and you get the odd 1 bot run into melee, up it to -1/x8 and it jumps to 2 bots running in occasionally. Raise it to +1 or higher, and you're looking at several pets running in and the goto command getting spammed more frequently - these have just been my observations when running RWZ missions.
As funny as it sounds, I kinda agree. Maybe this is why castle hasn't changed it back. lol
I brought my Merc/Storm to ITF the other day and I've noticed one of the pets would always run in. He doesn't necessarily use brawl. He just runs closer to "shoot". It's usually either Commando or one of the Soldiers. Spec-Ops tend to stay back.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Also, in response to the OP, there are tools to keep your melee pets alive. It's called bodyguard mode. If you can't figure out how to play your ninjas or necro well, I'm sorry.
As far as the "your pets are now as flimsy as my pets always were" mentality, that wasn't my intention, but I can see how it could be understood as that. I only meant to point out that all masterminds now have to face the same problems/restrictions which only certain sets had to deal with before. If I were making this game, I would remove the melee attacks from ranged pets and make the AI only move into melee range to activate a melee power, and then also give melee pets more resistance/defense. So, melee pets would take more hits than ranged pets, but they would also be a bit tougher to balance.
Bodyguard mode only works when pets are in Defensive/Follow, which breaks whenever you or one of your pets take a hit.
You just have to find a way to keep aggro on you and not your pets. This requires skill, build planning, or some combination of the two.
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Bodyguard mode only works when pets are in Defensive/Follow, which breaks whenever you or one of your pets take a hit. With ranged pets, that didn't normally happen, but with melee pets, it almost always happened, so that's another restriction for melee pets, thanks for pointing that out.
As far as the "your pets are now as flimsy as my pets always were" mentality, that wasn't my intention, but I can see how it could be understood as that. I only meant to point out that all masterminds now have to face the same problems/restrictions which only certain sets had to deal with before. If I were making this game, I would remove the melee attacks from ranged pets and make the AI only move into melee range to activate a melee power, and then also give melee pets more resistance/defense. So, melee pets would take more hits than ranged pets, but they would also be a bit tougher to balance. |
Dunno where you got that idea from. My necro/dark has never had it happen
How are you people having problems with your bots?
I have an occasional protector bot or drone run into melee range, but it's nothing a goto command can't fix. |
I imagine it's quite frustrating for lowbies, and possibly for some secondaries.
So, I hear most MMs complaining that they don't like how their ranged pets are now running into melee, and I have to say, it seems like the 'rangers' now just have to deal with the same problems Ninjas/ and Necromancy/ have always had.
People have always complained that the Ninjas and Zombies were squishy. It's probably the main reason they are the most rare types of masterminds (I still see more Mercs than these two). Well, now that the other pets are starting to run into melee as well, it's been discovered that all pets are squishy, but the ranged ones just stayed out of the thick of things. In my opinion, this now levels the playing field for all masterminds. Melee pets already have a disadvantage- they are single target. Under the old AI, they also died faster. They did not have any extra protection to mitigate the fact that they were melee, they didn't do more damage than other sets, there was no trade off for this propensity to die more often because they were closer to the enemy. So it was a double penalty for them, Single target AND they died faster. Now, all pets at least have similar survivability. Instead of only Zombie and Ninja users having to resummon all the time, now all masterminds have to do so. On a closing note, pets that do not have melee attacks (IE Phantasm) running into melee, I agree is rediculous. But minions all having similar lifespans because they all die to AOE melee attacks, that just seems fair to me. |
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

No it does not, thanks for pointing out your ignorance. As long as you do not tell your pets to attack, damage will be shared between you and your pets.
You just have to find a way to keep aggro on you and not your pets. This requires skill, build planning, or some combination of the two. |
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
I have an occasional protector bot or drone run into melee range, but it's nothing a goto command can't fix.
Compare that to how I used to be able to park my bots and run off to pull something to them while they nicely stood there waiting for the kill.
As far as the pets not responding to goto commands, I have noticed two things. 1) Pets seem to take a second to respond to your command, I have used Heel on my pets before when they started running after enemies, and it took them a few seconds to actually stop running at the retreating enemy, dispite the word bubble appearing letting me know they recieved the command.
2) Unless they are on passive, they are going right back into combat. On aggressive they just attack everything they see, but we know that. On defensive, I have seen some wierd stuff, sometimes they stood there and did nothing while enemies beat them to death, sometimes they would attack random mobs 100yd away that they apparently felt had looked at me funny.
But if my pets are on passive and I give them a goto command, they stay put. I actually feel that goto should be a mode and not an action, that way you could tell your pets to goto X location, and attack once they got there. That way you could position your bots/mercs/etc in a strategic location, and then have them attack from that position, and they would stay at that location since they were in the goto "mode."
The Case Against Hardcase- arc id: 438272
Clowning Around- arc id: 408447
Down the Rabbit Hole- arc id: 193055
It's a problem when trying to run an ITF or solo avs like Recluse or Ghost Widow. I might as well be a petless mastermind when trying to fight Nictus-Romulas because my bots die so fast.
I've ran a couple of MoLRSFs since the changes, so it's not completely gimped

It's still a fun toon but I'm considering rolling a /traps corr for the trappy goodness but no pet management hassle. I cannot understand why there are so few traps defenders/corruptors running around.
How hard could it be to extend the pet command templates to "ranged-based" and "melee-based"
Or even have a "Hold your ground" type command where the pets ultimately become stationary until ordered otherwise. It seems like there are a lot of easy fixes to a problem that is killing the AT for a lot of us. It could be fixed with an hour of coding max.
or keep melee based pets with inherent brawl, and give range based pets an inherent range attack with similar dmg/acc stats to brawl?
How hard could it be to extend the pet command templates to "ranged-based" and "melee-based"
Or even have a "Hold your ground" type command where the pets ultimately become stationary until ordered otherwise. It seems like there are a lot of easy fixes to a problem that is killing the AT for a lot of us. It could be fixed with an hour of coding max. |
I'm not sure this is the problem. Folks who have pets with no melee attacks report that they are still closing to melee.
- The laws of science were, first, God's laws. We didn't make them, we just gave them a name...likely not the name their creator gave them.
- No, no. Humans made them. The same way we made gravity, the atomic bomb, Cheetos, babies, and water.
So, I hear most MMs complaining that they don't like how their ranged pets are now running into melee, and I have to say, it seems like the 'rangers' now just have to deal with the same problems Ninjas/ and Necromancy/ have always had.
People have always complained that the Ninjas and Zombies were squishy. It's probably the main reason they are the most rare types of masterminds (I still see more Mercs than these two). Well, now that the other pets are starting to run into melee as well, it's been discovered that all pets are squishy, but the ranged ones just stayed out of the thick of things.
In my opinion, this now levels the playing field for all masterminds. Melee pets already have a disadvantage- they are single target. Under the old AI, they also died faster. They did not have any extra protection to mitigate the fact that they were melee, they didn't do more damage than other sets, there was no trade off for this propensity to die more often because they were closer to the enemy. So it was a double penalty for them, Single target AND they died faster.
Now, all pets at least have similar survivability. Instead of only Zombie and Ninja users having to resummon all the time, now all masterminds have to do so.
On a closing note, pets that do not have melee attacks (IE Phantasm) running into melee, I agree is rediculous. But minions all having similar lifespans because they all die to AOE melee attacks, that just seems fair to me.