35 -
The +Res and +Def auras will make a noticeable difference, especially if you get the recharge intensive ones as well.
Fluffy will also increase survivability considerably. Slot him heavily for +ToHitDebuff and I would recommend Recall Friend, if you can fit it into your build, so that you can position him exactly where you want him. In the same vein, get Fearsome Stare, slot it for +ToHitDebuff and +RechRed with a little +Acc, and use it often. Use Petrifying Gaze to disable hard targets. Your radius for Twilight Grasp is small, so get good at maneuvering to get your demons in it's range. A good opening sequence is FS -> TP -> DN (PG on the anchor to keep him put). Howling Twilight is also a great opener.
Put a couple +Res IO's in Summon Demons, but DO NOT place any Heal IO's in it. This will cause your Ember Demon to heal for more, but less frequently. Conventional wisdom dictates that you want his heal to go off as often as possible.
Like every other set, it gets better with the tier 3 henchman and the final upgrade at 32. -
I'm noticing this too. For some reason, it appears to happen more frequently on open maps, although, I haven't done a cave map mish in a while. The AE mish I did last night made me want to strangle a dev.
I was going to suggest Ninjas and maybe /Thermal or perhaps /Pain. /Traps will do well too.
Quote:Regardless of how it works (looking on Tomax, I'm not sure this is correct anyway), IMO, it still doesn't justify a slot in the prince since he only has one hold. If you need a hold that badly, there are plenty of secondaries and patron pools that can provide it.I think he is getting confused with the 'Chance to Hold' proc from Decimation and a couple of other sets. There is a difference. Lockdown's proc doesn't add a chance to hold to your attack, it adds a chance to increase the Magnitude of that hold by a whole 2 points (nothing to scoff at, even in PvP).
You'd want it in a power that fires often or AoEs, like with most procs. Consider that this has the potential to make even relatively weak holds particularly powerful. -
Slight correction: Dark Pit is a power from the Dark Blast power set, not Dark Miasma.
A good thing about Demons is that you can also slot the auras from the recharge intensive sets (Call to Arms and Expedient Reinforcement) into Hell on Earth. That will give your pets another 10% +Res and 5% +Def.
Quote:Many of us have been clamoring for a change like this for years, but, since none of us are privy to the code, it's hard to say how involved the fix would be. Likely, it would be very involved. If it were easy, it would have already been done.How hard could it be to extend the pet command templates to "ranged-based" and "melee-based"
Or even have a "Hold your ground" type command where the pets ultimately become stationary until ordered otherwise. It seems like there are a lot of easy fixes to a problem that is killing the AT for a lot of us. It could be fixed with an hour of coding max.
I'm not sure this is the problem. Folks who have pets with no melee attacks report that they are still closing to melee. -
For Demons, throw the proc into the prince. Spread the others around your henchmen if you want the set bonuses.
Quote:I'd call a toon like this Tech either way since there's no mention of any kind of scientific experiment that affected his biological make-up. If you wish to make logical sense when choosing an origin, you must ask the question "What single thing, in and of itself, is the reason for this toon's powers?" Simply being a scientist doesn't make one fit the Science origin, at least, not by the definition in the game. Now, if this guy is a scientist who mixed up some concoction and swallowed it, thereby, driving him insane and giving him off-the-chart intelligence that allowed him to create these gadgets, then yes, that could be a Science origin. Or he could still be Tech, your choice.Say you have a mad scientist poisoner, who uses a high-tech toxin gadgets for his powers. He's locked away and disarmed, but escapes. He can either (a) go to the storage closet to make new poisons quickly, or (b) find where his gadgets are stowed, and retrieve them. If he chooses (a), knowledge with or without tech, I'd peg him as 'science.' If (b) I'd peg him technology, as he relies on the gadgets he made.
Science and Mutation are closely related. The difference is, mutants are born with their powers instead of getting them from some external stimuli. Per CoH, the Mutant origin reads: "You were born with abilities which set you apart from the rest of humankind. Your powers manifested at birth, puberty, or possibly adulthood."
In many situations, Natural and Tech could be a toss up depending on the toon's bio. -
You'll get many core powers and should be able to get a decent feel for a combo by 20, but there are certain "game changing" powers, especially in the secondaries, that you won't have access to by that point. Also, you don't get your 2nd tier 2 pet until 24 and your tier 3 until 26, which can make a drastic difference. If you aren't in any rush and have the time to try out a few combos, go for it.
If you're going by the descriptions provide for us in the game, which I find to be appropriate, the Science origin states, "You received your powers either through purposeful scientific inquiry or some accident gone awry." The definition of the Tech origin is, "You derive your powers from technological devices, from suits of high-tech body armor to powerful energy weapons." Obviously, some powers and animations lend themselves better to a specific origin, but with creative thinking and costume design, you can usually work around anything to make it plausible.
Quote:If this is happening to you, it's some kind of bug. Henchies will retaliate whenever an attack is attempted, regardless of whether it lands or not. You can test this by taking a high level MM to Cap, setting your henchies to defensive/follow, and brawling a bad guy. He'll miss (95 times out of a 100 anyway) and your minions will kick into gear and turn him into a grease spot.I've also had henchmen "forget" to attack because my Defense was so high all the foes' attacks were missing me.
AFAIK, mezzed baddies and marathon runners (you know, the ones that run clear to the other side of the map) are the only guys that your henchmen will forget about, due to them not attacking for X number of seconds. I've always wondered, what is that magic number anyway? -
Power armor just screams tech.
There are lots of heroes and villians that don't have science origins: Statesman and Recluse drank from a magic fountain, Manticore isn't superpowered at all (natural and tech due to his bow), and Sister Psyche is a mutant. And that's just a few of the Freedom Phalanx. I've never done any research, but I'm thinking science may be ranked in the middle of the order of signature hero/villain origins with magic and mutant above it and tech and natural below. I could be way off, but, off the top of my head, magic and mutant seem much more prevalent. -
If you want challenges, you've certainly picked the 2 secondaries that can provide it. I cast a vote for Ninja/Poison or Merc/Poison.
I never summon until on the ship. The pylons go down so fast the damage your pets would contribute is miniscule by comparison. Just buff/debuff/heal during the pylon stage until you get to the ship.
No, it's like Darkstar said. Lockdown is a hold set, therefore, it will only have a chance to proc in when the prince uses a power that has a hold component and the only one that does is Block of Ice. This is why the Impeded Swiftness (a slow set) Chance for Damage proc is so popular for the prince; all his powers, except for the damage/sleep aura I believe, have a slow component, which means a lot of chances for it to fire.
Yes, World of Pain does come much later. The tradeoff is that it provides more comprehensive resists and also affects the caster. And it's not as hard to make perma as you might think. With just Hasten and a few RechRed IO's, it's very close to perma. Add a few Doctored Wounds sets to the heals and/or Red Fortunes to Maneuvers or an epic shield, and it's easily perma'd. Painbringer, however, is a real pain to perma, but, even if it's not perma, you can get it down to the point where you don't have to slot EndRed's in the prince (hopefully that's the henchie it's being used on).
World of Pain also applies to you, the MM, and adds resists to Toxic and Psionic. It also provides more resist to cold than the Thermal shields. That said, if you don't mind shielding every 4 minutes, you'll get better resists to Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Energy, and Negative Energy with Thermal.
The real gem in Pain is Anguishing Cry. Easy to have up for every group, it's superior in every way to Melt Armor save one: it's a PBAoE instead of a Targeted AoE, which means you have to be in the thick of it to use it.
When I rolled my DS, I ended up going with Thermal. For me, it came down to Forge vs. Painbringer and I'd rather have Forge on my tier 3 and both tier 2 henchmen than Painbringer on just one. I have to say, though, it was a very close call and if you decide to go with Pain, I'm sure you won't be disappointed. -
Let's all file bug reports everytime we log onto one of our MM's. If the squeaky wheel gets the grease, maybe it's time we collectively start squeaking.
Not really. You use Harry Potter magic, wand optional, to summon robots to your location and animate them to do your bidding. In fact, the premise for this is already centuries old; animating the dead through necromancy (already in the game) or animating mud to create a golem. Same mechanism applied to a modern platform.
Quote:Quote:Magic It is alchemy.
Natural - It is the use of natural toxins found in nature and utilized through your extensive knowledge of natural herbs and toxins.
Mutant - You naturally generate poisons and toxins in your own system.
But personally I'm fond of Magic/Alchemy as the explanation of poisons. -
Quote:Neither. I'd say natural. We have technicians and chemical engineers here in the real world and they aren't superheroes/villains. They're just normal folks that have a natural aptitude for chemistry.If we assume the poisons are being concocted in a lab, rather than as an innate ability, or a time honored tradition (like natural poisons). Are technicians and chemical engineers who work for pharmaceutical companies more like science, or does technology still make sense for them?
If you use some type of sophisticated gadget(s) as the poison delivery method, then technology would be a valid origin.